Showing posts with label Family Roots. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Family Roots. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Find Your Family Roots in Israel ✡ "Hiram, King of Tyre" - ISRAEL365

And Hiram, king of Tyre, sent his servants unto Solomon, for he had heard that
they had anointed him king in place of his father;
for Hiram had loved David all the days.

וַיִּשְׁלַח חִירָם מֶלֶךְ צוֹר אֶת עֲבָדָיו אֶל שְׁלֹמֹה כִּי שָׁמַע כִּי אֹתוֹ מָשְׁחוּ לְמֶלֶךְ תַּחַת אָבִיהוּ כִּי אֹהֵב הָיָה חִירָם לְדָוִד כָּל הַיָּמִים

מלכים א ה:טו

va-yish-lakh khee-ram me-lekh tzor et a-va-dav el shlo-mo kee sha-ma kee o-to mash-khu l'-me-lekh ta-khat a-vee-hu kee o-hayv ha-ya khee-ram l'-da-vid kol ha-ya-meem

Today's Israel Inspiration

When Solomon got ready to build the Temple in Jerusalem, he turned to his father's friend and ally, Hiram, for building materials. Hiram was a non Jew who supported the building of the Temple with a full heart, giving Solomon a wonderfully generous supply of cedar and cypress trees (v. 5:22-23). This Father's Day follow in the path of the ancients and bestow trees on Israel! You'll receive a beautiful Father's Day Certificate for planting a tree.

2,000 Year Old Baby Judean Palm Tree is Growing!

Come along to the Arava Institute in the Negev and see the date palm they are growing from a 2,000 year old seed. Its miraculous growth against all odds surprises one and all.

Thousands Hit By Extreme Global Flooding, Lightning, and Tornadoes. What Does it Mean?

One rabbi is finding a clear message to the Jewish people and the Nation of Israel in the wake of recent widespread meteorological disasters.

What Could the End of Days Look Like?

Listen to Rabbi Winston describe how we can partner with God and bring the Messiah in a peaceful manner. This great book is part of our Book Sale.
Save 30% off select books. Sale ends soon. »

Today's Israel Photo

A beautiful grove of date palms by Boruch Len. The "honey" that Israel is blessed with does not actually refer to bee’s honey! According to Jewish tradition, it refers to date honey which was a rich delicacy in Biblical times.

Yesterday's Photo Trivia

Yesterday's photo by Yeshoshu Halevi featured the Priestly Blessings ("Birkat HaKohenim") at the Western Wall. These holy blessings are also known as the “lifting of the hands,” because of the priests’ uplifted hands, through which the Divine blessings flow.

Thank You

Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Anette Mor of Cheshire, Conneticut. Todah rabah!

“Thank You for Israel365”

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I enjoy the information about your Jewish customs.  I live in San Antonio, Texas, USA- Linda Folsom

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Thank you for Israel365 - from a South African Christian of almost 90yrs.- Betty Grobler
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