Doug Addison: "March Forward: Get Ready to Advance!
This is an incredibly exciting time to be alive and watch the King and His Kingdom advance on this earth.
I love the season we are in. But you may notice we continue to have need to FIGHT and WIN the WARFARE AGAINST US.
I love the season we are in. But you may notice we continue to have need to FIGHT and WIN the WARFARE AGAINST US.
God could defeat the enemy with the thought in His mind. But He loves to partner with us and He wants to teach us how to both WAR WITH GOD and have TRUST IN GOD at the same time.
Does the warfare confuse you? Check out this statement by Doug:
Yes, we have the Word of God, the word of our testimony, the Name and the Blood of Jesus. And they are all powerful to destroy the attacks of satan. But if you are seeing a continual attack on your finances, chronic sickness or anything contrary to God's Word, then you need a strategy from Heaven to overcome.
Jump into the rest of this word to gain new strategies for this warfare!
Hey! Now one last thing. The "What is God Saying for 2016?" conference has JUST ended and NOW YOU CAN ORDER THE CDs, DVDs OR MP3 DOWNLOAD.
Friends, this truly, truly, truly was the best conference yet and I've NEVER EVER heard so many positive words coming forth from God's prophets. Our speakers were: Chuck Pierce, Jane Hamon, Dutch Sheets, and Dr. Alveda King (niece to Martin Luther King, Jr).
Here is the link to purchase the full message sets in DVD, CD, or MP3 audio formats:
Enjoy! And thanks for forwarding this to your friends! They cansubscribe just below...

Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"March Forward: Get Ready to Advance!"
This year, the month of March is going to be a turning point spiritually. On the last Yom Kippur (September 23, 2015), I heard God say that 24 weeks from that day there would be a big shifting happen. You can read more about it in my 2016 Prophetic Forecast. We are currently in a time of pruning and preparation.
Why Am I Feeling Discouraged or Attacked?
So often it is common for things to look the opposite from what we thought would happen. We should not expect or make room for this in our lives, instead we need to take authority and battle it.
Over the past few weeks, several demons and witchcraft attacks assigned to harass us were revealed. We continue to break these things as they are being exposed.
I have been asked, "How is it possible for people in witchcraft to attack us when we are under the Blood of Jesus?"
This is a great question.
We are in a time that evil is increasing and we as Christians need to be advancing in the anointing to overcome these things.
Most Christians are operating in older ways of doing spiritual warfare that worked 10 years ago, but they need to be updated to survive what is happening right now. When I talk about this with people, most of them argue with me, but I am seeing this firsthand in my life and ministry.
(Photo by Jennifer Page "Warrior's Heart" via
Yes, we have the Word of God, the word of our testimony, the Name and the Blood of Jesus. And they are all powerful to destroy the attacks of satan.
But if you are seeing a continual attack on your finances, chronic sickness or anything contrary to God's Word, then you need a strategy from Heaven to overcome.
What Are Some New Ways to Battle?
• There is power in agreement. Find someone or even groups to pray (where two or more agree together it shall be done for them.)
• Make declarations. Take God's promises and the Bible and combine them into a powerful tool in prayer.
• Take communion. I take communion every day and pray.
• Position yourself. Try waking up at a different time. Right now I have to go to bed at 8:00 p.m. so that I can get enough sleep to get up at 4:00 a.m. every day because that seems to be the time for me to see and to battle.
How to Prepare for Advancement
I recommend reading this blog post: Strategy for the Next 24 months. This is what God spoke to me on September 23, and it gives lots of prophetic insight into what is happening right now.
Another prophetic blog I would recommend reading is Doorway to Your Advancement, which has details on how to respond.
(Photo by Donna Smallenberg"The Song of Deborah" via
We are entering into a season of God fulfilling many prophetic promises. This truly is an exciting time to be alive!
Doug Addison
InLight Connection
InLight Connection
Doug Addison is a prophetic dream interpreter, speaker, writer, Life Coach, and stand-up comedian. Doug travels the world bringing a message of love, hope, and having fun! His unique style helps people discover their destiny and experience God's supernatural love and power.
Doug releases Daily Prophetic Words online and is the author of several books, including Understand Your Dreams Now: Spiritual Dream Interpretation and Personal Development God's Way. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California.
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