Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Overcoming Weariness - Steve Martin, Love For His People Ministry


Overcoming Weariness

I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:14, NASB

We all experience weariness. In our body. In our soul. In our spirit. There just are days when it is hard to press on, to keep the chin up, to not quit in the midst of battle. It just is that way.

Jesus Himself experienced weariness. He understood it, becoming man Himself, and did what was necessary to keep His face looking forward, to press on. He knew He needed proper rest, and took time away from the others to spend with His Father, to be re-energized and uplifted.

Paul grew weary many times as he walked out his calling. He described in several writings how he battled against the naysayers, the ungodly, the ones who even among the brethren questioned his legitimacy after he turned from being a Christian hater to becoming a Christ-follower.

Standing for truth in an ever-increasing godless society certainly wears you out. Paul instructed his disciple Timothy to be watchful of this as he wrote to him, “Be on guard against him yourself, for he vigorously opposed our teaching.” 2 Timothy 4:115, NASB Upholding the truth takes courage, knowledge, and boldness if we are to be overcomers for the truth.

Paul let us know that we wrestle not against flesh and blood, as it is spiritual warfare that we face daily. There are times when the cost of pushing forward, as many in sports and military arenas so often do, takes strength and continual output of effort in order to get the victory.

I recall as we prepared for the high school football season, we had to endure three practices a day in the hot August heat, to get our bodies and minds ready for the upcoming games. Though others certainly experience far more in their weeks and months of preparation, it helped bring to me the understanding that you won’t be able to put up a good fight if you do not prepare in advance.

Be it preparation of the mind, soul, or spirit, we must do what it takes to be ready for the action that is promised to come and it many cases already here. No one goes to battle without properly being made ready. No success will ever come without it.

As believers in the Lord Jesus, and ones called to be the warriors resisting the enemy and his attempts to take away all that the Lord has given us, we will need to fight even against weariness and all that seeks to bring us down.

We must be faithful in practicing the disciplines of the Christian faith. Prayer. Bible reading. Fellowship with other believers. Teaching is received for training, encouragement, and renewed hope for what we believe in. All necessary to sustain the long journey.

The days indeed are getting darker, but our Bible confirms that we are the victors as we stand with our King in His rule and government.

Be encouraged. Do not grow weary in the fight. Be renewed as the hope within us brings strength to endure to the very end.

Ahava and shalom,

Steve Martin, Love For His People founder

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA