Showing posts with label Eva Haglund. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eva Haglund. Show all posts

Monday, September 15, 2014

Sharing Love From Sweden - "PRECIOUS FOR A GOD OF LOVE" - Eva Haglund


I think it is important to know that we are loved by God. Many suffer today and need to hear about a God who loves. When people get saved one of the basic teaching is to talk about a God who loves. God also wants to heal wounds people have pain from.

In Psalm 139 is written "You know my sitting down and my rising up." It shows in these verses and much in this Psalm how much God cares about us. He cares when we rise up and sit down and He is with us wherever we are. His love is following us through the day. He is with us every second because He cares. We can read in Psalm 139:13, "that it was He who made us in our mothers womb. You formed my inward parts. You covered me in my mothers womb."

Even in the beginning God as our heavenly Daddy was THERE. We are beautiful in His eyes, for the Word of God says in verse Psalm 139:14, "I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderful made." We did not just happen to come into the world. God made us because of His love.

In Luke 12:7 is written that He counts our hairs. If He counts our hairs it really shows how much God loves us that He do not miss one hair.  When He even counts our hairs it shows our value before Him - that we are so precious for Him.  If He counts our hairs it also tells us that He cares both about small and big things. He did not miss anything and we can pray about small and big things.

We are more precious for God than all silver and gold in the world and all beautiful things in nature. When Adam and Eve fell in sin, God's heart loved them so much that He wanted to do everything for them.

He sent the most precious gift He could give. He gave his Son for us as a sacrifice for our sins and for salvation for everyone who believes in Him. God's heart was crushed for us. We were so precious for Him that He was willing to show the deepest love.

In the world and also among Christians sometimes people are not treated like they have the same value, but for God all people have the same value. He loves all people.

In Psalm 23 we read "The Lord is my shepherd." Jesus says He is the Good Shepherd. A good shepherd cares for his sheep and wants to help them.  In John 10:11 we see Jesus as the good shepherd who loves the sheep. He laid down His life for His sheep. It shows a very big love for the sheep. It shows that Jesus as the good shepherd was willing to do everything for the sheep. It cost His life as He it did. His heart is to do everything for the sheep. He really cares. In Isaiah 40:11 we know more of God's love.

He carries us as a lamb. He loves so much - we are as a very precious lamb in His arms. He loves the lamb so much, holding it safe in His arms. It is like anyone who loves a puppy or a kitten and holds it in his/hers arms.

In Isaiah 43:4 we see "Since you were precious in my sight, you have been honored and I have loved you." It talks about a God who loves His children.

Jesus loves all. In Matt 18:12-14 we see Jesus' love to anyone who does not know Him. He wants that person to get saved. If a shepherd has many sheep but one is lost he cares about the one which is lost and looks for it, to find it and rejoice when He has found it. He has a heart for anyone who does not know Him. That person is like the precious sheep He is looking for.

In the parable of the lost son we can see that the father loves his son. The son left his father but the father was longing for him to come home. When he finally came home the father was so glad when he saw him in the distance he ran to him and embraced him and gave him a party because he was so glad that he had returned. This parable shows the heart God has for people who do not know Him, that He loves them so much. It also shows the heart of God as a heavenly Daddy. He loves anyone who knows Him, too. His heart is a Daddy who cares, runs to you and embraces you.

He is not a hard God. His heart is love for a person, because He cares, like a parent for a child he/she cares about.

In Song of Solomon we can read about a love between a bride and a bridegroom, but we also can see Jesus' love for us as the  bridegroom. In Song of Solomon it is written in verse 4:9 “You have ravished my heart, my sister, my spouse. You have ravished my heart with one look of your eyes, with one link of your necklace.” We can understand here that Jesus is deeply touched by His love for His bride.

In several Scriptures in Song of Solomon we read about Jesus' love to His bride. In verse 4:7 is written, “You are all fair My love and there is no spot in you.”

When we have received Jesus and His redemption His blood cleanses us from  all sin and He sees no spot in us. Rom 8:1 says, ”There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus.” It is just in His blood that we are cleansed, by believing in Him.

In Isaiah 53 we can see in the text that Jesus did not open His mouth. He suffered by His own free will. He did not protest. He suffered because He choose to carry the terrible pain, because of His deep love for us. He also loved the soldiers who hated Him and also gave His life for them.

He hung on the cross because of love. He loved all people so much.
In Gethsemane Jesus had so much agony His sweat became like drops of blood. I think Jesus knew how much He would have to suffer. It was a terrible pain we do not understand. This is one reason He had so much agony. He knew how much He would have to suffer for us but He choose it ANYWAY because of His love for us.

I think as a child of God we need to feel secure in His love. In Romans 8:15 is written when get saved that “For you received not the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, "Abba,father.”  In this Spirit of adoption it is not meant to have fear but that we feel loved by God. It does not means that God does not want us to grow and to be free from things. To a child you care about you say, "No, this is not good for you. I do not want you to do that or have with these things to do."

To have God as our Daddy I picture when a daddy carries a baby. The baby feels safe and feels well in the arms of the parent and does not feel afraid. They are just glad to be close to the daddy.

This is the relation He wants us to feel as children of God. He as a Daddy is waiting for the sons and daughters who do not know Him to come to Him as in the parable of the lost son.

God is Abba – a heavenly Daddy who loves and Jesus gave all in love for us. God is love 1 John 4:8.

Eva Haglund

Monday, August 25, 2014



Sometimes activities are so important in Body of Christ. We need to do things for God, if what we do is according to God's will. But sometimes activities are just a tradition which are not from God's heart. Sometimes activities takes so much time in a congregation, week after week, that the fellowship time with God and seeking His face comes in a second place. The enemy wants to keep Christians from having time with God.

If you have a friend it is good to spend time with that friend. Jesus wants us to do things for Him, but also desires that we spend time with Him. He wants us to be His friend that we talk to and spend time with. In Song of Solomon we can consider the relation of the bride to the bridegroom. Our relationship with Jesus is not just between a usual bride and bridegoom.

We see here that there is a deep relationship, where the bride and the bridegroom love each other. They do not just have shallow conversations. In Song of Solomon 6:2 we read, "I am my beloved`s and my beloved is mine." Here we see that close relationship.

In Song of Solomon 2:14 we understand that Jesus loves to have fellowship with us. I looked at a picture of a white dove one day and thought the bird was very beautiful and got inspired to paint a dove. It is written in this Scripture, "Oh, my dove, in the cleft of the rock. In the secret places of the cliff, let me see your face, let me hear your voice, for your voice is sweet and your face is lovely." Jesus does not want us to be just any face, but He is longing to see our face and hear our voice. He loves us so much; each and everyone personally. 

In Isaiah 62:5 is written about God's love for us, "As the bridegroom rejoices over the bride, so shall your God rejoice over you." It means a bridegroom who loves his bride from his heart. Sometimes men treat women bad and look down at them, but in Song of Solomon we see that the bridegroom treats a woman with respect and love and does not look down at her. God also made Eve from a bone close to Adam's heart. She would be close to his heart and show his love for her. He would not rule over her in a hard, wrong way, but was to have a heart of care, giving to her from his heart.

The woman at Jesus' feet had seen Jesus' attitude. He did not look down at her. He did not look at her with a hard attitude. He had a heart of love and compassion to her. There were people who looked down at her and saw her like trash. They thought their sin was less than hers and did not have love for her. This was the attitude the woman had met. But when she met Jesus, His attitude was different. He did not have a hard attitude condemning her. 

The woman at Jesus' feet had seen that Jesus loved her and dared to come to Him. She was touched by His great love for her and she cried at His feet. She cried, thinking of Jesus' great love. She was thinking that her sins were many but was touched by Jesus' forgiveness of her and His love for her. Jesus said that anybody who has been forgiven much will show more love. The man thought he had less sin. Jesus wanted to teach him to be humble. The man came with his own works. The woman did not come with her own works. She was just aware of Jesus' grace who had forgiven all her sins.

She was humble and her heart was deeply touched by Jesus' heart. It was not like "dry bones" in the law but  life in a heart which was deeply touched by Jesus. She felt His love so strong that she just went down crushed at His feet. Before Jesus she felt like nothing in her own strength but just to rely on Jesus' grace and love. She felt so accepted and loved by Jesus, she wanted to give Him anything precious from her heart. She gave him precious oil from her heart to show her love and was glad that He had forgiven  her sins.

The woman had a heart who was touched in tears by the love Jesus gave to her. We can read in Song of Songs about the bride's relation to the bridegoom. Here we see that her heart was touched. It was not a heavy burden, not in the law, but in freedom of love.

The bride expressed her love to the bridegoom in Song of Solomon 5:10, "My beloved is white and ruddy, chief among ten thousand." In the text you can see that the bride loves the bridegoom, from the words she expressed and her desire to have a close relationship. She loves the bridegoom and has met his love in their relationship.

Jesus our bridegoom loves us so much and loves when we have a close relationship in being His friend. Song of Solomons says, "My beloved is mine and I am his."

He loves us so deeply.

Eva Haglund

Monday, July 28, 2014

Sharing Love From Sweden - COMFORT MY PEOPLE - Eva Haglund

Eva Haglund from Sweden

Today many people suffer in the world. People can go through many difficult things and face traumas. People who have not suffered so much do not always understood people who need comfort and care. Sometimes people who have gone through sufferings understand people who suffer more because they have been there in the deep valley.

Many people need counseling and care today. Just a cup of coffee for anybody who hurts means much, or talking to someone who maybe has no friends and no money in any church. This is sometimes the reality. There is war and people flee for their lives and goes through traumas. People can face difficult things in family situations.

God says in Isaiah 40:1, "Comfort, comfort my people." Comfort is also shown by practical love to people - for instance to give food. Comfort is to give words from the Bible - words like honey or a balsam.

Words of encouragement and about God who loves gives hope - a God of hope. There are teenagers who have never felt loved at home by their parents or never had a father or mother. There are teenagers who have parents who are alcoholics. They really need comfort! 

Jesus says in John 19:26-27, "Mother, see your son" and "Son, see your mother."

Today there needs to be mothers and fathers in the Body of Christ and the old and young generation need more contact. Fellowship and friendship as we read about in Acts 2:46 and in John 14. I believe God wants to restore more in the Body of Christ. 

Church was not meant to be just a meeting on Sundays and an unpersonal club as it is sometimes. God wants in this late hour to restore more of real friendship where it needs in the Body. This is comfort to the people. 

I think comfort can be demonstrated in different ways. In the Bible, Scriptures of comfort can be spoken, buying flowers for anybody wounded. It can be to give food to a refugee who has wounds. It can be to sing a song for anybody. We are sent to set the captives free and heal the broken hearted. 

Counseling and gifts of the Spirit is not meant for them who have enough money but for everybody. The Gospel is also for the poor, not just for them with money. Counseling and prophetic words can many times be a comfort. Wounded people do not need to hear that money must be given to get counseling or a prophecy.

They maybe do not have food for their children. We read in Luke 10 about a man who was robbed and wounded physical but also had wounds inside. He did not have any money. The Good Samaritan showed compassion and care.

Economy must be solved in another way. I am not against sowing. It is good and needs but not to GET counseling or a prophecy.

Do we have to sow to get comforted in the Body?  No, I do not think so. Comfort in agape ought to be free. In 1 Cor 12 it is written about sharing different gifts with each other. There are Christian conferences today which cost money but there are Christians who cannot come. Is then one church for poor and one for those who have money? This thinking was what they had in Acts.2:45 when they thought about each other economically. They helped each other as needed. It was not selfishness.

To sing Christian songs and to worship is also a means to comfort others when they hear. A sermon can be comforting, and we need sermons which comfort. For instance, teaching about God's love for Israel and the Jews. People need to hear that we are to love them in a world of much anti-semitism. This is also to comfort My people - to stand for Israel and to pray for Israel and the Jewish people.

The Bible is full of comforting words. The God who said "comfort My people" is a God of comfort and when we read the Word we get much comfort. Many people in the world need to know His love today.

God showed the biggest love when He sent Jesus to die on the cross for our sins.
It is comfort to read in John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life."

We are always welcomed by Jesus and receive His comfort when we need it. His standing there with open arms is like the father who received the son who had been lost. (Luke 15:20) 

Open arms when we need comfort and to receive Jesus in our lives is comfort. 
We need our Comforter - Yeshua (Jesus).


Sunday, July 6, 2014

Sharing Love From Sweden - THE DEEPEST LOVE by Eva Haglund


I send you many greetings from Stockholm!

Thank you for starting the ministry " Love For His People". This is good and means much! 

Thank you for blessing Israel and the Jewish people!

I read the blog every day. There are many good things you put there and write! You put beautiful pictures from nature. I like to read prophetical things. You put several things as are encouraging there also.

Please pray for me. I pray for you and Laurie! I want to listen to you singing some this evening at YouTube. I like it very much!



Sometimes people wonder if God loves them. There is no need to doubt that because God IS love and He made us because of love. 

His love is not based what we do but because He choose to love us. In John 3:16 is written that SO loved God the world that He gave His Son, that whoever believe in Him will not perish but have eternal love.

We cannot do anything to be more loved. We are already loved by God.
Salvation is not given because we are working to be perfect. We can just be saved by grace because Jesus died for us for our sins and you receive Jesus. 

Jesus, who was King in heaven, did not come as a hard leader. He came as a humble leader willing to serve as a servant. The purpose was not that He had to serve. He did it because He wanted to demonstrate His love. He showed us how to wash each other's feet. In the Body of Christ by showing care for each other much in friendship guided by God. 

Jesus preached with His life the heart of God - a heart full of love and compassion and who cares. Jesus showed much life. He did not just talk beautiful words but showed love.

In James is it written, "What does it profit, brethren if someone says he has faith but does not have works?"

Jesus could have chosen to stay in heaven. It had been MUCH more comfortable. He did not have to come to the earth and suffer. But He CHOSE it because of His love.  Abba - our heavenly Daddy could have closed His eyes when we fell in sin.

Instead our Daddy did everything He could for us. His heart was crushed by His love to us and He wanted to do everything for us. The most precious He had was His son. He know there were no other way for people to get saved than to send His Son. He had pain in His heart when He had to see His Son suffer like His precious Lamb.

Abraham did not have to sacrifice his son but Abba - our Daddy in heaven gave everything for us. It really showed a heart of a father - a daddy who loves. He loved us so much.

Jesus was led as a lamb to the slaughter Isaiah 53:7. He did not come to the earth to make a position. He did not come to be like a king in honor, ruling in a hard way.

He did not come to win honor. He did not choose to be popular and rich and people screaming on a scene when they saw Him. He came in humility like a servant can be or humble like a child depending on a parent.

In His love He chose to be badly treated if that was the cost to save and rescue others.

This was real love. Isaiah 53 showed the heart of the father. It is a beautiful scripture showing Jesus love to us. It gives us a picture of Jesus. I sometimes sing from this scripture because I think it is wonderful showing who Jesus really is, showing His love.

Who has suffered like Jesus? Many people suffer today.

The One who has suffered most is Jesus. Even before the cross He suffered very much. He was mocked as king of the Jews. He was mocked as prophet. His friends left Him and one betrayed Him just before the terrible suffering at the cross.

Jesus had so much agony in Gethsemane because He knew before that it was a terrible pain He had to suffer. That is why He had so much agony - the biggest agony but ANYWAY He chose to go this way of suffering.

 He was scourged and people put a red robe and a crown of thorns to show their hate. People people shouted "Crucify". This was a price a prophet can have to pay - sufferings and to be rejected.

Jesus  was a REAL prophet and God's Son. He payed the price. He was willing to suffer for truth and loves sake. Jesus chose to show love when it was very difficult.  He chose to suffer when it was necessary for the sheep.

It is written in 1 Cor 13 that "love does not seek it's own."

We can have suffered much but compared with Jesus sufferings it is just a glimpse because His suffering for us was so big. We do not understand how big it was.

He really was ready to suffer  because of His love.

The greatest love was shown at Calvary when Jesus had so much pain for us nailed at His hands and feet. The greatest suffering preached the greatest love anyone has showed.

Yeshua gave everything for us at the cross because He LOVES us so much!

The COST for the sheep was the CROSS -  His deepest love.

Eva Haglund


Monday, June 23, 2014

Sharing Love For Sweden - Eva Haglund - "BLESS ISRAEL"

by Eva Haglund, Sweden

I am thinking about what it means to bless Israel - to bless the state Israel and the Jewish people. Here are a few of my thoughts.

One way is to help ONE Holocaust survivor who is starving and to give food or to buy a present for a Holocaust survivor. 

To bless Israel can be to invite a lonely Messianic Jew for dinner or to have a cup of coffee together. It can be to give food also for the Messianic Jews who do not have much money for food. Jesus prayed in John 17:21 that love will be a testimony to the world in Body of Christ. He talks about love to each other in John 15:12, "This is My commandment that you love one another as I have loved you."

I do not think He means just in a church building. I believe the church is made up of Christians, with Jesus as the head. We all need each other in the Body. Friendship is not just in a building, but rather  the "hand" needs the "foot" and so on. All with the same value. In Gal.3:28 is written that we are all one in Christ.

I think when Messianic Jews are blessed in congregations this also blesses IsraelRelatives will notice if they are given food. It is a testimony to unsaved Jews.

To bless Israel is to comfort Jews in different ways.

It is written in Isaiah 40:1, "Comfort, comfort My people." It can mean to both comfort all people who are not saved, to comfort Christians ( both Messianic Jews and Gentiles) and to comfort the Jewish people.

To bless Israel and "comfort" My people - it is important to think about that many people suffer today. Many Jews suffer and we can comfort with words, show compassion and take time talking with people. Comfort is to know that somebody has time to listen, somebody has time in a world of much stress. Comfort can also be done by counseling people.

In the Body of Christ there needs today to be more fellowship and friendship. Now I believe it is a time of a restoration, as done in Acts.2:46; eating together and having fellowship as Jesus also had with the disciples in John 21, when they were eating breakfast at the sea.

Jesus wants to be a Friend, not just someone we work for. He and our heavenly Daddy has fellowship together, as it should be In the Body of Christ. We need to be more like a big family. As we become more like this, it will be a comfort for people, because care and love also heals.

To "comfort my people" I think is also to give the message about Jesus. He is the source of all comfort, as He is the Comforter. 

We need to open our hearts and also to give comfort to the Jews who encounter much antisemitism today. We need to bless Israel  - the Jewish people around the world and not just the state of Israel.

Give a cup of coffee or tea to one today. 

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Sharing Love from Sweden - HUNGRY FOR GOD by Eva Haglund

Hungry for God

We need more of God.

In John.6:35 is written that Jesus is the Bread of life.  We need the heavenly Bread.

We need more of Jesus. We need to seek Him more. We also need the Word because Jesus is the Word. We  need to be hungry for it - to read it more. If we do not have Jesus we starve in the world because the Bible say He is the Bread. The Bread came to House of Bread - Bethlehem. The Bread came to the earth. In John.1.14 is written that the Word became flesh.

In nature we can see nestlings who open their mouth very big longing for food from a parent. We need to be hungry like this birds after food -after more of God.

Many people are starving today. They do not have usual food. Also many are starving if they do not have the Bread -Yeshua in the world. Like nestlings who are waiting for bread they need the heavenly Bread.

Christians need to learn to know God more and His Word more - to know God more - more of Him.

The enemy want us to think that we do not need more of God and to read His Word more, but we need more of Him and His Word! In Matt.5:3 we read, " Blessed are the poor in spirit. For theirs is the kingdom of heaven."

I am thinking that this means that we shall be poor - thinking that we do not think we  have "anything" - what we have is not so much of God but we need more. In churches leaders sometimes there can have  attitudes - " see what we have"  and  "see what we have done. See how good we are." They boast about themselves. Their attitude is not humble when they ought to be.

Sometimes people want to have like a party when it is time for humility, crushed heart, tears before God and the church, to seek Him in prayer. I am not against parties but it is not always right time for it when the church needs to be humble and seek God.

We need to be humbly like children who has an attitude to a parent: " I need you."

To be poor I think is to think that I need more. I have not "got it." I need more of God. GOD  has got it.

To learn to know him is like to learn to know a big sea because he is so big. The Word is like a golden mine.

 It is like a big treasure. In Isaiah 45:3  we read, "I will give you the treasures of darkness and hidden riches of secret places." God want us to get more of this treasures. We need to seek Him.

To learn to know God is not boring because He is love. To seek Him more is good for us. To read the Word build us up.

David says in Ps. 63:1 "O God, You are my God,early will I seek You. I thirst for You. My flesh longs for you. In a dry and thirsty land where there is no water." Here we read about a hunger for more of God.

In Ps. 42:1 David says, "As the deer pants for the water brooks, so pants my soul for You, oh God." Here we see again a longing for God.

I think God wants us to learn to know him more as a friend and to know more of the heavenly treasures.

It is good to learn to know his voice more and this needs time with God.

 We need to be like the nestlings.

"I am so hungry! I need food!"

In Isaiah 55:1 it is written, "Ho,Everyone who thirsts, come to the waters. And you who have no money,Come buy and eat. Yes, come, buy wine and milk.

Without money and without price. Why do you spend your money for what is not bread, and your wages for what does not satisfy? Listen carefully to me, and eat what is good. And let your soul delight itself in abundance."

We need to be hungry for God.

We need Him!

Eva Haglund





Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Sharing Love From Sweden - "We Need Time With God" - Eva Haglund

Eva Haglund

There are many things in the Body of Christ that can become more important than our relationship with Yeshua (Jesus).

Evangelists can be so busy reaching the world that they forget that the relationship with Jesus is most important and that it ought to go hand in hand with fellowship and friendship with Christians.  The relationship with Jesus ought to be first in our lives - not what we do for Him but with Him as a person. 

Yeshua wants to be our Friend in our daily life and He wants to be first in our lives -not the things we do. If people understand the importance of the relationship with Yeshua, then they can more easily understand worship because it has to do with relationship. Lift Him up in worship and thanksgiving. When He is the center in worship then God's presence can come.

Christians can be so stressed that we have no time to sit at Yeshua's feet and listen to Him. Take time with the Word and see Him as a person first, one that you can have a relationship with.

In Luke 10:38-42 we  read about when Yeshua talked with Martha, He had her take the time to sit at His feet. There are leaders who are nearly never at home. This is not from God. It is the enemy who brings stress. How can I have a deep relation with God if I am never at home and spend time with Him?

There are churches who preach about miracles, for instance, and you see miracles, but miracles and wonders are not to be more  important than Jesus as person. He ought to be in centrum.

Meetings are many times in just a big church building today, but we read that Mary had many who were in her house praying. I believe in having large meetings, but I also believe in house meetings, where each can share the Word, worship and allow God's presence to come in.

Today sometimes people are running so much to one conference to another but sometimes forget to seek God themselves and that you also with any friend/friends can seek God. It is good with good conferences but we need time for God ourselves too. Yeshua and our heavenly Daddy are one and have much fellowship.

We need time with God. The enemy wants to steal our time and we need to be on our guard. Teaching and what we are called to and other things is not to be first but then God as a person and to have a relation with him.

We also need to relax and have time with God  as a our Friend.

 In Ps.95:2 is written " Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving."

In Song of Solomon 2:16 is written " My beloved is mine and I am his".

I think about the relation here as I also think means the relation with Yeshua. He is our Friend. We need the first love to him in our lives.

In Song of Solomon 5:10 we can read also about Yeshua not just a bride and bridegoom. For instance we can read " My beloved is white and ruddy, chief among ten thousands". It talks about how wonderful Yeshua is. In a relation with Yeshua who is wonderful. It talks here about a relation in love here. The bride loves the bridegoom and express her love.

Yeshua  love when we worship him and express our love to him in this way. Yeshua is a real Friend and love when we take time with the relation with him. He is so glad when we come to him, taking time with him.

As the bull Ferdinand in Walt Disney's film liked to sit at the tree with his flowers relaxed Yeshua likes when we also take time with him and not always be busy.

He loves us so much and we need to learn to know him more.

Yeshua is a wonderful Friend!

Eva Haglund

When there is no one else there Yeshua (Jesus) is there.
When you feel alone he is closer then your voice.
He is THERE.

When you think there is no way out 
Your Friend has a way out.
As the Israelites were delivered at the sea 
and went through the sea.
He can bring you out keeping his hand.

As a good shepherd holds a most precious lamb in his arms 
He carries  you like a precious lamb in His arms.
Trust in Him, the Good Shepherd, 
who laid down His life for you,
showing the heart of the Father.
A God who was giving to do everything for you.

His heart was crushed for you.

Eva Haglund