Information Versus Revelation
by Dennis Reanier
Identity Network
The woman got off of the phone traumatized as she shared the bad news about her daughter and granddaughter. When I felt quickened by the Spirit to ask them if we could pray. In agreement, we decided to pray as we were leaving the restaurant. Where we stopped and held hands in the parking lot and prayed in agreement for peace for the mother and for the baby to come back to life.
The next day I received a phone call from the grandfather saying that his daughter had just returned from the OBGYN. He proceeded to tell me that she had returned for an appointment where doctors were to make plans to remove the dead baby from her womb. But while she was there she asked the doctor to take the heartbeat one last time. The doctor complied with her request surprised to find the baby's heart beating normally. The baby had been raised from the dead in her mother's womb!
Can Jesus Really Raise the Dead?
I love that God likes to show up where we expect death, and give life. Can Jesus really raise the dead? How can it be possible for Him to use you to raise the dead? God doesn't just raise the dead - He is the Resurrection! Now the same Spirit that resurrected Jesus from the dead is the exact same Spirit that has become your new identity.
Jesus said that, "I am the way, the truth and the light." The word truth is actually best translated as the word reality. In other words, the word truth here is not about right and wrong. It's about a whole other reality. Jesus came to bring the reality of His Kingdom into the reality of our world.
In the above testimony the dead baby was a reality based on all of the information that we had from this world. But the supernatural reality of God's Kingdom revealed was different than the natural reality of this mother and her baby. Knowing that like Bill Johnson teaches the inferior reality of this world must submit to the superior reality of His Kingdom.
It's not about pretending that your circumstances and situations are not reality. It is about knowing that there is a different reality than the one you might currently be experiencing. Then believing God's reality over your reality. Helping us to understand that there is a biblical distinction to make between information and revelation. We receive information through the natural senses of our flesh and in the same way, we receive revelation in the spirit through our spiritual senses.
Our Union with the Holy Spirit
The abundant life is the manifestation of revelation received through our union with Holy Spirit, so we can activate the faith diffused throughout our soul to experience the things that we believe. This is not faith based on our natural ability to hope for positive things. This is faith based on His supernatural reality!
Many Christians misunderstand the term faith. They apply it to positive confession based on hope from information received by our body's natural senses. They say things like, "I'm trusting in faith that God is going to give me this new job I applied for yesterday." If God did not say He was giving them a new job, then it is not based in revelation; it is not biblical faith! It is hope!
There is nothing wrong with hope. The Bible lists it as one of three things that will remain for all eternity. But hope can only take us so far before we need faith to take over. The problem occurs when hope is disguised as faith. If the above person doesn't get the job described, they can become disillusioned about their faith in God. As they believe they have been deceived and that He has let them down once again, when all along it wasn't Him speaking.
Even the Bible can be reduced to information without a relationship with Holy Spirit resulting in revelation, where we can begin to worship the Bible, rather than the God of the Bible. Finding out later that it doesn't work to just quote information from chapter and verse of the Bible without revelation. It is not enough to know about the things of God. You must personally have revelation from God Himself in order to have authority to experience the manifestation of those promises.
Living in Purpose and Victory
The Holy Spirit gives us revelation so we can live in the purpose and victory of that revelation. When we do not live in the activation of that revelation, we set ourselves up for defeat. The abundant life is about getting a revelation and then living according to that blueprint in our thoughts and actions. The enemy cannot prevail against you when you are resting in Holy Spirit's revelation, but the enemy can prevail against you as you rely on information through your own strength and abilities.
Often as believers we can get a little information coupled with hope, go in our own strength and ability, and be deceived as we try to make something happen for ourselves. Then we call it faith, although we are doing our own thing; we expect God to show up and make us look good. Instead of waiting to hear from Holy Spirit before launching out to do anything in the first place!
Like my friend Kris Vallaton would say, "The problem with being deceived, is that you don't know that you're deceived." As a result, God will say, "Let Me get out of your way so you can try it on your own!" As we are reminded that we are not acting like ourselves, and the words of Jesus echo in our thoughts, "Apart from me you can do nothing." God does not bless all things! He only blesses those things of which He is a part!
Dennis Reanier
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA