On the Jewish calendar, today marks the bitter fast day known as Tisha B'Av, the 9th of Av, the day when the Temples in Jerusalem were destroyed. One may ask, "How does the Temple - or its absence - really affect me?" One way to emotionally connect with the impact of the loss of the Temple is to keep in mind that the Temple was God's house where we were able to relate to His presence up close. With its loss, that incredible feeling of being connected to God is not readily available to us. Our Sages teach that one way to bring God closer is by performing acts of charity and good deeds to those in need. Follow in the footsteps of Colel Chabad and support the poor of Jerusalem.
Cantor Jeffrey Siegel chants the traditional melancholy tune for Chapter 1 of Lamentations ("Eicha"), which is recited on Tisha B'Av (the 9th of Av).
Israel's Grabski Center is the only place in the world which combines the cognitive and physical capabilities of people with MS to slow down the bodily atrophy of those plagued by the disease.
Tisha B'av is the Jewish day of mourning for the countless calamities that have befallen the Jews throughout history, the most tragic of which was the destruction of the Holy Temple. This fine art image of the Western Wall, the last remaining remnant of the outer wall of the Holy Temple will help you to internalize the meaning of Tisha B'av.
Remember the Temple » |
In this revealing photo of the remains of the Southern Wall of the Second Temple in the Old City of Jerusalem, one can see the huge stones pushed down by the Romans during the destruction
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Hi, I'm Josie. I am Irish living in UK for almost 50 years, I love receiving your daily 365 emails and I regularly pray, together with 4 friends, for the Nation of Israel, her people for God's purposes for Israel to be fulfilled. Our Heavenly Father has given us a love for His chosen people and land. God richly bless you all- Josie Freer
Thank you for such great revelation shared in such an easy to understand way, God bless you! Livis Freeman, Clinton, North Carolina |
Shalom, Rabbi Tuly Weisz RabbiTuly@Israel365.com |
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA