Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Sharing Love From Sweden - "We Need Time With God" - Eva Haglund

Eva Haglund

There are many things in the Body of Christ that can become more important than our relationship with Yeshua (Jesus).

Evangelists can be so busy reaching the world that they forget that the relationship with Jesus is most important and that it ought to go hand in hand with fellowship and friendship with Christians.  The relationship with Jesus ought to be first in our lives - not what we do for Him but with Him as a person. 

Yeshua wants to be our Friend in our daily life and He wants to be first in our lives -not the things we do. If people understand the importance of the relationship with Yeshua, then they can more easily understand worship because it has to do with relationship. Lift Him up in worship and thanksgiving. When He is the center in worship then God's presence can come.

Christians can be so stressed that we have no time to sit at Yeshua's feet and listen to Him. Take time with the Word and see Him as a person first, one that you can have a relationship with.

In Luke 10:38-42 we  read about when Yeshua talked with Martha, He had her take the time to sit at His feet. There are leaders who are nearly never at home. This is not from God. It is the enemy who brings stress. How can I have a deep relation with God if I am never at home and spend time with Him?

There are churches who preach about miracles, for instance, and you see miracles, but miracles and wonders are not to be more  important than Jesus as person. He ought to be in centrum.

Meetings are many times in just a big church building today, but we read that Mary had many who were in her house praying. I believe in having large meetings, but I also believe in house meetings, where each can share the Word, worship and allow God's presence to come in.

Today sometimes people are running so much to one conference to another but sometimes forget to seek God themselves and that you also with any friend/friends can seek God. It is good with good conferences but we need time for God ourselves too. Yeshua and our heavenly Daddy are one and have much fellowship.

We need time with God. The enemy wants to steal our time and we need to be on our guard. Teaching and what we are called to and other things is not to be first but then God as a person and to have a relation with him.

We also need to relax and have time with God  as a our Friend.

 In Ps.95:2 is written " Let us come before his presence with thanksgiving."

In Song of Solomon 2:16 is written " My beloved is mine and I am his".

I think about the relation here as I also think means the relation with Yeshua. He is our Friend. We need the first love to him in our lives.

In Song of Solomon 5:10 we can read also about Yeshua not just a bride and bridegoom. For instance we can read " My beloved is white and ruddy, chief among ten thousands". It talks about how wonderful Yeshua is. In a relation with Yeshua who is wonderful. It talks here about a relation in love here. The bride loves the bridegoom and express her love.

Yeshua  love when we worship him and express our love to him in this way. Yeshua is a real Friend and love when we take time with the relation with him. He is so glad when we come to him, taking time with him.

As the bull Ferdinand in Walt Disney's film liked to sit at the tree with his flowers relaxed Yeshua likes when we also take time with him and not always be busy.

He loves us so much and we need to learn to know him more.

Yeshua is a wonderful Friend!

Eva Haglund

When there is no one else there Yeshua (Jesus) is there.
When you feel alone he is closer then your voice.
He is THERE.

When you think there is no way out 
Your Friend has a way out.
As the Israelites were delivered at the sea 
and went through the sea.
He can bring you out keeping his hand.

As a good shepherd holds a most precious lamb in his arms 
He carries  you like a precious lamb in His arms.
Trust in Him, the Good Shepherd, 
who laid down His life for you,
showing the heart of the Father.
A God who was giving to do everything for you.

His heart was crushed for you.

Eva Haglund

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA