Showing posts with label John Paul Jackson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label John Paul Jackson. Show all posts

Thursday, June 18, 2015

WATCH: Remembering John Paul Jackson's 'Perfect Storm' Warning

John Paul Jackson

WATCH: Remembering John Paul Jackson's 'Perfect Storm' Warning

Join us on our new podcast each weekday for an interesting story, well told, from Charisma News. Listen at

The legacy of John Paul Jackson lives on in his prophecies.
The eerily accurate author and speaker gave one message, though, foreseeing headlines that could very soon grace the front pages of news media across the globe. 
How soon is to be determined, but with other prophetic events lining up, is now the time?
Watch the video to see. 
The Charisma Podcast Network is now live. Featuring a variety of programs including news, leadership, inspiring stories, women's topics, sports, and even more.
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Thursday, February 26, 2015

Doug Addison Gives Prophetic Insight About John Paul Jackson

Doug Addison Gives Prophetic Insight About John Paul Jackson


Doug Addison Gives Prophetic Insight About John Paul Jackson

John Paul Jackson went to Heaven on February 18, 2015. I have gotten a lot of inquiries about my insight on his death. I decided to record an audio to help answer some questions and to celebrate John Paul’s life and ministry.
We mourn with and pray for John Paul’s wife Diane, their sons Micah and Aaron and the Streams Ministries family. God is doing something new on the earth right now. I want to assure people that you can trust what God is saying.

Special audio of Doug Addison giving insight about John Paul Jackson:


Doug Adddson
Doug Addison is a prophetic dream interpreter, speaker, writer, Life Coach, and stand-up comedian. Doug travels the world bringing a message of love, hope, and having fun! His unique style helps open people to discover their destiny and experience God’s supernatural love and power. Doug is an award-winning author of seven books. He and his wife Linda live in Los Angeles, California.

Click here: Doug Addison website

Thursday, February 19, 2015

John Paul Jackson Passes Away

John Paul Jackson Passes Away

Prophetic minister John Paul Jackson has died.
Prophetic minister John Paul Jackson has died. (Facebook/File)
Prophetic minister John Paul Jackson has died. 
"Over this past weekend we've started to see signs that his weakened breathing is causing vital organs to become oxygen deprived," reads a post on his website.
Jackson has been battling cancer since May 2014 after doctors found a large, aggressive growth in his leg that needed immediate treatment. Through this experience, he wrote how cancer taught him much about how seriously God takes our fears and vowed to use prayer to fight it.
"I am pursuing the kingdom of God and equipping people to do the same as vigorously as I am able. I refuse to allow the enemy a stronghold in my thoughts. God is great and all-powerful," Jackson said in 2014. "I believe He will take me through this battle. In the process, God will gain a great victory and His name will be glorified."
Jackson is the founder of Streams Ministries International, a ministry that works to encourage, motivate and equip people to walk in greater maturity, wisdom, character and holiness. Jackson is perhaps best-known for his biblical approach to dream interpretation and prophetic evangelism, Charisma previously reported.
According to his website, Jackson's biblical approach to dreams revealed their life-changing purpose and restored an overlooked way God chooses to communicate with people. His "explanations of the unexplainable" helped people relate to God and each other in fresh ways.
Jackson launched Streams Ministries International in 1993. Their mission statement, according to the website, is to touch people with the message of God's love, bring the awe of God back into the church and transform lives through the supernatural of the Holy Spirit. 
Please pray for the Jackson family.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

HEARING GOD'S VOICE IN A BUSY WORLD Written by John Paul Jackson


Written by John Paul Jackson
Prayer is more than just speaking to God. It also means listening to God. It can mean quieting the soul, being still before Him, momentarily letting go of a busy schedule—and just listening.
The greatest “noise” that hinders us from hearing Him comes from our minds. My life is so full that my time is usually spoken for, and my mind is constantly working. Demands are placed on me. I’m recovering from radiation therapy and facing potential surgery. There is a lot of “noise” in my life right now.
In order to hear the still, quiet voice of the Lord in the midst of chaos and distraction, we need to develop the habit of meeting with Him on a regular basis. There, in His presence, we can practice two things that are capable of changing our lives forever.
1. Meditate on God
Some of my favorite times of prayer occur when I am meditating on God, focusing on His splendor and glory. When you look at Him—really, truly give Him your attention—you start to remember that He is good, that He is great, that His love is powerful and true, that nothing is too hard for Him. It is not uncommon to sit in His presence and wonder, How could I have forgotten that about You? In His presence, you remember who He is.
David would actually remind the Lord of what He had done in the past. These prayers have tremendous power as we recall the multi-layered promises God has given us: “Remember, O Lord, Your tender mercies and Your loving kindnesses, for they are from of old” (Psalm 25:6).
2. Meditate on His Word
Second, you can meditate on God’s Word by slowly and deliberately reading the Scriptures. This is called Lectio Divina, which means “holy reading.” Essentially, it is praying God’s Word. You meditate on a particular passage and wait for God to give you greater understanding about it.
Lectio Divina is about taking it slow and really sinking your teeth into one section of Scripture at a time, letting it soak down into your heart. It is a way to practice giving God your full, undivided attention. The more you practice this method of reading the Scriptures, the easier it becomes to focus on God without the distractions of the day taking over your consciousness.
This type of prayer, meditating on the Word, will radically transform your life. It has certainly transformed mine.
The Raging River of Hope
I often tell people, “What you focus on is what you make room for.” In other words, when we focus on the Lord, we make room for Him in our lives. The apostle Paul talks about this principle in 2 Corinthians 3:18: “But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed.” Beholding the glory of God transforms us. We become the people we were made to be—children who look more and more like their Father. Hope washes like a wild river through our souls, and we are restored.
As we develop a habit of meeting regularly with God, we prepare our spirits to hear from Him in times of peace as well as in times of crisis. We’re able to hear His voice even in the midst of “noise,” and the distractions that pull at us from the world will seem like actual distractions. We will recognize them for what they are, because we know the more important thing.

The Art of Praying the Scriptures book, CD-Set and Study Card are all valuable tools that will help prepare you to pray God’s Word back to him. The book contains 175 pages of practical instruction on the process of meditating on and praying God’s word and it includes some of John Paul’s favorite Scripture verses. The 2-CD Set goes deeper into this teaching with John Paul sharing several stories and anecdotes. To see the Art of Praying the Scriptures teaching series.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

The Elephant in the Room by John Paul Jackson

The Elephant in the Room 

by John Paul Jackson

Identity Network
The Lord wants to increase your hope. No matter what you're going through right now, whether you view your life overall as a positive or negative experience, whether things are going well or things are going poorly, if you are in good health or poor health, if you are living in surplus or in need, if you are content or sick at heart - the Lord wants to increase your hope.
Hope is rekindled in our hearts when a word from God is spoken at the right time, in the right way and in the right season. The Psalms put it this way:
I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in His word I do hope. Psalm 130:5
I firmly believe that once we're transferred from the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of His most marvelous light, when we ask for a fish, we don't get a stone (1 Peter 2:9; Luke 11:11-13). He is a good Father, who gives good gifts to His kids. So we can say very simply to Him, "God, I want to learn to hear from You," and He will teach us how to hear Him. He will change our lives with the sound of His voice.
Hope: A Mind Set on God
In some ways, hope is the easiest thing in the world to find. It can be like a large elephant standing in a small room - it is right there, all the time, fully visible because of who God is and His unchanging, ever-faithful, never-failing affection for His people. God is God; therefore, there is always hope.
But in other ways, hope can be difficult to find, because when we're anxious, upset or fearful, it isn't easy to hear God's voice. Peace is the great potting soil of revelation - of communing with God and hearing His truth. A mind set on God will recognize God, will hear God and then can respond to Him. All of us are in a process of tuning, honing and developing our ability to hear Him, and in this quest, all of us are going to succeed, because He wants us to hear His voice. He doesn't speak to us because He has to; He speaks to us because He wants to. We just celebrated Easter - we know the price He paid to be with His children.
God knows right where you are in this on-going process of building a deep, abiding relationship with Him. He knows that you are still learning. He sees what you're going through, and He treats you as His prize, not as His burden.
God Has the Time
All too often, we allow the enemy to convince us that God doesn't have the time or the inclination to put up with us and our shortcomings. We can start to think that hope is too elusive and hearing God is too hard, because He's disappointed with us. We don't give ourselves grace for where we are. We think He doesn't take into consideration how each of us is still learning, and so we bypass verses like Psalm 103:13-14, not realizing how they apply to us:
As a father pities his children, So the Lord pities those who fear Him.  For He knows our frame; He remembers that we are dust.
Does that sound like a God who doesn't understand? Does that sound like a God who is far away? Does that sound like there is no hope for you and your circumstances?
This month, remember that hope is not a small, frail, feather-light thing that would be easy for you to destroy. It is the elephant in the room - it is massive. It is weighty. Hearing God's voice can change your world and fill even the bleakest of situations with hope.
John Paul Jackson
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Tuesday, May 20, 2014

In the Face of Cancer, John Paul Jackson Shares How to Get Rid of Your Fear - JOHN PAUL JACKSON

John Paul Jackson

In the Face of Cancer, John Paul Jackson Shares How to Get Rid of Your Fear

Over time, I have discovered that God takes our fears very seriously. We often do not. Most of us have been afraid of the same things for so many years that we almost don't notice how they're affecting us anymore—or worse, we choose to ignore them.
This isn't fear, we may think. I just don't do that sort of thing. I'm not outgoing enough.
It's not because I'm afraid of failing. I've just decided not to see this through.
I know God doesn't want me to be afraid of this (person, event, situation), but I am.
Our fears may seem small and insignificant to us, but they aren't to God. He will often go to great lengths to see that we are delivered from them.
Several years ago, I had nightmares for 69 nights in a row. Most of the time, I would wake up sweating, yelling and thinking I was going to die. I begged God to stop the dreams, but He didn't—at least, not in the way I had been expecting.
By the time Night Number 70 rolled around, I was staying up until 1 or 2 a.m. and avoiding going to bed for as long as I could. That night, when I finally fell asleep, I dreamed that I was in a huge, beautiful house. Everything was peaceful. But then I saw a bee outside the window, and I thought, Oh, no! Not again! I am not going to let them in this house!
I got out my duct tape and taped up every window, door and even the fireplace. I was determined the bees were not going to get into the house, and when I had finished, I was relieved. I had done it! I had conquered them! I couldn't see out the windows because the swarm was so thick—but I had conquered them.
Suddenly, an angel stood beside me. "Come with me," he said.
But I knew better. "No," I replied. "I know you. You've been here before! Every time I go with you, you take me outside, and if I go outside, the bees are going to know I'm there, and they will sting me, and I will die!"
Rather forcefully, he said, "I said, ‘Come with me!'"
The next thing I knew, I was standing outside about 100 feet away from the house. The bees blanketed the structure completely. You couldn't even see it anymore.
The angel looked at me. "Blow on it!"
Once again, I knew better. "No," I told him. "If I blow on it, they are going to know I'm here, and then they are going to come and sting me, and I'll die!"
"I said, ‘Blow on it!'" he repeated.
It was clear that either the bees were going to kill me or this angel was. So, coming up with a plan, I took a small breath and whispered at the house. I thought that maybe if I blew only a little bit, the bees wouldn't notice I was there, and the angel would be satisfied.
But no. He turned to me again. "I said, ‘Blow on it!' Let the breath of God blow through you! Blow on that!"
Knowing I was facing imminent death, I took a deep breath and blew with everything I had. To my shock, a huge number of bees lifted off the house and disappeared! Full of courage, I did it again. Three breaths later, I could see that the house was completely clean.
The angel looked at me and said, "Never allow the enemy to do that to you again! The Spirit of the Living God will stop it if you will let Him come forth from you. Never stop the breath of God!"
God takes our fears very seriously. None of them is inconsequential, and no matter how small they may seem, every one of them affects us. Our heavenly Father wants us to be free from their negative and binding consequences—but we have to want that freedom, too.
We need to view our fears the way God views them. Take some time and ask Him which fear, or fears, He wants to address in your life today.
What does He want to remove? What do you need to start thinking differently about? It could be that God has a great blessing waiting for you on the other side of the fear, a blessing that has been available to you but that you couldn't see because the fear kept it hidden from your sight.
Let the breath of God blow through you at your fear, and you will reap the benefit true freedom brings.

John Paul Jackson is the founder of Streams Ministries International ( and a well-known authority on dream interpretation and prophetic evangelism who ministers nationally and internationally in churches and conferences. He is also the author of numerous books, including the best-selling titlesUnmasking the Jezebel Spirit and Needless Casualties of War.
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Thursday, May 8, 2014

John Paul Jackson Vows to Fight Aggressive Cancer With Prayer

John Paul Jackson

John Paul Jackson Vows to Fight 

Aggressive Cancer With Prayer

John Paul Jackson, perhaps best known for his prophetic dream interpretations, has been diagnosed with cancer. Doctors found a large, aggressive cancerous growth in his leg that needs immediate treatment.
“I have said on many occasions that I do not always understand God’s ways, especially in the heat of a test, but I do always trust Him, in good times and in difficult times,” Jackson writes. He called the cancer his “greatest personal test.”
In the face of the cancer diagnoses, Jackson has canceled his upcoming speaking engagements to prepare for what he calls a “rigorous treatment protocol.”
“I have not ruled out any and all forms of treatment paths, but at the top of that list is prayer. I know that God can heal me in one instant or through the hands of doctors over time,” Jackson says. “We are focusing our faith for a miracle, while following doctor’s advice until my healing is complete.”
During his treatment, Jackson vows to do what God has called him to do as best he can. But he will not include travel in the mix.
“I am pursuing the kingdom of God and equipping people to do the same as vigorously as I am able. I refuse to allow the enemy a stronghold in my thoughts. God is great and all-powerful,” Jackson says. “I believe He will take me through this battle. In the process, God will gain a great victory and His name will be glorified.”
Jackson has asked believers everywhere to join in the battle with him by offering two minutes a day to ask God to heal him and destroy the works of the evil one.
“Just two minutes will make a huge difference in separating light from darkness and health from disease,” Jackson says. “Please pray for Diane and me. With your prayers, we will see God glorified, and what Satan meant for evil will be seen as the glory of God being displayed.”

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM - written by John Paul Jackson

The Elephant in the Room


                                                      John Paul Jackson

Hope is rekindled in our hearts when a word from God is spoken at the right time, in the right way and in the right season. The Psalms put it this way:The Lord wants to increase your hope. No matter what you’re going through right now, whether you view your life overall as a positive or negative experience, whether things are going well or things are going poorly, if you are in good health or poor health, if you are living in surplus or in need, if you are content or sick at heart—the Lord wants to increase your hope.

 I wait for the Lord, my soul waits,And in His word I do hope. — Psalm 130:5
 I firmly believe that once we’re transferred from the kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of His most marvelous light, when we ask for a fish, we don’t get a stone (1 Peter 2:9; Luke 11:11–13). He is a good Father, who gives good gifts to His kids. So we can say very simply to Him, “God, I want to learn to hear from You,” and He will teach us how to hear Him. He will change our lives with the sound of His voice.


In some ways, hope is the easiest thing in the world to find. It can be like a large elephant standing in a small room—it is right there, all the time, fully visible because of who God is and His unchanging, ever-faithful, never-failing affection for His people. God is God; therefore, there is always hope.
But in other ways, hope can be difficult to find, because when we’re anxious, upset or fearful, it isn’t easy to hear God’s voice. Peace is the great potting soil of revelation—of communing with God and hearing His truth. A mind set on God will recognize God, will hear God and then can respond to Him. 
All of us are in a process of tuning, honing and developing our ability to hear Him, and in this quest, all of us are going to succeed, because He wants us to hear His voice. He doesn’t speak to us because He has to; He speaks to us because He wants to. We just celebrated Easter—we know the price He paid to be with His children.
God knows right where you are in this on-going process of building a deep, abiding relationship with Him. He knows that you are still learning. He sees what you’re going through, and He treats you as His prize, not as His burden.


All too often, we allow the enemy to convince us that God doesn’t have the time or the inclination to put up with us and our shortcomings. We can start to think that hope is too elusive and hearing God is too hard, because He’s disappointed with us. We don’t give ourselves grace for where we are. We think He doesn’t take into consideration how each of us is still learning, and so we bypass verses like Psalm 103:13–14, not realizing how they apply to us:
 As a father pities his children, So the Lord pities those who fear Him. For He knows our frame; He remembers that we are dust.
Does that sound like a God who doesn’t understand? Does that sound like a God who is far away? Does that sound like there is no hope for you and your circumstances?
This month, remember that hope is not a small, frail, feather-light thing that would be easy for you to destroy. It is the elephant in the room—it is massive. It is weighty. Hearing God’s voice can change your world and fill even the bleakest of situations with hope.

Monday, April 21, 2014



Written by John Paul Jackson
Israel's Right to the Land
Article adapted from his teaching at the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem
For Release: January 2014

I am intensely interested in what God is doing in Israel. I have visited the Holy Land more than 20 times. Recently, the Lord led me to study the life of Abraham. The Jews say Abraham was born 1,948 years after Adam was created. 1948 is an interesting number. Israel became a nation in 1948 - 1,948 years after the birth of Jesus, the second Adam.
Another interesting parallel is that the Tower of Babel was built in 1996 - 1,996 years from the beginning of creation. In 1996 A.D., The European Union made the Tower of Babel its insignia. I don’t think that’s an accident.
The Tower of Babel was in Ur which is where Abraham is from.  God called him to the land of Canaan. Lot went with him and God blessed them. Their flocks multiplied. Soon, there wasn’t enough grassland to feed both of their families. So, they separated. Lot went to the valley of Sodom and Gomorrah. Abraham stayed in the northern part of Canaan.
During that time, God brought in four kings from the east to Israel. One was the king of Babel, which is modern day Iraq. Another was the king over Persia, which is modern day Iran. There were two other kings with them as well.
There were five other kings. These were vassal kings. They were the kings of Sodom and Gomorrah. There were three other kings with them as well. But, these five vassal kings stopped paying their taxes to the other four kings.
The four kings didn’t want to lose all that tax money. So, they came to Israel to fight the five kings who didn’t want to pay their taxes.
The four kings conquered the five vassal kings and seized everything in Sodom and Gomorrah including Lot and his family who were taken back to Ur the land they originally came from.
Abraham heard about it and took 318 men with him and conquered the four kings who overpowered the five kings that didn’t pay their taxes.  That was a staggering victory, not only by the numbers but by the right of conquest. Abraham now had the rights to all of the land of Israel.
After that, a strange individual visited Abraham. It was Melchizedek. If you really believe Melchizedek had no beginning and no end; then, you would have to admit, He wasn’t human. He’s without father, without mother, without beginning, without end.
And He was the King of Salem, the King of Righteousness. He’s described in many ways as Yeshua Himself. Whoever He was, He was very powerful. And, He blessed Abraham.
Right after that, Abraham had an encounter with God. God gave Abraham a vision of a burning oven. A torch passed between pieces of animals that were cut in half. And God made a covenant with Abraham. He told Abraham, “I will give you every place your foot has trod.” That, literally, goes back to where Abraham came from — the land of Ur.
Abraham has a right to the land because God gave it to him and because Abraham conquered it. Parallels also show how God has watched over Israel from the beginning. He is watching over them now.

Sunday, April 20, 2014


John Paul Jackson



Written by John Paul Jackson
Home > Resources > 
God and His Thoughts Toward You
Several people have recently asked me to teach on what I call the Law of Geographic Anointing. Simply put, this law is all about the heart of God, His extravagant affection for us and how He intends to use us on the earth. Though not clearly stated, this law can be seen in every story in Scripture.
The Law of Geographic Anointing reveals that God has a plan and a purpose for each of us. He chose the times and places we would live, and He arranged a myriad of details concerning us (Acts 17:26–28).
The moment we begin to peel back the layers of geographic anointing, we come face to face with a powerful but childlike realization: I must be important to God for Him to be so intentional about the details of my life. The more we understand His ways, His plans for us and His purposes on the earth, the more we understand the position we hold in His heart and are drawn to love Him passionately in return.


God loves us more than we could ever comprehend. His affection for us is greater than anything we could ever hope for. The Law of Geographic Anointing is one of many principles and laws in Scripture that boldly declare that truth. But when it comes down to it, many of us have a hard time balancing what God says about us and what we believe about ourselves.
I spent two years in such a state of heaviness that all I could do was sit in my office. I dreaded the phone calls asking me to come and speak. Whenever I stood behind a pulpit, the Holy Spirit would come upon me and anoint me in incredible ways. Amazing things would happen. But when I walked away from the pulpit, the anointing would lift, and I would spiral back into my abysmal office sitting, unable to do anything productive and wincing every time the phone rang.
In that time of darkness, the Lord dealt with me concerning this whole issue of how I thought about myself. He told me, “I want you to start praying and writing down what I say in Scripture.”
This instruction is so simple and its effects are so profound. I have come to understand that all the promises written in His Word personally apply to me. They are equally applicable to you. The Law of Geographic Anointing is working in your life as much as it worked in Abraham’s life or Moses’ life. Why? Because He has excellent plans for you, just as He had for them; you are important to Him, and in the same breath, you play an important role in His plans.


If you are unsure of who you are and where God is leading you, do what God told me to do—pray His Word and write down His Word.
Sit with your Father and go through Scripture. Write down the verses that jump out at you and ask Him why your heart stirs as you read them—what He is saying to you through them. We cannot come in contact with God’s living Word and fail to experience some sort of change.
This incredible God we serve designed you for this day, for this era of enigma; He designed you to be a solution in a time of quandary and to have faith when others are struggling. You are where you are for a reason, and whether or not your emotions agree with this, God is with you.
He will do everything He promised. He will bring you into the land of your anointing, and someday when you look back on your life, you will find that every step of the road was saturated with His faithfulness.
For the Lord God is a sun and shield;

The Lord will give grace and glory;

No good thing will He withhold

From those who walk uprightly.
— Psalm 84:11

John Paul Jackson is a husband, father, and established authority on Christian spirituality and dream interpretation.  His Biblical approach to dreams reveals their life-changing purpose, and restores an overlooked way God chooses to communicate with people.
John Paul’s teachings have stirred and renewed passion for God among people of all ages from various faith backgrounds.  His thoughtful "explanations of the unexplainable" and simple, yet profound, concepts help people relate to God and each other in fresh ways.
As an author, speaker, and television guest, John Paul has impacted hundreds of thousands of people, emphasizing character as a key element in the true spiritual life.  His many years of study and experience have made him a respected and sought-after spiritual advisor to leaders and believers around the world.
John Paul has shared his practical and spiritual expertise with an international audience through the Streams Training Center courses and publications.