The boards from which the Tabernacle walls are to be constructed are called "Ha-k'-ra-shim," meaning "the boards," implying specific boards known to Moses. A Jewish tradition maintains that Jacob planted the necessary trees on his way down to Egypt so that his descendants would have them to build the Tabernacle. The message here is two-fold: from Jacob we learn to prepare for the future, but we also learn not to give up hope. The exile is temporary and the Jews will return to their homeland. Celebrate life in the Holy Land and help us make it even more beautiful and green by planting a tree today!
Learn about the Jewish National Fund's hand in helping new communities blossom in Israel's deserts.
Overnight, an Israeli mother, Miriam Peretz, who lost two soldier sons as well as her husband, whose heart couldn't bear the death of his oldest son, became a national symbol of grief and of strength throughout Israel.
Miriam’s Song is a poignant and powerful look into the life of Miriam Peretz, and Israeli woman who lost both her sons to war. Both soldiers of distinction and passion, the book depicts the effects of her loss and how she survived her grief. In these pages is the story of pain and resilience, the mingled song of hope begun by one womand and echoed by a nation. Paperback, 398 pages. This book was a collaboration between Miriam Peretz and Smadar Shir, a famed Israeli author and journalist.
Magnificent flowers and palm trees in Ein Bokek on the shores of the Dead Sea, by Daniel Santacruz.
Please help us continue to spread the beauty and significance of the Land of Israel!
“Thoroughly Enjoy ... Awesome!”
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Hi. I am from Duncan, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. I thoroughly enjoy your production - news, photos, Hebrew lessons. Awesome!
Dear Rabbi Tuly Weisz, Peace to Jerusalem and Israel! Thank you so much for the emails. I love the pictures and scriptural encouragements. Thank you for what you do. I stand with Israel! Shalom, Melody Kimberlin, Colorado, USA |
Rabbi Tuly Weisz |
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA