Posted: 03 Jan 2018 Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG
After Bitcoin, can you name the second largest cryptocurrency? Until recently it was Ethereum, but now it is Ripple. At the start of last year, Ripple was trading for less than a penny, and even just a few months ago you could still get Ripple for about 20 cents. But now the price of Ripple has absolutely exploded, and as I write this article it is sitting at $3.15. At this point Ripple has a market cap of more than 120 billion dollars, and those that got in when Ripple was under a penny have seen their investments go up by more than 40,000 percent. If you can believe it, the price of Ripple is up more than 1,000 percent in the last 30 days alone. So why is Ripple doing so well right now? Well, many analysts are pointing to the very strong relationships that Ripple has been building with financial institutions… XRP’s price has benefited significantly from Ripple’s new partnerships with banks, noted Chris Keshian, co-founder of the Apex Token Fund, a tokenized crypto fund-of-funds.There are some that believe that Ripple will eventually surpass Bitcoin simply because it is a better way to send and receive money. And without a doubt, functionality is the key for the long-term survival of any cryptocurrency. Speculative investment can take a cryptocurrency a long way, but at the end of the day it needs to function well in the real world, and that is one key advantage that Ripple appears to have. According to the Express, Ripple is being called “the Bitcoin that banks like”… Bitcoin is feeling the pressure from another cryptocurrency hot on it’s heels. Before you get too excited, let me share a word of caution. Investing in cryptocurrencies is extremely risky, because they are purely digital creations that do not actually possess any intrinsic value at all. Right now there are more than 1,000 cryptocurrencies in existence, and most of them are eventually going to zero. But for the moment, those that were able to capitalize on the cryptocurrency trend in a major way have become incredibly wealthy. Ripple’s co-founder Chris Larsen is now worth an astounding 37 billion dollars, and that makes him the 15th richest person in America. Of course he doesn’t actually have 37 billion dollars. If he does not sell his coins and Ripple eventually goes back to zero, all of that “paper wealth” will be gone. The big danger is that global governments will start cracking down on cryptocurrencies in a major way, and in late December we did see South Korea impose restrictions on the trading of cryptocurrencies in order to “limit speculation”. If more governments start piling on, that could absolutely crush the cryptocurrency bubble. For now, Bitcoin has been rebounding from that announcement, and Ripple just continues to roar higher. But let us not forget that a single big announcement could change all of that in a single moment… The South Korean Government’s threats of shutting down exchanges seemed to have little influence on Ripple at the end of the year, but with news hitting the wires of just how much of an impact South Korean exchanges had on Ripple’s December rally and it’s not surprising that Ripple has been defending its gains at the start of the year.Whatever happens in the short-term, it appears that Ripple has a real chance to be a long-term solution for global payments. In a recent statement, the Ripple team noted that using Ripple is faster, cheaper and more efficient than using Bitcoin… In a year punctuated by the dramatic rise of digital assets, XRP has out performed the entire sector and looks likely to end the year up more than 45,000%. XRP’s performance is driven by a keen focus on solving a real global payments problem for real customers – and at fractions of a penny and about 3 seconds per transaction – it is cheaper, faster and more efficient than BTC or ETH. As others have pointed out, Bitcoin isn’t going to solve a payments problem when a transaction costs $40 and takes hours to complete.It is that sort of utility that could make Ripple a long-term success. But of course new competitors are coming online with each passing day. The “Facebook of cryptocurrencies” may not have even been invented yet, and this industry is evolving at an absolutely breathtaking pace. So Ripple may be the hottest cryptocurrency for the moment, but that could change completely by next week. Nobody knows exactly what is going to happen next, and that is what makes the cryptocurrency market so exciting. Fortunes will be won and lost in the blink of an eye, and there will be some very big winners and some very big losers. Michael Snyder is a pro-Trump candidate for Congress in Idaho’s First Congressional District, and you can learn how you can get involved in the campaign on his official website. His new book entitled “Living A Life That Really Matters” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on |
Note: This is a guest column by my friend David Hoffman.
If you had bought $100 in bitcoin in 2010 and didn't sell, it would now be worth almost $73 million. That is an incredible return.
Last year on November 29, 2016, the price of one Bitcoin closed out at $732.62. That means in the past year, it really grew.
We are living in a time where there is great opportunity to invest in a lot of different things. With great opportunity, there is great risk involved as well.
Bitcoin was arguably one of the best financial investments of the past 5 years, just as Apple was a great financial investment over the past decade.
Though these were good financial investments for many, there is a much better investment that a person can make. That is investment in the kingdom of God. God wants us to invest our time and energy in serving Him and promoting His kingdom. It has infinitely more benefit and returns than the best investments on this earth.
One of the biggest blessings when investing into the kingdom of God is that there is no risk of loss. Even if you invest the slightest amount of your life in God, it is never for a loss. If you invest in a person by sharing the Gospel with them and taking the time to disciple them, you will never be at a loss.
In the world we live in, there are many things vying for our resources, time and energy. The believer faces a unique financial temptation. There are many things promising that if we invest in them. we will have what we need to be free to better serve the Lord. It doesn't work that way. It is a big temptation.
The Bible is clear. It says in Matt. 6:33 "but seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be given to you." The devil and the world system want it to be the other way around for the believer. "Seek first your financial stability and future security and the kingdom of God and His righteousness will be added to you."
In light of all of the buzz around bitcoin, and even the recent soaring stock prices, many Christians have become very interested and pulled towards a mentality that posits "I have to have financial security to serve the Lord." Increasingly, I have seen Christians putting greater emphasis on investing in some of these new investment opportunities as a good way to make money, and with money, financial freedom to better serve the Lord. The idea is "You need money if you are going to do anything great for God."
I recently saw a video with one of the wealthiest ministers in the world sharing about this. He said:
"In Satan's eyes, there is nothing more dangerous than a preacher who has got enough money in his bank account to do what God has called him to do."
That is not true. It is just plain false. Elijah did not have money in the bank, and yet he called down fire on the Baal prophets and led Israel to repent. Jeremiah, had no money in the bank, and yet he served the Lord faithfully as the only true prophetic voice in Judah during a season of great wickedness and deception. John the Baptist really had no money, and yet he prepared the way for the Lord and is considered the greatest prophet of all time before Christ. The disciples were not rich, and yet they were able to heal the sick, cast out demons, and advance the Kingdom of God. The Bible is full of countless examples.
We must not forget what the Apostle Paul said in 1 Cor. 1:26-29
For observe your calling, brothers. Among you, not many wise men according to the flesh, not many mighty men, and not many noble men were called. But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise. God has chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty. And God has chosen the base things of the world and things which are despised. Yes, and He chose things which did not exist to bring to nothing things that do, so that no flesh should boast in His presence.
The greatest threat to the devil is not a Christian with money, it's a Christian with the fullness of the Holy Spirit. That is what will change the world. That is what will open the door for greater ministry. The reason the apostles could be "the men who have turned the world upside down" (Acts 17:6) was because they had an encounter with the living God on the Day of Pentecost that so transformed them, and so filled them, that regardless of their lack of finances, they were able to operate in the power of God. God doesn't rely on physical resources to accomplish His purposes.
This observation is not coming from someone who is detached from dealing with finances and ministry. I do full-time ministry, and I often feel like I wish a had a lot more money to do what I feel God is calling me to do. So, I understand the temptation of feeling like more finances are necessary to better serve the Lord; nevertheless, it is a temptation. I understand the feeling that comes from seeing a lot of money used inappropriately on ministry initiatives, agendas and items that don't help to transform communities and the culture with the gospel.
There have been times where I wished my ministry had the amount of money that I saw being used inappropriately elsewhere. I have thoughts things like "If only I had that much then...." However, I am growing to see that what Paul said in Philippians 4:11-13 about contentment in all things is a necessary attitude that God wants me to embrace in my life. It is wrong to think "If only I had that much money then....." Jesus' ministry was nothing like that. I am learning that the key to success is to be "full of the Holy Spirit." The Holy Spirit changes things. Many ministries have millions of dollars, and yet they are not changing the world for Christ.
Phil 4:13 says "I can do all things because of Christ who strengthens me." Christ, not finances, is the believer's strength. It is the power of God that brings the change, not money. We need the power of God. We don't need physical riches. We need spiritual riches. We need to be rich in faith, rich in truth, and rich in love.
Invest in God, invest in His kingdom.
Empires have risen, and empires have fallen. Stocks have soared and stocks have dived. People have gained wealth only to go on to lose it.
Bitcoin will one day bottom out and leave everyone who invested lacking and regretful. The dollar will one day bottom out. Everything in this world that seems to offer security, offers no true security. Invest in Jesus. Invest in His kingdom. Invest in love and truth. When this world fades away, when everything else fails, Jesus Christ and His Kingdom will not fail. His kingdom is an eternal kingdom that cannot be shaken. Investing in the kingdom of God is the only investment with a sure return, and it is the only investment with eternal benefits. 

David Hoffman is an evangelist and the director of Kingdom Enterprises, an outreach and evangelism ministry in Tucson, Arizona. His passions are to reach the lost with the gospel of Jesus Christ, ignite a passion for evangelism within the lives of believers and to help equip them to live Spirit-filled and Spirit-empowered lives. For more information or to contact him, please go to or
Bert M. Farias, revivalist and founder of Holy Fire Ministries, has authored several books with an emphasis on helping to restore the true spirit of Christianity in the Church today, including the newly released, Passing on The Move of God to The Next Generation and the highly sacred book, The Journal Of A Journey To His Holiness. An anointing of fire marks his ministry with frequent demonstrations of the Spirit and power of God. He ministers interdenominationally and cross-culturally in nations, churches, conferences, on the streets and in homes. He and his wife Carolyn also host The Holy Ghost Forum – a school of the Spirit. Follow him at Bert Farias and Holy Fire Ministries on Facebook and @Bertfarias1 on Twitter.
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