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To make an end of year donation, please click here. Todah rabah - thanks so much!
I'm angry, red, hot angry! The enemy has stolen way too many children from us and our friends and it's enough already! I realize that many, including our own 3 prodigal daughters, have given the enemy legal right to enter into their lives through sin, but I'm seeing parents lose hope and that's got to end!
I'd like to share a series of events that will hopefully encourage you. Richard and I recently saw a movie entitled "Hacksaw Ridge", a true story of the taking of Okinawa during WW2. The war scenes were extremely graphic so I spent the first half of the movie with my eyes closed and my fingers covering my ears and even considered leaving early. But then the L-rd said to pay attention and when I did, I began to learn strategies of the enemy like never before!
Warfare, both physical and spiritual, is like trying to take an island from the enemy. Naturally there's major resistance, but persistence, courage and faithful prayer are key factors for victory. First you send in the big guns to blast the area from afar but eventually you must send in ground troops to finish the job. Sometimes the enemy draws you into his territory by causing you to lose faith, enticing you with sin or he lulls you into thinking that you're safe. And then he launches an ambush!
The enemy that inflicts the greatest damage is the most protected from inside a stronghold, called a pillbox. When you launch an attack against a pillbox, you send one or two soldiers out with explosives while the rest of the soldiers provide cover fire. That soldier is particularly vulnerable for getting hit so it's imperative that the other soldiers faithfully provide coverage. Another strategy the enemy uses is coming in like a flood, charging you by sheer force of numbers to overwhelm you. The deception of the enemy is infuriating when he tries tricks like surrendering to you but then opening fire on you as you draw near to receive his surrender. There is NO mercy for the enemy of our souls!
A few days after seeing this movie, our son Ariel, Richard and I traveled to Tel Aviv to reach out to our oldest daughter Deborah with an offer to meet her Healer and Deliverer, but it seemed impossible to reach her. In the past, seeing a child of mine in a situation like this, would have led me into a depression and a sense of hopelessness. But as we left her apartment, I told Richard and Ariel that we didn't leave in defeat but in victory. It's a matter of trusting G-d and finding our faith and strength in Him to rescue our loved ones. So we went on a "rampage" of love, speaking with many on the streets of Tel Aviv, praying for people and seeing miraculous healings while sharing Messiah's love with the lost! The L-rd clearly told me to go after other people's children and meanwhile He will take care of mine. So be encouraged and faithfully obey the Great Commission as this is a calling for all followers of Yeshua!
One more thing - our youngest daughter Eliana just returned from New York with a serious nerve disorder and a renewed sense of rage and bitterness. I guess being hit on one front wasn't enough so now we've got a double front. But we will continue to love and pray for her and we are truly grateful for your love and prayers for her deliverance and healing too. |
"Praise be to the L-rd my Rock,
who trains my hands for war and my fingers for battle!" Psalm 144:1
What an honor to bring joy to the cancer patients in the oncology center.
Here's another Scripture verse to bless you all!
Jan. 12: 6PM Home Group in Heilbronn, DE
Jan. 13: AM public school ministry
Jan. 13: 6PM Shabbat at ICG,
Jan. 14: 2PM Gospel Forum Spanish speaking Gemeinde, Stuttgart
Jan. 14: 7:30PM Mühlrad, Herbrechtingen, DE
Jan. 17: Public school ministry all day
Jan. 18: Church in Stuttgart, DE
Jan. 19 Altensteig, DE home group
Jan. 20: 6:30PM OIKOS, Muenchenstein,CH
Jan. 21: 6:30PM Spitlhaus Gemeinde, Basel
Jan. 25: Dijon, France Eglise
Jan. 26: Macon, France Eglise Maison De La Grace
Jan. 27: Valence, France HOP Valence
Jan. 28-29: Toulon, France: Ruplugged Café

We are delighted to see more informed intercessors for Zion as we open our home and hearts to many believers who have come to pray for Israel. Come and enjoy dinner, Israeli folk dancing, worship and testimonies of the G-d of Israel's glory!
We are so grateful for your faithful love, prayers and support during 2016 and we look forward to partnering with you for another great year in 2017.
Thank you so much for your consideration when making your end of year donations.
We pray the Genesis 12:3 blessings over each of you and we wish you all, depending on how you celebrate, a Happy Hanukah and/or Merry Christmas in Yeshua's amazing love!
Richard & Carolyn Hyde
Israel: PO Box 112, Poriya Kfar Avoda 15220
USA: PO Box 461546, San Antonio, TX 78246
Canada: First Century Foundations
We write L-rd and G-d in this way because it's a Jewish custom that Carolyn grew up with and it's done only out of reverence and honor for the name of the L-rd. Thanks for understanding.
Copyright © 20XX. All Rights Reserved.
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA