Israel. This tiny nation, comparable in size to the state of New Jersey, effortlessly seems to remain in the center of the world's attention. From the days of Pharaoh, to the Holocaust, right up to today's mind-boggling resolutions against Israel at the United Nations, anti-Semitism is sadly still prevalent in the 21st century. In 2018, the nation of "the promised land" continues to defend itself—simply for its right to exist.
If there was any interpretation from the headlines today, it could clearly reference message of Psalm 2:1a, "Why do the nations rage?"
No other people group has been persecuted more in history than the Jewish people. Constant plans to divide their land and delegitimize their statehood, international boycotts—and worst of all, relentless threats from their enemies "to wipe them off the map," beg the question, "Is there any end to this pure evil?"
History has proven time and again that even allies can turn their backs on their friends. Such is the case for Israel. A truth that seems to be overlooked and beckons one to ask, whom have they left to stand with them aside from the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob? The simple answer should be the church, but in all reality –especially in these days we are living in, the bride of Christ is divided. Many believe the lies and misconceptions fabricated from the liberal media rather than the truth of God's Word.
Why? Because many Christians are simply not being taught, or they haven't fully grasped God's covenant with His chosen people! It's also puzzling that the church, which loves Jesus and was once fully Jewish, knows little about the land where He was born and where He is coming back to rule and reign for a thousand years. God never sent His Son to New York, LA, Paris or London. He sent him to Israel.
Much of the church appears to be asleep and biblically uninformed when it comes to Israel. The vast majority of Christians in America and around the world have no idea of the importance of their Jewish heritage and why Jews are the key in fulfilling God's end time plans for the church and Israel.
"'But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days,' says the Lord: 'I will put My law within them and write it in their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people'" (Jer. 31:33).
This was an eternal covenant He made with the Jewish people. If God is not a man that He should lie (Num. 23:19), then why have so many in the church adopted the false teaching that they have replaced the Jews as the "chosen people" (Deut. 7:6).
From Genesis to Revelation, the Lord mentions Israel far more than any other nation in His Word, yet somehow this has become a big "mystery " to His church.
Imagine the impact, if the church truly grasped God's heart for Israel, whom He calls "the apple of His eye"?
We could see a revival like never before! Talk about a true awakening!
That is why we are making the Why Stand With Israel documentary. The film is meant to inspire and remind the global church of its biblical responsibility to support Israel and our Jewish brothers and sisters around the world. Though the name of the film is Why Stand With Israel, its tag line is "A Film To Change Hearts."
The film is the first of many planned to educate the church and the world on the importance of standing with Israel. The intent is to provide biblical facts of God's eternal covenant with His people and Land through noted Christian and Jewish experts in theology and history. Through a thorough examination of Scripture and history, these leaders seek to also expose the false narrative about Israel being pushed in the media and in many churches.
It's our desire for Bible-believing Christians to increase their love for the Jewish people and their knowledge of where their Judeo-Christian roots were founded. After all, it's part of our heritage.
Now more than ever, Israel needs more than just strong allies defending her, she need true friends, like the global church who will unwaveringly stand with her. God promises are clear in Genesis 12:3a on standing with Israel. "I will bless them who bless you and curse him who curses you."
The film's word premiere will be in Jerusalem this year during the celebration of the Feast of Tabernacles, followed by premieres in U.S. cities and elsewhere.

Brian Sanders is the CEO and executive producer for the Why Stand With Israel documentary. For more information and ways you can partner with this project, go Also check out the Why Stand With Israel Facebook page for weekly updates and news on the film's release date. For media bookings, email Brian at
Brian is also the president and executive producer of HOPE Media LLC and is an award-winning international broadcast-video producer/cinematographer after God's heart. He is passionate about telling God's stories through testimonies, shows and documentaries as well as promoting organizations' personal stories of hope. To find out more on how Brian can promote what God is doing in your life-email him
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