Experts Say the Final Blood Moon Will Mark Major “Turning Point in History” [VIDEO]
“The sun shall turn to darkness, and the moon to blood, prior to the coming of the great and awesome day of the Lord.” (Joel 3:4)
April 2014 Blood Moon. (Photo: Anne Dirkse/ Wiki Commons)
Blood Moon experts are predicting major “turning points in history” when on September 28th, the fourth and final blood moon in the current tetrad series will take place during the commencement of the Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles) holiday.
This will be the fourth time in two years that a blood moon will occur on the Jewish holiday of either Tabernacles or Passover. The significance of the event has many Jews and Christians looking to the skies and gearing up for a major event that will affect the course of both Jewish and world history.
In the past millennia, only four documented tetrads have occurred on or around the Jewish holidays of Passover and Sukkot, and each one was followed by a major event that shifted Jewish and global history. Those tetrads occurred in the years 1428-1429, 1493-1494, 1949-1950, 1967-1968, and now, in 2014-2015.
Bob O’Dell and Gidon Ariel, founders of Root Source, an educational program in which Orthodox Israeli Jews teach Christians about the Bible and Judaism from a Jewish perspective, spoke to Breaking Israel News about the significance of this event.
Both O’Dell and Ariel believe that the importance of heavenly signs should not be ignored, and that some change is to be expected in the coming year, which just so happens to be a Jubilee year.
“We are not at all predicting the end of the world or the arrival of the Messiah in September,” said O’Dell. However, “If you look at all the blood moons that have occurred in history, you see that every time they arrive, they mark turning points in history – major new trends involving the Jewish people.” O’Dell added the disclaimer that these trends often take many years to play out.
For instance, the tetrad in 1428-1429 marked the end of a big wave of forced conversions for the Jews in Spain, and the tetrad in 1493-1494 signaled the end of the Spanish inquisition, which concluded with the expulsion of the Jews from Spain in 1492.
“We can now look back and see that the nation of Spain was peaking in power, while God was preparing a new home for the Jews with the founding of America through Christopher Columbus,” O’Dell said.
He added that the heavenly signs also served to remind Jews of the connection between God and the Jewish people and their birthright of the land of Israel. “The blood moons occurring on those Jewish feast days were a witness that God had not forgotten His promise to return the Jews to their homeland,” said O’Dell.
In modern times, blood moons and tetrads have also pointed to significant dates. “With the blood moons of 1949-1950, 1967-1968 and 2014-2015, when we take them all together they are marking the three phases of the rebirth of the nation of Israel,” explained O’Dell.
According to O’Dell, the dates mark the creation of Israel as a nation in 1948, the unification of Jerusalem in 1967, “and as for 2015,” he said, “we will need to wait and see. But our guess is that it has to do with Israel being now able to stand upon its own without help from the United States. We also see the coming together of Christians and Jews in love and support of each other as a new spiritual trend as well.”
Gidon Ariel, the Israeli co-founder of Root Source, provided a historical perspective on the lunar occurrences. “I think that Jews paid more attention to the skies in previous eras. In Ethics of the Fathers 3:18, Rabbi Eliezer ben Hisma states that tekufot, seasons, referring to all astronomical sciences, are parparaot lachochma, side dishes of wisdom. Maimonides also went to great lengths to document lunar tables and the like,” he said.
BLOOD MOONS: What is God Telling Us?
Ariel pointed out that this trend has been largely neglected by modern Jews. “Today, some astronomy buffs might pick up on [the blood moons], but it is still pretty esoteric for the mainstream,” he told Breaking Israel News, adding, “That being said, I would mention there are more and more individuals and organizations dedicated to charting lunar data, some of them in preparation for renewing the Jewish lunar calendar based on r’eeyah, sighting, as part of the return to Temple service.”
O’Dell and Ariel have co-authored a book entitled “Israel FIRST!”, in which they highlight the importance of blood moons and other fascinating Biblical phenomenons. They hope to give the topic more appeal for both modern Jews and Christians in order to raise awareness and interest in the subject.
“For those who follow end-times prophecies, the blood moons are fascinating,” said O’Dell, explaining, “Heavenly signs are mentioned in some of the end-times Bible passages and moons specifically.”
O’Dell pointed out that the current blood moon is different from previous ones in that it will be visible in both Israel as well as in North America. “The four eclipses in 1949-1950 were all visible from Israel. The four in 1967-1968 and the four in 2014-2015 are all visible from the USA – an extremely rare occurrence. But this very last blood moon in September is visible from both Israel and the USA simultaneously. It is something to ponder,” he said.
Love For His People Editor's Note: Interestingly, this is our Post #5155. Just for the record. Steve Martin