Today's Israel InspirationWe marvel at the words of the prophet
Ezekiel who describes the desolate land blossoming "like the
Garden of Eden" and desolate cities becoming inhabited as we
see today. I am thrilled to announce that Israel365 is planning a
2014 tour of Israel, to let you see the sights yourself! We'll give
you a unique perspective on the words of the prophets and many
biblical sites throughout the beautiful Land of Israel. Please take
a moment to complete our short Travel Survey, as we prepare
for this exciting event.
Fill out Israel365's Short Travel Survey »

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Today's Scenes and Inspiration are sponsored by Sharon Stern.
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All New Hebrew Music Monday
Today's upbeat music by Fran Avni will have you singing
AND dancing along! Sing in Hebrew and English to
"And Uzziah Built" based on verses from II Chronicles.
Watch This Video »

Israeli Officials Furious Over Iran Dea lAt the start of his weekly
cabinet meeting today, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
blasted the US brokered deal with Iran saying, ”What was
achieved last night in Geneva is not an historic agreement;
it is an historic mistake.
Read More »

Eden Handmade Leather Sandals
Get ready for an Israeli-style "tiyul" (outting) with these
gorgeous handmade Israeli leather sandals. This
comfortable footwear comes in several styles for men,
women and kids, for only $22.
Check out this Amazing Deal »

Today's Israel Photo
Today's photo by Bar Artzi is a shining example of the
blossoming of the once desolate land of Israel, as
sunflower fields yield a beautiful crop. The roasted
seeds of the sunflower are a ubiquitous snack
amongst Israelis.
View More Israel Photos »
"I Save Every Message You Send"It’s great to hear from
so many of you - stay in touch and let us know where in
the world you are enjoying Israel365!
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I truly enjoy receiving your messages. I particularly like
using the Hebrew as I try to learn more of that language.
If possible, having the ability to have the Hebrew spoken
would be a great enhancement to the message. I save
every message you send and go back and read those
sections to help reinforce my learning. I also enjoy
watching the music videos and appreciate having the
Hebrew, transliteration, and English overlayed on
the screen. Ken W.
Rabbi Tuly Weisz

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA