David Lebo: "God is Bringing Dead Promises to Life and Saying: 'Lazarus Come Forth!'"
This latest word by David Lebo is power-packed with revelation for the masses.
Many of you will be moved and relate to the words from the Lord here that David shares:
Today, Jesus says, "I am the Resurrection and the Life. I am LIFE! I am speaking into My promises, into the womb of what you've carried, what you have nurtured. You didn't give up on the promise. You didn't give up on the word. It is being birthed in this very hour."
Another reminder to us...to hold onto the promises of God—even ones that look dead and couldn't possibly come to life!
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The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"God is Bringing Dead Promises to Life and Saying: 'Lazarus Come Forth!'"
The Lord says, "I AM He who was and is, and is to come. I AM the same yesterday, today and forever. I AM the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. For that which I've done in days past, so will I do for you today, for I AM no respecter of persons," says the Lord. "For what you have seen Me do in days past, I will do for you in your here and in your now!
"I parted the Red Sea in days past—will I not part the Red Sea for you? For you have come to a place where you say: 'God, I don't know what else to do. I don't know which way to go, or which way to turn.' I'll part the Red Sea for you," says the Lord. "For it looks impossible. There's no way through—no human way through—no physical way through. But I am here to tell you, in this very moment, I'm parting the Red Sea for you today. The waves are beginning to part. Your enemies have been hot on your trail. An annihilation looked certain. The enemy had you where he wanted you. No, no, no! But God. But God! God is making a way for you where there seems to be no way; a miraculous way; a miraculous deliverance from all of your enemies."
"I have prepared you for success. I have prepared you to be a light to the nations."
Ex. 14:28, "The waters returned and covered the chariots and the charioteers, and all the army of Pharaoh that had gone into the sea after them; not even one of them survived." (AMP)
"On this day," says the Lord, "there are many of you who need to know that your enemies are being destroyed; for the very water that is saving you will destroy your enemies. Every enemy—pharaoh and his army of 600 chariots—will be destroyed in this time. Every enemy who has been hot on your trail (you must hear this word), these enemies will be destroyed right now and completely annihilated. It means that they will not be resurrected. They will not come back to life. They will not be back—completely annihilated—never to be resurrected again; completely destroyed in the depths of the sea.
"For as you come into the depths of God, deep calls unto deep (Psalm 42:7). That's the cry of God's heart and the pull of the Holy Spirit in this hour. I will do this for you!
"Come deeper into the realms of My Spirit," says the Lord. "Don't be afraid of the places that I am taking you, for I have not given you a spirit of fear but one of love, power, and a sound mind. For deep calls unto deep. For I am calling you deeper. Even as I have called Israel to go into the depths of the sea, into a place where they have never been before, into realms and dimensions of My Spirit that they have never known before and into new places—I declare unto you: I am taking you deep; deeper than you have ever been before. All I need is a 'yes' from you. All I need is a yielded spirit and heart; one that will simply obey what I have said to do. It's as easy as falling down. It's as easy as taking the dive, taking the plunge, as you're diving into the deep oceans of God.
"Right now there is a baptism of death that is coming to an old man in Adam. The death and dying of the old, but a resurrection of the new. I declare I am calling forth life and resurrection power to the things and promises that have been given years ago. I am calling them out and calling forth life to your old promises. The things that you thought had died long ago; promises buried deep in you long ago—some 10, even 15 years ago today—I'm calling life out."
Fifth Day Resurrections Are Being Birthed
"I am calling 'Lazarus' out of the tomb—all the promises you thought had died. You thought it was past the fourth day. You thought it was past the time of resurrection possibility. So I say, 'Lazarus, come forth!' Past the point of no return; past the fourth day. They thought it could only happen up until the fourth day. Jesus intentionally delayed His appearing past the fourth day to shatter their belief and stretch their faith out of the box that they had put God in."
Jesus is saying, "I am the God of the fifth day. I am the God of the sixth day. I am the God of the seventh day. I AM GOD OF EVERY DAY. I am the God of resurrection power. I'm going to blow your minds! I am breaking off all the limitations, and breaking you out of all the boxes. I am the God of the fifth day, the sixth day, and the seventh day—past every human limitation. I am breaking off every limitation you have ever placed on God."
Some of you have been pregnant with promises for many, many, years. Some have pronounced a curse upon your life that it would be a stillborn, that the promise had died many years ago, but Jesus is coming on your scene to speak life into all your old promises; to speak life into your "Lazarus" and say, "I AM the Resurrection and the Life." They didn't know that Jesus was the God of the fifth day and He was the God of the sixth day and He was the God of the seventh day. He's blowing out all of our boxes.
He declared, "I am the Resurrection and the Life. Lazarus come forth" (see Jn. 11). He is speaking to your promise that was in the tomb, that is in your womb. There may be no way possible that these dead promises could come to life. This word is for everyone...so hear this: Jesus is passing by. Personalize this word for yourself.
Lazarus Come Forth!
Your "Lazarus" is every promise that the Lord has ever spoken concerning you. Their Lazarus appeared to be dead, and while the rest of the world was mourning its loss in sorrow upon sorrow, they were preparing his funeral. Jesus arrived and He was weeping. He was touched by their heartache. He was touched by their sorrow. He was touched by what He felt. He felt what you felt. He knows what you are going through. He is feeling your heart and the many promises of God that lie deep within you. You have mourned the loss in the death of these words—the promises of God that you have not seen manifest. Today, Jesus is saying, "Lazarus come forth. Lazarus come forth."
This is a powerful word for each and every one who will lay hold of it. To him who has ears to hear, let him hear what the Spirit of God is saying in this hour. To have anointed ears to hear, even now, a rhema word from the throne of God, will bring life to a dead womb.
"...I am calling forth life and resurrection power to the things and promises that have been given years ago."
Put your hands on your womb area, for right now in this divine moment—Jesus has come on your scene and He is speaking life into your situation! He is saying to you, "Lazarus come forth. I am the Resurrection and the Life. He that believes in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live." Even now there is life coming forth with resurrection power by the rhema word of God in the very hearing of His voice and the very hand of God extended. Jesus is passing by to touch the promise of God—the things that you have been carrying, nurturing, protecting and guarding.
"When He had said this, He shouted with a loud voice, 'Lazarus, come out!'" (Jn. 11:43)
Your "Lazarus"—your promise from God—is coming forth with resurrection power and manifesting in these words. The seed that was planted in you many years ago through great intimacy with God (the only way that His seed can be planted in you is through relationship with the King) is being birthed and brought to delivery, now! God has not aborted your promise nor has He allowed it to be stillborn.
Today, Jesus says, "I am the Resurrection and the Life. I am LIFE! I am speaking into My promises, into the womb of what you've carried, what you have nurtured. You didn't give up on the promise. You didn't give up on the word. It is being birthed in this very hour."
Supernatural Birthing and Acceleration
The Lord says, "There is a supernatural birthing of ministries happening now. All the world will rejoice in the delivery of these babies. Many who you trust will help nurture them. They will celebrate their birth and life and help protect them. For you have been planted in the right tribe, in the right family, and you've been running with lions and eagles, with the Lion of the tribe of Judah and with prophetic people who will roar like lions, who will declare into the earth the very will and truth of God.
"As for all the naysayers, you didn't listen to them. You didn't listen to the ways of the world. You listened only to the voice of God; and because you did—birthing in a true reality—this baby now exists, and the world will know of this ministry and will be greatly blessed by it."
This acceleration will come fast. It will come in God's maturity. This baby will be strong! God is raising it up strong to stand; to stand in adversity and under fire. This baby will stand the tests of time, and you'll see accelerated, rapid growth.
Many people will throng to press into this anointing, to press in to touch Jesus inside of us, because they need the real thing. You're going to give them the real thing. It's like that old Coca-Cola slogan: "It's the real thing." You're giving them their real thing!
Deep Foundations in You
The Lord says, "All the things that I have placed within you—the foundations run deep in you. You have a good foundation and good word. Your building is built upon the 'Rock.' Everything that will come against it (because things will try—that's life) will blow against this building, this ministry, and it will not be shaken because it's built upon the 'Rock' of Jesus.
"I have prepared you for success. I have prepared you to be a light to the nations. I have prepared you to release My glory in the earth; and that you will do! I have prepared you for reproduction and multiplication. Some will give birth to more than one baby. Some ministries will have multiple divisions or avenues of expression, flowing with multiple streams. There are many other babies yet to be birthed in Jesus' mighty name."
"'Do I bring to the moment of birth and not give delivery?' says the Lord. 'Do I close up the womb when I bring to delivery?' says your God." (Is. 66:9) (NIV) (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
David Lebo
Tidal Wave Ministries International
Email: tidalwavemin.int@gmail.com
Website: www.tidalwavemin.com
Tidal Wave Ministries International
Email: tidalwavemin.int@gmail.com
Website: www.tidalwavemin.com
Rev. David and Vicki Lebo are founders of Tidal Wave Ministries International, Inc. They have a burning passion for revival and awakening among the nations all for the glory of God. Carrying a Jeremiah chapter 1 calling as a prophet to the nations, Dave boldly proclaims the word of the Lord as a voice of "One crying out in the wilderness: prepare ye the way of the Lord." Dave attended state college in West Virginia, then also, Berean School of the Bible, and Global University, and is currently ordained with the Association of Evangelical Gospel Assemblies—a member of the National Association of Evangelicals. He has been in the prophetic ministry for 24 yrs. He is author of his first book: Abiding Under The Shadow released in 2010. Dave and Vicki have been happily married for 31yrs, have 3 children, and 5 grandchildren while currently residing in Hedgesville, WV.