 | Dr Erez Soref President of ONE FOR ISRAEL |
I have family members who came to Israel from Iraq, and some of our staff have ancestors who fled Iran, Morocco, and other nations of the Middle East. November 29th marked 70 years since the UN Partition Plan of 1947, paving the way for the rebirth of Israel, and on 30th November, we commemorated the expulsion of 850,000 Jewish people from Muslim lands. We see God's hand in restoring Israel, and also bringing his people back to Israel from the north, south, east and west.
So it is wonderful that now we are in the privileged position of being able to bless those same countries around us with the powerful message of the gospel!
We are very excited about our new project: a series of testimony videos of those who used to hate Israel... but came to know the Jewish Messiah, and now love His people! We are very much looking forward to sharing them with you soon. Please pray for God's hand to be on this project, and for many to be saved by the messages of these brave believers.
Half Of Israel's Jews Came From Muslim Countries

It's a story that many never get to hear about, but now each year, on 30th November, Israel has determined to commemorate the time when 850,000 Jewish people were expelled from Muslim lands, most of whom found refuge in Israel. Not long after Yeshua died and rose again, the Jewish people were scattered far and wide - north, south, east and west of Israel, just as God promised. Where they went and what happened next is a bit of a mystery to many. But it doesn't have to be - their steps have been well documented. Continue reading...
Events In Jerusalem, 1917, As Foretold In The Bible

Jerusalem, December 1917. The atmosphere was electric as General Allenby dismounted his horse in humility, removed his hat in reverence, and entered the walls of the Old City through the Jaffa Gate, which hadn't been in use for many years. Iconic footage shows Jewish people welcoming him as if he was some kind of messiah, and the Land was never the same again. As time went on, Britain's involvement would not always be so positive, but the story of how this particular moment came about is one of breathtaking wonder. Continue reading...
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