"It's Your Coming Out Season and Your Turnaround Year"
Nellie Elaine, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Just recently I have been hearing the word "Turnaround." I looked up the definition and it says:an abrupt or unexpected change, especially one that results in a more favorable situation: "it was a remarkable turnaround in his fortunes."
Then I saw a huge wave. In this wave many things were being taken from God's people, and many of God's people were actually in this wave being drawn away from the shore into the deep, deep waters. They did not understand what was happening to them. Situations and circumstances were bringing them further and further into deep waters. It was in these deep waters that God was hiding these people and taking those things from them "to shape and position them" – ONLY TO bring them back to shore to display them.
It has been a time of an intense wilderness experience. Not everyone has been in this wave. Many have already experienced this in times past, and those have been the ones to forerun and carry the glory and deliver the Word.
But there is a new wave of people who are being delivered via this wave coming out of the deep places and out of the wilderness leaning on their beloved. For these people there is a turnaround. (Photo via pixabay)
On Display... A Coming Out...
You actually know who you are and where you have been, and have been wondering, "How did I ever get here?" You know in your heart that the steps of a righteous man are ordered by the Lord. The door is opening for you, the deep waters are changing currents below, and there is a shifting.
I see a "coming out" and not just an ordinary coming out. It is a celebration of "Coming Out." There is a global coming out for those of you who were hidden in this last season. Age has no bearing on this coming out because you have been groomed to begin to work the supernatural workings of God.
"You have thought that in that place you would have died, however, I say to you," says the Lord, "that from this place, your life has been expanded and your years increased to be the exact number of years I have determined for you and not earlier as would have been the case."
The Word tells us in Daniel 11:32, "THE PEOPLE WHO KNOW THEIR GOD SHALL BE STRONG, AND CARRY OUT GREAT EXPLOITS." (Photo via flickr)
There was a forging in the deep waters, a trust being developed in the corridor of that journey, where a boy becomes a man and girl becomes a woman; where there is a rite of passage that tests and develops fruit and perseverance and fortitude! There is a knowing that your God is with you no matter what you see, feel or hear.
This is your season. Get ready, for you are about to be displayed! It is your turnaround! Expect the unexpected that results in a more favorable situation because your eyes are about to see that which was prophesied over you, and your ears are about to hear the sound of an abundance of God's grace.
It's time. It's time to smile, it's time to dance, it's time to rise up with wings as eagles, as you are about to take the flight of your life!
Nellie Elaine
Nellie Elaine Ministries / Itinerant, XP Ministries
Nellie Elaine Ministries / Itinerant, XP Ministries
Nellie Elaine is an Associate Itinerant Minister and Webpastor with XP Ministries and has interned under Patricia King and has been endorsed by Patricia. Nellie was an ordained pastor for 4 years in Burlington, Ontario with Eagle Worldwide Ministries and mentored by Dr. Russ Moyer. Nellie has the heart of a revivalist to see the Church come into her fullness according to the Word of God. Moving strongly in the gifts of a seer and the prophetic, accompanied by a strong healing ministry... she has a love for the Bride to see her raised up, equipped, and walking in the gifts and teaching the Body how to overcome by walking in unity and sharing personal powerful testimonies on the path of Restoration.
Nellie teaches on the Prophetic Realms, Dreams and Visions and Interpretation, the Cross, the Glory of God, prayer and much more. She has been asked to speak at Bible Schools, tent meetings and other conferences and churches throughout the Toronto area. Nellie presently resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada
"Your Wells Will Be Overflowing"
Elaine Tavolacci, Staten Island, NY
The Holy Spirit is showing me that many of you have been digging wells for so long, but you have become discouraged because you have not experienced a breakthrough.
The Lord says,"Don't give up. I have ancient wells to be opened to you. I have an abundance of fresh water to be released to you. Don't drink the stagnant water from the past, but come and receive fresh and living water."
Then He took me to the book of Genesis chapter 26:18 where Isaac reopened the wells that had been dug in the time of his father Abraham, which the Philistines had stopped up after Abraham died. I see this as an analogy of Isaac wanting to drink from the wells that his father had drank from. He wanted to rediscover the secrets to his father's spiritual strength and his personal relationship with God.
Although Isaac's servants discovered fresh water when they dug the wells, they came upon opposition as the herdsmen of Gerar quarreled with Isaac's herdsmen, saying, "The water is ours" (see Genesis 26:19-20). The first two wells which they dug were called Esek and Sitnah, which means contention and enmity.
Some of you have come against people who are trying to stop up your wells with contention and enmity. They want what is rightfully yours but they will not succeed.
Then he moved from there and dug another well, and they did not quarrel over it. So he called its name Rehoboth, because he said, "For now the Lord has made room for us, and we shall be fruitful in the land" (see verse 22). As they went on, the Lord appeared to him and said, "Do not fear. I am with you. I will bless you and multiply your descendants for My servant Abraham's sake" (see verse 24).
I desire to pour into your life more than you can ever imagine. Your wells will be overflowing.
"This water that I am releasing is not ordinary water, but it is living water that will bring breakthrough to areas of your lives that you have not been able to be set free from. It will be a cleansing stream of purified water that will not only bring refreshing and renewing to you, but you will also refresh and restore others. Don't settle for less, for I have an abundance to release to whosoever will receive," says the Lord.
Genesis 26:19-25 Also Isaac's servants dug in the valley, and found a well of running water there. But the herdsmen of Gerar quarreled with Isaac's herdsmen, saying, "The water is ours." So he called the name of the well Esek, because they quarreled with him. Then they dug another well, and they quarreled over that one also. So he called its name Sitnah. And he moved from there and dug another well, and they did not quarrel over it. So he called its name Rehoboth because he said, "For now the Lord has made room for us, and we shall be fruitful in the land."
Then he went up from there to Beersheba. And the Lord appeared to him the same night and said, "I am the God of your father Abraham; do not fear, for I am with you. I will bless you and multiply your descendants for My servant Abraham's sake." So he built an altar there and called on the name of the Lord, and he pitched his tent there; and there Isaac's servants dug a well.
John 4:10 Jesus answered and said to her, "If you knew the gift of God, and who it is who says to you, 'Give Me a drink,' you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water."
Elaine Tavolacci
A Word in Season
A Word in Season
Elaine Tavolacci resides in Staten Island, New York. She has been a student of the Word for twenty-nine years. She has a prophetic gift as well as a ministry of encouragement, which teaches the Body of Christ to walk in the fullness of what the Lord has called them to. She teaches others how to be overcomers in every area of their lives and understands the power and authority that Jesus has assigned to them. Her ministry, "A Word in Season," has been an encouragement to others for nine years. She has learned the transforming power of the Word of God and encourages others that nothing is impossible with God.
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA