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It is a remarkable story of God's intervening hand to save his people. Pastor Paul Ciniraj, director of Bibles for Mideast, says that he an... |
 | | Pastor Holds Weekly Bible Studies With Trump's ENTIRE Cabinet
It has been revealed that cabinet officials attend a weekly Bible study group led by pastor Ralph Drollinger, who has said that he is c... |
 | | Video Clip Reveals Tebow Asked Brady To 'Look Out' For Convicted Murderer Aaron Hernandez
The shocking news that former Patriot's tight end and convicted murderer Aaron Hernandez had comitted suicide in his priosn cell broke... |
 | | Kentucky Governor Signs Bill Authorizing Bible Classes In Public Schools
Republican governor Matt Bevin has signed a bill that authorizes the running of elective Bible classes in public schools. House Bill 128 ov... |
 | | Is The Song "What A Beautiful Name It Is" Heretical?
At Bridgeway we love the song, “What a Beautiful Name It Is” (written by Ben Fielding and Brooke Ligertwood). But ther... |
 | | In An Age Of 'Fake News', We Need God's Truth More Than Ever
'Fake news' is a term that that has been thrown around for a while now. Brought into the public eye through the soundbite-lad... |
 | | Chris Pratt Praises God With Bible Verse After Receiving Hollywood Star
Chris Pratt has experienced the most remarkable rise to fame. You may remember him back when he was a minor character in the cul... |
 | | Atheist Sues For 'In God We Trust' To Be Removed From Money
Militant atheists Michael Newdow is back in the courtroom arguing that "In God We Trust" should be declared unconstitutional and be rem... |
 | | Megachurch Pastor Jailed For Misappropriating $35 Million, Posts Apology
Singapore's City Harvest Church pastor Kong Hee is set to begin his three and a half year prison sentence for misappropriating $35... |
 | | Husband Of NYC Judge Found Dead In The Hudson Says It Was Not Suicide
Sheila Abdus-Salaam, the first African-American woman to sit as an associate judge on the bench of New York State's highest court wa... |
 | | Joyce Meyer Answers The Tough Question: "How Do I Know If I'm Saved?"
Have you ever posed the question "how do I know if I'm saved?" It might seem simple, but this one trips up Christians all over the world... |
 | | 3 Things You Should Know About Neil Gorsuch's First Religious Liberty SCOTUS Case
Barely a couple of weeks after new SCOTUS justice Neil Gorsuch is sworn in, he has a big case to deal with. And it is a religious liberty c... |
 | | Ten Common Sentiments Pastors Wish They Could Express
I love pastors.I respect pastors.No, they aren’t perfect. Indeed, they often have many struggles and challenges. As I reviewed t... |
 | | Four Incredible Changes Christian's Will Experience In Their Resurrection Body
Have you ever wondered what your resurrection body will be like? When we see limits in our own physicality; be it sickness or sin, we ma... |
 | | St. Louis Shooting Witness: "I Was Calling 911 In One Hand And Jesus In The Other"
A witness to Thursday's shooting of two Laclede Gas employees has said that she desperately called out to Jesus whilst calling 911 at the... |
 | | Kris Vallotton: Your Prophetic Word Could Change The World
Have you ever received a prophetic word that changes your life? Maybe it’s been directly from God as you’ve learned how... |
 | | You Are Allowed To Hate God
You are allowed to hate God.If you don’t believe me I encourage you to read the “Psalms of Lament.”Bibl... |
 | | Water Mission: Building Financial Sustainability
This article was written by Mike Staub at Water Mission. How does Water Mission plan for the long-term success of our safe wate... |
 | | College Football Coach Keeps Posting Scripture Despite Being Slammed By Atheists
The head coach at a large university in Mississipi continues to use his social media accounts to declare the word of the Lord, despite being... |
 | | If Jesus Died For My Sins, Why Do I Need To Ask For Forgiveness Every Time I Sin?
It may look like a straightforward question, but a lot of Christians wrestle with this. If Jesus really died for my sins already, why am I req... |
 | | Aaron Hernandez Wrote John 3:16 Across His Forehead Before He Hung Himself
Former Patriots star and convicted murderer Aaron Hernandez has died after committing suicide in his Massachusetts prison cell. H... |