Standing in support of Israel, Jews, and believers in all the nations, in the name of Jesus (Yeshua). Sharing biblical truth, encouragement, news and prophecy.
"Russia, Shocking News, Shakings and the Disarming of Fools!" Hank Kunneman, Omaha, NE
From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
As we know...there is so much being revealed in the news even this week and saints...we should be stepping up in our prayer life!
Hank Kunneman is a mighty prophetic voice that God is rising up in this hour as his voice is speaking a true word of the Lord that we all need to hear and pray into right now.
Hank just gave this word of the Lord on October 15th:
"But now I shall put My hand upon the neck of the media, and they shall speak what I shall force them to say, because they will not be able to deny that which shall happen before them, and great and fearful sights shall unfold that shall be the work of My hand. For in this time, I say to you who have ears to hear, I have declared in My Word: pray, watch, and then give thanks."
Hank also mentions words for Russia, Ukraine, North Korea and others. Please pass this on and let's be praying for a mighty move of God in our land and in the nations!
Please forward this word to your friends! Encourage them to subscribe to the Elijah List right here:
Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
"Russia, Shocking News, Shakings and the Disarming of Fools!" Hank Kunneman, Omaha, NE
As many seek the Lord in prayer, here is a prophetic word given back on October 15th that we can use as points to pray about. This word was given prior to the things we are seeing about Russia in the news. It's another call for God's people to watch a pray!
Prophetic Word Given by Hank Kunneman on October 15th, 2017 10:45AM Service: Shocking News, Shakings and the Disarming of Fools!
"For I have declared," says the Lord God of Hosts, "that in this New Year I shall speak with My voice, and My voice shall be heard loudly; for the media and those who listen to the media and repeat their words are speaking loudly.
"But now I shall put My hand upon the neck of the media, and they shall speak what I shall force them to say, because they will not be able to deny that which shall happen before them, and great and fearful sights shall unfold that shall be the work of My hand. For in this time, I say to you who have ears to hear, I have declared in My Word: pray, watch, and then give thanks.
"I speak this to you at this moment because it is time now for the Lord to act. It is time for the Lord to show you what I am about to unveil. This that I shall do, shall be reported, it shall be known and it shall be seen. Listen to what I say:
"Disarm a fool, and this is folly if you disarm him only. Disarm a fool and displace him is far better wisdom. So this that I speak shall happen. This that I speak, it is now time for your president, it is time for the generals, and it is time for that which is and shall be covert – it is time for Me to act. Watch. Pray.
I Will Shake Russia
"Surely this earth will give thanks for they will say, 'Is this how you deal with a mad man?' Watch. My voice shall shake the Bear, Russia.
"There shall come surprising and shocking news out of you, Russia. Your soil will shake. Your leader and leadership shall be shaken. Your buildings will be shaken. Your military I shall shake. I will take that which has been done in secret with Iran, and I will shake it and bring it to the light.
"I will shake, O' Bear of Russia, what you have been working and what you have worked in secret even with North Korea. It is time for the Lord to act, and I will shake free from Ukraine the hand of the Bear.
"It is time," says the Spirit of God, "to show this earth that I am the Lord who sits as King. It is time for Me to show that I have a sense of humor. Now watch and behold the wonders of your God, who can back off a Bear, who can hold the Dragon at bay, that I may disarm and displace a fool."
Watch Alabama
I see Alabama. The Spirit of God says, "Watch Alabama. Watch how I will move through their courts that shall be a prototype of what I will bring to the court that you say is Supreme. Are you ready for vacancies? Are you ready to see how I will step in and shake your Supreme Court once again?
"Watch, watch Me surprise you, and watch Me establish righteousness and godliness upon your courts. Look to Alabama, I will do it there and I will do it upon your court, your Supreme Court too," says the Spirit of grace.
Hank Kunneman is the senior pastor of Lord of Hosts Church, a thriving church in Omaha, Nebraska, and founder of One Voice Ministries. As an uncompromising voice that God is using to stir up the Body of Christ, he is known for a strong prophetic anointing as he preaches. He travels and ministers extensively as he and his wife, Brenda, preach together at conferences, churches, and national television programs throughout the United States and overseas.
Together, the Kunneman's also host their own nationally and internationally televised weekly program, New Level with Hank and Brenda, airing on Daystar Television Network, Victory Television Network, and Faith Broadcasting Network. Pastor Hank has also authored several books including Prophesy with the Wind of God in Your Mouth, My Heart Cries Abba Father, The Revealer of Secrets, Don't Leave God Alone, and Barrier Breakers.
I received the following prophetic word at my hotel in Toronto, Canada, after receiving prayer from Carol Arnott:
"I believe a fire alarm is going off in the spirit realm; for some it's good, for some it's bad.
For some, they are running toward the fire—they are following the loud, interrupting sound of the alarm. It awakens them from sleep, apathy, slumber. It awakens them from routine and ritual. It awakens entire churches—it's confrontational and awakening in nature. It's loud and, to some, obnoxious. In the same way a natural fire alarm interrupts what we've been doing, demanding attention and action, the fire alarm in the spirit interrupts what we've been doing spiritually. It interrupts the show, the spectacle, the programs. I prophesy the fire of the Holy Spirit interrupts "cookie cutter Christianity," calling us out of routine and ritual and into the depths of the unknown. The fire alarm is calling us out of predictability, and summoning us into the smoke on the mountain.
This fire alarm, however, is doing the opposite of what a natural fire alarm does. In the spirit, the fire alarm is meant to call you, like Moses, into the unknown realms of His glory (instead of away from them).
So on the third day, in the morning, there was thunder and lightning, and a thick cloud on the mountain, and the sound of an exceedingly loud trumpet. All the people who were in the camp trembled (Ex. 19:16).
At Mount Sinai, a "fire alarm" went off. The people trembled and drew back, but Moses drew near. Moses had tasted the fire before at the burning bush (Ex. 3). Even though Mount Sinai looked ominous and Moses had no guarantees, he would rather venture into the fire and thunder and lightning of the unknown, where God was present than stay on the sidelines of comfort where God wasn't.
Moses is your invitation. Jesus opened the door of access so you could, at any time, go up to God and boldly enter the realm of His glory! We are not waiting for a move of God; God is waiting for a move of people. The church needs to shift from waiting for an expression or manifestation of God's fire that is comfortable and on her terms, and instead, turn aside, like Moses did, as the Spirit of God begins to move—perhaps in unfamiliar and unpredictable ways.
When they set out from Rephidim, they came to the Wilderness of Sinai and camped in the wilderness. Israel camped there before the mountain.
Moses went up to God, and the Lord called to him from the mountain, saying, "Thus you shall say to the house of Jacob and tell the children of Israel" (Ex. 19:2-3).
Don't Be Content Living at the 'Foot of the Mountain!'
"Then Moses brought the people out of the camp to meet with God, and they stood at the foot of the mountain" Ex. 19:17)
With this fire alarm going off, I see people "taking a stand" in the church—either for the Holy Spirit or against His movement. He is so loving and embracing, though. I believe that people who took stands against the Spirit in one season are now desperate to encounter Him. They are desperate to venture into the realm of His glory, instead of sitting on the safety of sidelines. It means interruption. It means risk. It means the unknown. It means shakings and rumblings. It means unusual manifestations of His Presence breaking out. It means dealing with demonic spirits and fleshly attention-seekers. Pastors and leaders, this is for you as well. The Lord is calling people individually and collectively into the untapped and accessed realms of His glory, where His presence is given priority. Moses had priority for the presence of God, even when it terrified him. We see this as Moses turns aside and listens to the voice that comes out of the burning bush. His response? "And Moses hid his face, for he was afraid to look at God" (Ex. 3:6). Even though he was afraid, and the experience was unusual, and the encounter was unfamiliar, he didn't run. He didn't flee. He didn't take a stand at a distance; he moved toward the fire. The voice of the Lord is summoning His people—all of His people—into the fire of divine encounter.
Please... don't take a stand at the foot of the mountain, when in fact, every barrier has been removed for you to boldly approach the throne of God (see Heb. 4.16).
The Spirit Is Hovering, Brooding and Testing the Waters!
Sadly, for some, they want to run away when they hear the fire alarm going off. I see churches with fire alarms going off as the Holy Spirit starts to move. In fact, it's like the Spirit is currently brooding and hovering throughout the body of Christ. He's testing the waters to see where He is welcome in His fullness. It's like what happened in Genesis 1. The Spirit hovered over the waters; He was brooding. He was waiting for something to partner with to effect creation. God spoke, and the Spirit moved and created. Likewise, the Spirit is hovering, awaiting partnership in the earth from those who are, literally filled with the Word of God. God is, in essence, looking for a people filled with Himself to partner with His movement and activity.
Here's the deal: I sense that as the movement of the Spirit begins to manifest, even in the most timid measures, fire alarms will go off. You see, the fire alarm is very sensitive to anything that would confront the norm. Just a little smoke sets it off. Just a spark will cause the alarm to start blaring. The fire alarm upsets the status quo, the way we've always done life, ministry and church. The fire alarm immediately recognizes the invasive movement of the Spirit, threatening our programs and protocols and agendas. The question: is the alarm a call to run, or a summons to turn aside?
But I believe the Lord is saying that He's not trying to throw out agendas and protocols, as many charismatics and Pentecostals sometimes propose. Oh no. He's just looking to infuse them. He's looking to fill them with the life, breath and effectiveness of heaven. Continue with your sermon series, worship sets, tithe and offering, announcements and so on. Have three services, five services, 10 services. You don't even need four-hour services to host the Holy Spirit. None of these things matters. What matters is giving the Spirit's movement absolute priority—and hosting Him on His terms—so that when the fire alarm goes off, you move with His movement rather than shut it down.
Run Toward the Fire!
As the fire alarm goes off in the church, people are going to run—somewhere. They will either run toward the Lord or away from him. And if our church communities speak against the movement of the Spirit and encourage people to move away from the Spirit, that puts them in danger of missing, yes missing what God is doing in this season. This is a hard word, but there is great grace in it as well.
Repentance and humility are instant keys to getting on board with the move of God, regardless of how much you have been against it in the past. Sure, you may have responded negatively to the fire alarm in previous years. You may have taught against the movement and manifestations of the Spirit. Perhaps you witnessed much of the goofy stuff that has happened in the name of "revival," outpouring, the Charismatic movement, Holy Spirit manifestations and so forth. But this is no excuse to run away from the Spirit when the fire alarm goes off; if anything, the Lord is calling you to press in and run toward Him all the more to seek for the pure, the genuine and authentic.
I see the Lord literally changing and tenderizing the hearts of His people, so that as they hear the fire alarm, they respond by running toward the fire—toward the fire, in Jesus' name!
Fire Alarm: The Call to Filled Altars
I see altars filled, and it's glorious. Yes, in many non-denominational mega-churches. I see large, influential churches where the pastors, leaders and yes, the people are so hungry for the presence of God that they put aside their cares and concerns of what the fire might look like—and they go after it.
I see distinct moments in meetings and gatherings—especially during praise and worship—where the Spirit begins to brood. He starts to hover. He starts to touch. And with His touch comes a choice. I see pastors and leaders literally watching their communities get subtly touched by the Spirit, and know in their hearts that all it will take is one word to partner with God to see a rumbling of the Spirit released in their midst. One word shifts the service. One decision to partner with the movement of the Spirit will shift and change everything. One choice to turn aside, not turn away. I see this happening. I see during praise and worship, and even the preaching, moments where God moves, the pastors and leaders see this, and they say, "Yes ... at any cost. yes!"
I see their yes opening floodgates of divine presence that produces filled altars. I see this yes actually removing ceilings over the church. Right now, I see in the spirit ceilings breaking off entire church communities: ceilings that were not placed there by God; they were established by man and the ways of man. These ceilings represent our attempts to control and regulate church culture according to what we think is most effective—and more so, these ceilings have been built to actually "protect" the church from the unexpected, the "weird," the strange, and the unusual. But I see the collective hunger of the church, both from the people who attend our services and the pastors and leaders, rising to heaven.
In the spirit, I can clearly see pastors and leaders (especially those of non-denominational mega-churches) in their offices, almost like with the window shades closed and the lights out, crying out in travail, "God, there has got to be more!" I specifically see the cry of John Kilpatrick on pastors and leaders in this season (John Kilpatrick was pastor of Brownsville Assembly of God during the historic Brownsville Revival and before the revival broke out, he would go over to the church in the middle of the night, lay sprawled out over the front row, and cry out to God, "There has got to be more! Oh God! I need you, Lord!"
I see pastors and leaders filling the altars, and this act of church leaders expressing their personal hunger breaks something open in the spirit realm.
Step Into the Glory
The Lord says, "Responding to this hunger—regardless of what it costs—will break the ceilings that prevent you and your community from accessing the open Heaven is already available!"
I see open heavens over these churches. There's nothing that really needs to happen from God's end. Heaven is opened, the Spirit is brooding and the fire alarm is going off. The next step is up to us. It's up to you, pastor! It's up for you, believer! What will you do when the fire alarm goes off and the Spirit moves upon you? Your church community? Your gathering? Will you run toward it, as Moses did, or run away and keep your distance, as the people of Israel did?
So step into the glory. God is moving. His Spirit is brooding. He wants to break out with force and fire. He wants to respond to every song lyric we've sung in past and present seasons: "Holy Spirit ... come flood this place and fill the atmosphere" ("Holy Spirit," Bryan and Katie Torwalt), "Fresh outpouring, tear the fabric open ..." ("Fresh Outpouring," Kim Walker-Smith); "Spirit break out ..." (Tim Hughes); "God let Your fire fall down" ("Here for You," Matt Redman), "Open up the heavens, we want to see You, open up the floodgates ..." ("Open Up the Heavens," Vertical Worship); "Let the Heavens open, let Your kingdom move..." ("Let the Heavens Open," Kari Jobe); "Let it rain, let it rain, open the floodgates of heaven" ("Let it Rain," Michael W. Smith).
Need I continue the list?
"Your songs are steps into the glory," says the Lord. We've been praying for this outpouring, family of God. We've been asking for it with our songs. These anthems of worship are not exclusive to the charismatic church. Far from it! These lyrics are arising from Baptist, Presbyterian, Methodist and Catholic communities. These songs represent a corporate cry that has been arising from the earth. Even from those who are unfamiliar with a "charismatic" expression of Christianity, the desperation and desire for God to rend the heavens, come down and move with power is still so strong.
The Moses Company: Go Into the Fire!
Now Mount Sinai was completely covered in smoke because the Lordhad descended upon it in fire, and the smoke ascended like the smoke of a furnace, and the whole mountain shook violently. When the sound of the trumpet grew louder and louder, Moses spoke, and God answered him with a voice.
The Lord came down on Mount Sinai, on the top of the mountain. And the Lord called Moses up to the top of the mountain, and Moses went up (Ex. 19:18-20).
So, what is God looking for? A Moses company—a Moses people. A people who would follow the example we see in Exodus 19. They would see the smoke and fire. They would hear the rumblings and thunderings. They would even be startled by the lightnings and dramatic nature of the manifestations. Smoke. Fire. Thunder. Lightning. And then the sound of the trumpet—the fire alarm!
Two choices: run away, or run toward and step in!
Run toward, not away. Run toward the rumblings, the lightnings, the smoke and the fire. Yes, this fire will kill you. It will purify you. It will purge you. This fire will consume you. It will immerse you. It will baptize you. The fire will change everything.
Larry Sparksis co-author of the book, The Fire That Never Sleeps, with Dr. Michael Brown and John Kilpatrick. Larry's mission is to help teach all believers how to experience and sustain personal revival—enjoying a deep relationship with God through encountering the presence and power of the Holy Spirit. To this end, he maintains a blog through Charisma magazine, is a published author, teaches revival seminars, and is the co-founder of Renewing South Florida, an organization committed to uniting the local church for regional outpouring. Larry holds a Master of Divinity from Regent University and presently serves as vice president of publishing for Destiny Image Publishers.
You can receive daily empowerment for personal revival from Larry on Facebook (
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3 Reasons Why you should read Life in the Spirit. 1) Get to know the Holy Spirit. 2) Learn to enter God's presence 3) Hear God's voice clearly! Click here to draw closer to God!
With several months of the year of the whirlwind before us, how should we position ourselves amid the doom and gloom? That's a good question—and one I've been pondering more and more lately. In fact, I've discussed it with many prophets and prophetic people in the last couple of weeks—and I've prayed plenty.
Should we store up three years worth of food? Take all of our money out of the bank? Hide in a cave, praying for the best but believing the worst? Leave the country? What should be our response? I, for one, refuse to let a spirit of fear over take me, despite all the doom and gloom prophecies.
Cindy Jacobs, co-founder of Generals International, says first of all we are to obey the admonition from Scripture to not give in to fear. She is convinced the enemy wants to stir up panic and distress. But she is also convinced we have to stand firm, trusting God's faithfulness.
"I want to share with you what I am hearing prophetically at this moment. On a global level, God is changing the landscape of financial power. Some nations are going to find that their 'cash cows'—the commodities that have propped up their ideologies—are diminishing or being taken away. This will even begin to affect the terrorist organization, ISIS," Jacobs says.
"Is there going to be a total collapse such as we saw in 2008? If there is, I do not have a word about that. In past economic shakings, I have known in advance that a severe crisis would take place," Jacobs continues. "For instance, in January of 2008, the Lord spoke the word to me, 'There will be no more business as usual.' It could be that this time around the Lord has simply chosen to speak to other prophets and not me, and that is His prerogative."
Still, because so many voices—both prophetic and secular economic analysts—are pointing to extreme economic trouble this fall and even into 2016, Jacobs is praying hard through this season. I am praying with her—and so should you. She reports positive prayer answers after taking her prayer team to Wall Street to intercede for God to give us a course correction instead of a complete economic meltdown.
"As we move into the September/October months of the Jewish New Year and the appearance of the fourth blood moon, what do I know that I have heard? Historic changes will take place in the coming days that will be a prophetic catalyst for a great awakening. God is setting the stage for revival and harvest," Jacobs says. "I also have a strong admonition that we are in a time of hearts being tested—whether we will rely on our own strength and capabilities, rather than God's."
I stand in 100 percent total agreement. I'm hearing the similar things are so are the likes of Chuck Pierce, Bill Hamon, Barbara Yoder and Ryan LeStrange. I'll share more with you about the revelations in the days ahead, but for now, let's get to the question about storing food. Should we store up mass amounts of food?
I live in South Florida, where hurricane season has caused devastation so I do have food and water stored. But I do not have three years worth of dried food in my house. Even if I wanted to, I could not possibly store up that much food in my little beachfront condo. If the Lord has told you to do that, obey—but don't move out of fear. Jacobs says if we're hoarding out of fear it's not from the Lord.
"In truth, no matter what comes, we are called to be overcomers. There have been many dire prophecies, but they all are conditional upon a lack of repentant hearts. At the moment, there are a number of prayer projects and fasts being called by various ministries, and our Reformation Prayer Network stands with them as well," Jacobs says.
"God will be the same great God in the coming days as He is right now at this very moment. He is not about to forsake His children, no matter what transpires. He is vitally interested in our personhood, families, and futures. God is setting the stage to make some serious history, and I, for one, am not afraid of the future because He is my future—eternally!"
"The Time is NOW for Faith! We Are in Times of Contending!"
Chuck D. Pierce, Corinth, TX
The Elijah List
Dear Kingdom Advancers:
Our times of rest are key times when the Lord can speak to us in creative ways, so do not prematurely dismiss the dreams you are receiving. The Lord has been speaking to me about faith in the storm.
Key Prophecy: Don't Hold Back! We Are in Times of Contending!
Last Sunday there was such a powerful release of the Spirit of Prophecy. We are in times of contending, and times to hear and move in a new way!
"I would bring to you new opportunities in the days ahead. Even very quickly – in the very near future – you will have a time to pour out that which I'm giving you. You will have a new opportunity to get into. Don't hold back! Don't hold back! For if you do hold back then you will miss that which will rise up, and you will miss activating seeds for your future.
"Get ready, for this pouring out is coming to you. The opportunities on your path I've already ordered.
Get ready, for this will be a time of ordering your steps so that your steps align with the steps that I have already set in place. And in this moment you'll see the end, but you'll see the beginning even before you step into it. So know this: watch as I give you the opportunity to activate your beginning from the end. (Photo via wikimedia)
Overflow of Blessings! I Have Shaken the Heavens!
"Rising rivers indicate the overflow of blessings! New deposits of blessings are coming! Open your eyes, because with rising water levels you will see many things die because they will be suffocated out as the water rises. But you will also see many things come to life that have never come to life. Additionally, you will see new deposits and many other things exposed – including snakes and lots of creatures moving to higher ground. Know that I am now changing the course of the land!
"I am re-aligning your diaphragm, the diaphragm of the Body of Christ, that part that is covering the womb. I am putting a new sound in it. I am expanding your ability to breathe in My wind, and you will be fire-starters. You will begin to manifest the fullness of My fire, of your worship, of your time with Me, of the time that you're aligning your diaphragm with Me. I will breathe over the face of the earth and fire will begin to break out.
"I have shaken the heavens over you and am coming with a glory that is from Heaven, to shake the earth.
This shaking and glory will cause the contractions to start, and those birth pangs to come forth. As My glory comes, it will birth new things. For I am doing a new thing in the earth and it is now shaking the heavens. I'm coming with My glory to shake the earth.
"For indeed I am releasing the sound – the sound that captivate men with the power of mystery. For man has been captivated with the wrong mystery, but I am bringing sound to the Body of Christ and into the land. I will spin the mystery sound that will revive the land, that will demonstrate Who the Mighty One of Israel is. So get ready for the true sound of mystery that the Body will release and make the land come alive!
The Wind of My Spirit! This is a Day of My Blowing!
"The wind of My Spirit is reaching into the caves. My wind will originate in the caves and begin to draw out what has been hidden. Many of you have been in the cave, but this is a time where I am blowing you out into a place that you've not been before. So even if you've been hidden, you must set your sail, for I will find and re-align My people this hour. There are great winds that will be coming through the lands.(Photo via Wikipedia)
"Through this September, record where the great winds start blowing!
For it is from those places that I am now beginning to push out what has been hidden. I'll blow many out of office, and blow others into office. This is a day of My blowing!
"You need to know when to brace yourself and when to let go and ride the wind. Cry out for the grace to know the difference, so you follow when you need to let go and brace yourself when you need to stand.
"You are in the midst of contrary winds. But do not back down from those winds but lean into that resistance. In your quiet and in your still times My breath will nudge you forward in the path you're supposed to take.
And when you encounter doors that are closed, My breath will increase and I will blow open those doors before you.
And when you come to fortified gates, even as gates that surrounded Babylon that were many feet thick, My breath becomes a whirlwind that will smash those gates wide open. They will even come off the hinges and never close up against you again. So walk in faith and believe that I have set a path before you and will make a way for you with the My breath.
Shaking in World Structures! Adjust to the Wind and Shaking!
"Know that there will be big shaking in these next few weeks in world structures. Watch for big shakings!
There will be much financial rearrangement.
There are huge shakings coming, but the minute you go through the shaking you will begin to say 'I know how to find my footing in this new place!' There is a resistance! There is a resistance rising up in My people against those things that are weakening them. Let your resistance arise! Many would say that the earth is a great dynamic, great dimension, great demonstration, the sphere. But in that day you will recognize and say it is a small world after all.
"The storm winds are coming, and floods are rising. Many of you would prefer to sing the song, 'Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream... life is but a dream.' And yet many are still trying to row, row, row the same way they have always rowed.(Photo via flickr)
"You must learn to adjust to the wind, adjust to the shaking, and allow yourself to be moved in a different way.
Now is your time to row in a different way! Some of you need to get a new motor. Some of you have the capacity to turn the direction. Some of you need to let your sail up and quit trying to control when you put it up, and when you bring it down! Some of you need to kick into high gear and move on in. Now just grab the wind!
"When My disciples were in the boat rowing all night in the midst of the storm, a time came for them to stop rowing and to stop contending with the storm! When they stopped their rowing, I could bring them to their point of destination. This is a time to learn how to row differently.
This is a rowing of rest! This is not a rowing of sweat, nor a time to do more! The more reports you listen to... won't solve your problems or cross you into your next place. Rather, My rest will position you where you need to go!
Watch the Places That Flood!
"Everyone is not receiving the rain that I'm sending. You have cried out for more, but you don't know your own capacity. I'm causing you to know your own capacity even though it seems like a flood. I'm giving you that which you can contain. You've limited and capped it off in seasons past, but now is the time for the river to arise in you!
"I have said to watch the places that flood since that would be where Holy Spirit would begin to move. [This was prophesied during the Feast of Tabernacles in 2006]. Is it a surprise that Texas has received so much in rain in May that it would cover the entire state to a depth of eight inches? Now is your time to declare a new beginning of the Holy Spirit in Texas!
Enter into the Supernatural Dimension! The Hope of Christ in You!
"So be still and enter into the supernatural dimension that I am in.
Be still, oh be still – it's supernatural. Even the earth will respond and answer Heaven; the earth will answer Heaven – it's supernatural. So get ready for the ride, and throw your hands up high; throw your hands up high, and get ready for the ride! It's supernatural – you can't control it... you can just go with it. You can't control – you can just go with. So throw your hands up, throw your hands up high, throw your hands up in the air, and enjoy the ride.
"It's not the mystery of lawlessness, not the mystery of iniquity, but the mystery and the hope of Christ in you. It's not the mystery of lawlessness, not the mystery of iniquity, it's the mystery of Christ in you. This is our hope, this is our song; this is our hope, and we sing it all the day long. This is our hope, this is our song; oh, the mystery of Christ in you, we sing it all day long. There's more of God than your hands can hold! There's more of God than your mind can know! There's more of God than your heart can apprehend! So reach out and seek more of Him.
Prepare Yourselves!
"As you are praising, arise out of the depth of your hearts. My windows are opening up even now in a greater way than you've ever experienced. So prepare your house for the multiplication of people, the multiplication of resources, the multiplication of success, the multiplication of My presence. For I have glorious benefits that you know not of. Prepare yourself for the glorious benefits that I will be sending your way!
"Port cities, prepare yourselves!
For even now I will re-arrange the trade structures that are being brought in. I will re-arrange the way you are doing things, and I will bring some new ships in. There will be an uncovering of what is being brought into this nation. I am re-aligning the trade routes. Watch the hurricanes this year as they form. For as the hurricanes are now beginning to form in Heaven during this 'whirlwind' year, you will now see the movement of these hurricanes come into earth by August. And you'll see a movement and new routes and alignments begin to form."
(Spoken by: Chuck Pierce, Anne Tate, Raymond Banks, Fernando Rodriguez, Acijam Otxoa, Diane Roussel, LeAnn Squier, Sylvia Sizemore, Bob McGregor, James Vincent, Robyn Vincent, Robert Heidler, Allen Faubion, Sheryl Price)
Chuck D. Pierce Glory of Zion International Ministries
Charles D. "Chuck" Pierce serves as President of Global Spheres, Inc. (GSI) in Corinth, Texas. This is an apostolic, prophetic ministry that is being used to gather and mobilize the worshipping Triumphant Reserve throughout the world. Chuck also serves as President of Glory of Zion International Ministries, a ministry that aligns Jew and Gentile.
He is known for his accurate prophetic gifting which helps direct nations, cities, churches, and individuals in understanding the times and seasons in which we live. Chuck and his wife, Pam, have six children and seven grandchildren. He has authored over 20 books, including the best-sellers Interpreting the Times, Redeeming the Time, and Time to Defeat the Devil.
Amid a growing consensus that America's future is in peril, Charisma asked several faith leaders with prophetic gifts what they believe God's message is for the church and the nation as it experiences an escalating series of "shakings." These four individuals—Cindy Jacobs, Paul McGuire, R. Loren Sandford and Hubert Synn—agree that America is facing turbulent times ahead. Simultaneously, though, they believe there is still a great deal of hope, and if the church truly repents and returns to God, that America could experience the greatest awakening in its history.
What Is God Saying to America? By Cindy Jacobs
It doesn't take a prophet to know that our nation is at a significant crossroads.
With so many voices swirling around and the news full of its own forecasts and predictions, what is the Holy Spirit saying to His people above the fray and noise? Since 1999, a group of respected prophets called the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders has met annually to ask this very question of the Lord.
For several years, the news was not good. Words from before 2008 were that, depending upon what happened in the next elections, America was on the brink of losing a measure of greatness in the world as a leader. Almost a year before the 2008 economic shaking, we knew that there would be "no more business as usual."
Then, before the 2012 elections, we heard some good news—that God was going to give us a chance to regain what was lost.
In the years since then, the prophetic words have spoken both warnings about more coming shakings and promises of the spiritual renewal God wants to bring to our nation.
We received warnings of potential terrorist attacks, which were realized with the Boston Marathon bombing in 2013, as well as warnings about racial tensions escalating and cities burning from riots, which also proved accurate over the past year.
At the same time, the Holy Spirit revealed that we are on the verge of another Great Awakening and Jesus People movement. We are in a season of contrasts; in other words, the light will be very light and the dark very dark.
So what is God speaking right now about the future of the nation?
We know that more shakings are coming, and we have also heard that there are more terrorist "sleeper cells" spreading out across the nation. Economically, there are some turbulent times ahead, although they can be lessened through the prayers of the saints.
Women will determine the next election, and Asians will be the swing vote. The states will polarize on an even greater level, and some will threaten to break with the union if their state constitutions are violated.
Pastors will be increasingly pressured by out-of-control courts to preach only part of the Word; some will stand before the courts of the nation as a result. However, this will wake up the church to her finest days as she finds her voice in the governmental arena once again.
Threats from all types of radical extremist groups will be posed against Christian leaders, resulting in a shifting and sifting of hearts as some will compromise to avoid persecution.
Those who do not compromise, though, will find their churches aflame with the power of the Holy Spirit as the new "not ashamed" generation of millennials takes the field.
Colleges and universities will experience major moves of God. Even now, we are in the beginning stages of the next Great Awakening. Prayer is being mobilized on college campuses, and young revivalists are preaching across the land.
God does not reveal these things to cause us fear or discouragement; rather, He invites us to partner with Him as He fulfills His purpose for our nation. Let the warnings move you to pray, and let the promises move you to hope.
Will Fires of Revival Burn Again? By Paul McGuire
As a teacher and author on Bible prophecy, the No. 1 question I get asked is: "Where is America in Bible prophecy?"
The general consensus from a significant number of teachers in Bible prophecy is that America is in a state of irreversible decline and may no longer exist in the near future as a separate and independent sovereign nation.
One of the primary arguments for that is that America is not named specifically by name in the prophetic Scriptures. In addition, America is in the greatest crisis it has ever been in.
The majority of believers in our nation fall into three basic categories. First, the largest percentage are ignorant of the depth and danger of the crisis. They are, as it has been said, in "la-la land." The second group of Christians believe America is in a free fall due to the long list of sins committed by the church and nation. The third group of believers are those who truly recognize the great peril we are in, but believe if a "remnant" of believers will "stand in the gap," engage in true intercessory prayer and cry out to God, that the Lord is willing to send to whatever degree He chooses, revival, mercy and a temporal restoration to our nation. I use the word temporal because at some point on the prophetic timeline the coming global economic, political and religious system that will be headed up the Antichrist and the False Prophet will emerge.
On July 4, 2012, I was praying and interceding for America with my wife in our home in Southern California when I experienced what can only be described as a supernatural vision from God that began immediately after I began to repent for my sins and repent for the sins of the church as an intercessor.
I want to be very precise about what I am about to share in terms of the use of my terminology. First, even though I was saved during the Jesus movement of the 1970s and took part in the charismatic renewal movement, I have what I would call "inspired imaginations or pictures from the Holy Spirit," but rarely if ever what I would technically classify as a vision.
Therefore, I do not use the term glibly. Secondly, even though I have experienced being "set on fire by the Holy Spirit," the burning fire of the Spirit that came upon me immediately after repenting was of an entirely different dimension than anything I had ever experienced before.
Immediately after repenting, my body and hands began to burn with a heat so intense that I could not understand why my flesh was not burning.
The next thing I knew I was looking down upon the North American continent from a satellite point of view and I saw the fires of a genuine revival break out in California. Then, as these fires spread, a supernatural and other-worldly golden glow began to move slowly from the West Coast to the East Coast.
I could see millions of people's faces being illuminated by this heavenly light and I heard the Lord say, "My people are rising in prayer." This divine light represented some kind of biblical revival and Great Awakening. The Lord spoke to my heart and said that it was not His will for America to be destroyed, but His righteous conditions must be met. The Lord impressed upon me that if the "remnant" truly repented and cried out that He would send revival.
However, the promise of revival was contingent on this act of obedience to the call for genuine repentance by at least some percentage of His church. The Lord spoke to my heart one day and said to me, "The cities of America will either burn with the fires of revival or the fires of race wars and destruction."
Can America Be Saved? By R. Loren Sandford
Whether or not America can be saved rests squarely in the hands of the church.
God agreed to Abraham's plea to spare Sodom if just 10 righteous men could be found. Are we such a people? Righteousness implies a respect for the moral laws and principles articulated in God's Word.
As the influence of godless secular culture has invaded the church, however, we have seen a gradual erosion, not only of the morality of those who call themselves Christian, but of foundational historic theology. We need a massive move of repentance, beginning in the church, but repentance begins with a consciousness of sin, something increasingly missing, both in the surrounding culture and in the church.
Both the First and Second Great Awakenings in America began with repentance. Even as the masses fell into immorality, the nation shared an understanding of moral right and wrong and therefore knew what to return to when conviction came. Repentance made sense to them. Such a cultural agreement concerning moral right and wrong no longer exists.
A time is coming when increasing numbers of people will be crying out in pain as the lifestyles they've chosen inevitably fail. At such times people seek answers. Will the church then appear as a glowing beacon of light, a place of healing and restoration? Or as a dark wall of condemnation? Will we present a doorway to a better life? Or falsely affirm the sin that produced their misery to begin with—and all in the name of "grace"?
I know from experience that the closer one comes to the holiness, glory and goodness of God, the more clearly that which is unholy and unclean stands out. In that light, the Holy Spirit reveals sin for what it is. My job is to love; His is to convict, and I've seen it work time after time.
As the sinner draws nearer to the radiant goodness of God exhibited in and through His people, light exposes darkness.
When darkness is clearly revealed, conviction falls, lives change and people are healed. America can be saved as Christians lovingly radiate the glow of the goodness of the Father's heart.
Will the church as a whole step up to the plate in this crucial time?
Will we be that beacon of inviting light that draws the hurting to repentance and healing?
Will America be saved? The answer lies with us.
The Signs of Shaking Are Evident By Hubert Synn
The history of America is a phenomenon. In less than 300 years since its inception, this young nation has accomplished what no other nation has been able to accomplish in a similar time frame: ascend to an industrial, economic and political world power; achieve reserve currency status; and be regarded as a universal symbol of prosperity.
America was founded as "one nation under God." God was morally and spiritually intertwined with our society, with evidence of sincere faith woven into the Constitution, Pledge of Allegiance and the national anthem.
Scriptural mottos were displayed in government buildings and inscribed onto our currency. Sadly, our culture has steadily removed God as the anchor of this nation and the Bible as our standard for living. Christians are increasingly persecuted. The depth of moral and spiritual division and decline in this country grieves my spirit. Today, America is a country, but no longer one, indivisible nation under God.
As I wake up in the morning these days, I sense an uneasiness, the kind of uneasiness where you expect something bad to happen. The signs of shaking are evident in both national and global current events. When I spend time with the Lord, I am led to pray for our country like I have never done before. America is almost at the breaking point where it cannot halt the slide of what is going to come. As I have been praying for America, the Holy Spirit has shown me how the blessing of His hand over this nation enabled its rapid ascent to greatness, but the removal of His hand will result in a rapid decline into weakness. The Holy Spirit has told me the following:
The Lord wants us to know that as we continue along the path we are going, things are going to start to change rapidly. The successes we have enjoyed in so many things will start to turn the opposite way. The crops we rely on will not be as fruitful as they have been in the past. The change in the seasons will not be the same as it always has been as a gradual change. The changes will be abrupt. As my people continue to be persecuted and mocked there will be repercussions. His hand which has been on the land will be removed like it has never been before. The prosperity will be pulled back and the whole nation's outlook will change. For as He has been removed from our land He will remove His hand from holding America, and she will be on the same playing field as other nations. For the time she was a powerful leader, she will become a weaker nation and will have to rely on other nations for her needs.
I do, however, still have hope regarding the future of America. The way in which God supernaturally orchestrated my meeting with Rabbi Jonathan Cahn at an airport to bring forth the message of The Harbinger shows me He still cares for us. He wanted His warning to be heard loud and clear. Let's all pray for a spiritual awakening, accompanied by repentance and humility.
Pockets of true revival are breaking out across America. Want to know more about the next great move of God? Click here to see Jennifer LeClaire's new book, featuring Dutch Sheets, Reinhard Bonnke, Jonathan Cahn, Billy Graham and others.