This chapter contains Ezekiel's famous vision of the valley of dry bones coming to life. In the prophet's time, Israel was destroyed and the people scattered to the four corners of the earth. Yet, when God asks Ezekiel "can these bones live?" he doesn't express doubt or hopelessness. He answers that anything can happen if it is God's will! In our days, we stand witness to this truth, as from the ashes of the Holocaust came the birth of the modern State of Israel. This summer, join Rabbi Tuly Weisz in learning more about the Holocaust in Poland. Visit important places of faith with renewed hope and inspiration.
A vigil held last Sunday in front of PM Netanyahu's home in Jerusalem, commemorated the 33 Jews murdered, and hundreds more wounded, in this latest wave of Arab terror. An organizer stated that "we cannot get used to this... this is not Poland [during WWII]!"
A Polish church, the Cenacle Tent of David in Warsaw, which organized the “March of Support for Israel” last month, sees Israel as part of the Messianic process and is calling for a return to the Jewish roots of Christianity.
A whimsical book about the meaning of a good deed. 8-year-old Zalman likes helping his friends and neighbors. Unfortunately, not every mitzvah is a clean mitzvah. Enjoy this charming book about Zalman’s adventures and find out how he might have the dirtiest clothes in town but the shiniest neshama (Hebrew for soul). Paperback, 24 pages
Bar Artzi Photography took this stunning photo of "sunset hunters" by Tamrur Cliff in the Dead Sea region.
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Rabbi Tuly, Thank you for Israel365 that keeps us informed what's happenening in our Land . The land of HASHEM. All the articles that you write are clear and truth. Thank you again. Mack and Orietta. |
Shalom, Rabbi Tuly Weisz |
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA