October 3, 2017 | Follow Maoz Israel Ministries |
IS PRESIDENT TRUMP A CYRUS? By Ron Cantor Against all odds, Donald Trump became President. He won big in the electoral college. This caused me to wonder, Does God have a plan here? I certainly hoped so and do pray for him regularly. Many people believe that he is a Cyrus. Read the article...
AMERICA'S SOLAR ECLIPSE From a Facebook blog by Shira Sorko-Ram This is the first time I can truly say I have “seen” (on TV) a sign concerning the sun from God. Millions of people learned in the last few days that a complete solar eclipse can only happen because the moon is 400 times smaller than the sun, but the sun is about 400 times farther away from earth than the moon—making them the same size. Continue Reading...
JIM MORRISON A BELOVED MEMBER OF THE MAOZ FAMILY A few short weeks ago a great man of God went home to be with his King. His name was Jim Morrison, but that was only his name. He was much more than his name... Continue reading...
MAKING MUSIC FOR KIDS By Tanya Kadin It is a well-known fact–Israelis love music! Yet to study music is very expensive in Israel, and even more challenging for new immigrants who only recently made Aliyah and have to start their whole lives anew. Interestingly, one of the few “luxuries” that Former Soviet Union citizens enjoyed was classical music—and today, many children of FSU Messianic Jewish immigrants show great potential to becoming fine professional musicians and vocalists. Read the article...  |
HELPING DEVELOP GOD-GIVEN TALENT By Vladimir and Mark Karlinski When Mark was six years old, a new school opened for gifted children close to the place where we lived at the time. My wife and I didn’t know back then that Mark was gifted, but he was accepted to the school. His teacher felt strongly that he should play the violin.
Back then we did not understand that, but now we know this was God’s hand.
Mark began learning to play the violin with first-class teachers. Maxim Vengerov, a famous violinist, was the patron of the school, which taught on a very high level. Continue Reading... 
COMING IN 2020! A BIBLE ISRAELIS CAN READ By Shira Sorko-Ram Did you know that in Hebrew there is only one version of the Bible that is universally accepted by the Jewish people? Read...

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA