Showing posts with label Jonathan Edwards. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jonathan Edwards. Show all posts
Friday, June 7, 2019
Tuesday, August 7, 2018
Blessings or Curses - Dr Peter Wyns, Antioch International Church
Blessings or Curses
Dr Peter Wyns
Antioch International Church
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
"Sarah Believed Too - The Faith of Women" - Now Think On This by Steve Martin
Sarah Believed
Too - The Faith of Women
Now Think On
by Steve
“By faith even Sarah herself received ability to conceive, even beyond the proper time of life, since she considered Him faithful who had promised.” Hebrews 11:11 NASB
We often read about, and hear of, the faith of the patriarch Abraham, and rightly so. When he was called, he listened. When he was told to go, he went. When he was asked to do extraordinary acts of faith…well, he did.
But we normally don’t see his wife Sarah as doing all those things with him. In one instance, we know her as one who even laughed when told she would have a son. “So Sarah laughed to herself, thinking, “I am old, and so is my lord; am I to have pleasure again?” Gen. 18:22 CJB)
Do you remember that Abraham laughed too at the word God spoke? “At this Avraham fell on his face and laughed — he thought to himself, “Will a child be born to a man a hundred years old? Will Sarah give birth at ninety?” Ge. 17:17 CJB). Laugh at God? They each did.
Both were well past the normal birthing/child rearing days of their lives (not the TV show), and we consider them laughing at God’s spoken word to them as not having any faith at all. That gives me hope when I think on this for you and I, ones of the 50+ers generation, in hope for the future, right??!! The Lord met them where they were at, and used what measure of faith they had shown up to that point, as a basis for more faith to impart to them.
Laugh at God? Who does that and still sees a miracle happen through their body? Isaac did come forth, through Sarah. Something had to be in her heart that the Lord God of Israel saw, and acted upon. There had to be some faith there. The Lord saw it. After all, who had first listened to her husband, when asked to leave her place of dwelling which was their home, leave her family too, and go to some desert land, never seen before, hundreds of miles away by camel, taking months to traverse? Sarah did. Again, the Lord saw something in her heart to have chosen her to be Abraham’s wife when she was yet in her teens. She had to believe too.
Countless women, written about in the history books, had been asked to walk with a man, as soul mate arm in arm, to accomplish a great task the Lord had called them to. It was not just the calling on the man lives, though often he is the one in the forefront and the limelight. It is also the immense call on the wife’s heart, to be able to stand with him in all that the Lord has for them together.
The wives of many godly saints through the ages come to my mind, thinking of those who also had to practice faith. Starting with the wife of the apostle Peter, as Scripture does say he had a mother-in-law, which implies he had a wife! With all that Peter did in taking the Gospel to the nations, surely his wife was there with him.
I think of Catherine Booth, the wife of William Booth, founder of the Salvation Army. Because of her influence in the formation of The Salvation Army, she was known as the 'Mother of The Salvation Army'. What faith she had to have had until her departure in 1890!
Catherine Booth, Salvation Army
In the last half of the century, Ruth Graham (1920-2007), wife of Billy Graham, “gave up her life” for the sake of her husband. But because of her faith and support, look what the Lord did in the nations through her husband. (You can read an excerpt below.)
Those of you who are wives – you are such a vital part of the Lord’s Kingdom work. You are not just “laying your life down for the sake of your husband’s dream” as some may think. You are a part of the Lord’s dream and plans for your life too. Not only is your husband dependent on you, as the head resting on the neck, but the Lord has given you a very special calling and position, in order to fulfill His promises to you, through this placement.
I am so grateful for the many, many moms and wives, women of God, who have taken their place in His Body, and are serving with all the gusto and zeal that they have. You too exemplify the faith of Sarah, Catherine, ruth, and countless others on the Lord’s Wall of Faith. Believe me men, there are a lot of them!
On behalf of husbands who truly appreciate and love their wives, thank you very much. We indeed love and treasure you.
Steve Martin
Love For His People. Inc.
Added notes:
Sarah Pierpont Edwards
Jonathan Edwards was first attracted to thirteen-year-old Sarah Pierpoint because he saw in her an extraordinary cheerfulness and a deeper than usual faith in God. Many smooth and handsome young men courted Sarah, but it was gangly, moody Jonathan, with his prayerful ways and deep love of God, who won her. He made her feel as if what she thought was important to him. They married on this day, July 20, 1727. She was seventeen, he was 23. (Love For His People Editor’s note: My wife Laurie was 18 and I was 23 when we got married in 1973. Nice!)
Their marriage, which lasted over thirty years, was a happy one. Much of that was owing to Sarah, who managed the home--and her scholarly husband--efficiently. Sarah worked hard to rear godly children, dealing immediately with sin when it showed itself. She bore eleven, ten of whom lived to adulthood. Jonathan also gave an hour a day to play and conversation with his children.
The many people who visited the home were impressed by the peace which flourished in the home. There was none of the quarreling or coldness so common in other homes. Husband and wife supported and admired each other. They prayed daily together. Evangelist George Whitefield, after spending a few days in the calm, happy Edwards home, was so impressed that he determined to get married himself. "A sweeter couple I have not yet seen," he enthused.
Jonathan himself saw home life as a living lesson in faith. In his sermon, "The Church's Marriage to Her Sons and to Her God," he reminded his listeners of the importance of marriage. "Of all the various kinds of union of sensible and temporal things that are used in Scripture to represent the relation there is between Christ and his church; that which is between bridegroom and bride, or husband and wife, is much more frequently made use of both in the Old and New Testament. The Holy Ghost seems to take a particular delight in this, as a similitude [likeness] fit to represent the strict, intimate, and blessed union that is between Christ and his saints."
Billy & Ruth Graham
“Ma said that she had traveled with her husband to his evangelistic meetings because that is what he wanted. “But all my children are on the road to hell,” she tearfully told Cliff and Billie. She encouraged Billie to stay home and rear their children rather than travel with the Crusades. Billie told Ruth about that conversation.
Ruth took on the responsibilities of managing the Graham household, giving Billy the freedom to travel and preach wherever God called him.
Just before the birth of their first child, Gigi, in September 1945, Billy and Ruth moved from Illinois to Montreat, N.C., where Ruth’s parents had settled after leaving China. The Grahams lived with the Bells until they bought a house across the street just before their daughter Anne was born. Ruth (called “Bunny” as a child), Franklin and Ned were born in the following years. In the late 1940s, Billy’s ministry grew to include citywide campaigns and radio, leading to the incorporation of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association in 1950.
Rather than complaining about staying behind, Ruth strived to make their home a shelter for Billy when he wasn’t traveling. When their home was overrun with curious tourists, she took matters into her own hands and compiled plans to build “Little Piney Cove,” a mountain home constructed of timber from abandoned log cabins. From the very beginning she took control of the project, going as far as getting a loan and buying property when Billy was in California. When the home was finished, she filled it with treasures from the mountains and from her travels.”
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Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.)
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Now Think On This #137 “Sarah Believed Too” by Steve Martin
Date: In the year of our Lord 2014 (04.01.14) Tuesday at 6:30
am in Charlotte, NC.
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Tuesday, March 25, 2014
The Lord Said, "The Church Is On The Edge Now of The Great Harvest"
Todd Bentley, The Elijah List
I had a powerful vision and encounter with the Lord recently during a church service at Queen City Church (QCC) in Charlotte, North Carolina.
I saw a great harvest field. It was like a field I had never seen before and very large. There were many bundles (sheaves) of wheat already gathered. The wheat was white, ripe, and golden. I remember the sun shining down and how blue and clear the sky was. My heart yearned to be in this field. I said, "Lord, I'm a harvester. I've been in the harvest for many years. Why am I not in this field?"
We were standing on the edge of the field. I felt the Father (Lord of the harvest) say, "The Church is on the edge now of the great harvest at the end of the age" (see Matthew 13:24-43).
The Holy Spirit spoke to me saying, "All you need is a fire and a hammer to break through the strongholds and penetrate the hearts of the religious minds and darkness of the people."
(Photo via Flickr)
"Is not My word like a fire?" says the LORD, "and like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces?" Jeremiah 23:29
In the vision, the hammer was called "George Whitefield." He was part of the first Great Awakening, and many referred to him as the "field preacher."
Sometimes crowds of 20,000 to 30,000 would gather, and he would preach the Gospel with a booming voice. No amplification system was needed. George Whitefield had charisma, and his voice, according to many accounts, could be heard for over five miles.
I believe the grace that was on Whitefield, Jonathan Edwards, and the first Great Awakening is now upon us in a new season of harvest and preaching.
(Photo via Flickr)
We are being commissioned into a new season of harvest like we have never seen before. In this vision, we were stepping into the great harvest after many years of being trained and equipped. More than ever, we are entering into a reaping season. We are moving from just sowing and seed time to a harvest of all the seeds of promise.
Bob Jones' Passing
For many years, Bob Jones was a spiritual father in my life and ministry and also for countless others around the world. His death was on the day of love (Valentine's Day). On the night of his passing, there was a small earthquake in South Carolina.
CNN: "A 4.1 magnitude earthquake struck Friday night in west central South Carolina, the U.S. Geological Survey reported... The quake was centered 7 miles (12 kilometers) west-northwest of Edgefield..." One prophetic voice said that Bob Jones' death prophesied there is a "door standing open in Heaven" (Revelation 4:1).
The door is now open to the great harvest. We are at the edge of the field (Edgefield).
I believe a large part in the coming great harvest is God anointing and using the arts and entertainment. Even reality TV shows and series are moving to more shows like Duck Dynasty and the History channel's The Bible Series.
There is a new interest in America and the world for truth and The Bible. It's being preached in the Church, and it needs to be. It is also being preached through a revival media. I believe Hollywood plays a big part in spreading the message of the Cross.
I'm talking about accelerated breakthrough and harvest. A time of supernatural harvest of all things sown. I love the story of Peter and the supernatural harvest of fish after he toiled all night and caught nothing.
Think of the times in your life when it seemed like nothing was happening; you labored and worked so hard for the Lord. Then one word from Jesus and you are reaping so much that immediately the nets are now breaking.
And when they had this done, they in-closed a great multitude of fishes: and their net brake. And they beckoned unto their partners, which were in the other ship, that they should come and help them. And they came, and filled both the ships, so that they began to sink. Luke 5:5-7 KJV
(Photo via Wikimedia Commons)
This was a harvest so great that Peter's breakthrough enabled others to step into his blessing. He had to signal for the other boats to help him. Could you imagine getting such a breakthrough that it would be enough to bless you and the rest of Body of Christ?
In Him,
Todd Bentley
Fresh Fire USA
Fresh Fire USA
Todd Bentley: Healing evangelist, revivalist, and author, Todd Bentley is the founder of Fresh Fire USA. As a teenager, Todd, an alcoholic and drug addict, had a dramatic life-changing encounter with the saving, delivering power of God.
Today, Todd and his Fresh Fire team travel the world to lead the lost into the miraculous, delivered and set free, and launched into the reality of intimate relationship with Jesus. The passion of Todd's life and ministry to the nations is souls and to see others experience the transferable, tangible anointing of the Holy Spirit.
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March 25, 2014
Todd Bentley:
I believe the timing and accuracy of this word is spot on. We truly are on the very edge of the greatest awaking the USA and the world will have ever seen!
The signs are everywhere.
What does that mean to you? Here's a quote by Todd from this Word:
Todd Bentley: "...I'm talking about accelerated breakthrough and harvest. A time of supernatural harvest of all things sown. I love the story of Peter and the supernatural harvest of fish after he toiled all night and caught nothing. Think of the times in your life when it seemed like nothing was happening; you labored and worked so hard for the Lord. Then one word from Jesus and you are reaping so much that immediately the nets are now breaking!"
The purpose of this word is to both inform you and encourage you to not only hold on, but to PRESS ON into the calling you have in Christ for the Gospel of the Kingdom. This is an "all hands on deck" time and season in the Body of Christ!
Be encouraged!
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