 | Dr Erez Soref President of ONE FOR ISRAEL |
The world is focused on political events like the summit in Paris, making decisions about the future of the Middle East. The situation is complicated and painful on all sides, and it's an important time to be praying for the area.
Yeshua cares more deeply for each Jew and Arab than any politician or activist ever could. Peace will only come through the Messiah, and it is God's plans that will ultimately succeed, as prophesied in the Scriptures.
Meanwhile, our friend Joel Rosenberg, a best-selling author, tells the big story which is not being broadcast on the news: God is powerfully at work in the Land!
From Joel Rosenberg's Blog:
"For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek." - the Apostle Paul (Romans 1:16)
With so much bad news in the U.S., Israel, Russia and around the world these days, I thought it might be good to kick off 2017 with some very good news. Here, then, is an update to a column I published on September 22, 2015 about "a big, untold story"...
"Despite the stigma in the Jewish community against consider the claiming of Jesus - [evangelistic] videos have continued to go viral and are surging beyond anything I would have imagined."
"For reasons I cannot fully explain, Jews are suddenly searching for answers to the deepest and most important questions concerning life and death and God and atonement and eternity, in numbers unprecedented in history." Continue reading...
Yet another Israeli testimony - watch Dan explain how he, as a self-confessed science geek, found his Messiah!

Just over a week ago, some hikers were exploring a cave in Israel, and stumbled (as seems to be the case quite often around here) across an archaeological treasure! Ancient etchings of a cross and a menorah, right beside each other, thought to be thousands of years old. Ido Meroz, a member of the Israel Caving Club, explained, "Just before we were about to return we suddenly noticed an engraving that at first glance seemed to be a menorah. When we realized this is an ancient depiction of a menorah, we became very excited". Continue reading...

Have you ever wondered where the alphabet comes from? The first two letters of the Hebrew alphabet are "aleph" and "bet". But it is the first letter and the last letter that are used to denote the alphabet in shorthand... as we might write "ABC" for our alphabet, in Hebrew, "את" can be used: the first letter "aleph" (א) and the last letter, "tav" (ת).
Together these two letters spell a little word, "et" (את), that cannot be translated into any language. It's basically a way to link verbs and specific nouns, in a way unique to Hebrew. But this tiny word has a special purpose. We can see in the very first sentence of the Bible how full of meaning it can be. Continue reading...
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