Showing posts with label David Brody. Show all posts
Showing posts with label David Brody. Show all posts

Thursday, May 25, 2017

A President, a Pope, and Peace: Steering World Religions to Common Ground? - CBN News David Brody,Chris Mitchell

President Trump and Pope Francis in Rome, Italy
A President, a Pope, and Peace: Steering World Religions to Common Ground? 
David Brody,Chris Mitchell
CBN News May 23, 2017
Pope Francis shared The Joy of the Gospel with President Trump today as the two spent time together in Rome. It came a day after Trump made history as the first U.S. president to visit Israel on his first overseas trip as president.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

BRODY FILE EXCLUSIVE: Ambassador Nikki Haley Says U.S. Embassy Should Be Moved to Jerusalem - 05-16-2017 CBN News David Brody

BRODY FILE EXCLUSIVE: Ambassador Nikki Haley Says U.S. Embassy Should Be Moved to Jerusalem

CBN News David Brody
In an exclusive interview with The Brody File, U.S. Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley says it’s her belief that the United States Embassy should be moved to Jerusalem. “Obviously I believe that the capital should be Jerusalem and the embassy should be moved to Jerusalem because if you look at all their government is in Jerusalem. So much of what goes on is in Jerusalem and I think we have to see that for what it is.” President Trump hasn’t decided whether he’s going to move the embassy to Jerusalem. He will be in Israel next week. The Brody File will be traveling with President Trump on his overseas trip starting this Friday. It’s his, “World Religion Tour.” How could we not?
Ambassador Haley sat down with me in New York Tuesday afternoon. We had a wide-ranging discussion about Israel, North Korea, Russia, Christian Persecution and much more. A few more video clips are on the way. One thing about Nikki Haley is she’s a straight shooter. Very refreshing.

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Friday, November 18, 2016

Donald Trump: I Will Be the Greatest Representative for Christians They've Had in a Long Time - DAVID BRODY/THE BRODY FILE/CBN NEWS

Donald Trump attends a campaign event in Wilmington, Ohio. (REUTERS/Carlo Allegri)

Donald Trump: I Will Be the Greatest Representative for Christians They've Had in a Long Time
Before he was president-elect, Donald Trump sat down with CBN's David Brody to talk about issues Christians face both in the United States and abroad. As Trump prepares to take office, we're looking back at his religious liberty statements that eventually got him elected. 
In an exclusive interview with The Brody File, Donald Trump says that if he runs for president of the United States, he will be the "greatest representative of the Christians they've had in a long time."
He says he's outraged over the fact that many Christians are stuck in Syria and Iraq even though they want to come to the United States.
Trump sat down with The Brody File in Iowa this past weekend. Watch the clip below along with a transcription.
David Brody: Conservative Christians are concerned about the deterioration of this culture. They are concerned about the marriage issue. What is your message to them on religious liberty and on religious freedom? What are your thoughts about that? What is your message to them specifically?
Donald Trump: Well, it's a very big message. As you know, I am Protestant. I am Presbyterian. Most people don't know that. They have no idea. I'm proud of it. I'm very proud of it.
One of the things I learned this weekend being in Iowa, I met with a lot of national security experts and everything else, that if you're a Christian living in Syria you can't come into this country. Yet, if you are a Muslim living in Syria, who are not under attack, they can come in.
But we have Christians being beheaded all over the world by ISIS. In Syria and in Iraq, in particular, those Christians can't come into this country.
You say what you want but this is really something. That's a lack of respect for us. If you're a Muslim, you can come into the country very easy. If you're from Europe and you're a Muslim, you can come in. But if you are from Europe and you're a Christian you can't come in, meaning it's almost impossible.
So you tell me about religious liberty and freedom. The Christians are being treated horribly because we have nobody to represent the Christians. Believe me, if I run and I win, I will be the greatest representative of the Christians they've had in a long time.
If you're wondering what Trump is referring to above, read these articles here and here to get up to speed on his thinking.
Brody File Analysis
Hey look, you may not think of Donald Trump and evangelicals as being the perfect fit, but that would be a lazy misread of the situation. I'm not saying Trump is a hit with all evangelicals. I know his egotism can rub some the wrong way. But let me clue you in to a little secret: Trump's ability to cut through the clutter and paint the world in "absolutes" attracts quite a few evangelical voters.
Remember, evangelicals hold true to their "biblical absolutes" so to see a person like Trump let it rip and tell it like it is becomes a somewhat endearing quality to some evangelicals. Trump takes hits for his boldness and evangelicals take hits from society for their biblical boldness too.
See the parallel? Those who think Trump would just be a presidential sideshow may want to think again if he jumps in. Let's be honest: He has a huge megaphone and so he's going to make news wherever he goes. Trump's challenge (if he gets in) will be to lay out a cohesive message that becomes less about him and his personality and more about the voters he's looking to attract.
I think a "Donald Trump Listening Tour Across America" would be in order. This way Trump makes voters the priority. It would throw the media off their tired narrative and give Trump the upper hand. Having the upper hand is always good in business negotiations and, to coin a phrase, it can also be the "art of the deal" in politics too.
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Thursday, October 27, 2016

Melania and Donald Trump's Biggest Prayer Request - CBN News David Brody

Melania and Donald Trump's Biggest Prayer Request
CBN News  David Brody
WASHINGTON -- The Trump family has a new place to stay on Pennsylvania Avenue.
No, not that one… but the new Trump International Hotel. The Republican presidential candidate took credit for opening the doors under budget and ahead of schedule.
He's hoping that accomplishment can translate to success on the campaign trail but most national pollsters see trouble ahead for him.
Meanwhile, Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton is making a play for traditional Republican states, a strategy Trump tells CBN News she may want to rethink.
"You know Hillary wants to run up the score on you? Democrats might be a little cocky," CBN News Chief Political Correspondent David Brody said.
"I don't think they're cocky anymore. Now it looks like we're leading Florida, could be leading Florida big," Trump responded. 
"They are out playing in Arizona and Utah," Brody said. 
"I think we're doing very well in Arizona. I mean, we'll speak in two weeks and see what happens," Trump said.
Some recent polls show Trump possibly closing the gap. Campaign manager Kellyanne Conway told CBN's Jenna Browder she's confident.
"I believe that we will win. I believe that the country is calling, urging for true change not just talking about it in polls," Conway explained. "Seventy-five percent of Americans now say that they want to take the country in a new and different direction. That's an unmistakable endorsement and frankly an unmistakeable mandate."
If Trump hopes to pull this off, he needs one key ingredient and a lot of it.  A source inside the Republican National Committee says it would take at least 80 percent of the evangelical vote to put him in the White House.
"Is it about the base at this point to make sure evangelicals who are a big part of the base that they get out? Because do you believe evangelicals are the ones that kind of brought you to the dance and they are the ones that are going to get you over the top?" Brody asked.
"Well, we're doing very well with evangelicals and if they vote, we're going to win the election…had they voted four years ago, and they didn't, you would have had a different result in the election instead of having Obama who has been catastrophic for evangelicals and a lot of the things that we stand for," Trump urged.
"What is your message to those that are on the fence and aren't sure?" Brody asked. 
"I just want the people to remember: United States Supreme Court. Whether they love me or like me or don't like me, we're going to put great justices, pro-life justices, we're going to put Second Amendment justices and I think for the evangelicals it's so important that they get out and vote," Trump reiterated.
Trump's wife Melania clearly understands the connection between this voting bloc and her husband's chance at success. 

"We want to thank them for their support of my husband. We believe in them. We're standing with them and we will be strong for them," she reassured.
Melania Trump has also shown strength in dealing with a media she says has it in for her husband.
"We saw very dishonest and not fair reporting without checking facts and it's really damaging and hurtful and it's unfair," she reflected.
Trump also adds fuel to the fire when he goes off script.
"Who is the real Donald Trump? We've seen different versions appear on the campaign trail at times," Brody asked. 
"Well, whatever you see that's what he is. He's a fighter, he's the best deal maker… He has days that he really feels that he needs to fight, fight for himself and that's how he will fight for the American people," Melania explained.

As the calendar turns toward November, this fight is coming to an end and Clinton wants to finish strong.
"You know, with 13 days left in this election we cannot stop for a minute. No complacency here," Clinton encouraged supporters.
You can bet Trump won't be complacent in these last days. His team is looking above as the homestretch approaches.
"What do you need prayer for?" Brody asked. 
"Well, we always say health, that's the most important because if you have health, you keep going and keep fighting," Melania replied.
Mike Huckabee with Donald Trump
"I would say I would like them to pray for guidance and to pray for our country because we need prayer now almost more than we've ever needed it before," Trump responded.
It's safe to say a big prayer will go up when this race finally comes to an end.
*CBN neither supports nor opposes any candidate for public office.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Exclusive: Michele Bachmann: Israel's Enemies 'Will Be Lifted Up' if Clinton Wins - CBN News David Brody

Exclusive: Michele Bachmann: Israel's Enemies 'Will Be Lifted Up' if Clinton Wins
CBN News David Brody

Former Rep. Michele Bachmann tells The Brody File that if Hillary Clinton becomes president, "the enemies of Israel will be lifted up" and the "enemies of biblical Christianity and biblical Judaism will be at risk."
Bachmann says the reason is because of whom Hillary Clinton surrounds herself with, namely her close advisor Huma Abedin.
Bachmann has been sounding the alarm about her for the last five years, shouting from the rooftops that Abedin's family members have ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, the radical terrorist group who is most definitely anti-Israel.
"Huma Abedin's father was a senior member of the Muslim Brotherhood. Her mother was a senior member of the Muslim Sisterhood," Bachmann tells us from her home in Minnesota. "Our federal says you do not get a security clearance as a federal employee if you have family connections or relationship connections that could in some way imperil the security of the United States for obvious reasons."
She was ridiculed for her views in 2012 but a recent investigative report continues to shed more light on those ties. The New York Post reported the following:
"Hillary Clinton's top campaign aide, and the woman who might be the future White House chief of staff to the first female U.S. president, for a decade edited a radical Muslim publication that opposed women's rights and blamed the US for 9/11."
Indeed, for years, Abedin was listed as assistant editor of the Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs, a publication that has supposed ties to the Muslim Brotherhood organization. Her mother still remains editor-in-chief.
Bachmann says it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure a few things out.

"That was the family business. Her father began the magazine, her mother was also involved with the magazine, Huma Abedin was listed as an assistant editor deciding what they would print, what the stories would be on this magazine," she said. "For 12 years she was listed on the masthead. Her brother was on this magazine and her sister was, so this was the family business, advancing Islamic Sharia law in countries where Islam was not the dominant religion."
Bachmann is also sounding a word of biblical caution.
"The Bible tells us who we surround us with makes a big difference in who we are," she said.
She says Republican candidate Donald Trump needs to bring up Huma Abedin's questionable family connections against Clinton in these last few months before the General Election.
Bachmann is offering informal advice to Trump on matter of foreign policy.
Watch interview here: Michelle Bachmann

Monday, August 22, 2016

CBN News Exclusive: New Cash Infusion Will Lead to Massive Evangelical Vote Effort - David Brody

CBN News Exclusive: New Cash Infusion Will Lead to Massive Evangelical Vote Effort

The Brody File has learned that organizers with the influential American Renewal Project will meet this week in Dallas to plan a massive, "Get Out the Vote" effort aimed at mobilizing pastors and their evangelical congregations.
In just the last week, the conservative Christian group, headed up by influential evangelical leader David Lane, has raised nearly $10 million. GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump recently spoke at their most recent Pastors and Pews event in Orlando, Florida, and will be invited to speak at these upcoming events along Mike Pence, his vice-presidential running mate.
Trump's ability to connect with evangelicals at occasions like this throughout the fall will go a long way in determining whether or not he becomes president of the United States.
Right now, the six states the American Renewal Project will target are Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, North Carolina, and Iowa. They plan to hold at least six Pastors and Pews events in the next 40 days leading up to the election with the first event to start sometime in mid-late September.
These conferences will be attended by hundreds of pastors and their wives. When all is said and done, organizers are hoping thousands of pastors will get their congregations fired up and engaged about voting this fall. Additionally, the group plans to follow up with a substantial ground game, equipping pastors with all the necessary material to make sure their parishioners flock to the polls in November. That includes making voter registration cards readily available as well as information about the closest polling station.
Getting evangelicals registered to vote is critical. Estimates put the number of "self-identified evangelicals" at roughly 90 million in America but only half of them are actually registered to vote. Of those that are registered to vote, only half of them show up on Election Day.
A dozen or so evangelical organizers tasked with implementing the strategy will attend the meeting this week in Dallas. With early voting scheduled to begin in states like Ohio in the next few weeks, time is of the essence.
Besides David Lane, the attendees will include Wayne Hamilton, who works closely with Texas Gov. Greg Abbot and Dave Carney, who's been one of the top political operatives in the country. He was the former political director at the White House for George H.W. Bush and has also been a longtime top aide to former Texas Gov. Rick Perry. He's very well-known in GOP national political circles.
"This infusion of resources will allow the American Renewal Project to expand into six top target states with an aggressive ground game to engage voters through their pastors to register and turn out this fall," Carney tells The Brody File. "With all the confusion and lack of success that the so-called Super PACS have enjoyed this cycle, this is the alternative approach to reach voters who would not otherwise become engaged."
There's no doubt that the latest $10 million cash infusion has been a game changer but the group may be close to raising even more cash for this effort.
"When additional resources become available, additional states will be added," Carney says.
The central theme behind this effort is a need for spiritual revival in America. Lane recognizes that a president, whether they are Republican or Democrat isn’t going to save America. This is spiritual warfare playing out in an arena where somebody's values are going to rule the day. Lane says it's time for pastors to step up and lead from the pulpit.
"Christians founded America, not secularists, agnostics, atheists or multicultural proponents like the current president," Lane tells The Brody File. "Evangelical and pro-life Catholic Christians have to engage in 2016 if America is to be saved."
The other main component of these events coming up this fall will be what organizers call, "Issachar Training" events. It's a hands-on workshop for pastors interested in running for political office.
Already, through this mechanism, more than 200 pastors gave committed to run in this election cycle and a few hundred more have committed to take the plunge in the next election cycle.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Evangelicals Sing a New Tune on Trump: 'Meeting May Be a Tipping Point' - CBN News David Brody

Evangelicals Sing a New Tune on Trump: 'Meeting May Be a Tipping Point'
CBN News David Brody

NEW YORK -- Donald Trump seemed to help his case after meeting with hundreds of evangelical leaders in Times Square on Tuesday.  He's going to need that crucial voting bloc to have a real shot at winning the presidency.
From mega-church pastors to longtime stalwarts, they heard Trump speak out about defending religious liberty, including his desire to get rid of IRS restrictions that muzzles political talk from the pulpit. Trump said a repeal may be "my biggest contribution to Christianity."

In that room, among the 900 or so evangelical leaders, there were quite a few who were not for Trump going into the meeting. After the meeting some minds seemed to change.

"The ball has moved forward a little bit. And I appreciate Mr. Trump's willingness to reach out to the evangelical community," said Matt Barber, founder and editor-in chief of

"After hearing him today, I will prayerfully consider it as a possibility, in light of the alternative," reflected Barber.

That alternative is Hillary Clinton. Trump made clear his Supreme Court picks would make them proud, unlike what Clinton might bring to the table.
Trump also talked about how evangelicals need to band together because their rights and values are under attack.
What pleased some attendees was that Trump didn't appear to make any major mistakes or give reason for pause.

"I can't remember any time during the several hours this morning that his answer disappointed or that there was chagrin about it," recalled Gary Bauer, president of American Values.

Trump's senior adviser, Sarah Huckabee, also attended the event.

"He did something that most Republican nominees in the past have refused to do and that's walk into this room and be willing to sit down, take their questions and really interact with them in a very big way," Huckabee told CBN News.

With some evangelicals still wary, the brash outsider will need more outreach, but for now at least, it seems to be working.

"As it pertains to the evangelical vote and the candidacy of Donald J. Trump, today's meeting may very well be a tipping point," predicted Rev. Samuel Rodriguez, president of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference.

A pro-family leader, Rodriguez says he knew plenty of pastors who were skeptical before the meeting, but inside, something changed, he said.

"After hearing his commitment, his very well-defined, articulated commitment to religious liberty and life, the Supreme Court especially, I think you saw a number of the same pastors walk out going, 'that's what I needed to hear," Rodriguez said.

And that's something the Trump campaign needed to hear after a rough few weeks of headlines.
It will be important for them to build on any progress here by getting evangelicals to move beyond words and work actively for Trump among their flocks. 
*CBN neither supports nor opposes any candidate for public office.
Watch here: Evangelicals on Trump

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Faith Group Goes Up With New TV Ad In North Carolina On Transgender Bathrooms - CBN News David Brody

Faith Group Goes Up With New TV Ad In North Carolina On Transgender Bathrooms
CBN News David Brody

The Faith and Freedom Coalition is up with a new cable TV ad in North Carolina in defense of traditional bathrooms. North Carolina is ground zero in the Transgender bathroom war battle. The spot criticizes Attorney General Roy Cooper for not defending HB 2, which is the North Carolina measure in the middle of the controversy. 
Ralph Reed's group is very active in North Carolina. The TV ad can be seen in the Raleigh, Greensboro and Charlotte markets. In addition, the organization is sending out mail and robocalls to more than one million households in North Carolina. Game on. The world is upside down. 
Watch here: Faith Group ad

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Exclusive: Marco Rubio's Detailed Faith Confession to a Pastor's Group - DAVID BRODY/CBN NEWS CHARISMA NEWS

Marco Rubio

Florida Senator Marco Rubio, a Republican running for the 2016 GOP Presidential nomination, shared intimate details of his faith with a group of pastors in Iowa recently, CBN's David Brody reports. (Reuters file photo)

Exclusive: Marco Rubio's Detailed Faith Confession to a Pastor's Group

In video obtained exclusively by The Brody File, Marco Rubio provided a stirring and moving explanation of the gospel along with illuminating the significance of Jesus Christ in his life in front of dozens of Iowa pastors during a closed-door meeting in Iowa last week.  It is a MUST WATCH video. 

Rubio is Roman Catholic but he and his family also attend (from time to time) Christ Fellowship, a non-denominational evangelical church in the Miami area. "I didn't learn about the Catholic Church until I went to a non-Catholic church (Christ Fellowship) and became infused in the Bible and became infused in the written word of God and then, and only then did the liturgy of the church start even making sense," Rubio told the pastors. "I am fully, theologically and doctrinally aligned with the Roman Catholic Church and we attend it. But we retain our relationship with Christ fellowship and I'll tell you why: because they preach from the same Bible."
As for presenting the gospel, he didn't hold back and thoroughly enjoyed talking about Jesus. "Imagine the fear of knowing you're about to be scourged, nailed to a cross, hung naked, humiliated, spit upon, rejected by your friends," Rubio told the pastors. "There is nothing that we will ever face that He did not face times infinite amount. To me, that is the personal relationship. It's a personal relationship with a God that knows anything we faced because He faced it more than we are able going to be able to face it." 
He continues: "It (your faith) has to be infused by the Holy Spirit because the gift of the Holy Spirit is transformative... it's not just about having a relationship with Jesus, it's about allowing the Spirit to infuse you, to completely control you and guide you."
Rubio uses Peter's life as an example of being infused with the Holy Spirit. "Peter was s deeply flawed man, impulsive, angry, given to judgment. God turned his weakness into his strength. Peter saw Jesus walk around and he dove at Him. Lunged at Him because that's how impulsive he was. They came to arrest Jesus in the garden, first thing he  (Peter) did, pulls out the knife and cuts Malchus' ear off. Impulsive. 
But once he was infused in the Spirit, that impulsiveness was used as a tool for God's plan. All the gifts that God had given him that at one time were a liability God turned into strength. And so that's where the Spirit comes to play in our life. We are all gifted with different things, and they could very well be a weakness today, but God can turn that into strength."
The Brody File had exclusive access inside this meeting with pastors in Iowa. He held two private closed sessions, one in Cedar Rapids and one in Des Moines. Between the two meetings, he probably spoke to about one hundred pastors or so. The meeting was arranged by the influential American Renewal Project. Their purpose is to return America to its Judeo-Christian principles and is currently in the process of recruiting hundreds of pastors to run for political office around the country. Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabee and Bobby Jindal are some of the presidential candidates that have spoken at their events.
You can watch the video below along with a partial transcription.
Rubio's explanation of the gospel is a thing of beauty and after he was finished, he left pastors in the room thoroughly impressed with not just his head knowledge about the Bible but his heart as well.  He changed some minds after those sessions with pastors. He showed an authentic faith walk and these pastors liked what they saw. Watching this below will not disappoint. This man knows his Bible and theology for sure.
I'll have a complete report on our inside access with Rubio and the pastors this Wednesday on The 700 Club. My story will air nationwide and will also include clips from my one-on-one interview as well. Rubio is really starting to make a concerted outreach to evangelicals and evangelicals are definitely intrigued the more they hear him speak.
There are two versions below. The longer version is first and includes his faith upbringing. The second version is Rubio's gospel presentation only. 
Watch here: Marco Rubio speaking to Iowa Pastors

Mandatory courtesy: CBN News/The Brody File
Longer version complete with Rubio's faith background and the issue of doubting God (You'll need to watch the entire clip to get the full transcription and impact)
Partial Transcription:
Question from evangelical pastor: "You're in a room full of Christians and you mentioned God and you mentioned the King of Kings but tell us about your experience with the Lord Jesus Christ using that name...and also tell us what you'll do to ensure our right to use that name in public."
Marco Rubio: "I've always been interested in theology, even as a child. One of the reasons we left the Mormon Church and went back to Catholicism was at my instigation. I became interested in the theology of the Catholic Church, learned about it as well as a 13 year old can before the Internet, and decided I wanted to go back to it for a lot of different reasons. And yet I still didn't fully understand my faith and I've said this publicly, I think too many Catholics don't fully understand their faith. The result is I didn't learn about the Catholic Church until I went to a non-Catholic church and became infused in the Bible and became infused in the written word of God and then, and only then did the liturgy of the church start even making sense. 
I started to begin to understand the richness of the church and so today I am fully, theologically and doctrinally aligned with the Roman Catholic Church and we attend it. But we retain our relationship with Christ fellowship and I'll tell you why: because they preach from the same Bible."
Marco Rubio: "As far my relationship with Jesus Christ the best way I've been able to describe it to people that are not believers is God became a man, came down to earth and died for our sins. He provided the ultimate sacrifice because up to that point we lived under the law and the law meant that we had to sacrifice an unblemished lamb to cover our sins, not erase them. God was the ultimate sacrifice. It was His own son. In essence, He was willing to do what He didn't ask Abraham to do, almost asked Abraham to do but at the last second spared Abraham that pain. 
God was willing to sacrifice His own son and just imagine how painful that was and He became a man and the reason that He had to become a man was not just the element of becoming a man and dying for our sins as the ultimate Pascal lamb that as a result didn't cover our sins but completely erased them, but also because He's a God that understands us. He has felt everything we've ever felt. He has wept. He wept in pain because a friend that He loved died. He felt compassion for people. He probably had the flu or the cold. He felt pain in his flesh not just on his crucifixion but multiple times throughout His life. He was a human being in every way and yet He was free of sin. 
So, there is nothing that we're going to be asked to do in life that He didn't do himself. One thing is to be a distant God that sits on a throne removed from the everyday suffering of man; another is to be a God-Man who actually lived as we lived, who felt all the pain and all the hurt and all the emotions and everything we've ever felt. Jesus had fear, not fear in an unbiblical way but He knew what was about to happen to him and He prayed that if it was possible could this cup pass? How many times have we made that prayer? And obviously it wasn't facing crucifixion. 
It could be like, 'God, if I could get out of this ticket. I just got pulled over. If you can get me out of this ticket this one time, I won't speed again.' Well, imagine the fear of knowing you're about to be scourged, nailed to a cross, hung naked, humiliated, spit upon, rejected by your friends. There is nothing that we will ever face that He did not face times infinite amount. To me, that is the personal relationship. It's a personal relationship with a God that knows anything we faced because He faced it more than we are able going to be able to face it. 
There is no fear, no emotion, no worry, no anxiety, no obstacle, no adversity that He didn't face before we did, and in fact, much more so. And so that's how you have a personal faith and then it has to be infused by the Holy Spirit because the gift of the Holy Spirit is transformative. Peter was s deeply flawed man, impulsive, angry, given to judgment. God turned his weakness into his strength. Peter saw Jesus walk around and he dove at Him. Lunged at Him because that's how impulsive he was. 
They came to arrest Jesus in the garden, first thing he  (Peter) did, pulls out the knife and cuts Malchus' ear off. Impulsive. But once he was infused in the Spirit, that impulsiveness was used as a tool for God's plan. All the gifts that God had given him that at one time were a liability God turned into strength. And so that's where the Spirit comes to play in our life. We are all gifted with different things, and they could very well be a weakness today, but God can turn that into strength. And so it's not just about having a relationship with Jesus, it's about allowing the Spirit to infuse you, to completely control you and guide you and the end result of all this is what in Catholicism, we have this thing in our liturgy 'peace be with you.'
 A lot of people think 'peace' means like, 'peace' (Rubio throws up the peace sign), like the hippie peace, or peace like no one's shooting at each other, or peace like everything's happy.  That's not peace. True peace is it doesn't matter what's happening. The winds could be swirling and Jesus is asleep on the boat, not worried about a thing, that's peace. The peace is in knowing that two things are going to happen anytime you face adversity: One is God is going to shield you from the adversity; he's going to protect you from it. And the other is God's going to make you go through the adversity, but He's going to give you what you need to get through it. 
And if you honestly believe that, and that's hard to believe. You can't force yourself to believe it. You have to pray for that. That is a gift. That is a fruit of the Spirit. If you honestly believe, if you truly become to have that, then you have this supernatural peace that can only come from the Spirit. I know I've gone too long, now I sound like the preacher so let me close with this, I apologize, but I rarely get to talk about this at campaign events. 
The thing about that peace that's so important is, I honestly believe, it was a major contributor to the growth of the early church. The early church grew in a pagan world, and despite the fact that everyone knew if you become a Christian, they feed you to lions; you know Nero set them on fire like torches. Terrible suffering. And yet people kept joining. 
And I am convinced, this is not necessarily deeply biblical, but I am convinced, you may disagree with me, but I am convinced that one of the things that got so many pagans to become Christians is they looked at the Christians and said: 'What is up with these people? They're being fed to lions and they're singing for joy. They're being led to their death, and they're happy. There's something wrong with these people. I need to find out what's going on with them. 
Why is that they have so much peace because we keep praying to our Gods, and we never have peace. What is it about these people?' And when that peace is true in you, people want to know about you. They're curious what is it about you? What does that person have because I want some of that, and that's how you bring so many people to the faith. It really is."
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