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When it comes to unforgivable sins, we all get a bit twitchy. The whole idea of God never forgiving you for something you have done is pr... |
 | | Christian Printer Wins Right To Refuse Orders Conflicting With Religious Beliefs
A Christian printer has won a major religious freedom case by being allowed to refuse certain orders on account of his beliefs. The K... |
 | | Comedian John Crist Is Giving Pastors A Makeover To Ensure They Are Super Hipster
Pastor John Crist is a genius at pointing out the hilarity of contemporary evangelical Churches in America, and he's done it again. I... |
 | | Kris Vallotton: 3 Things That Could Help Our President To Succeed
Rarely does anybody ever do anything truly great by himself or herself. In fact, if you can do it alone you probably aren’t doing m... |
 | | Ray Of Light Reaching To The Sky Caught in Photo Of Fatal Crash, Bringing Hope To Victim's Family
An astonishing photo taken at the scene of a fatal traffic accident has stunned all those who have seen it. The picture shows a clear bea... |
 | | U.S. Embassy Officials Help Save Persecuted Chinese Christians Escape To America
A remarkable story of courage and bravery has emerged from the U.S. embassy in China, as a group of bold officials helped a persecuted... |
 | | Ravi Zacharias: Millennials Have 'Burned Themselves Out' Sexually
After speaking at the World Summit in Defense of Persecuted Christians in Washington, D.C. last week, apologist and evangelist Ravi Zac... |
 | | Was Tim Allen's Sitcom Cancelled Because Of His Conservative Christian Faith?
he sitcom “Last Man Standing” featuring well-known actor Tim Allen has been cancelled after six successful seasons, reports... |
 | | Mom Died Saving Daughter From Car Crash As They Walked Home From Mother's Day Service
A story of tragedy and heroism has emerged out of Long Island, New York, when a mother saved her daughter from almost certain de... |
 | | Francis Chan Explains How To Disciple Someone
Discipling is one of the key elements of the Christian life. We must always seek to be discipled by an older and wiser Christian whom we can... |
 | | Trump Expands Executive Order To Defund Planned Parenthood
Back in January, President Donald Trump signed an executive order to begin defunding abortion business Planned Parenthood. Now, he is... |
 | | Joyce Meyer: "Don't Let Others Steal Your Joy In Jesus Christ"
As human beings, we often find ourselves being influenced by those around us. If someone we know makes a bad choice, it can affect us in... |
 | | Pope Francis Insists He Will Be 'Sincere' When Meeting With President Trump
A highly anticipate meeting between President Trump and Pope Francis is set to take place later this month. The two leaders have clash... |
 | | Mike Pence Faces Backlash For Saying That Christians Are 'Most Persecuted' In World
Vice President Mike Pence has faced backlash after assering that Christians are the 'most persecuted' group on the Earth. Speak... |
 | | This Video Explains The Holy Spirit Perfectly And In A Whole New Way
The "Holy Spirit” is a phrase in the Bible used to describe the mystery and power of God’s personal presence. This video ex... |
 | | 5 Reasons Why God Is NOT Answering Your Prayers
Have you ever wondered why it seems as if the Lord is not listening to you? Perhaps you have been praying for the same things over an... |
 | | Five Imminent Dangers In Churches
It’s one of my favorite danger signs. It was presumably next to wires with high electrical voltage, and it profoundly read: Dange... |
 | | Christianity Is Flourishing Across Eastern Europe Following The Fall Of Communism
The Christian faith is flouring across Eastern Eurpoe, following the fall of Atheistic Communism, a new report reveals. The survey dis... |
 | | Rick Warren: 'It Is So Important To Let God Speak His Approval Over You'
The world tells us many things about ourselves, but many of them are lies. As Christians, we must always try and hear the voice o... |
 | | 10 Things You Should Know About The Theology Of Martin Luther
A while back I wrote an article on ten things you should know about the life and ministry of Martin Luther. This was followed by two pos... |
 | | Fighting Depression: Find One Reason To Keep Living
In a new and inspiring article, Christian blogger John Pavlovitz is really clear: depression is a real bastard. Because if you suffer depression,... |
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA