"Get Ready For the New!"
"Get ready for the NEW! You have to come out to come in!" These were the words I heard so clearly as I was ministering on a recent weekend. Come out of the season you are in, the constraints and contentment of this season, because we are invited to come into His glory realm and get ready for the new move that awaits us!
God is longing for His people to start to see the world from His perspective! There is an invitation for us to discover our place at the Throne of Grace and take hold of the realm of eternity, where there are no limitations of the past or present and where we release Heaven onto earth!
The Year 5776
Man was created on the sixth day, because we were created to be the connecting hook of Heaven to earth. Man was to work for six days, our work; the place of our assignment is about to become the hook that connects Heaven to earth.
Get ready; Heaven and angels are in the field of your God-given assignment.
The hook, the vav, was lost through Adam and his sin; it is now restored through Jesus Christ, and this year is the year to reach into Heaven and release the supernatural that the world is crying out for!
Get ready; Heaven and angels are in the field of your God-given assignment.
The hook, the vav, was lost through Adam and his sin; it is now restored through Jesus Christ, and this year is the year to reach into Heaven and release the supernatural that the world is crying out for!
Seize the Process to Your Suddenly
It's time to seize and see the potential of the small "moments" that happen in our lives instead of trying to wait for a BIG moment to change everything. The small moments are an introduction to a process that eventually changes everything.
Every suddenly in Scripture was preceded by "process." After days of continual prayer in a small upper room, they were all in a place of process before thesuddenly occurred.
Jesus was "led" (a small moment He seized upon) into the wilderness, which directed Him into the process of the wilderness. Afterward, He suddenly walked into the temple and released the glory of God for the first time in 400 years through His voice.
An awakening is stirring in the Body of Christ! Awake, your "suddenly" is about to happen. The process you have been through has been for a purpose.
Isaiah 48:3 I declared the former things long ago and they went forth from My mouth, and I proclaimed them. Suddenly I acted, and they came to pass.
When the suddenly came in the Book of Acts, it came through sound, the voice! When the great company of heavenly host suddenly started singing to declare the birth of Jesus, it came because an angel had heralded the birth by speaking.
Time to Declare
It's time to start declaring your release from the season you are currently in and your entrance into your new season. It's time to arise and declare that the glory of the Lord is upon you.
Adam and Eve recognized the realm of glory when they heard the sound of God in the Garden. In this awakening we need to be able to discern His presence and recognize His heartbeat in the process! Then release the new sound and see the glory realm suddenly loosed in our midst.
I hear God awakening and calling His Body to "taste the powers of the age to come" and bring forth a "witness" of His glory to all nations. There is coming such a shift that as the Church awakens with a new sound we are going to see an explosion of creative miracles, healings, finances released, and the raising of the dead.
Your spirit man is at home in the glory realm, the eternal realm. When we enter this realm, we enter into the realm of revelation where we begin to think from the supernatural dimension! It is the realm that is around the Throne of Grace. This realm holds creativity and creative miracles.
The convergence of Heaven and Earth, it's a season of acceleration. We are entering into a time of experiencing the "power of the age, the eternal glory realm to come"!
Come out to come into the new, and see His glory loosed on the Earth!
Amanda Wells
Amanda Wells Ministries
Email: Amanda@wellsministries.com.au
Website: wellsministries.com.au
Amanda Wells Ministries
Email: Amanda@wellsministries.com.au
Website: wellsministries.com.au
Amanda Wells is a prophetic teacher and revivalist. Amanda lives in Brisbane, Australia, with her husband Roger. She is ordained in Glory City Church, Brisbane. After an encounter with Heaven that totally transformed her while on the operating table for transplant surgery, Amanda is passionate for every Believer to encounter and engage Heaven and the supernatural and to fulfill their destiny here on Earth.
As an International speaker for 25 years in 64 nations she has spoken on many platforms, has written five books, and is an active member of the Australian Prophetic Council. As well as ministry, she is heavily involved in the marketplace and has her own company as a prophetic business coach to businesses and companies around the globe.
As an International speaker for 25 years in 64 nations she has spoken on many platforms, has written five books, and is an active member of the Australian Prophetic Council. As well as ministry, she is heavily involved in the marketplace and has her own company as a prophetic business coach to businesses and companies around the globe.
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA