Showing posts with label Chuck D. Pierce. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chuck D. Pierce. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 25, 2015


August 25, 2015
Chuck Pierce's Latest Update on Financial Shakings and the Stock Market:
Chuck D. Pierce, Corinth, TX
Steve ShultzFrom the desk of Steve Shultz:

This is the prophetic revelation that many of you have been waiting for. You want to get a Word from the Lord from a prophet about the financial situation in the USA and in the earth. You want to know what's going to happen with the Stock Market. And you want to know what the next year or two holds.

OK, the good news is that this word by Chuck Pierce is quite specific and even names dates. The challenge is that this is not going to be the easiest word to understand, so let me try to clarify some things here. Two of Chuck's trusted prophetic friends had dreams about the financial crisis. The Lord then gave Chuck the interpretations of these dreams plus some direction for God's people.

1) God's intention is to help the Body of Christ prosper in the days ahead because of the shift that is taking place.

2) DO NOT FEAR. Say this over and over again, "God is in control. I will not be afraid!

3) Read this word from Chuck several times:
Chuck Pierce: I want you to stop and understand one thing about wealth: Wealth does not go away. Rather, wealth is transferred from place to place to place. You are not to think, "Oh my, everything is going to crash and the wealth will be gone." That is not how it works. Rather, you are to ask "How will it be transferred?" and "How will this transfer affect you?"


Chuck Pierce: The Beast is a coalition that is organized to manipulate the transference of wealth this hour. There will be one more great shaking in the next month. Then we must see how to move with revelation that will secure the operations of God's Kingdom for the next two years.

5) Now Read this paragraph several times:
Chuck Pierce: What is happening now will be a protection to you in days ahead. The Beast is a coalition that is organized to manipulate the transference of wealth this hour.There will be one more great shaking in the next month. Then we must see how to move with revelation that will secure the operations of God's Kingdom for the next two years. 

6) This repeatedly talks about a "BULL MARKET." This is a Stock Market condition in which the prices are going mainly up, which encourages investment. 

Now read this paragraph:
Chuck Pierce: Anne's dream is about a Bull Market returning, but this market will be controlled by a coalition, rather than the Federal Reserve System manipulations. In your field there will come a time when the bull will be predominant. 

People need to make financial decisions now, but that can be very difficult because of emotional attachments to money. Some people need to get out of stocks and bonds, and make decisions to do that.[Note by Steve Shultz: This seems to be because you are not able to get out from under your controlling emotions so the Stock Market is NOT FOR YOU!]

You have to make your decisions, but if you live in fear then you will never grab hold of the "bull-beast" when he begins to overshadow in the spring. In the midst of what we're going through, there is a secure, peaceful place to be confined. Don't fear Babylon. 

God will bring angelic help to reveal how the overshadowing of the "bull-beast" coalition will cause us to prosper in days ahead. [Note by Steve Shultz: for those who God has stay in the market, he will send angelic help if you ask, to show you how to take advantage of the Bull Market. You are not to fear, as if this has to do with BABYLON! God is helping His People prosper.]

7) Here is a good Word... a promise of God through Chuck Pierce:
The Lord would say, "Don't fear being sucked up by the sinking financial hole that has formed. By February 19-21, you will find that monies and supply that you thought were gone for good, have been waiting to find their way back to you. Even though you have shut accounts from the past, the monies are being held for you to steward again."

8) Read this over and over again...
Chuck Pierce: "There is a change in your field that's coming. Do not try to overprotect those in the change; just announce the change is coming, and be aware that we all will be affected and must make a move. In the midst of that, know that I will send an overshadowing opportunity back in your way in days ahead. When this overshadowing comes, ask for clear revelation on how to increase. The next six months, beginning now, will be key for you to understand the changes in the field so you can see a shift in My provision in days ahead. Do not be fearful. Be at peace, make your changes, and watch Me send in what you need for the future in your field."

Enjoy! And thanks for forwarding this to your friends! They can subscribe just below...
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News

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Chuck Pierce's Latest Update on Financial Shakings and the Stock Market: 
Chuck D. Pierce, Corinth, TX

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Dear Friends and Economic Watchers:

Although many things in the world around us may seem to be spiraling out of control, the LORD is continuing to speak to His people. He is our strong tower in time of need, and the One who aligns our emotions so we can hear and embrace His revelation for this season. This was clearly seen in our services yesterday. Don't miss the key dreams and prophetic revelation below!

We are watching history being made. Most of America, and perhaps the world, thought that the Federal Reserve was the most powerful economic agency in the world. However, the incident of the market drop yesterday refuted that idea. China showed that they could manipulate the world market for their benefit as we approach the new Jewish Year, 5776, and the new civil year 2016. The Lord revealed this to me in 1986.

The two dreams below given by the Lord to Anne Tate and Emma Moore reveal the future of the economic world. Pray for me as I continue writing the third book that will project key revelation for God's Kingdom people through 2026.

Emotion vs. Vision: Shutting Unwanted, Soulish Doors!

The LORD had me begin Sunday morning during our Triumphant Faith Institute component with a message on "Emotion vs. Vision: Shutting Unwanted, Soulish Doors!" In a time when much seems to be shaking, we must not allow our emotions to dictate how we respond to hurts, fears or confusion. Rather, we must allow Holy Spirit to bring healing and deliverance to areas that will close off access that the enemy has been using, to distract and capture us. This is a message that some of you will want to hear several times, and one that will give you hope to rise to a new level of discernment and wholeness.

Finding Your Place in the Company of the LORD!

During our Celebration Service on Sunday, Robert Heidler shared on "Finding Your Place in the Company of the LORD: The Host of Heaven and His Army on Earth!" As we push to complete this year of Ayin Hei with a new strength, we must understand with whom we are aligned. In this first of two messages by Robert, he taught on angels and how we partner with the army of Heaven. I am fond of saying, "Don't run off the angels!" We are entering a season when we will need the angels to interact with us as never before, so don't miss Robert's teaching that will open your eyes in a new way to the host of Heaven. Next week he will continue this message by teaching on God's Army on the Earth!

Don't Fear the Bull When He Runs Again! Two Key Dreams for NOW!

During the service on Sunday, I invited Anne Tate to share a dream that speaks into the global financial gyrations we are seeing. After she shared the dream publicly, Emma Moore (one of our financial records stewards), shared another key dream. I wanted to share both of these dreams with you, along with what I hear the Lord communicating through these dreams.

Dream 1: Winter Will Come! You Will See That Finances You Are Owed Will Return!
The weather was icy and snowy. There was a big sinkhole in the street that was surrounded by ice. I was trying not to get sucked up by the hole that had a slippery edge. A person from my past showed up with papers in hand. He was explaining why he hadn't sent me the money he owed me. He said my account had been closed. Then I woke up.
The Lord would say, "Don't fear being sucked up by the sinking financial hole that has formed. By February 19-21, you will find that monies and supply that you thought were gone for good, have been waiting to find their way back to you. Even though you have shut accounts from the past, the monies are being held for you to steward again."

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

Dream 2: Do Not Be Afraid When the Bull Begins to Run Again
I was standing in a large field under a single tree – which is interesting because we're in the month when the King is in the field. I was trying to protect someone and when I came to them, I said, "The Beast has been loosed!" The person I was trying to protect got up and they were able to run. I turned and saw a BULL and it was running straight for me and I knew I couldn't do anything. Suddenly the bull was over me and I was under it and I was at peace; the BULL was just standing there.
I said, "Lord, Chuck gave a word when we were in Malaysia that said when you get in a situation that you can't do anything about, ask for an angel. So You're going to have to send an angel to help me here."
I knew it was fall because the grass was not green, but dying, and the tree's leaves had turned colors. It seemed to me that we will be "under" the bull for a while because when the dream ended I was still under him and it was part of what the Lord did to assist me angelically.
We must understand that a tremendous economic shift is going on. However, I want you to stop and understand one thing about wealth: Wealth does not go away. Rather, wealth is transferred from place to place to place. You are not to think, "Oh my, everything is going to crash and the wealth will be gone." That is not how it works. Rather, you are to ask "How will it be transferred?" and "How will this transfer affect you?"

China has now taken the lead in economic influence, transfer, and manipulation.

Eventually the BULL will overshadow you. That means to hover over you. That says that the market is being restructured. Gain revelation from the changes that occur this week. Ask for angelic assistance on how to move.

What is happening now will be a protection to you in days ahead. The Beast is a coalition that is organized to manipulate the transference of wealth this hour. There will be one more great shaking in the next month. Then we must see how to move with revelation that will secure the operations of God's Kingdom for the next two years.

We've heard prophecies this year about the economic shift that would be taking place by September 2016. What I prophesied was that we wouldn't start seeing the new order of that shift until mid-February into March 2016Therefore, I think we're seeing the shift happen right now, and people have to know what to do. Understand that this shift is going to affect you in whatever field you are in. You can be fearful in the midst of this shift, or you can stand in that field and attempt to help others make it through without their emotional crash.

Anne's dream is about a Bull market returning, but this market will be controlled by a coalition, rather than the Federal Reserve System manipulations. In your field there will come a time when the bull will be predominant. People need to make financial decisions now, but that can be very difficult because of emotional attachments to money. Some people need to get out of stocks and bonds, and make decisions to do that.

You have to make your decisions, but if you live in fear then you will never grab hold of the "bull-beast" when he begins to overshadow in the spring. In the midst of what we're going through, there is a secure, peaceful place to be confined. Don't fear Babylon. God will bring angelic help to reveal how the overshadowing of the "bull-beast" coalition will cause us to prosper in days ahead.

"There is a change in your field that's coming. Do not try to overprotect those in the change; just announce the change is coming, and be aware that we all will be affected and must make a move. In the midst of that, know that I will send an overshadowing opportunity back in your way in days ahead.

"When this overshadowing comes, ask for clear revelation on how to increase. The next six months, beginning now, will be key for you to understand the changes in the field so you can see a shift in My provision in days ahead. Do not be fearful. Be at peace, make your changes, and watch Me send in what you need for the future in your field."


Chuck D. Pierce
Glory of Zion International Ministries

Charles D. "Chuck" Pierce serves as President of Global Spheres, Inc. (GSI) in Corinth, Texas. This is an apostolic, prophetic ministry that is being used to gather and mobilize the worshipping Triumphant Reserve throughout the world. Chuck also serves as President of Glory of Zion International Ministries, a ministry that aligns Jew and Gentile. 

He is known for his accurate prophetic gifting which helps direct nations, cities, churches, and individuals in understanding the times and seasons in which we live. Chuck and his wife, Pam, have six children and seven grandchildren. He has authored over 20 books, including the best-sellers Interpreting the TimesRedeeming the Time, and Time to Defeat the Devil.

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Monday, August 17, 2015

"Watch the Movement of the Ground!" and "A Time to Deal with Night Terrors!" - Chuck D. Pierce

"Watch the Movement of the Ground!" 
and "A Time to Deal with Night Terrors!"
Chuck D. Pierce, Corinth, TX
The Elijah List

Newsletter dated Tuesday, August 11, 2015:

Dear Watching Ones:

Our services on Sunday were just amazing – amazing worship, prophecy, teaching, revelation and ministry.
During worship on Sunday (August 9th), I heard the Spirit of the Lord say, "Watch where the movement of the ground occurs this week. For I am causing that which has held that area in bondage, the iniquities, to break, for My triumphant power to come into that region!" –Chuck Pierce

Linda Heidler wrote me yesterday to share:
"On Sunday, before you gave the word about watching the places that shake this week, the Lord began to show me Israel crossing the Jordan, then facing Jericho. He said that some had seen God miraculously open the way for them to get into the land He had promised them, but there was a huge obstacle that mocked them and said they would go no further and would die where they were. The Lord said for them to be quiet and listen to the strategy He would give them. As they followed His direction, there would be a shaking and a sound that would cause the mocking obstacle to fall."
I would encourage you to watch where shaking occurs this week, and begin to decree that those areas will open up to a sweeping, new move of God's power and glory.

It's HOT! Lord, What Are You Saying?

I want to encourage you to journal. Not only can you express your thoughts better, but you can hear Him more clearly. This is the perfect example of journaling. Penny Jackson and Pam and I were discussing how hot it is.(Photo via flickr)

Penny then went before the Lord with it, and this is what He showed her. She shares:
"I said to the Lord, 'It's so hot.' I had read or heard somewhere or heard somewhere that the drought on the earth is representative of the drought in the spirit realm. I'm not surprised. But I said, 'Lord, it is so hot. And what I don't understand is how it can end anytime soon because I can't see how there will be a spiritual awakening that will happen that quickly. To change this heat, something would have to happen very quickly. So what will cause this drought to break, Lord?'
 The Lord answered the following:
"I am turning the heat up under My people. I'm not allowing them to rest and be comfortable. I am not allowing life as usual. This is not a time for play or fun in the sun, and I won't let that be. There's an intensity right now. I want My people to feel the intensity and ask Me why. When there are things of Biblical proportions, it should lead My people to me. They should want to know why. They should question Me. And I will answer them.
"There is a preparation in this for times ahead. While this time and season is uncomfortable physically, days are coming when there will be discomfort in so many areas. This is a training for days ahead, a learning how to walk through intensity – now in heat, later in more ways.

 "The heat will not continue forever; the drought will not continue forever. It is for a season and for My purposes. You did read that the heat would keep hurricanes at bay, and when the heat lessens, there is more chance for hurricanes. So there is also a protection of sorts in this. Right now is not the time for a hurricane to come, because there are other things going on that need to happen. A major hurricane at this point would slow down what needs to be going on in the city."
And a little while later:
"Lord, what would You say about this heat and the drought? What do You want me to know about that? Lord, I don't understand why it's so hot. I know You are allowing it. Will You tell me why?
He said:
"I sent the rain in June to prepare you for this. Think of what it would be like if I had not sent the rains in June. In the spirit realm I also send the rain to prepare you, to shore you up for what's ahead. There are such intense times ahead. Right now it seems intense, but will be so much more so later. 
Just as you are learning to adapt and adjust to the intensity of the heat right now, I am training you to adapt and adjust to the even greater intensity in days ahead. (Photo via Wikipedia)

"You will need to learn to keep your head about you, despite the heat and the intensity. Right now it would be easy to be irritable, to be angry, to lash out because it is physically so uncomfortable. But in days ahead it will also be tempting, but the results of lashing out then will have far greater consequences."

The Lord reminded me of these verses from Jeremiah 17:7-8:
"Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord,
And whose hope is the Lord.
For he shall be like a tree planted by the waters,
Which spreads out its roots by the river,
And will not fear when heat comes;
But its leaf will be green,
And will not be anxious in the year of drought,
Nor will cease from yielding fruit."
ElijahList Prophetic Resources

Newsletter dated Wednesday, August 12, 2015:

Key Prophecy: Advancing the Harvest!

Dear Harvesters:

On Sunday morning, the Spirit of God moved so powerfully during our services. Here is another portion of the prophecies that were released:

"Today is the day that Simeon is breaking forth; he's breaking forth and he will be planted in the midst of Judah. No longer will he be scattered but he'll be with Judah, praising. No longer will he walk in rebellion and be scattered, but he will walk in the authority of the Father. Judah will be enlarged and all those who are scattered are coming home. For today Simeon is reborn!

"Who can open the barren womb? Who can heal the broken hearted? And who can even mend the broken hearts of this land? Is there anything impossible for Me? Do you want to see those great and mighty things that you've not known before?

"I've told you: Call unto Me and I will answer you! I'll show you things that have been fenced in and too narrow for you to see in days past. Cry out now and the fence that's been around your blessings will begin to break, and many blessings will come through that fence! There are some saying, 'Even if I cried out, God couldn't hear me because of the way I've been diverted.' But I say, 'Cry out! I will acknowledge where you are! (Photo via Pixabay)

"I will remember where you've been, and I will bring you into a new pasture! But you are Mine; I've called you by My name! I am breaking up that fallow ground of your heart and I'm calling you back into that right place. Watch! Watch! And cry out, for I am re-aligning.

"For know ye not that I come with a sword in My mouth and I release My Word over My people, and they fall as one weak in My Presence? And know ye not the sword that I release over My enemies? They are slain before even the servants of the Lord. So be confident this day that the Word of the sword of the Lord is being expressed from My mouth.

A Time to Deal with Night Terrors! A Week to Shut Up and Listen so You Go the Right Way!

"Some of you would say, 'Lord, there is death and terror that surrounds me. All that I hear and all that I see is night howling around me. But I AM going to begin to loose a call in My people that shall no longer be disjointed. You will no longer feel abandoned, and you will no longer feel left in a hole that you can't be drug out of.

"For in this hour I'm beginning to unite My Body. There will be a corporate sound, and there will be a corporate alignment. The sound will rise! The sound will rise! The sound will rise! Let this be a week where your sound begins to pierce the heavens. For as you are willing to loose your sound in the darkness, I will let the glory of Heaven begin to shine down upon you.

"This is a time that I am ready to deal with your night terrors. For you are crying out through night terrors, even in your sleep. But this is going to be a time that I deliver you from the fear of the darkness that is around you.There is a deliverance coming out of night terrors this week, and that which has terrified you in the night – even in your subconscious – I am going to reveal it to you in the light. (Photo via Pixabay)

"Many of you are saying that you can't hear Me, but that is because you are rehearsing in your own ear all your problems and all your ills. Listen to Me! I have something to say to you, and if you'd just listen to Me then I can put you on the right path.

"Focus on My horizon line so you know the destination that you're going to, and you know what I am painting around you. 

Focus on the horizon line so you're not surprised by the darkness that is in your frame, and you don't lose sight of the uncovering of the treasure that is already there. SEE differently! HEAR differently! Change your frame of reference so at the moment of your change a new event has been created for your future."

(Prophesied by Chuck Pierce, Tracy Shores, Bob McGregor, Sylvia Sizemore, Dolly Speights, Diane Roussel, Brian Kooiman, Emma Moore)


Chuck D. Pierce
Glory of Zion International Ministries

Charles D. "Chuck" Pierce serves as President of Global Spheres, Inc. (GSI) in Corinth, Texas. This is an apostolic, prophetic ministry that is being used to gather and mobilize the worshipping Triumphant Reserve throughout the world. Chuck also serves as President of Glory of Zion International Ministries, a ministry that aligns Jew and Gentile. He is known for his accurate prophetic gifting which helps direct nations, cities, churches, and individuals in understanding the times and seasons in which we live. 

Chuck and his wife, Pam, have six children and seven grandchildren. He has authored over 20 books, including the best-sellersInterpreting the TimesRedeeming the Time, and Time to Defeat the Devil.

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Tuesday, June 23, 2015

"Hear My Voice in This Week and Get the Doors Ready!" Chuck D. Pierce

"Hear My Voice in This Week 
and Get the Doors Ready!"
Chuck D. Pierce, Corinth, TX
The Elijah List

Key Prophetic Revelation from Our Firstfruits Celebration!

Dear Advancers,

Last Sunday morning during our Firstfruits Celebration, the Spirit of the Lord moved so powerfully. 

Here is some of the prophetic revelation released at that time which will help you move forward in this month:
"Truly I am a God who has not forgotten your labor of love in this past season. For surely I have seen your works, I have seen your persistence, and I have seen your faith when you believed Me, when there was nothing to believe in the natural. Now I step you into a new place! In this season, it shall not be by the heavy labor and by the persistence of doing what you know to do, where there's nothing in the natural. 

For I shall begin to manifest, and I shall cause you to begin to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. 

"For I'm going to come upon you and I'm going to open doors for you. I shall cause you to step into that which shall be even as the children of Israel, when they crossed into My promise and they received crops that they did not plant. 

They received that which they did not labor for, in that new season. This is a season when you shall see the goodness of the Lord. 

I shall cause even the new place of 'joy and release' to come forth, when you see that I am taking off of you the yoke of the past season. (Photo via Wikimedia)

"In this season you shall celebrate the goodness of the Lord. For I shall even surprise you at My goodness and My faithfulness. So know I have seen the labor of the past season, know I have seen the persistence and the faith, and know that I have not forgotten your works of goodness. Now step into a new season and receive that for which you did not labor.

"Stand in Faith for Your Region"

"I've heard your groaning from the earth. I hear the sound, and it's coming into My ears; there is a sound from earth that wants to join the heavenly host. I am about to loose over your region a heavenly host such as this region has not seen before. As you cry out, I will answer from Heaven and I will send. Stand in faith for your region; stand in faith for this state. I have heard your cry and I am about to loose the host that will do war, on your behalf.

"I am networking faith, and I am connecting. Gather yourselves in troops, o daughters of Zion. Prepare for a gathering of faith! There's a faith troop this hour that I will release; it's a new thing that you have not previously seen. So gather your faith into troops, o daughter of Zion. One can put a thousand, two can put ten-thousand to flight... gather your faith into troops, o daughter of Zion.

"For some will work, and others will war. This is a day of finding your place, for I am re-positioning My troops. Heaven is beginning to go before you. Therefore, I am calling you into new levels of unions and alignments. I am putting you in place, and even though some of you have been on the shelf, you're coming in. And even though some of you have been lost, you're being found. (Photo via Pixabay)

"This is a time of My gathering. Hear the gathering of Heaven, and you will begin to find your path and align yourself in a new way. For I will have a faith explosion; a manifested Glory faith explosion is now coming into the earth!

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

"Get the Doors Ready!"

"For in this week, many doors that you have not used will be used. Many of you will have to clean the doors, and others will have to remove the hinges of the door. For once you get the door ready, then many will come; many that have been seeking refuge will find the refuge that you carry inside! 

So get the doors ready! Clean them up, dust them off, and remove the hinges. Hear My voice in this week, and get the doors ready for My Kingdom to come in a brand new way! They are waiting for you to get ready – so get the doors ready now!

"Wherever you are, you have a sound in this hour! Whoever you are, you have a sound in this hour that will dispel all darkness! It will empty the enemy of its power; every plot, every plan will be destroyed! I am opening up the highways in the heavens. I am opening the freeways in the heavens. Set your feet in these places, because I will move you quickly now on that road.

"You've been in a whole lot of traffic jams when the traffic's moving slowly, but I would come up to those highways and you will go, go, go, go, go. I will accelerate, accelerate. As you move in faith, as you hear Me, and you respond, I will accelerate you in the heavenly ways, the highways. (Photo via flickr)

"You will look down and see the traffic clogs, but you will not be in them, because I have called you higher. I have opened up a door; I have opened up a portal, when you go from 'point A,' to 'point B.' Come up first through the portal. I can show you the way through the traffic jams you're in. I have alternate routes for you. I have the ability to even form a new highway above where you are. 

Watch Me this week, for when things get jammed up, you will see your way through and into the route I have for you!

"It's a realm of faith, it's a supernatural realm, and you have wondered 'Why have my feet, not been in the right places?' I say it's because you haven't been walking in heavenly places as I called you to. So come up, come up, come up into a supernatural realm, where there is no sweat on your brow. Many wars will be won with worship, from your mouth. So come into this realm now!"

(Prophetic words spoken by: Barbara Wentroble, LeAnn Squier, Marty Cassady, Chuck Pierce, Acijam Otxoa, John Dickson, and Robyn Vincent.)


Chuck D. Pierce
Glory of Zion International Ministries

Charles D. "Chuck" Pierce serves as President of Global Spheres, Inc. (GSI) in Corinth, Texas. This is an apostolic, prophetic ministry that is being used to gather and mobilize the worshipping Triumphant Reserve throughout the world. Chuck also serves as President of Glory of Zion International Ministries, a ministry that aligns Jew and Gentile. He is known for his accurate prophetic gifting which helps direct nations, cities, churches, and individuals in understanding the times and seasons in which we live. Chuck and his wife, Pam, have six children and seven grandchildren. He has authored over 20 books, including the best-sellersInterpreting the TimesRedeeming the Time, and Time to Defeat the Devil.

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Tuesday, June 9, 2015

"The Time is NOW for Faith! We Are in Times of Contending!" - Chuck D. Pierce

"The Time is NOW for Faith! We Are in Times of Contending!"
Chuck D. Pierce, Corinth, TX
The Elijah List

Dear Kingdom Advancers:

Our times of rest are key times when the Lord can speak to us in creative ways, so do not prematurely dismiss the dreams you are receiving. The Lord has been speaking to me about faith in the storm.

Key Prophecy: Don't Hold Back! We Are in Times of Contending!

Last Sunday there was such a powerful release of the Spirit of Prophecy. We are in times of contending, and times to hear and move in a new way!

"I would bring to you new opportunities in the days ahead. Even very quickly – in the very near future – you will have a time to pour out that which I'm giving you. You will have a new opportunity to get into. Don't hold back! Don't hold back! For if you do hold back then you will miss that which will rise up, and you will miss activating seeds for your future.

"Get ready, for this pouring out is coming to you. The opportunities on your path I've already ordered. 

Get ready, for this will be a time of ordering your steps so that your steps align with the steps that I have already set in place. And in this moment you'll see the end, but you'll see the beginning even before you step into it. So know this: watch as I give you the opportunity to activate your beginning from the end(Photo via wikimedia)

Overflow of Blessings! I Have Shaken the Heavens!

"Rising rivers indicate the overflow of blessings! New deposits of blessings are coming! Open your eyes, because with rising water levels you will see many things die because they will be suffocated out as the water rises. But you will also see many things come to life that have never come to life. Additionally, you will see new deposits and many other things exposed – including snakes and lots of creatures moving to higher ground. Know that I am now changing the course of the land!

"I am re-aligning your diaphragm, the diaphragm of the Body of Christ, that part that is covering the womb. I am putting a new sound in it. I am expanding your ability to breathe in My wind, and you will be fire-starters. You will begin to manifest the fullness of My fire, of your worship, of your time with Me, of the time that you're aligning your diaphragm with Me. I will breathe over the face of the earth and fire will begin to break out.

"I have shaken the heavens over you and am coming with a glory that is from Heaven, to shake the earth. 

This shaking and glory will cause the contractions to start, and those birth pangs to come forth. As My glory comes, it will birth new things. For I am doing a new thing in the earth and it is now shaking the heavens. I'm coming with My glory to shake the earth.

"For indeed I am releasing the sound – the sound that captivate men with the power of mystery. For man has been captivated with the wrong mystery, but I am bringing sound to the Body of Christ and into the land. I will spin the mystery sound that will revive the land, that will demonstrate Who the Mighty One of Israel is. So get ready for the true sound of mystery that the Body will release and make the land come alive!

The Wind of My Spirit! This is a Day of My Blowing!

"The wind of My Spirit is reaching into the caves. My wind will originate in the caves and begin to draw out what has been hidden. Many of you have been in the cave, but this is a time where I am blowing you out into a place that you've not been before. So even if you've been hidden, you must set your sail, for I will find and re-align My people this hour. There are great winds that will be coming through the lands.(Photo via Wikipedia)

"Through this September, record where the great winds start blowing! 

For it is from those places that I am now beginning to push out what has been hidden. I'll blow many out of office, and blow others into office. This is a day of My blowing!

"You need to know when to brace yourself and when to let go and ride the wind. Cry out for the grace to know the difference, so you follow when you need to let go and brace yourself when you need to stand.

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

"You are in the midst of contrary winds. But do not back down from those winds but lean into that resistance. In your quiet and in your still times My breath will nudge you forward in the path you're supposed to take. 

And when you encounter doors that are closed, My breath will increase and I will blow open those doors before you. 

And when you come to fortified gates, even as gates that surrounded Babylon that were many feet thick, My breath becomes a whirlwind that will smash those gates wide open. They will even come off the hinges and never close up against you again. So walk in faith and believe that I have set a path before you and will make a way for you with the My breath.

Shaking in World Structures! Adjust to the Wind and Shaking!

"Know that there will be big shaking in these next few weeks in world structures. Watch for big shakings! 

There will be much financial rearrangement. 

There are huge shakings coming, but the minute you go through the shaking you will begin to say 'I know how to find my footing in this new place!' There is a resistance! There is a resistance rising up in My people against those things that are weakening them. Let your resistance arise! Many would say that the earth is a great dynamic, great dimension, great demonstration, the sphere. But in that day you will recognize and say it is a small world after all.
"The storm winds are coming, and floods are rising. Many of you would prefer to sing the song, 'Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream... life is but a dream.' And yet many are still trying to row, row, row the same way they have always rowed.(Photo via flickr)

"You must learn to adjust to the wind, adjust to the shaking, and allow yourself to be moved in a different way. 

Now is your time to row in a different way! Some of you need to get a new motor. Some of you have the capacity to turn the direction. Some of you need to let your sail up and quit trying to control when you put it up, and when you bring it down! Some of you need to kick into high gear and move on in. Now just grab the wind!

"When My disciples were in the boat rowing all night in the midst of the storm, a time came for them to stop rowing and to stop contending with the storm! When they stopped their rowing, I could bring them to their point of destination. This is a time to learn how to row differently.

This is a rowing of rest! This is not a rowing of sweat, nor a time to do more! The more reports you listen to... won't solve your problems or cross you into your next place. Rather, My rest will position you where you need to go!

Watch the Places That Flood!

"Everyone is not receiving the rain that I'm sending. You have cried out for more, but you don't know your own capacity. I'm causing you to know your own capacity even though it seems like a flood. I'm giving you that which you can contain. You've limited and capped it off in seasons past, but now is the time for the river to arise in you!

"I have said to watch the places that flood since that would be where Holy Spirit would begin to move. [This was prophesied during the Feast of Tabernacles in 2006]. Is it a surprise that Texas has received so much in rain in May that it would cover the entire state to a depth of eight inches? Now is your time to declare a new beginning of the Holy Spirit in Texas!

Enter into the Supernatural Dimension! The Hope of Christ in You!

"So be still and enter into the supernatural dimension that I am in. 

Be still, oh be still – it's supernatural. Even the earth will respond and answer Heaven; the earth will answer Heaven – it's supernatural. So get ready for the ride, and throw your hands up high; throw your hands up high, and get ready for the ride! It's supernatural – you can't control it... you can just go with it. You can't control – you can just go with. So throw your hands up, throw your hands up high, throw your hands up in the air, and enjoy the ride.

"It's not the mystery of lawlessness, not the mystery of iniquity, but the mystery and the hope of Christ in you. It's not the mystery of lawlessness, not the mystery of iniquity, it's the mystery of Christ in you. This is our hope, this is our song; this is our hope, and we sing it all the day long. This is our hope, this is our song; oh, the mystery of Christ in you, we sing it all day long. There's more of God than your hands can hold! There's more of God than your mind can know! There's more of God than your heart can apprehend! So reach out and seek more of Him.

Prepare Yourselves!

"As you are praising, arise out of the depth of your hearts. My windows are opening up even now in a greater way than you've ever experienced. So prepare your house for the multiplication of people, the multiplication of resources, the multiplication of success, the multiplication of My presence. For I have glorious benefits that you know not of. Prepare yourself for the glorious benefits that I will be sending your way!

"Port cities, prepare yourselves! 

For even now I will re-arrange the trade structures that are being brought in. I will re-arrange the way you are doing things, and I will bring some new ships in. There will be an uncovering of what is being brought into this nation. I am re-aligning the trade routes. Watch the hurricanes this year as they form. For as the hurricanes are now beginning to form in Heaven during this 'whirlwind' year, you will now see the movement of these hurricanes come into earth by August. And you'll see a movement and new routes and alignments begin to form."

(Spoken by: Chuck Pierce, Anne Tate, Raymond Banks, Fernando Rodriguez, Acijam Otxoa, Diane Roussel, LeAnn Squier, Sylvia Sizemore, Bob McGregor, James Vincent, Robyn Vincent, Robert Heidler, Allen Faubion, Sheryl Price)


Chuck D. Pierce
Glory of Zion International Ministries

Charles D. "Chuck" Pierce serves as President of Global Spheres, Inc. (GSI) in Corinth, Texas. This is an apostolic, prophetic ministry that is being used to gather and mobilize the worshipping Triumphant Reserve throughout the world. Chuck also serves as President of Glory of Zion International Ministries, a ministry that aligns Jew and Gentile. 

He is known for his accurate prophetic gifting which helps direct nations, cities, churches, and individuals in understanding the times and seasons in which we live. Chuck and his wife, Pam, have six children and seven grandchildren. He has authored over 20 books, including the best-sellers Interpreting the TimesRedeeming the Time, and Time to Defeat the Devil.

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