Showing posts with label Jeremiah Johnson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jeremiah Johnson. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

A Surprising Prophetic Word About the Supreme Court Same-Sex Marriage Ruling

God is compelling his bride, the church, to rise up in intercession, and now.
God is compelling his bride, the church, to rise up in intercession, and now. (Lightstock )
As news began to spread regarding the Supreme Court's 5-4 decision to legalize homosexual marriage in America this past week, my heart was filled with an unusual mixture of hope and crisis as I got on my knees before the Lord.
I immediately began to seek the Father regarding His perspective on the ruling and I believe He said to me, "In the natural, the Supreme Court justices have just legalized homosexual marriage in America, but little do they know that they also just authorized an awakening of the Spirit in My bride. For know that now is the time to turn inward, it is a time of repentance and fasting for My people. Has their laziness and blindness on the issue of sexual immorality in their midst not given the homosexual agenda its true power? America has now legalized homosexual immorality because the American church legalized heterosexual immorality first."
I immediately received a powerful vision of intercessors gathering from all over America in response to the ruling. They gathered and began to pray, but what they were interceding about was very displeasing to the Father. I listened very carefully to the cries and prayers of the intercessors in the vision and this is what they were crying out: "Father, we repent for the sins of America! Father, we ask that you would turn the hearts of homosexuals back to you. Father, bring justice to these people!"
As I listened in to these continual prayers, the Father said to me, "Do you know what's wrong with these prayers Jeremiah? They are all focused on the call for America to repent when I have called My bride to repent! You must tell the intercessors to shift their focus from America to My bride. Their self-righteous hearts and blindness to their own sin is a stench in my nostrils. The issues coming forth in the United States is not an American problem, it's an American Church problem."
America is in a crisis, but the American church is in a greater crisis. We are and will continue to reap what we have sown and that is seeds of silence and tolerance on the key issues of our day that have come before the Father as sin.
As Abraham Kuyper once said, "When principles that run against your deepest convictions begin to win the day, then battle is your calling, and peace has become sin; you must, at the price of dearest peace, lay your convictions bare before friend and enemy, with all the fire of your faith."
I believe that God the Father is releasing burning and shining lamps in America to sound the alarm and wake up the bride of Christ from her slumber (see John 5:35). He is bringing forth a worthy bride in the earth right now who will make herself ready by voluntarily choosing to love His Son Jesus.
In Revelation 3, Jesus told the church at Sardis, "You have the appearance of being alive, but you are dead." It is this same message, that the American church has every sign of thriving, every program known to man, every self-help workshop, yet they are spiritually dead that will awaken the bride and call her back to her first love.
I want to encourage intercessors and leaders across America to take the plank out of our own eyes before we begin judging homosexuals and the lifestyle that they have chosen (see Matthew 7:5). While I do believe that these individuals are choosing to blatantly sin and will be judged by God Himself for their behavior (see Romans 14:12), we have an obligation as believers in Jesus Christ to look within our own lives and in our own spiritual communities and ask the Spirit of truth to search us inwardly before we begin calling others to accountability (see Psalm 51:6).
My hope today is in Jesus Christ and in His desire to call His bride to the place of repentance and fasting in this hour. There is no other hope for the American church. We must remember that the heart of a religious Pharisee continues to cry out, "Thank God I'm not like them" (see Luke 18:11). May we repent to the Father for our failure as the bride of Christ to preach holiness and purity to those that call themselves believers in Jesus and for our self-righteous attitudes toward those who are in need of His grace and mercy.
I fully recognize the crisis that is here and will only increase in the days ahead if we as the bride of Christ do not turn to the Lord Jesus and repent of our sins. Let us choose wisely which path we walk. Shall we put our hope in Him and the invitation to look inward in this hour and examine our own hearts as the bride or shall we welcome continual crisis by becoming more consumed with the American problem than the American church problem?
Remember, reformation never comes to a society before it first comes to the church!
Jeremiah Johnson planted Heart of the Father Ministry in Lakeland, Florida and is on the Eldership Team. A gifted teacher, book author, and prophetic minister, Jeremiah travels extensively throughout the United States and abroad as a conference and guest speaker. Jeremiah and his wife, Morgan, reside in Florida with their two children: Bella Grace and Israel David. Check out Jeremiah's new book release, I See A New Prophetic Generation and visit him online at Behold the Man Ministries or connect with him on Facebook."
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Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Prophetic Dream: The Perfect Storm Is Upon America - Jeremiah Johnson

America's perfect storm is coming.
America's perfect storm is coming. (iStock photo )

Prophetic Insight, from Charisma Media
The Father showed five areas on which the American church must change its position before the 2016 election.
One of them was the issue of sexual immorality. Another was abortion. The third is our view and perception of what biblical love and grace really is. He reminded me of a powerful prophetic dream He had given me several years ago. 
In the dream, I found myself standing on the shoreline of the Atlantic coast facing the ocean. There was a tremendous storm front that was beginning to gather in the Atlantic. I could see the tip of Florida to my right and the upper parts of Maine to my left. I had a sense that I was somewhere near or in Virginia. 
As I looked up over the Atlantic Ocean, I noticed two enormous storms beginning to form. The first front moved ahead of the other. The Spirit of God spoke to me and said, "The Perfect Storm is upon America." These two fronts immediately began to move toward me, and demons began to manifest inside of them. I called out to the first front sweeping toward me and said, "Who are you?" The word "Rebellion" flashed before my eyes. I called out to the front behind it and said, "Who are you?" The word "Tolerance" appeared in the sky.
As these tremendous storms now passed over my head, I violently cried out and said, "I live in the most rebellious and tolerant generation that the world has ever known." The Spirit of God responded to me and said,
"The former prophets looked for physical storms by which they saw my judgments coming, but in these days I'm raising up prophets that will discern spiritual storms. You must know that the spiritual storms that are upon the earth are far greater than any physical storm that has touched earth. Physical storms are limited to a region of people. These spiritual storms that shall rise in the earth will have the power to affect every area of culture. Beware!"
As I faced America on the Atlantic coast and saw these two massive storms sweeping the land, I felt a tremendous urgency of the hour. I immediately jumped on a horse and began to ride, and the word "Paul Revere" was placed in my mouth as I rode. During the next years in the dream, I traveled to different churches all over America proclaiming what I had seen and heard. Though I went to thousands of different churches and visited numerous ethnic groups all over America, there were only three categories of churches. The following are the encounters that I had as I visited the different churches:
The Sleeping Church
The first type of church I visited had "Sleeping Church" engraved on its doors. As I opened the doors to these churches, every one of them was in the middle of a service. I would hurry in to relay the message of what I had just seen and heard, only to be shocked to see everyone in attendance, including the leadership, sucking on pacifiers. While this type of church could hear my words, they had no ability to respond. I began to cry out and say, "Why are you silent, Church, why are you silent? Though you are awake, you are sleeping!"
In the dream, the Holy Spirit immediately spoke to me Eph 4:14: "Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of men in their deceitful scheming."
The Street Church
The second type of church I visited met in the streets of America. Upon seeing all of these different gatherings in many different cities, I was delighted because many of them seemed to be around my age (18-35) and simply claimed allegiance to "Street Church." I began to interview and ask members of this particular type of church if they had heard about the two storms descending over America named "Rebellion" and "Tolerance." None of them seemed to understand what I was asking.
I continued in the street on my horse until I found myself at a gathering of thousands and thousands of these "Street Church" people. I recognized one of the leaders, but for the sake of integrity I will leave his name out. As I pressed into the crowd, there was an incredible sense of chaos and confusion among the people. I cried out to the Lord in the dream and said, "Who are these people?"
He said, "These are the products of the works-based gospel movement of the '80s and '90s. These are they who have rebelled in the name of grace but not in the name of My Son." As the Spirit spoke this to me, there began to be mass commotion in the crowd.
Suddenly, banners began to be carried by the Street Church all over America that read "GRACE." It was especially intriguing to me that these banners were dusty, and you could visibly see the mud on them. I said to the Lord, "Where have these young people picked up these banners from?" He said, "They have resurrected them from the former generations. False doctrines that were once done away with are now rising in the streets." The Spirit specifically showed me three false doctrines these groups believed in.
They were: 1. Manifest Sons of God Doctrine; 2. Joel's Army; and 3. Finished Work of the Cross Movement
Manifest Sons of God Doctrine
Those that resurrect this teaching will specifically focus on the perfection of the saints, immortalization and the attainment of actually being Christ as we become just like Him in nature and ability. This doctrine, as stated in the dream, will be carried by thousands of young adults being deceived because of the lack of biblical literacy and false teachers leading them astray.
Joel's Army Doctrine
This doctrine will specifically be marked by those who believe that the church has replaced Israel. This is also known as Replacement Theology. Dominion Theology and claims of divinity will also mark those who follow this doctrine.
Finished Work of the Cross Doctrine
I am aware that many people have never heard of this doctrine or movement that is really beginning to deceive many young people. In all my prayer and study, I have discerned that burned-out young people in particular who have served God through striving and performance-based Christianity are the primary targets of this deceptive doctrine and movement.
In essence, they were extremely faithful to God in past seasons without a heart that truly encountered the love and affection of Jesus. The problem with this movement and doctrine is that while there is much truth in the teaching that Christ is our final sacrifice, many in this movement believe that all mankind has been reconciled to God, which leads to universalism. 
Taking it a step further, postmodern universalists believe that unrepentant individuals will go to hell, but upon going there will recognize their sin and ultimately be taken to heaven. This movement also teaches that because Christ was sacrificed once and for all, Christians will never have to make sacrifices. Any grace teaching that alleviates believers from the personal responsibility of holiness and accountability is a false doctrine. 
Jesus Christ did not pick up His cross so that we don't have to. Jesus Christ picked up His cross to show us how to pick up ours. It's impossible to say we love Jesus and not seek to obey His Word. The Holy Spirit showed me that these three doctrines would begin to creep into the church because of the lack of biblical knowledge, coupled with tolerance and rebellion. I began to follow the grace banners with the people to the cities where they went. As the Street Church swarmed the crowds, they pulled out mace from their pockets. They began to spray people in the eyes and the Spirit said,
"They are blinding the generations to the truth in the name of grace. They call themselves Joel's army because they believe they will usher in the last day's grace movement in the earth, but know that they are like the locust seeking to devour and ravage the vineyards of young generations. They distort the truth and preach rebellion and tolerance in the name of grace. They shall question if hell exists. They will believe that many paths lead to Me. Their toleration has led to jubilation. They create crazy party atmospheres that attract the drug culture and the homosexual spirit. You must know that things are never as they appear with the Street Church."
After visiting these two types of churches, I was in great distress. I cried out to the Spirit and said, "Take me to Your church." I immediately rode up on a church building that had "Surrendered Church" on its doors.
The Surrendered Church
I quickly walked in and sat down. I immediately noticed that in the back of this church was a gaping hole. It was as if a blast had gone off and almost entirely knocked out the back walls of the Surrendered Church. As I visited surrendered churches all over America, I found the exact same thing. I sat in the back and asked the Father what had happened. He said, "My church was at first deceived by rebellion and tolerance. The Street Church you just saw stormed out of the back of My church and left because of the lack of foundation and character, but now My church has been awakened and shall be repaired."
I got up out of my seat and watched as many people were working on repairing the gaping hole in the back of the church. As I watched, I noticed something interesting; the workers were not just any workers. They were true apostles and prophets restoring the foundation, and many of them were teaching other young men how to properly lay the foundation. Meanwhile, many intercessors were in great travail repenting but having a great sense of hope as they cried out and thanked the Father for awakening His Son's bride from deception and for restoring the foundation layers to His church.
The Perfect Storm has landed in America and Rebellion and Tolerance have swept over our land. Three different types of churches are on every street corner in America. Will the Surrendered Church arise and take its rightful place among the masses?
I prophesy and warn you that one of the greatest challenges that the church in the West is facing and will face is how to deal with young people that have never understood or been taught biblical grace. Many of these individuals have been overly exposed to legalism and because of this are now embracing false grace and unbiblical views on love.
There must be a shift in the American church prior to the 2016 election with regard to the views of tolerance and rebellion. The Spirit of Truth must be given access to this specific area that is on the Father's heart in this hour.
Jeremiah Johnson is the servant leader of Heart of the Father Ministry in Lakeland, Florida. A gifted teacher, book author, and prophetic minister, Jeremiah travels extensively throughout the United States and abroad as a conference and guest speaker. Jeremiah and his wife, Morgan, reside in Florida with their two children: Bella Grace and Israel David. Visit Jeremiah online at or Unknown Dreamer Ministries.
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Thursday, May 28, 2015

In This Prophecy, the Church Began to Weep and Wail

Wailing and weeping
Will this issue ever get to the point where it breaks our hearts instead of hardening them? (iStock photo )
The Father spoke to me and said, "Jeremiah, the primary area that is upon my heart in this hour is the issue of abortion. I have given you a dream that must reach the four corners of the United States. The church must unify on this issue. I am giving them four years to do it. If they will, a great birthing will take place in 2016."
He then took me to the same factory that I had been to before regarding abortion.
In the dream, the second area that was on the Father's heart that the church must change her position on is sexual immorality. He began to show me massive gatherings of homosexuals all over the United States. They formed what were known as colonies where every elected official in the city was gay. He showed me their plots to gain control of the government through their agenda, so that they could affect every area of society.
The church came out to protest the gathering of homosexuals and their agendas, but then something portentous happened. God the Father began to rebuke the church saying:
"Has your laziness and blindness on the issue of sexual immorality within the church not given the homosexual agenda its true power? The issue is not the homosexual agenda. The issue that I have with you is the power that you have given it by failing to preach holiness and purity to masses. I have not called you to persecute homosexuals. I have called you to repent to Me for your wickedness and sin. I will take care of them. You must take care of yourself. Your doctrine is inaccurate. Your motives are impure. Before you pluck the speck out of their eyes, you have plenty in your own."
The church began to weep and wail. The sound was ear piercing. The church began to recognize their deception and how immorality had overrun the church and been accepted rather than dealt with. As repentance took place, the Father spoke again:
"My answer to the homosexual agenda in the earth is a movement of purity. I will gather hundreds of thousands of pure ones that will unite in an effort to confront the issues of their day. It will be internally focused, not externally focused. They will keep their hand to the plow concentrating on immorality within their ranks, and then I will begin to deal with the homosexual agenda on My own terms. There will be new diseases amongst the sexually immoral that will be like a plague. They will reap what they have sown. Science will begin to identify the diseases that will overrun an immoral people in the earth in the years to come."
Jeremiah Johnson is the servant leader of Heart of the Father Ministry in Lakeland, Florida. A gifted teacher, book author, and prophetic minister, Jeremiah travels extensively throughout the United States and abroad as a conference and guest speaker. Jeremiah and his wife, Morgan, reside in Florida with their two children: Bella Grace and Israel David. Check out Jeremiah's new book release, I See A New Prophetic Generation and visit him online at Unknown Dreamer Ministries or connect with him on Facebook.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Prophetic Dream: A Great Birthing in 2016 Depends on This - Jeremiah Johnson

Will the church ever unify against abortion?
Will the church ever unify against abortion? (Flickr)
The Father spoke to me and said, "Jeremiah, the primary area that is upon my heart in this hour is the issue of abortion. I have given you a dream that must reach the four corners of the United States. The church must unify on this issue. I am giving them four years to do it. If they will, a great birthing will take place in 2016. He then took me to the same factory that I had been to before regarding abortion. He showed me the same dream again. Here is the dream.
Let My Babies Go Dream
I began to walk down the same dirt road that I had traveled on two nights ago. As I walked, the Spirit of God said to me, "Just as I have shown you the thrones that men and women sit upon in their homes and in my churches and think that they worship me, so I will show you the cries that come before MY throne day and night."
I walked up to a huge factory where a line of men and women filled the street. The factory was dark and the hair on my body was standing straight up. Most of the women that were in line trying to get into the factory were very pregnant; others of them were carrying small children. As I made my way to the front of the line, I heard screams coming from inside, blood curling screams. There was an inscription in the top of the door that read, "House of Horror."
As I walked inside, I realized that this factory was an enormous abortion clinic, and I began to weep. There were hundreds of cribs in this factory. The factory floor was about as big as a football field. As I began to look inside the cribs, I saw very small babies with snakes wrapped around them. It was horrifying. I moved from crib to crib watching these snakes choke and kill these babies. I noticed that the women that were dropping these babies off were dejected, defeated, and overwhelmed. I stared into their eyes and pleaded with them, but their minds and hearts were already made up.
All of the sudden, the House of Horror began to shake. It felt like a tremendous earthquake was unearthing the foundation of the factory. Then came a booming, loud, and fatherly voice that said, "LET MY BABIES GO!"
At the sound of the Father's voice, I cried out violently and said, "Father what is this, what is this House of Horror? Who are these snakes?" He said to me, "This house of horror and houses like this in the earth are what have my full attention in this hour. The snakes are the spirits of suicide and death. They are methodically killing off the next generations. The dejected, defeated, and overwhelming look that you see on those women's faces are what happens when they come into agreement with the lies of the deceiver."
I left the factory weeping. I was inconsolable. I began saying to the Father, "but I just want to see Your house Papa! I want to see what is inside Your factory!" And He said to me, "So have you asked, so shall I show you." I turned down a dirt road and there before me was a glowing factory. It was made of gold and pearls. There were angelic hosts that were guarding it day and night. There was also a line of people out in front of this factory, just like the house of horror, except none of the women and men had children and none of the women were pregnant. I thought that this was peculiar.
As I approached the entrance to this glowing factory, the Father's factory, before me was a beautiful and radiant inscription that read, "House of Hope." As I walked into this factory, I heard laughing; hysterical laughter. I began to look around inside the Hope factory and realized that the sound was coming from the cribs. I said to the Father, "These babies are too young to laugh like this." He said to me, "Jeremiah, this is the laugh of the redeemed that no man can contain or deny."
I began to take notice of the babies in the cribs very carefully. I wanted to make sure that there were no snakes in these cribs. As I looked down into all the cribs in the Hope factory, I noticed that in each and every one of the cribs, there was an inscription woven into the crib bed where the babies were lying. The inscriptions on the cribs read, Isaiah 66:9 "Shall I bring to the point of birth and not give delivery?" says the LORD. "Or shall I who gives delivery shut the womb?" says your God.
I began to shout aloud in the hope factory and I rejoiced over these babies with laughter, dance, and singing. I joined with these young ones in the "laugh of the redeemed." As I paraded my way around, the Spirit of God spoke to me and said, "Jeremiah, I want you to tell the people what you have seen and heard. I want you to shout this from the north, to the south, and to the east and the west. Gather my sons and daughters from afar, for I am raising up the spirit of adoption in the earth specifically amongst my bride. Even as I am bringing many sons and daughters to glory, so I am going to sovereignly begin to place the murder of the innocent at the doorsteps of many, many hearts in this hour. Houses of horror will begin to rise in the earth. I hear their cries Jeremiah. I will not turn my ears and eyes away from my precious ones. Watch the White House. My people will gather there to fight for Hope. People from all over the nation will gather to fight for the lives of the innocent ones. Watch and see. There will be many in the earth that will begin to adopt. I am even now championing this cause in the earth. I am touching sons and daughters and planting inside of them a heart to adopt from my House of Hope. None of the women and men that you saw lined up outside My House of Hope had children or babies because they were coming to my house to adopt."
As the Father finished speaking to me, I began to find my way to the entrance of the factory. As I walked outside, I began to thank everyone in the line. I said, "The Father wants to personally thank you for coming to His House of Hope, for championing this cause in the earth, for it has come before His throne and He will not watch and wait any longer." I began to notice women in their 50s, 60s, and 70s standing in the back of the line. I said, "Father? Them too?" He said to me, "Yes Jeremiah, shall these women not also partake in my invitation to adopt in this hour?" I walked away from the Hope factory rejoicing, but also filled with sadness as I once again noticed the factory of horror that I had walked into earlier that night. Then I awoke.
Jeremiah Johnson is the servant leader of Heart of the Father Ministry in Lakeland, Florida. A gifted teacher, book author, and prophetic minister, Jeremiah travels extensively throughout the United States and abroad as a conference and guest speaker. Jeremiah and his wife, Morgan, reside in Florida with their two children: Bella Grace and Israel David.
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Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Prophetic Dream: A Nasharite Army Is Rising in America - JEREMIAH JOHNSON

God's army
Prophetic Insight, from Charisma Media
On Feb. 16, 2015, I had a prophetic dream where I saw two armies who were facing one another on American soil. One army had a flag that said, "Prayer Movement" and the other army had a flag that said, "Awakening Movement." Riding on white horses, two generals of the movements came out to meet one another.
As these generals gathered, the Spirit of God spoke to me in the dream and said, "These men and these movements must join together to fulfill my purposes in America. For surely intercession gives birth to awakening and awakening gives birth to more intercession. This three-chord strand cannot be easily broken. Many moves of My Spirit have known intercession unto awakening, but I am releasing awakening unto intercession in America that will sustain the coming outpouring of My Spirit. The awakening that is coming to America will give birth to many houses of prayer."
As the Holy Spirit spoke this, these prayer and awakening generals got off their horses and took off their helmets. They got down on their knees and extended a hand to one another. As they grasped hands, lightning from heaven struck the ground and a great shaking began to take place in America. The two armies that were facing one another began to embrace and sharpen one another's swords.
The Spirit of God spoke again in the dream and said, "This is My Nasharite Army that will fulfill My end-time purposes in America. They will intercede for awakening and out of awakening in America will come much intercession. It is not enough to pray for awakening, this Nasharite army must pray through awakening."
In a previous dream on May 5, 2014, I was given greater insight into this Nasharite army as I found myself in a medieval-looking city with thousands of saints who were oppressed and fearful because the enemy had laid siege to the city. I began to rally the people and tell them not to be afraid. Suddenly, several key leaders of the prayer movement in Kansas City, Missouri, appeared and told the people to get ready for battle.
As the army assembled, I began to prophesy in the dream and say, "For every one voice of awakening that God is raising up in America, He is releasing seven voices of prophetic intercession that will prepare the way for the coming revival." This Nasharite army carries the DNA of man named Daniel Nash who at age 48, gave himself to prayer for the meetings of revivalist Charles Finney during the Second Great Awakening in America. Nash would go into territories before Finney's revival meetings and travail and intercede until he won heaven's blessing upon the meetings.
Similar to Daniel Nash, I believe God is raising up a Nasharite army in this hour who will not only cry out for awakening, but labor in the secret place to see it come to pass. As awakening comes, it will be the fuel that drives these men and women back to the place of prayer. It was said that when Daniel Nash died, the ministry of Charles Finney ended. We cannot underestimate the power of prophetic intercession and how directly connected it is to awakening and revival. We must move past simply showing up to revival services and actually give ourselves as believers to travail and intercession. As we begin to experience the burden of God for our generation and watch Him release awakening, it must drive us even further into abiding in Him. Apart from Him we can do nothing (John 15:5).
I prophesy that a uniting of the prayer and awakening movements is coming to America. There will be many strategic gatherings of awakening generals and prayer generals to release the word of the Lord and to deliver clear prayer agendas to the body of Christ. I see a Nasharite army rising in America whose bread is travail and whose water is awakening. These men and women will intercede for awakening and when it comes, it will be a sign to pray some more. We must see awakening sustained in America through a consistent lifestyle of prayer and fasting. There is not other way forward.
Want to know more about the next great move of God? Click here to see Jennifer LeClaire's new book, featuring Dutch Sheets, Reinhard Bonnke, Jonathan Cahn, Billy Graham and others.
Jeremiah Johnson is the servant leader of Heart of the Father Ministry in Lakeland, Florida. A gifted teacher, book author, and prophetic minister, Jeremiah travels extensively throughout the United States and abroad as a conference and guest speaker. Jeremiah and his wife, Morgan, reside in Florida with their two children: Bella Grace and Israel David.
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Friday, January 30, 2015

Prophetic Word Sparks Purity and Power Revival in Virginia - JENNIFER LECLAIRE CHARISMA NEWS

Prophetic Word Sparks Purity and Power Revival in Virginia

Impact International Ministries is launching Awaken21, a power and purity revival.
Impact International Ministries is launching Awaken21, a power and purity revival. (Impact International Ministries/Facebook)

Watchman on the Wall, by Jennifer LeClaire
While writing The Next God: An Appeal to Heaven for Spiritual Awakening, I traveled to many cities to witness pockets of revival breaking out.
What the Holy Spirit showed me is there are many expressions of revival. Of course, they are all marked by a fervent hunger for the presence of God. One expression of revival is manifesting in Bristol, Virginia.
What started as a three-hour service with Ryan LeStrange and Jeremiah Johnson has turned into a genuine outpouring at Impact International Church there.
It all started when Johnson, pastor at Heart of the Father Ministry in Lakeland, Florida, released a prophetic word about an appointed season of transformation and revival opening up in the Tri-Cities region of Tennessee and Virginia.
"The atmosphere shifted and it became clear that this was not an ordinary meeting," says LeStrange, founder of Impact International Ministries in Bristol. "There has been a tangible move of purity and fire sweeping the nightly services."
They're calling it Awaken21: A purity and power revival. The number 21 represents a set time in which God is igniting the outpouring. It also represents holiness and completion.
LeStrange says one of the most powerful moments was when people started repenting for exalting their gifts above intimacy. The room, he says, was filled with the cry of hunger.
"Young people have been flooding the altar crying out for more and being set free," LeStrange says. "People are committing their lives to the Lord and restoring their first love."
Johnson points to God's healing power in the meetings, noting a powerful miracle when LeStrange prayed for deaf ears to be opened.
"A man who was watching online from Ireland was instantly healed and his deaf ear began to hear. He reported that he had been deaf in that ear since childhood. Many others have been healed of various infirmities," Johnson says.
"On Saturday night healing power swept the meeting and a woman who had driven in from North Carolina received a powerful miracle in her back. She had surgical rods in her back and was suddenly able to bend and move. After the meeting she took her brace off free from pain and restored movement."
I have worked with both Ryan and Jeremiah. They are both sowing the seeds of revival everywhere they go as we enter into what I believe is a Third Great Awakening. Sure, it's growing darker in America, but I believe the next move of God is emerging even now. (Click here to listen to Ryan and me talk about the next move of God.)
I see the remnant rising. I see people from different denominations praying together for awakening. I see more desperation than I've ever seen in the body of Christ. Despite all the doom and gloom I see around me, I have never been more hopeful. We're not there yet, but I believe a spirit of repentance is coming over the church and those who embrace it will help usher in the next great move of God.
Jennifer LeClaire is senior editor of Charisma. She is also director of Awakening House of Prayer in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and author of several books, including The Making of a Prophet and Satan's Deadly Trio: Defeating the Deceptions of Jezebel, Religion and Witchcraft. You can visit her website here. You can also join Jennifer on Facebook or follow her on Twitter.
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