A Prophetic Newsletter www.MantlesOfGlory.org
By Karla Shrake
March 13, 2014
"And the Lord Roars from Zion...And utters His voice from Jerusalem." Joel 3:16
"The Lord utters His Voice before His Army; Surely His camp is Very Great, For Strong is he who Carries out His Word." Joel 2:11
The Coming Blood Moons...Time to Cross Over
by Karla Shrake
March 13, 2014
Most of you have probably heard about the upcoming blood moons, the four lunar eclipses that will begin next month. What is about to unfold in 2014-2015 is a rare and extraordinary event called a tetrad and we can be assured it is a major historic prophetic marker in the timeline of the last days. This has happened only seven times in the last two thousand years.
History in the Making
April 15th will mark the first full lunar eclipse falling precisely on the Biblical Feast day of Passover, and the second one will occur on the beginning of the Feast of Tabernacles/Sukkot in the fall. The exact same thing will happen in 2015 and if that isn't enough to get your attention, there will also be solar eclipses on significant calendar days in between the lunar eclipses.
Only the One who created the moon, sun, stars and the heavens can orchestrate such an amazing event and it is truly a time for us as His people to turn our hearts toward Him to come into perfect harmony with His unfolding plan. In order to be prepared for it, it is helpful that we look at what has happened during past tetrads and for our purposes here I will cover the last three. It is interesting to note that each time very significant things transpired involving Israel and the Body of Christ.
The last time was in the time-period of 1967 and following, when Israel regained possession of Jerusalem her capitol. And in the aftermath of that and paralleling it, there was a release of a worldwide move of the Holy Spirit, it was called the Jesus movement and the charismatic renewal.
Before that was the time-period of 1948-49 and following when Israel became a nation again, something that has not been done by any other nation. And another worldwide move of the Holy Spirit began during this time that included the salvation message of Billy Graham and the healing movement that swept the Body of Christ.
The previous tetrad occurred in 1492 (and following) when Queen Isabella of Spain expelled the Jews. Many did escape and were transported safely, but many others died. And of course this parallels the launching of Christopher Columbus to discover America and the establishment of a land of religious freedom for both Christians and Jews.
While the Jews lost the territory of Spain they gained the settlement of the colonies where they would have a safe refuge in America for hundreds of years (and hopefully forever).
Trial Brings Increase for Israel and the Body of Messiah
From the historical overview it is clear that the Jewish people are central in the last three happenings of the tetrad / lunar eclipses, with the Body of Christ experiencing subsequent and parallel gains. The gaining of territory for the Jews did not come without a price however, as there was loss of life and war launched against them. And because the Body of Christ is directly connected with Israel, as the Jewish people gained territory in the natural we gained ground in the spiritual by reclaiming the power and gifts of the Holy Spirit.
So What Does it Mean?
That is a big question and I'm sure it is in the heart of many who are aware of the phenomenon that will be unfolding in the heavens above us these next months. I certainly do not pretend to know the details of what will come, but I do have a sense of anticipation and even joy, knowing that our faithful Father is up to something of epic proportions. It seems very logical to believe that Israel will again be at the center and that we as believers in Yeshua/Jesus will also gain more ground. It also seems reasonable to believe that this may also involve significant turbulence, as it has in the past.
Preparing our Hearts to Cross-Over
So how do we prepare ourselves? The short answer is that we need to prepare our hearts and we need to bless Israel. When the Lord spoke to Joshua about the children of Israel crossing over the Jordan to take their promised land, He instructed them to take three days to prepare their hearts and sanctify themselves. We in the Body of Messiah need to be doing the same, as we invite Holy Spirit to search us in all our ways.
Critical that We Support Israel's God-given right to her Land
Secondly it is imperative that we understand and understand clearly that we must be in a posture of blessing Israel and the Jewish people. It is especially critical that we stand with Israel in her God-given right to her land, ALL of her land that the Lord God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob gave to her over four thousand years ago. He said forty-six times in the Bible that the land belonged to the sons of Jacob and their descendants and three of those times He said it was forever.
Forever means forever and nothing has changed in spite of all the political pressure and double-talk! We must recognize and resist the deception of replacement theology that has crept into the church like a thief in the night, saying that because Israel sinned she forfeited her right to the land.....NOT so! (I will be covering more on the great importance of blessing Israel and her God-given right to the land in later newsletters.)
I hear the Father saying:
"My children as I am aligning the moon, sun and the stars with My last-day purpose, I desire that you align your hearts with Me in a new way. As you behold My sovereignty and majesty in the heavens above, allow My Holy Spirit to work more deeply than ever before and allow Him to establish the plumb-line of The Lamb within you, that His character and ways would become your own.
As I spoke through the prophet Isaiah long ago, truly it is a time for you as My Bride to arise and shine as never before in history, for many things will happen quickly now as the birth-pangs of the end are accelerating."
Believe Me as Caleb & Joshua Did
"Look to Me for I am doing new things in this hour, and I need My people to shift into new mindsets as these last-day things unfold. The day of being confined and limited is quickly coming to an end, for it is time to believe Me as My sons Caleb and Joshua believed me in the taking of their land of promise. For there are many promises I have made to you My people, and I intend to keep them. But I need you to do your part in remaining in faith and obedience and as you do, surely you will eat the good of the land."
Come Join Me in the Harvest Fields
"For there is much work to be done in the preparation for My Son's return. Come join Me in the harvest fields and vineyards of the earth where the lost and dying are, where the widows and orphans and the hurting are. Come join Me in supporting and blessing Israel and her people worldwide, as more and more are seeing Yeshua / Jesus as their Messiah.
Truly the nations are beginning to line up now as either sheep or goat nations and remember My children, My heart is for the nations of the earth. And finally come join Me in the preparation of the Bride for her soon-coming Bridegroom!"
Be Ready for Much Change
"Be prepared for much change in the days ahead My warriors, be prepared for the unexpected. Make the choice to open yourself more than ever to the truth on all levels, the truth of who I am, the truth of the condition of your own heart and life, and the horrific truth of what the enemy is doing in your midst to rob, kill and destroy.
His tactics are insidious and hidden and I cannot have you naive and unaware My children, for much is at stake and you are My ambassadors of truth in this late hour. The darkness is deeper than most have realized and I will use many of you to uncover and destroy his wicked schemes, for this is the hour I will begin to judge the powers of darkness as never before," promises your faithful Father.
"This is not a time to shrink back, but rather a time to step up My courageous ones. For I chose you to be born during this time of human history and you will succeed My precious ones, as those who have paid a great price in the last seasons of adversity, trial and preparation.
Keep oil in your lamps and remain close to Me as the pace accelerates," exhorts your loving Father, "and be assured that you stand in a place of certain victory My mighty ones, the victory that was secured long ago on Calvary's cross. Yes it is true that deep darkness is covering the earth, but this shall be your finest hour as you reflect My light, My goodness and My glory to a dying world." Glory to His Name!
Davidic Warriors

Then David said to the Philistine, "You come to me with a sword, a spear, and a javelin,
but I come to you in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel..."
Greetings dear Faith-Friends,
What a time we live in and how encouraging to know that our Father hand-picked us to be born during this age. All of our lives have been so very carefully formed and planned to prepare and season us for this hour, that we would succeed and live in triumph, as our Yeshua / Jesus did. We are the triumphant Bride in all her last-day glory, giving all honor to our Beloved who made the way for us to be able to stand and overcome in all things. I pray you will take courage and be strengthened this day dear ones, as you ponder these things. The Greater One lives within us and we live out of His life, strength and anointing. What a great exchange -- our weakness for His strength!
Blessings upon all in the Davidic Warrior prayer family as we prepare our hearts to cross-over and to take all that He has promised, for ourselves, our families and for one another.....Amen.
Love to all,
A Prophetic Word to this Generation
Our heavenly Father is opening the storehouses of heaven and releasing a greater anointing that has been reserved for this generation. Empowered by the spirit of Elijah these mantles will bring restoration, including to those who wear them and to their households.
Written in a prophetic style, this book brings fresh perspective and strong encouragement to its readers. As you move through the pages of "Mantles" the Holy Spirit will unveil, stir and establish more of your own unique calling and mantle.
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