Showing posts with label Cyrus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cyrus. Show all posts

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Lance Wallnau Is on Fire and on Target With His Insights on the Culture and This Election - STEVE STRANG CHARISMA MAGAZINE

Lance Wallnau
Lance Wallnau (Facebook )

Lance Wallnau Is on Fire and on Target With His Insights on the Culture and This Election

Strang Report, by Steve Strang, Founder of Charisma magazineLance Wallnau is on fire when it comes to garnering social media attention. I know this because a podcast he did with me last spring about Donald Trump was listened to more than any other in the history of the Charisma Podcast Network.
He wrote the cover story for the October issue of Charisma about how he believes God is raising up Donald Trump like He did Cyrus in Isaiah 45. I did a podcast about that two weeks ago, which has become the second most listened to podcast I've done. If you missed it, you can listen to it here.
Today, Lance spoke at a conference in Orlando. It was powerful. Afterward, we got a bite to eat and he told me a video about Trump calling out "liberal" pharisaical evangelicals for blasting him for ungodly behavior 11 years ago, yet overlooking his repentance and also the corruption and the diabolical agenda of the Hillary Clinton campaign. In only a few days, it's been viewed more than 3.5 million times! You will want to watch it. In it he says God can use the jawbone of a donkey, but He can't use a Jezebel.
I'm sickened by the self-righteous, weak-kneed "evangelicals" who want to be liked by the culture they are trying to win so much that they compromise and actually play into the hands of the enemy. Later, I may call out some of them by name after I can research what they said and maybe confront them behind the scenes. They need to be exposed and they need to lose their influence and platforms after being revealed for who they really are.
After my last podcast with Lance, he and I kept talking as friends and what he was saying was so good I asked him if I could turn on the recorder to give "the rest of the story." You'll want to listen to that podcast here called "God is Raising Up Trump with Lance Wallnau Part 2" on the Charisma Podcast Network. Then share this newsletter with friends and on social media. 
In other newsletters, I've written about the article Pastor Jim Garlow of Skyline Church in San Diego wrote two months ago that we headlined: "If You're on the Fence About Your Vote, This Pastor Clarifies How the Very Future of America Is at Stake." Since then, it's gone viral, and today it passed the 3.5 million mark in terms of shares on Facebook.
Someone told me the article is like an apologetic for voting for Donald Trump when you don't like him as a person. A friend told me today she wasn't going to vote for Trump until she read the article. She realized this is not about personalities; it's about issues, and the platforms of the two parties are as different as night and day, especially from a biblical point of view.
In this podcast, Lance talks about how America cannot stand 48 months more months of the downward spiral this nation has been in for the past few decades—especially in the past eight years.
When we met today, we talked about a quick e-book Lance wrote called God's Chaos Candidate I ordered it today, and it's fascinating reading not only about Trump but also about the trends in our culture and the agenda of the progressive left. When I checked, it was No. 118 of all books sells.
Please take advantage of these materials and help us get out the word. It's possible that this race will be so close that it will be determined by how Bible-believing Christians vote. 
Steve Strang is the founder of Charisma and CEO of Charisma Media. Follow him onTwitter and FacebookClick here to subscribe to the Strang Report podcast, and hereto sign up for the Strang Report newsletter.
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Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Donald Trump Key to Isaiah 45 Prophecy? (Part 2 of 3) - LANCE WALLNAU CHARISMA NEWS

A member of the U.S. Republican party's election campaign team in Israel wears a badge of Republican U.S. presidential nominee Donald Trump during a campaign aimed at potential American voters living in Israel
A member of the U.S. Republican party's election campaign team in Israel wears a badge of Republican U.S. presidential nominee Donald Trump during a campaign aimed at potential American voters living in Israel. (REUTERS/Baz Ratner)

Donald Trump Key to Isaiah 45 Prophecy?

Editor's note: This is part 2 of three. For part 1, click here. 
How will the Left accomplish their final "reset" for America?
The winner of this election will have the power to appoint 3 or 4 more Supreme Court Justices. To use a J.R.R. Tolkien analogy, this is the "one ring to rule them all." The winner has power to protect our constitutional freedoms or alter the meaning of the Constitution and punish, prosecute and persecute the opposition for the next 40 years. If Democrats win, the court will be this rubber stamp behind the radical "reset."
As Hugh Hewitt, a professor of Law and media commentator, says:
"Every issue, EVERY issue, will end up there, and the legislature's judgments will matter not a bit. So vote for Hillary Clinton (or sit it out) and then prepare for the deluge of court-ordered solutions to every social problem, bench-drawn congressional districts and extraordinary deference to every agency of the federal government combined with a sweeping away of federalism."
This Election Gives the Victor the Ultimate Spoils
Traditional Judeo Christian morality doesn't exist. It has been replaced by the moral relativism that judge's morality itself. This is the ultimate spoils of the culture wars—the power to define the meaning of words. Hence, the meaning of "marriage" and "gender" already changed, are just the beginning of a whole new vocabulary. Soon freedom of speech itself will fall under the scornful branding of "hate speech." Sound unrealistic? Watch what a progressive Supreme Court comes up with for laws!

Spiritual warfare is all about whose version of reality becomes manifest on the Earth. Christians are about to make a big mistake in this election cycle if they buy into the wrong narrative about Trump. Our choice is now Soros or Cyrus.  
Trump Up Close
My first meeting with Trump was Dec. 30, 2015, in the boardroom on the 26th floor of Trump Towers, which is in fact quite a grand facility. The building is an impressive architectural marvel whose entrance merges marble and brass into a fusion resembling the grandeur of a great Cathedral with the bling of a Las Vegas Casino.
Most of those attending did not know each other personally prior to the meeting. It was a rather eclectic sampling of evangelicals, a group within the larger self-described "Christian" community that makes up nearly 30 percent of the American population—some 30 million potential voters.
It is not easily noticed on TV, but Trump is a big guy, and I don't just mean in terms of personality. He is physically tall—at 6 foot, 3 inches and then add heels and hair and he grows another inch.
His personal style is more restrained than the person you see on a platform or in an interview. He was gracious, non-confrontational, and surprisingly open to "give and take."
I got the impression that Trump takes in information quickly but filters it equally fast to distinguish one idea from another. It's an executive skill I've noticed in CEOs in whatever field I meet them. They are avid fact finders with a built in filter that separates superficial ideas from ideas with substance. He seems to be the same way with people. As individuals spoke, he was reading them and weighing their relative power within the group.
Things Got Tense
A Messianic Rabbi sitting near me said, "Your comments don't always represent you in the best light. People want to know you have a presidential temperament. They want to know that you are a person they can trust with a finger on a nuclear button." Trump perched his lips in characteristic fashion, nodded thoughtfully, and said, "I hear you." When the conversation turned to some of the more heated exchanges of the campaign, Trump explained, "You know, people aren't aware of what is coming at me ... what I am responding to. Like the storm that broke out when I took a stand on immigration. It can get pretty vicious. You don't always know the back-story. I can say this, I never punch indiscriminately. I'm a counter puncher ... but I fully hear what you are saying. I know where you're coming from."
Several of us exchanged glances. There was no denial and no need to drill deeper on the subject. Equally, there was no flippant or disingenuous commitment to change. He would do as occasion required—till he clinched the nomination. After that? He will do as occasion requires to win.
Bishop Darrell Scott of Ohio spoke up, "I wouldn't change a thing. Be you and keep being consistent. That's what people like about you. You're not playing politics."
Trump looked around the boardroom table and laughed. "So you're saying, 'Don't change?' Well, that's interesting!" Darrell replied, "Right! People would see you change they would know it isn't you. You would start to look political and that would make you look like everyone else. Just BE YOU!"
The Gospel in Black and White: A Different Sample of Evangelicals
One significant difference between this meeting and Trump's earlier encounter with Iowa evangelicals was the presence of a number of African-American ministers in the room. Almost to a man they described to me the backlash they encountered for even being willing to meet with a Republican. It was interesting to watch the interaction. In fact, some of the men present ended up on the Republican platform in Cleveland.  
Pastor Darrell continued: "I came here with an open mind. To my way of thinking there are three branches of government: Legislative, Executive and Judicial. You are clearly gifted for the Executive Branch. That's what you do." Scott believes that Trump will deal with the problem of 50 percent unemployment for inner city youth in a manner much different than either Democrats or Republicans in the past. Scott believes Trump is interested in America, not party politics.
The Conversation Took an Interesting Turn
As our meeting continued I was surprised to find that Trump actually knew some of the preachers and teachers in the room, not because he had met them but because he had watched their TV programs. Media is one of his domains. He is very much dialed in on all sorts of TV programing—including Christian Programing.
Trump casually shared, "I was going around the dial last night and ran into 'Politically Incorrect.'" This is the popular left wing HBO talk show hosted by comedian Bill Maher. "It's amazing how antagonistic they are about people of faith. It was painful to watch ... wasn't always like this in America" Trump said. Turning to Jan Crouch of TBN, he asked, "This seems to have been going on for a while hasn't it?" We all agreed.
"It's open season on Christians in particular" someone added.
Then Trump Dropped the Line I Will Never Forget!
Trump scanned the room and said: "I think we had such a long period of Christian consensus in our culture and we kind of got...spoiled. Is that the right word?" Then he turned the tables on us and said something shocking: "Every other ideological group in the country has a voice. If you don't mind me saying so, you guys have gotten soft." Ouch! That's the line I won't forget. Then in a moment of reflection he corrected himself, "I mean, we, myself included, we've had it easy as Christians for a long time in America. That's been changing." From Trump's perspective, Christian leaders are a people living in fear of having opinions. Subsequent to this meeting he proposed lifting the Lyndon Johnson ban on churches discussing politics that hangs like an IRS sword over the heads of churches in America. The truth is, even with it lifted, pastors fear offending their flock.
What he said next may have been lost on others but it hit me in a particularly striking way. He added, "People who identify themselves as 'Christian' make up probably the single largest constituency in the country, but there is absolutely no unity, no punch ... not in political consensus or any other area I can see."
When the meeting broke up, I went home feeling certain there was some sort of anointing on this man but couldn't get my head wrapped around where he fit. Nor could I figure out the purpose for me being in that meeting.
That was when the next unexpected download hit me!
Trump the 45th President
I was updating some random social media activity when I ran across a simple PowerPoint showing Trump seated in the oval office with the words "Donald Trump, 45th President of the United States." The image made a peculiar impression on my mind. I was dazed. Literally no one was thinking this would be a possibility but I was sensing that this was more than some random Facebook meme; it was a prophetic picture. It struck me the same way the "wrecking ball" word did. The Spirit impressed upon my mind "read Isaiah 45."
To be honest, I didn't recall what the chapter was about. I opened a Bible and began to read "Thus sayeth the Lord to Cyrus whom I've anointed." Cyrus, I thought? Who is he in relation to all this? I recalled that he was a heathen king who was indispensable to the protection of the Jews but was frankly confused as to what God was saying.
With 15 candidates running, many who were clear conservative evangelicals, why would God be talking about Cyrus? I quickly looked up the number of the next president. I confirmed that Barack Obama is number 44. The next president will indeed be number 45. I kept reading Isaiah 45.
'Cyrus My Anointed'
Nearly 150 years before Cyrus' birth, God declared through the prophet Isaiah that a foreign man, a non Jew named "Cyrus" would be the anointed shepherd of his people and rebuild Jerusalem, beginning in the first phase with the house of the Lord.
Regarding Cyrus, Isaiah the prophet says:
"This says the Lord to His anointed, to Cyrus, whom I have seized by the right, to subdue nations before him. Yes, I will open the loins of kings, to open the two-leaved doors before him, and the gates shall not be shut. I will go before you and make hills level; I will tear apart the bronze doors and cut the iron bars in two" (Is. 45:1-13).
He wasn't a Jew and he wasn't from the line of David, but God elevated this foreigner and called him, "My anointed." When Isaiah described Cyrus as the Lord's "anointed" the word in Hebrew denotes a person specifically chosen and set apart for a specific task. It never occurred to me that God anoints secular leaders who are not part of the faith community. But then again how else would you describe Cyrus, Churchill, Lincoln or even Reagan?
Notice also that God promised to intervene and help Cyrus "break open" and even conquer (i.e., make many hills level and to bring things down to size). What a gift that would be to our 19 Trillion-dollar deficit!
The Cyrus Effect!
Cyrus did something powerful. He ended a period of spiritual captivity and deterioration. He opened a gate in heaven to all the prophecies and prayers that were stored up in heaven over Jerusalem. The commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem starts with the decree of Cyrus recorded in Ezra 1:1-4. The word starts with rebuilding the house of the Lord. It was this "Cyrus decree" that worked its way through King Darius and King Artaxerxes till Nehemiah engaged his task to build the wall surrounding Jerusalem. We've got prayers for America still stored up and waiting for release!  
These two phases "the house" and "the wall" should make believers stop and wonder. This is a direct promise touching the church and restoration of society. The controversy over "building the wall" in current-day politics is more symbolic than people think. What do walls represent in the Bible? Proverbs 25:28 says "He who has no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down and without walls." America has become a nation without walls, a nation without self government. We are out of control fiscally and physically on our borders. It reminds me of the prophetic statement of Lincoln who warned that no foreign power would destroy us: "No, if destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of free men we will live forever or die by suicide."
I believe this wrecking ball is sent to break the spell and stop the death spiral. The Cyrus anointing will build and restore. 
Dr. Lance Wallnau is a catalytic thought leader. An internationally recognized speaker and business consultant, he is one of the premiere speakers on the subject of cultural transformation and the seven mountains. He delivers his message of transformation with relevance, wit and intensity. 
The views expressed in this article reflect the views of Lance Wallnau personally. They do not reflect the views of Lance Wallnau Ministries. 
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Friday, January 29, 2016

Jane Hamon: "A Year Heaven Partners with Earth in a New Way - Part 2" THE ELIJAH LIST

Jane Hamon: "A Year Heaven Partners with Earth in a New Way - Part 2"

THE ELIJAH LIST  Jan 29, 2016

Steve ShultzFrom the desk of Steve Shultz:
Jane Hamon is not only one of the best teachers, but is an apostle and prophet to the nations...AND a good friend to us here at the Elijah List!
We just finished our annual conference earlier this month with Jane Hamon, Dr. Alveda King, Chuck Pierce, and Dutch Sheets...what was shared was off the charts!
Here is Part 2 of Jane Hamon's word for 2016: "A Year Heaven Partners with Earth in a New Way" in which she continues with a most encouraging word for the Body in this New Year as Jane shares:
I believe as the Apostles and Prophets (as well as apostolic and prophetic people) come together to decree and create a sound in the earth, they will put the Lord in remembrance regarding previous covenants in our nation where we were dedicated to God and to the expansion of the Gospel and the Kingdom of God, and He will respond from Heaven.
Now, read the rest of this word...and learn just how YOU can respond in seeing Heaven partnering with Earth this year!
Hey! Now one last thing. The "What is God Saying for 2016?" conference has JUST ended and NOW YOU CAN ORDER THE CDs, DVDs OR MP3 DOWNLOAD.
Friends, this truly, truly, truly was the best conference yet and I've NEVER EVER heard so many positive words coming forth from God's prophets. Our speakers were: Chuck Pierce, Jane Hamon, Dutch Sheets, and Dr. Alveda King (niece to Martin Luther King, Jr).
Here is the link to purchase the full message sets in DVD, CD, or MP3 audio formats:
Enjoy! And thanks for forwarding this to your friends! They cansubscribe just below...
Order the Download
Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
P.S. – Oh, and a Quick Note to our readers: To have daily, encouraging prophetic emails from The Elijah List sent to your inbox, just CLICK HERE or go to:
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Below is Part 2 of Jane Hamon's prophetic word for 2016: "A Year Heaven Partners with Earth in a New Way". To read Part 1 click here.
Leviathan in My Dream
The next scene in my dream (continuing with the Light Horsemen) I saw was that together these four horsemen, with their arms linked, had hit a golf ball on a course (remember, this was a dream). I didn't actually see them hit could four individuals hit a ball together? Why a golf course? The only thing I thought of was the Scripture where Paul says "I have finished my course." As funny as this seems, I do believe the context of the dream was about the Church finishing her course well in this next season.
The golf ball landed a few feet from a giant crocodile. The angelic team was in a stand-off waiting...waiting for something to happen....for the crocodile to move so that they could play the next shot. But the game was delayed because the crocodile refused to move. These four powerful horsemen were stalemated because of the intimidating and dangerous nature of the crocodile. Something needed to happen to change this.
I knew the angels were waiting on the people of God to engage in the battle and appeal to Heaven, which would release them to move forward and deal with resistance. 
I knew this crocodile represented the spirit of Leviathan, spoken of in Job 41, which is being stirred to resist awakening and revival, to stagnate and stalemate the Church. (Photo via Pixabay)
I feel we will see Leviathan resisting awakening on every hand. Churches will resist awakening, most media will ridicule it, the government will even try to stop it. But God will have those who know how to Appeal to Heaven to bring a momentum shift!
If the reader is unfamiliar with the current Appeal to Heaven movement I encourage you to read Dutch Sheet's book by this title and to research America's first flag. Our first flag was white with a picture of a pine tree in the middle with the words "Appeal to Heaven" at the top. 
These words were taken from writing by a British philosopher and clergyman, John Locke, who basically said that if you have not received justice in the courts of men, if you are facing impossible odds, when all hope of victory is lost, the only option is to appeal to Heaven.
Dutch Sheets tells the full story of how, through a dream and other revelations God showed him, He wanted to reveal himself as El Olam, the everlasting God who keeps covenant from generation to generation. 
God is reminding us of previous covenants made for our nation and how He wants us to pull them forward into today. Really, you can see the concept of the Vav, connecting past to present and present to future...Heaven and earth working together to restore covenant over a nation.
The Hebrew word Leviathan actually means "to mourn." The enemy's strategy has been to get the Church into a place of mourning over things that have gone against us and immobilize us with a sense of fatalism or hopelessness. He is called the King of the children of pride. He is arrogant, brings crooked communications, strife and division, prayerlessness, fear, apathy and passivity due to an intimidation factor.
But again, the word for reversal, haphak, is the one used when Scripture says, "I will turn your mourning into dancing...I will turn your sorrow to joy...I will turn the curse to a blessing for you because I love you, says the Lord." 
We must shake ourselves from grief and mourning and rejoice because God is taking everything meant for our evil and turning it for our good!
(Photo by Linda Harris-Iorio "Dance of the Bride" via
Job 41:1 asks, "Can you draw out Leviathan with a hook?" Remember the Vav? It is a hook. Perhaps man cannot defeat Leviathan, but clearly God can.
If we will just show up in this spiritual confrontation with Leviathan, being careful to recognize we do not battle against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers, if we will show up, God will delight in showing off His superior powers to bring about Leviathan's defeat!
One more interesting thing that ties Leviathan in this dream to the current Appeal to Heaven Movement is something shared with me by Dr. Don Lynch, from Freedom House in Jacksonville, FL. He told us that when the Native Americans faced an alligator, clearly a leviathan type, their arrows and spears could not penetrate its hide, so they would cut down a small pine tree (as in the pine tree on the Appeal to Heaven flag). 
They would sharpen the trunk into a sharp point and remove most of the branches, leaving only a few for a handle. Then when the alligator opened its mouth they would ram the spear clear down its throat, killing it instantly.
I believe we will see Leviathan open its mouth wide this next year...through the political spirit, through the media, even through some in the Church, but that will be the very opportunity to Appeal to Heaven to see a turn around victory. The spear is our Vav that will cause Heaven and earth to connect to see the plans of the enemy defeated!
In my dream, there was actually a big party waiting at the end of the course but the party was delayed because the final holes couldn't continue until something happened by the Church that mobilized the angels. I got the sense this crowd was the great cloud of witnesses yelling, "Come on! Finish it! Finish well!"
I didn't see this in the dream, but knew that the angels were waiting on the Church to rise up and press the battle to the full – willing to sacrifice and work to see things finished, willing to find solutions to difficult societal issues, and willing to bring an Appeal to Heaven and overcome against impossible odds. 
(Photo by Mike De Lorenzo "Jesus' Return on the White Horse" via
Appeal For Your House and Your Land!
A few verses I have meditated on in regards to how we partner with Heaven in making an appeal:
Job 5:8-11"But if I were you, I would appeal to God; I would lay my cause before Him. He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed, miracles that cannot be counted. He provides rain for the earth; He sends water on the countryside. The lowly He sets on high, and those who mourn are lifted to safety."
2 Kings 8:3-6It came to pass, at the end of seven years, that the woman returned from the land of the Philistines; and she went to make an appeal to the king for her house and for her land. Then the king talked with Gehazi, the servant of the man of God, saying, "Tell me, please, all the great things Elisha has done." Now it happened, as he was telling the king how he had restored the dead to life, that there was the woman whose son he had restored to life, appealing to the king for her house and for her land. 
And Gehazi said, "My lord, O king, this is the woman, and this is her son whom Elisha restored to life." And when the king asked the woman, she told him. So the king appointed a certain officer for her, saying, "Restore all that was hers, and all the proceeds of the field from the day that she left the land until now."
(The word Philistines means immigrant, but comes from a root word which means to roll in the dust of mourning, to wallow in yourself. There is the word mourning again. We must come out of mourning into joy, for the joy of the Lord will be our strength.)
Isaiah 43:25-26"I, even I, am He who blots out your transgressions for My own sake; And I will not remember your sins. Put Me in remembrance; Let us contend together; State your case, that you may be acquitted."
ElijahList Prophetic Resources

The Lord is inviting us into His courtroom to put Him in remembrance...of past covenants, of past prophetic words, of past dedications. He invites us to contend with Him and state our case. I believe there is an application of this for every individual, every family, every church and even every nation.
An awakening is upon us! People are being awakened in the world! The Church needs to awaken to go get them!
Presidential Elections
I don't have any real prophetic insight on who the next president will be. But I do want to share something for a point of prayer. In 1999, the Lord showed me George W. Bush would be our next president and that he would be a Cyrus whose had an assignment to overthrow Babylon. Regardless of how you might feel about him or the Iraq war, this was something I heard from the Lord even before 911. That's exactly what he did! He went in and overthrew Babylon. But since that time there has been the ancient Prince of Persia spirit loosed in the earth.
When you look at the geography of the ancient Persian Empire you see that it covers the same nations that are currently embroiled in upheaval in the Middle East and Northern Africa. I believe this Prince of Persia is the spirit behind Haman in the book of Esther, Sanballot and Tobias in Nehemiah, Ahaseurus and Artaxerxes in Ezra, and behind those who put Daniel in the lion's den. 
I believe this Prince of Persia is a spirit of resistance sent into the earth in times of reformation to lock things up...when God has declared a time of divine unlocking! (Read Ezra 4 to see its effect on the Jews rebuilding the temple.)
A Tipping Point
Around 2005, I was reading in Ezra 4 and I saw that after Cyrus was gone two other kings arose and shut down every bit of progress Judah had made in rebuilding the temple and reclaiming Jerusalem. This shut down of progress lasted 16 years. 
I felt the Lord say that the same would happen after George Bush left office, as a nation we would go into a season where the Prince of Persia would resist the work of the Church and reformation. I didn't necessarily feel it had to be 16 years. The Church could arise and pray and bring a shift through our appeal to Heaven! 
(Photo via Wikipedia)
Ahaseurus name means I will cause you to be poor and silent. Artaxerxes means the restrainer. Clearly we can see how these two forces have affected the Church over the past 7 years, not because of who is sitting in the office of president, but because of the response, or lack of response from the Church. Culture has pushed back against Biblical values. President Obama declared America is not a Christian nation. Expression of Biblical values are now called bigoted and even criminalized in some cases.
We have clearly lost ground in the battle for our nation. I believe we may be in the tipping point of prayer right now to determine what the second half of those 16 years will look like for our nation and for the Church. Will we show up so that God will show off?
But the good news is, after these two kings ruled in Ezra 4, there were a succession of Persian kings who restored full authority to all Cyrus had decreed. In Ezra 5 you see the turn around occurs because Zerrubabel (the governor/apostle) and Haggai and Zechariah (the prophets) began to decree. In Ezra 5:17, these leaders sent a letter to the new king, Darius. 
They asked him to search the royal treasuries to see if a previous decree had been made by Cyrus that superseded the decrees of obstruction by Ahaseurus and Artaxerxes. 
When the king discovered the previous covenant he restored it then added an even greater authority to it by adding his own decree.
I believe as the Apostles and Prophets (as well as apostolic and prophetic people) come together to decree and create a sound in the earth, they will put the Lord in remembrance regarding previous covenants in our nation where we were dedicated to God and to the expansion of the Gospel and the Kingdom of God, and He will respond from Heaven.
(Photo via Pixabay)
I have felt recently that our nation came into covenant with this Prince of Persia when the Iran agreement was signed. This is a covenant that aligns us against Israel, with Islam and this ancient principality and will open us for attack. I believe we need to appeal to Heaven and remind the Lord about the previous covenants so that those dedications and covenants can supersede this ungodly alignment, breaking us free from its curse.
In Ezra 6-7, the people of Judah were given more and more power, money and dominion in the land. Unlimited resources, unlimited authority and unlimited breakthrough were given. Heaven broke the way open for Jerusalem to be restored! The temple was finished (the Church was reformed) and built in double portion dimensions to what had been destroyed and the city was rebuilt. It was one of the most victorious times Judah experienced.
It says in Ezra 6:14-15"And the elders of the Jews built and prospered through the prophesying of Haggai the prophet and Zechariah the son of Iddo. They finished their building by decree of the God of Israel and by decree of Cyrus and Darius and Artaxerxes king of Persia; and this house was finished on the third day of the month of Adar, in the sixth year of the reign of Darius the king."
They build and prospered because of the insight, strategy and power of the spoken prophetic word of the prophets and the righteous decrees of the kings. As they made a prophetic sound in the earth, Heaven answered and brought a finishing anointing for a new time of prosperity for the people of God. Those are the times ahead for the Church!
In closing, I believe one other area God wants to hook (Vav) together is the generations. A quote which really impacted me this year is by Winston Churchill and I will close with this:
Winston Churchill: "One of the signs of a great society is the diligence with which it passes culture from one generation to the next. This culture is the embodiment of everything the people of that society hold dear: its religious faith, its heroes...when one generation no longer esteems its own heritage and fails to pass the torch to its children, it is saying in essence that the very foundational principles and experiences that make the society what it is are no longer valid.
"This leaves that generation without any sense of definition or direction, making them the fulfillment of Karl Marx's dictum, 'A people without a heritage are easily persuaded.' What is required when this happens and the society has lost its way, is for leaders to arise, who have not forgotten the discarded legacy and who love it with all their hearts. 
They can then become the voice of that lost generation, wooing an errant generation back to the faith of their fathers, back to the ancient foundations and bedrock values..." (Never Give In, The Extraordinary Character of Winston Churchill, Page 190)
(To read part 1 of Jane Hamon's prophetic word for 2016: "A Year Heaven Partners with Earth in a New Way" click here.)
Jane Hamon
Vision Church @ Christian International

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Tom and Jane Hamon are the senior pastors of Vision Church @ Christian International in Santa Rosa Beach, Florida. Their ministry together is an example to the Body of Christ of a husband and wife team working in tandem and unity to accomplish God's purposes. Their ministry is characterized by a rich deposit of God's wisdom to provide apostolic covering for the Church, prophetic teaching and ministry, and demonstration of Kingdom anointing and power. 
They travel as an apostolic/prophetic team to the nations, imparting both the spirit of wisdom and revelation to establish the Church and break open territories through spiritual warfare for the Kingdom of God to be experienced in a powerful and practical way. Jane has also written several books, including her very practical work on Dreams and Visions, her call to marketplace ministers called The Cyrus Decree, and her proclamation over women in the Church to arise and be The Deborah Company.
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ne Hamon's Itinerary:

Thursday, September 3, 2015

A Fresh Move of God is Upon Us by Lance Wallnau

A Fresh Move of God is Upon Us 

by Lance Wallnau

Identity Network
"I will give you treasures hidden in the darkness-secret riches. I will do this so you may know that I am the LORD, the God of Israel, the one who calls you by name" (Isaiah 45:3).

This promise is given to someone God described as My anointed. It is spoken about a King who was prophesied to arise in history, a king that would help God's people to build God's house. Who is the anointed king who build's God's house? Is it David or Solomon or Jehoshaphat?

Shocking to Discover 

God is addressing Cyrus, the Persian King, A heathen King. Cyrus is a secular temporal protector of God's plan for God's people. Christians need to realize that God is so BIG He is ruler of the nations, and even when His people fall short, He safeguards the gates of secular powers in order to administrate His agenda for His house.

On the very night Cyrus came to power the son of Nebuchadnezzar, the great Monarch of Babylon, was having a party with his friends and getting drunk using the sacred temple cups of Solomon's Temple seized in the conquest of Jerusalem.

Suddenly in the midst of the revelry a hand appeared. A divine finger began writing upon the wall. The party froze and Daniel was summoned to stand before the terror-stricken elites. He was asked to interpret the handwriting on the wall. He told the king that he had been weighed in the balance of God and "found wanting." His kingdom was to be delivered to another.

As he spoke, conspirators in Babylon were at work from the inside of the great city to let Cyrus in. The army of Cyrus had diverted a portion of a riverbed that flowed under the great city, and their co-conspirators in Babylon opened the gates from the inside out to let the army enter.

As the Prophet and intercessor Daniel delivered the word that authorized the transfer of governments the Lord God of Israel gave Cyrus the keys of government.

Transfer of Power

With this transfer of power came access to things others wanted but could not find - Treasures of darkness! This term typically referred to the wealth of vanquished pagan nations, which was customarily concealed in subterranean vaults. These were vaults with no windows hence "hidden in darkness". Thus, they are called the treasure of darkness, i.e., treasures which came from the activity of darkness spiritually and were hidden literally. They are also treasures hidden from the eyes of those serving darkness because they are stored up in the spirit for God's rulers. They are the End Time hidden riches of secret places.

For now, know that God is the ruler of nations and while some focus on these "blood red" moons as signs of Last Days doom and the rise of ominous world powers, God says "I am doing a work in your day you would not believe if someone were to declare it to you"(Acts 13:41).

The religious community of old missed the signs of the times, but the Apostles declared GOD WAS AT WORK TO BRING DELIVERANCE to whomever would dare to join Him in His invasion of planet earth. A fresh move of God is upon us.


Lance Wallnau

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