Showing posts with label Lenny Ben-David. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lenny Ben-David. Show all posts

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Israel Daily Picture Featured at AIPAC's Annual Policy Conference in Washington D.C. 2014

Israel's History - a Picture a Day (Beta)

Posted: 19 Mar 2014 06:24 AM PDT
AIPAC's Annual Policy Conference hosted the publisher of Israel Daily Picture, Lenny Ben-David, at its recent mega-event in Washington DC.  In addition to three presentations by Ben-David, AIPAC also provided large interactive touch-screens where delegates were able to view more than 1,800 pictures from the Israel Daily Picture site.

Click to view the YouTube presentation.

Special HT to the amazing production teams at AIPAC and Viva Creative.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

In Memory of Robert F. Kennedy on the 45th Anniversary of his Assassination

Posted: 05 Jun 2013 08:48 PM PDT
Robert F. Kennedy 

Nov. 20, 1925 – June 6, 1968

- a strong supporter of Israel

We leave our regular historical features to pay tribute to Robert Kennedy who was murdered on this day in 1968.  

Several special features about Kennedy make this posting very appropriate for this site today:

1. Kennedy visited the Holy Land prior to Israel's establishment as a young newspaper correspondent and described Israel's armed struggle and economic development.

2. Several historic photographs of Kennedy's 1948 visit to Israel were provided by the Kennedy family.
Kennedy "firing a slingshot" outside of the King David Hotel in
Jerusalem, March 1948 (from the Kennedy family)

3. Kennedy, as a young college graduate, wrote several feature articles for The Boston Post on his visit.  The newspaper went out of business in 1956 and for many years the articles were virtually lost.  

Several years ago, The Israel Daily Picture's
Kennedy on King David Street, north of the hotel. Note the
armored British vehicle and British checkpoint behind him
publisher, Lenny Ben-David, found the articles, published them, and posted them on the "Robert Kennedy and Israel" website.   

Read the full-length articles by RFK here

4. Kennedy's family points out that he was murdered by a 
Bobby Kennedy deplaning from a RAF plane at Lod airport
Palestinian Arab terrorist, Sirhan Sirhan, who was angry about Kennedy's strong support for Israel.  The assassination took place on the first anniversary of Israel's victory in the Six Day War, and the timing was no accident, the family insists.

5. Kennedy visited the Middle East in March 1948 and departed Palestine before Israel's declaration of independence on May 14 and Ben-Gurion’s announcement of the name of the new country. RFK, therefore, does not refer to “Israel” or to “Israelis” in his articles.

Read several excerpts of Robert Kennedy's articles: 

The Jews point with pride to the fact that over 500,000 Arabs in the 12 years between 1932 and 1944, came into Palestine to take advantage of living conditions existing in no other Arab state. This is the only country in the Near and Middle East where an Arab middle class is in existence.

It is an unfortunate fact that because there are such well founded arguments on either side each grows more and more bitter toward the other. Confidence in their right increases in proportion to the hatred and mistrust for the other side for not acknowledging it.

The Jewish people in Palestine who believe in and have been working toward this national state have become an immensely proud and determined people. It is already a truly great modern example of the birth of a nation with the primary ingredients of dignity and self-respect.

Read the full-length articles by RFK here

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

The Zionist Message Hidden within Antique Pictures of the Holy Land

Journal Article Abstract: The Zionist Message Hidden within Antique Pictures of the Holy Land
By Lenny Ben-David

Abstract reprinted from the Jewish Political Studies Review, May 1, 2013

A 110-year-old trove of pictures taken by the Christian photographers of the American Colony in Jerusalem provides dramatic proof of thriving Jewish communities in Israel.

Hundreds of pictures show the ancient Jewish community of Jerusalem’s Old City and the Jewish pioneers and builders of new towns and settlements in the Galilee and along the Mediterranean coastline. The American Colony photographers recorded Jewish holy sites, holiday scenes and customs, and they had a special reason for focusing their lenses on Yemenite Jews.

The collection, housed in the U.S. Library of Congress, also contains photographs from the 1860s, the first years of photography. These photographs provide a window rarely opened by historians—for several unfortunate reasons—to view the life of the Jews in the Holy Land. The photographs’ display and online publication effectively counters the biased narrative claiming that the Jewish state violently emerged ex novo in the mid-twentieth century.

Read the full article and view the photographs here.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Our 888th Post - Thank You Lord!

Ben Gurion airport - I love the place!

A word from Steve: 

In honor of our 888th post (occurring Sunday May 19, 2013) I want to say I am grateful for the over 55,888 page views. It gives me encouragement that this Blog is being seen and read.

888th post and 55,888 views
on May 19, 2013

55,755 page views occurring at 
5:55 pm on 05.18.13
(Can you tell I am an Accountant?!)

Sharing my Ahava Love Letters, photos from 10 previous trips to Israel, and additional historical and current truth, both from those who also stand in support of Israel and myself, has been a true blessing and fulfillment of His purposes and ongoing will.

Most importantly, I am grateful to my Lord, Yeshua HaMashiach (Jesus Christ) who had me begin Love For His People, Inc. in 2010, and this specific Blog site in October of that year. 

It has been quite an interesting and rewarding journey, and I look forward to the many opportunities and open doors He has in store for the work yet ahead. 

As we press on in our support of Israel and the Jewish people worldwide, we look to the One Who put this desire in our hearts. 

And that desire, to pay back our "debt to Israel" and the Jewish people, while serving the King of kings and the Lord of lords, is stronger than ever.

Blessings on ye all!

Ahava and shalom,

Steve Martin

Come ride along in this Ahava Adventure journey!
(Ahava - "love" in Hebrew)

Some of our popular postings come from the website "Israel's History - a Picture A Day. Here is a portion of their latest posting.

When I discovered 22,000 newly digitalized antique pictures of Eretz Yisrael in the Library of Congress archives two years ago, I immediately recognized the pictures' hasbara value. The photos showed Jewish life in the land 150 years ago, well before Herzl and the establishment of the State of Israel.  
Lenny Ben-David

Grave of Maimonides (Rambam) in Tiberias (circa 1920). A version of this picture 
also appears in the HarvardLibrary archives attributed to the Central Zionist Archives

 In 1980,  I started an organization called "Doctors To The World" which took medical personnel to various areas in the world to do volunteer work in needy areas.  We sent dentists into villages in Israel to serve mostly Israeli Arabs and anyone else needing help.  That was when I took out Israeli citizenship so I could get a medical license in Israel.

Bedouin Arab family near Lake Hula and their reed huts

My father took only some of the photos.  Many were either post cards or some other stock photos.  Those that had an imprint
 on the back [some are stamped "Keren Hayesod Photo] I assume is that of the developing and processing individual.