" Model of Solomon's Temple and environs" constructed by Dr. Conrad Schick (circa 1870). The photo was probably taken around 1900 and colorized by photographer Eric Matson some 60 years later [The model is more representative of Jerusalem in the days of Herod, and not in the days of Solomon.]
As Jews celebrate the Sukkot holiday around the world, their liturgy reflects the huge role the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem played on this pilgrimage holiday.
"Bring us to Zion, Your city, in glad song, and to Jerusalem the site of your Temple, with eternal gladness." -- From the Musaf service during Sukkot.
Jerusalem also attracted many Christians, including Conrad Schick, a German missionary who arrived in 1846. Schick was a self-taught architect, cartographer and archaeologist, and very well-respected by all faiths in Jerusalem. The mark he left on Jerusalem lasts until today, particularly in the buildings and neighborhoods he designed such as the Me'ah She'arim neighborhood and the Bikur Cholim and
Sha'are Zedek hospitals. His own home still stands on Hanivi'im (Prophets) Street.
Click on photos to enlarge. Click on captions to view the original picture.
Schick was also well known for his models of archaeological sites. A respected archaeologist, he would show up at various construction sites and digs to inspect ancient finds. The Muslim authorities permitted him relatively free access to the Temple Mount when they requested his help in renovations. Schick and his student,
Jacob Eliahu Spafford, the adopted Jewish-born son of the American Colony founders, are credited with discovering the Silwan Tunnel tablet, credited to King Hezekiah.
Below are some of the models Schick built, photographed by the American Colony Photographic Department.