Leadership Through Love
(by Steve Martin)
Chapter 3
Right Man (or Woman!) for the Job
A. All
are created equal – make the most of it!
B. If
the Shoe Fits, Have Them Wear It
In today’s business and ministry world, women have entered
the work force in record numbers. Many have been forced to, often simply in
order to support the children that, as single mothers, they are now solely
caring for. (Another book could be written on this alone, and “What Happened To The Men!”)
With the Lord having created as many women as men, it should
not be a major dilemma or concern in our businesses or ministries to employ
women that carry the gifts, the heart, and the ability to perform the office
jobs that need to be performed, so necessary on business, church and ministry
staffs. After all, they certainly are available and willing!
There are certain positions that a leader and an administrator needs to
fill within his team, that are more suited to having women in place. Phone
receptionists, word and data processors, bookkeepers, and sales clerks so often
are best found in the female segment of society. But I have learned that these
are not the only responsible, traditional positions that they perform well in.
Women directors and supervisors can effectively steer those in her charge,
with skill, attitude, and favor. And when they do, they need to be paid with
the same benefits that a man would be, if having that same authority and
While employed as the Director of Operations and Finance at
Derek Prince Ministries, we had two women supervisors, Jeanette Alongi,
Communications Supervisor, and Gina Stasko, Customer Service Supervisor. When
they spoke at our weekly mangers team meetings, I carried full respect for
their input, wisdom, and knowledge on the job, and for those who were in their
departments, whether men or women.
Derek Prince Ministries staff - 2003
Front row (L-R): Pat Vitolo, Vicki DeVito, David & Anna Selby,
Jeannette & Jack Alongi, Jenna, Indira Persad
Second row (L-R): Peter Wyns, Norma McDonald, Deborah Shokes, Terri Whitaker,
Charlotte Mytrysak, Christi Selby, Gina Stasko, Christine Alongi,
Jenny Maret, James DeVito
Third row (L-R): Steve Martin, Tess Hughes, Chris Selby, Glenn Selby, Ben Martin, Nicole S.
Jeannette & Jack Alongi, Jenna, Indira Persad
Second row (L-R): Peter Wyns, Norma McDonald, Deborah Shokes, Terri Whitaker,
Charlotte Mytrysak, Christi Selby, Gina Stasko, Christine Alongi,
Jenny Maret, James DeVito
Third row (L-R): Steve Martin, Tess Hughes, Chris Selby, Glenn Selby, Ben Martin, Nicole S.
Both Jeanette (who had more than 24 years with the
ministry at the time of her retirement) and Gina (it may be now almost 30 years, at the
time of this writing in 2013) on many occasions gave thought provoking opinions, great suggestions
and encouraging support that enabled the ministry to advance forward.
Another woman that I held high regard for, having much godly
character, and whom I admired with deep respect and honor, was the Finance
Supervisor and personal secretary of Derek Prince, Dorothy Schulte. It was
Dorothy who spent the time training me, when I first came on staff with Derek Prince
Ministries in 1987 to replace her, as she was coming to the end of her faithful years
of dedicated service, before her retirement year in 1988.
Dorothy would hold me to strict accounting practices, to the
very penny when balancing the books, and would not let me “cut corners” to save
time, at any time. Her commitment and loyalty to her work certainly helped give
the ministry the credibility that it has long held, in part to her
supervision, and which I strove to carry on in my tenure. She was indeed the
“woman for the job.”
As I looked to fill positions, both due to expansion and
turnover, I regularly interviewed men, and women, whom I would then select to
be the one for that needed addition. And as it was in my authority, I worked to
pay them the same for the work performed, whether they were a man or a woman
performing that work. In my eyes, as I looked to the Lord, each are created
equally, and are to be treated equally.
If the shoe fits, let the woman wear
As a result of having several leadership positions with
businesses and ministries, in the administrator and higher management roles, I
have gained the respect of other leaders, in other businesses and ministries,
who have come to value my opinion and input. Thus, when it was asked of me who
I would recommend for a leading ministry position for a work located in
Jerusalem, it did not take me long to put forward the name of Hannele Pardain,
who at the time of this writing continues to be the Christian Friends of Israel
USA Director (CFI-USA). Hannele has led this ministry very much so with her diligence,
long hours and heart for the people and land of Israel .
I wholeheartedly recommended her for this vital leadership position that was
needed to be filled at that time.
Christian Friends of Israel - Jerusalem office (2004)
(L-R) Hannele Pardain, Ray Sanders, Steve Martin
Women in leadership can have a more nurturing heart than can
sometimes be typically found in men. (And sometimes not!) They may not be as
quick to reprimand someone in their department, realizing more of the factors
involved in the decision having to be made. I have found that they are more
long suffering, when it comes to choosing the course that would take more
patience, than the one a man in that position would take. Often it turns out to
be the right course, as more details are later known in the given situation. It
must be the “mother instinct” that always believes that her child is good!
On several occasions I had been told that I am too “black
and white” in my memo and
e-mail communications. One of the best administrative
assistants that I have ever had, Charlotte, during my time with DPM, would
often encourage me to use “more honey” in my expressions, both in writing memos
and speaking to staff.
I tended to want to get to the point, tell it like it is
(as I see it) and get the matter settled. Her important input was to let me
know that this can still be done, but with a little less “pepper” and “more
honey” in my approach. The results proved that this was an accurate observation
in my leading. Again, the woman’s touch and discernment can be most beneficial.
When I left Vision for Israel in June of 2010, to start Love For His People, I had already recommended to Barry and Batya Segal, Co-Founders, that Deborah Shokes take my place. She had worked with me at both All Nations Church/Mahesh Chavda Ministries and Derek Prince Ministries for several years preceeding.
Vision for Israel staff - Charlotte, NC 2007
(L-R) Steve Martin, Krista Stewart, Kevin Grafton,
Indira Persad (front), Deborah Shokes, Timmy Bryant
When I hired her in 2003 for the Donor Support head position at VFI, I had already known of her faithful dedication, love for the tasks, skills in performing all her duties, and the great experience in getting the job done. She served faithfully then, and still does today!
May the Lord continue to give us more women who have the
time, the heart, the skills, and the attitude to take their place in His work. As in the
natural, so may it also be in the spiritual realm, as the Church realizes that
more and more in these last days.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
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Note: To read the Intro, Chapter Listings and first two chapters please use the Search Box in the top right hand corner of this Blog, and enter "Leadership Through Love." Be blessed in your reading!
Leadership Through Love
Chapter Listings
1. A Gift for His Purposes
- The Early Years
- On the job training
2. Use the Tools You Have, But Not the Staff
- Treasure the people, while digging the foundations
- Do unto them as you would…
- Bless and curse not: honor those who serve with you
3. Right Man (or Woman!) for the Job
- All are created equal – make the most of this!
- If the Shoe Fits, Have Them Wear It
4. Train and Let Loose
- It IS Who You Know and Are Known By
- Hire To Complement Your Strengths
- if you are weak, then they are strong
- Outsource as needed
5. Burn Candles At Both Ends? – NOT!
- Rest and Sabbath Days
- Mornings with the Lord
- Trust in Him at all times
- We all are given 24 hours each day
6. The Visionaries Need You!
- They dream it - you make it happen
- It takes a team
- Head Won’t Get Far without the Neck
(or heads will roll)
7. Field Trips and More!
- Staff Retreats
- Party Time!
- Birthdays and BBQs
- After Hours
8. It Doesn’t All Depend On You
- The Lord is the Rock – Not You
- Whose strength - yours or His?
- Key Staff to Lean On
- Trustworthy managers and assistants
9. Practically Speaking…and Walking
- Handle each piece of paper once
- File so you can find it!
- Early morning – before the others come
- Take a Break
10. Meetings – Time-manger or Time-waster?
- Do you really need all those meetings?
- Group or One-On-One?
- Why Morning and Mid-Week?
- Prov. 24:6 “By wise counsel…multitude of counselors
11. Acknowledge Him in All Your Ways
- Heart of Thankfulness
- Heart of Worship
- Heart of Service
12. Another Man’s Vineyard
- Follow & help fulfill their vision
- Faithful with another’s
- Learn and growth until your time
- The proper way of moving on