The Fire of God Returning to the Western Church by Brian Britton
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The other morning as I was in prayer, the Lord began to speak to me about the fire of the Holy Spirit returning to the Western church. In the west, particularly the United States, we have been in a season of great revelation in the church.
In the last 30 years or so, we have seen a truly unprecedented amount of revelation and teaching being released in the church especially in regards to the supernatural and in operating in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. The Lord recently showed me a vision where I saw all of this revelation and teaching being prepared as altars before the Lord and He was sending a fire to ignite these altars and fuel Revival in the earth.
In the last 30 years or so, we have seen a truly unprecedented amount of revelation and teaching being released in the church especially in regards to the supernatural and in operating in the gifts of the Holy Spirit. The Lord recently showed me a vision where I saw all of this revelation and teaching being prepared as altars before the Lord and He was sending a fire to ignite these altars and fuel Revival in the earth.
Acts 1:8 "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."
In addition to leading local churches, I minister as a missionary revivalist and I am blessed to travel the earth sharing the good news of Jesus. I have been honored to serve with some of the most amazing preachers from around the world in nations that have experienced amazing moves of God. Honestly, the first thing you notice as a westerner while visiting a church in Africa, South America or Asia, is the fiery preaching and powerful Spirit-filled ministry.
The church services in these areas are marked by the Fire of God. The same can be said for the preaching coming from the pulpits of revivals past in the USA. In our Great Awakenings and revivals of the past, the pulpits of America and Western Europe thundered with the fire of God! The fire of the Holy Spirit also brings an increase of miracles, signs and wonders, salvations and what we call revival.
The church services in these areas are marked by the Fire of God. The same can be said for the preaching coming from the pulpits of revivals past in the USA. In our Great Awakenings and revivals of the past, the pulpits of America and Western Europe thundered with the fire of God! The fire of the Holy Spirit also brings an increase of miracles, signs and wonders, salvations and what we call revival.
A Fresh Baptism of Fire
I feel in the Spirit that a shift has occurred and that we are now in the beginning of this season of fire in the West. I have felt this shift in my own life in recent months and have watched in awe at the increase of His fire in my life. It has impacted every area of my life from relationships to ministry. Let's pray together for the Lord to send a fresh baptism of fire in our nation!
I believe that the fire of the Holy Spirit is a direct manifestation of the love of God, which incidentally is the most powerful force in the universe. With the coming of the fire, His love is made manifest and brings an increase of the knowledge of His glory in the earth and an awareness to the truth of the gospel.
I believe that the fire of the Holy Spirit is a direct manifestation of the love of God, which incidentally is the most powerful force in the universe. With the coming of the fire, His love is made manifest and brings an increase of the knowledge of His glory in the earth and an awareness to the truth of the gospel.
Our pulpits in the USA and Europe will thunder again with His fire and many will be drawn to Jesus as a result. The great teachers of our generation and those rising even now will burn with the greatest fire that the church has ever known. This is a time where the Holy Spirit is breathing on and igniting the things of God in the earth. Imagine millions not just professing faith in Him but burning with His love and releasing the fires of revival everywhere they go! Imagine arenas filled with worshipers all being ignited at once!
They are already beginning to gather for events such as Jesus Culture Conferences, One Thing, The Call, mass evangelism campaigns by Rhinehard Bonnke, Bethel Worship Nights, etc. And look at how through technology, God has already built the pathway for news of this fire to be shared instantly throughout the earth.
I believe this fresh baptism of fire for the church in the West is the catalyst to ignite the billion-soul harvest prophesied by Bob Jones and others. Now is the time! Ignite Your church in the West oh God, to be a great beacon, burning brightly for your glory. A fire that will never wane! Be encouraged! These are great days in the Kingdom!
They are already beginning to gather for events such as Jesus Culture Conferences, One Thing, The Call, mass evangelism campaigns by Rhinehard Bonnke, Bethel Worship Nights, etc. And look at how through technology, God has already built the pathway for news of this fire to be shared instantly throughout the earth.
I believe this fresh baptism of fire for the church in the West is the catalyst to ignite the billion-soul harvest prophesied by Bob Jones and others. Now is the time! Ignite Your church in the West oh God, to be a great beacon, burning brightly for your glory. A fire that will never wane! Be encouraged! These are great days in the Kingdom!
Brian Britton
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA