This verse is traditionally understood to refer to the Jewish practice of laying tefillin (phylacteries), small boxes containing Hebrew texts which Jewish men wrap around their foreheads and arms with leather straps while reciting the morning prayers. However, the meaning is so much deeper than just the literal interpretation. God commands us to constantly keep His words with us and cherish His laws not just physically with rituals and practice, but spiritually, with an endless emotional devotion to Him. With incredible new technology, an Israeli company has created the world's smallest Bible and set it into a beautiful piece of silver jewelry so that you can keep the sacred words of God close to you wherever you go.
For the seven days of the Festival of Tabernacles, Jews move out of their houses and into succot, or booths, to commemorate how the Jews travelled with God’s protection in the wilderness of the dessert on their way to the land of Israel. This innovative 17 year old created a succah on wheels, so that everyone can partake in this activity.
With the entire manuscript of the Hebrew Bible printed on a 5mm by 5mm surface, the appropriately named Nano Bible is the smallest Bible printed onto a single surface.
Photographer and former Nisanit (Gush Katif) resident, Tina Nagar, turned her beautiful photography into a set of greeting cards.The photographs commemorate her garden where she created a colorful oasis in the Gush Katif sands.
In today's photo by Elad Matityahu, a rabbi helps a young man lay tefillin. Which Hebrew texts are inside these small leather boxes that religious Jewish men lay on their foreheads and arms, and what do they all have in common?Send me your answer or post it on Facebook!
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Hi, my wife Sue and I are born-again Christians living in South Africa and we love and support the Jewish people. We also believe what the Bible teaches those who bless Israel with be blessed and those who curse Israel are cursed. We have seen how the Israeli people are being discriminated against and the many lies that are being propagated by the media and how it is causing the drastic increase in anti-semitism. We are both retired and enjoy and find very informative, the Jerusalem365 write-ups as well as the videos being posted. May Almighty God give you victory over all your enemies.- RIchard Harrison |
Blessing from Jerusalem,
Rabbi Tuly Weisz |
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA