Showing posts with label Liberty University. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Liberty University. Show all posts

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Neil Gorsuch Opens Up About Faith And Family - HELLO CHRISTIAN


Emotional Gorsuch Opens Up About Faith:"You're Never Closer To God Than When You'reIn The Wilderness"
Judge Neil Gorsuch is in the middle of his Senate confirmation hearings to become the next Supreme Court Justice of the United States....
Franklin Graham: 'Pray God Will Give Theresa May Wisdom To Deal With Terrorism' 
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Pray For London! Brutal Terrorist Attack At UK Parliament Leaves Victims Stabbed And 'Mowed Down' 
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President Trump Named As Liberty University Commencement Speaker 
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91% Of Federal Law Makers Identify As Christians 
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Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Dinesh D'Souza Dropped the Mic on 'Never Trump' Christians - BOB ESCHLIMAN CHARISMA NEWS

Dinesh D'Souza spoke to students at Liberty University about their responsibility to vote. (Video Screenshot Image)

Dinesh D'Souza Dropped the Mic on 'Never Trump' Christians

Bestselling author, documentary filmmaker, and accomplished debater Dinesh D'Souza spoke at Liberty University's Convocation, and he had an important message for the students—many of whom have been critical of their university president of late.
While much of the discussion focused on the subject matter of his newest book, What's So Great About Christianity, he also took the time to address the matter of Christians' responsibility to vote. It was, for lack of a better term, what the students themselves would've called a "mic drop."
There is a distinct difference between intentions and consequences, he said. And while a Christian might act out of the purest of intentions, it can still result in terrible consequences. He used the struggle of the abolitionist movement in the mid-1800s as his example, saying abolitionists—until they aligned with the Republican Party—spent much of their time burning copies of the Declaration of Independence and Constitution and criticizing the Founding Fathers for allowing slavery to begin with.
And even when they achieved their greatest victory, they did so with a president—Abraham Lincoln—who himself was not an abolitionist.
D'Souza then turned his speech to the topic of the 2016 presidential race. Those who vote choose not to vote in the 2016 election, are still—in essence—voting for Hillary Clinton, he said.
"You need to know that a vote for Hillary Clinton is a vote to swing the balance of the Supreme Court, virtually irrevocably, against us," he said. "A vote for Hillary Clinton is a vote to not only permit, but bring in federal subsidies for abortion. A vote for Hillary is a vote to put religious freedom, already precarious, into a much more endangered position, because the checks and balances of what would normally block the government are themselves being eroded. And, you are voting for a regime in which justice becomes increasingly discretionary, as I saw terrifyingly in my own case.
"In Hillary's America, I think it is an illusion to think that we as conservatives, as Christians, can retreat into our private spaces, drive our pickup truck to school or work, pray in church, and they will leave us unmolested. They will not do that. They have no intention of doing that.
"In a democratic society, as Christians—think about it, how did we lose the media? Not enough of us got involved. How did we lose academia? Not enough of us went to those schools. How did we lose Hollywood? Not enough of us make movies. We gave up that territory, and then we pretend to be shocked when they use their power to beat the heck out of us."
D'Souza said that in the nearly 40 years since Ronald Reagan was elected president, American politics has, more or less, been balanced. But, if Clinton is elected, "this ship is likely to go one side up," creating a very different America for everyone, especially evangelical Christians.
"We've seen the latest WikiLeaks emails," he said. "In them you see the kind of bigotry that the Democrats will indulge in privately against evangelicals, against Catholics. When you listen to it, you ask yourself this question: 'Will they ever say that about a Muslim?' Never.
"So, there is a selective prejudice in our society. It's already there. It's already in the culture. But to import to the highest level of politics—it's one thing if it happens anyway and we fought it and we lost, but for us to collaborate with them? To make it easy, to make it happen? This is why the English phrase was invented, 'Askin' for it.' For us to do that, in my opinion, is to ask for it."
D'Souza closed out his speech by telling the students he didn't want to tell them what to do. And, by nature of his imprisonment for campaign finance violations, he also can't tell them to follow his example. So, instead, he turned to their critical thinking skills:
"I urge you to think critically," he said. "I urge you to weigh the options. I ask you think about the American Dream, handed down to us from generation to generation, and ask what can you do preserve, protect, and defend that dream.
"In the immortal words of the '60s—I'll close with that saying from the 1960s, 'If not now, when? If not us, who?'"
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Thursday, June 23, 2016

Israeli Divestment: It's Meshuga - SID ROTH CHARISMA NEWS

Sid Roth says anti-Semites are bringing themselves under a curse.

Israeli Divestment: It's Meshuga

Sid Roth says anti-Semites are bringing themselves under a curse. (Flickr )

Standing With Israel
Why are so many major universities, church pension funds and big corporations disinvesting rather than investing in Israel? They are trying to force Israel to give land to the Palestinians that God has given to the Jewish people.
That is plain meshuga (Hebrew for crazy)!
Why? Because in Genesis 12:3, God Himself promises to bless those who bless the Jewish people and curse those who curse Israel. If that were not warning enough, in Obadiah 1:15 (MEV), God says: "For the day of the Lord is near upon all the nations; as you have done, it shall be done to you; your deeds shall return on your own head."
This is a dangerous time for the anti-Semites of the world—they are going against God and bringing themselves under a curse.
On the other hand, those who obey God regarding Israel and the Jewish people are blessed. Remember when Pharaoh told the midwives in Egypt to kill all the male babies at birth? They refused to curse Israel and what did God do? Exodus 1:20-21 (MEV) says: "Therefore God dealt well with the midwives, and the people multiplied and grew very mighty. So it happened that because the midwives feared God, He gave them families."
I just read where Liberty University has invested $5 million dollars in Israeli stocks. No wonder that university is so blessed! 
Let me give you the same principle from the New Testament. In Matthew 25:40, Jesus says the goat nations and sheep nations will be separated on one issue: "The King will answer, 'Truly I say to you, as you have done it for one of the least of these brothers of Mine, [Jesus says] you have done it for Me.'" What's the difference between a goat and a sheep? A goat has a mind of its own and the sheep follows the shepherd.
"...As you have done it for one of the least of these brothers of Mine ... " The word for "brothers" in the Greek means "from the womb." Jesus is talking about how each nation has treated His physical brethren, the Jewish people.
I believe the dividing line between the true body of believers and the counterfeit in these last days will be on this single issue. Joel 3:2 says,"I will gather all the nations, and bring them down to the Valley of Jehoshaphat. I will enter into judgment with them there regarding My people and My heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations; they have also divided up My land." (MEV)
If you don't understand the Jew and Israel from God's perspective, then you will go into further heresy. But if you do understand, watch the favor of God flow in your life!
It is not an accident that the letters USA are found in the center of the name JERUSALEM. As long as we are a blessing to Israel, the USA will prosper. 
Sid Rotha former account executive for Merrill Lynch, was raised in a traditional Jewish home. Yet, religious tradition provided no answers when he hit rock bottom in 1972. With his life out of control and his marriage in shambles, Sid was set free from demonic oppression through a supernatural encounter with Jesus. Immediately, he began to boldly proclaim Jesus as the Jewish Messiah.
For the original article, visit sidrothorg.
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Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Debunking The 'Separation of Church and State' Myth - MATT BARBER CHARISMA NEWS

Remain undaunted by the threat of government intervention or punitive action by the state.

Remain undaunted by the threat of government intervention or punitive action by the state. (Reuters)

Debunking The 'Separation of Church and State' Myth

Clarion Call, by Matt Barber
The American church has a problem. It's one part fear, one part confusion and one part apathy. Pastors, priests and rabbis have long swallowed the false notion that all things religious and all things political are somehow mutually exclusive—that never the twain shall meet.
Leading up to Ronald Reagan's landslide presidential victory in 1980, Rev. Jerry Falwell, the founder of Liberty University, captured the crux of the church's apathy problem. "I'm being accused of being controversial and political," he said. "I'm not political. But moral issues that become political, I still fight. It isn't my fault that they've made these moral issues political. But because they have doesn't stop the preachers of the gospel from addressing them. ..."
"What then is wrong?" he continued. "I say the problem, first of all, is in the pulpits of America. We preachers must take the blame. For too long we have fearfully stood back and failed to address the issues that are corrupting the republic. I repeat Proverbs 14:34: 'Righteousness exalteth a nation.' Not military might, though that's important. Not financial resources, though that has been the enjoyment of this nation above all nations in the last 200 years. But spiritual power is the backbone, the strength, of a nation."
Indeed, it is not just within the church's purview, but it is the church's duty to insert itself into state matters relating to morality, public policy and culture at large.
Contrary to popular opinion, the words "separation of church and state" are found nowhere in the U.S. Constitution. Yet many are misled into believing they are.
So why the confusion?
It's been intentionally fomented. It's the byproduct of a decades-long religious cleansing campaign. The First Amendment's "Establishment Clause," a mere 10 words, is the primary tool secular separatists misuse and abuse to "fundamentally transform" America to reflect their own anti-Christian self-image.
Yet these words remain abundantly clear in both scope and meaning. The Establishment Clause states merely: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion. ..."
That's it.
And the founders meant exactly what they said: "Congress," as in the United States Congress, "shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion."
In a letter to Benjamin Rush, a fellow-signer of the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson, often touted by the left as the great church-state separationist, spelled out exactly what this meant then, and what it means today. The First Amendment's Establishment Clause was simply intended to restrict Congress from affirmatively "establishing," through federal legislation, a national Christian denomination (similar to the Anglican Church of England).
As Jefferson put it: "[T]he clause of the Constitution" covering "freedom of religion" was intended to necessarily preclude "an establishment of a particular form of Christianity through the United States."
The individual states, however, faced no such restriction. In fact, until as late as 1877, and after religious free exercise became absolute with passage of the 14th Amendment, most states did have an official state form of Christianity. Massachusetts, for example, sanctioned the Congregational Church until 1833.
Even so, today's anti-Christian ruling class insists on revising history. The ACLU's own promotional materials, for example, overtly advocate unconstitutional religious discrimination: "The message of the Establishment Clause [to the U.S. Constitution] is that religious activities must be treated differently from other activities to ensure against governmental support for religion," they claim.
This is abject nonsense. It's unconstitutional viewpoint discrimination—a twisted misrepresentation of the First Amendment. Secular "progressivism" depends upon deception as much as it relies upon revisionism. Yes, "separation" applies, but only insofar as it requires the state to remain separate from the church. That is to say, that government may not interfere with the free exercise of either speech or religion.
For decades, hard-left anti-theist groups like the ACLU, People for the American Way (PFAW) and Barry Lynn's Americans United (AU) have employed a cynical disinformation scheme intended to intimidate clergy into silence on issues of morality, culture and Christian civic involvement—issues that, as Falwell noted, are not political so much as they have been politicized; issues that are inherently "religious."
AU, for instance, annually sends tens-of-thousands of misleading letters to churches across the nation warning pastors, priests and rabbis that, "If the IRS determines that your house of worship has engaged in unlawful intervention, it can revoke the institution's tax-exempt status."
That's a lie.
In reality, there is no legal mechanism whatsoever for the Internal Revenue Service to take away a church's tax exemption. Churches are inherently tax-exempt, or, better still, "tax immune," simply by virtue of being a church. Churches do not need permission from the IRS, nor can the IRS revoke a church's tax immunity.
Since 1934, when the lobbying restriction was added to the Internal Revenue Code, not a single church has ever lost its tax-exempt status. Since 1954, when the political endorsement/opposition prohibition was added, only one church has ever lost its IRS letter ruling, but even that church did not lose its tax-exempt status.
The case involved the Church at Pierce Creek in New York, which placed full-page ads in USA Today and the Washington Times opposing then-Gov. Bill Clinton for president. The ads were sponsored by the church, and donations were solicited. The IRS revoked the church's letter ruling, but not its tax-exempt status. The church sued, and the court noted that churches are tax-exempt without an IRS letter ruling. It ruled that "because of the unique treatment churches receive under the Internal Revenue Code, the impact of the revocation is likely to be more symbolic than substantial." Not even this church lost its tax-exempt status, and not one donor was affected by this incident.
As Mat Staver, founder of Liberty Counsel has observed, "Pastors can preach on biblical, moral and social issues, such as natural marriage and abortion, can urge the congregation to register and vote, can overview the positions of the candidates, and may personally endorse candidates. Churches may distribute nonpartisan voter guides, register voters, provide transportation to the polls, hold candidate forums, and introduce visiting candidates."
Since 2008, the Christian legal organization Alliance Defending Freedom has spearheaded a First Amendment exercise called "Pulpit Freedom Sunday." Since then, thousands of pastors across America have boldly exercised their guaranteed constitutional rights by addressing "political" issues from the pulpit. This has included directly endorsing candidates. These pastors have dared the IRS to come after them, and, not surprisingly, the IRS has balked.
Pastors, this election season follow the lead of Christ. Speak moral/political truths, in love, fearlessly. Remain undaunted by the threat of government intervention or punitive action by the state. And encourage your congregation to vote for candidates who sincerely reflect, in both word and deed, a biblical worldview and biblical principles.
Be "salt and light."
Because Christ didn't give us an option to do otherwise.
Matt Barber is founder and editor-in chief of He is an author, columnist, cultural analyst and an attorney concentrating in constitutional law. Having retired as an undefeated heavyweight professional boxer, Matt has taken his fight from the ring to the culture war. (Follow Matt on Twitter: @jmattbarber).
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Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Bible Teacher Kay Arthur Offers Answer to America's Woes - LIBERTY UNIVERSITY CHARISMA NEWS

Kay Arthur speaks at the Liberty University Convocation.
Kay Arthur speaks at the Liberty University Convocation. (Photo courtesy of Chad Finnesand.)

Bible Teacher Kay Arthur Offers Answer to America's Woes

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Renowned Bible teacher and Co-Founder of Precept Ministries International Kay Arthur used her time at Liberty University Convocation on Monday to challenge students to apply Scripture as they seek to impact the world around them.
Precept Ministries works in 185 countries and 70 languages, discipling Christians through Bible study, radio programs and student ministries. Arthur has reached more than 75 million people worldwide through the daily television, radio and online programs she hosts. She is the author of more than 100 books and spoke at Convocation in 2013, where she received a rousing ovation in response to her message.
Before Arthur spoke, worship artist Bethany Barr Phillips led students in singing popular Christian songs, including "You Make Me Brave" and "No Longer Slaves." Phillips also briefly shared her testimony of battling cancer and finding strength in her faith in God through that struggle.
Arthur then encouraged students to live outside the mold of societal expectations. She talked about her own life, which could easily have been defined by a failed marriage, moral compromise or tragedy, but instead was given purpose through Christ's forgiveness.
She said that knowing God's Word and applying it are the key to a truly successful life.
"This book is more important than any education at any time in any place," Arthur said, referring to the Bible. "These are the words of life."
Arthur pointed out that society is becoming more secularized and rejecting God. According to Arthur, the problem stems from Christians who are not prioritizing their spiritual lives. The answer to this, she said, is Scripture, which all believers should be studying regularly.
"If you're going to be used in this nation and for this time in this world, then the Word of God has to be priority in your life," she said. "I believe that this is your hour. ... I believe the way that you respond to (the) message that God has for you will determine the future of America."
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Wednesday, May 21, 2014

She Thought She Was Graduating Alone - What Her Active Duty Marine Brother Did Next Will Melt Your Heart

Rebekah Everett receives a hug, and her degree in Athletic Training, from her younger brother, U.S. Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Joshua Everett, on Saturday, May 11, 2014.

Rebekah Everett receives a hug, and her degree in Athletic Training, from her younger brother, U.S. Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Joshua Everett, on Saturday, May 11, 2014. (Liberty University)

She Thought She Was Graduating Alone 
- What Her Active Duty Marine Brother 
Did Next Will Melt Your Heart
There were many touching moments during Liberty University's 41st Commencement on Saturday, both at Williams Stadium, site of the main ceremony, and in the degree presentations held afterward in surrounding facilities.
In a surprise as well orchestrated as a covert military operation, Department of Health Professions graduate Rebekah Everett received her diploma from her younger brother, U.S. Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Joshua Everett, on the Schilling Center stage.
Less than two weeks after returning from a nine-month deployment to Afghanistan with the 1st Battalion 4th Marines, he flew in from Camp Pendleton in San Diego, Calif., to Lynchburg, Va., to honor his big sister. The Marine Corps assaultman, who defused explosives and ordnances throughout the Middle East, left Rebekah Everett shell-shocked.
"I haven't seen my sister in 11 months so I wanted to surprise her and make her feel special," said Joshua Everett, camouflaged in civilian clothing because his dress uniform no longer fits his lean frame and he was not allowed to wear his active duty outfit to the Commencement. "We did it. She had no clue. It was great. I think we all got her."
Earlier in the year, at Rebekah Everett's request, Liberty's Physical Therapy and Athletic Training departments surprised Joshua Everett and his platoon by sending them a care package. Joshua Everett made the most of his opportunity to return the favor.
"It worked out perfect," said John Everett, the siblings' father who was in on the surprise. "Everything was secret. We didn't even tell his grandparents (John and Rosemary De Wolfe, who came up from South Carolina) until this morning. She was totally surprised. She had no clue. She was in disbelief, shock, (she was) just kind of amazed, and honored."
Rebekah Everett became a little suspicious when she was moved to the front of the procession as she and her Athletic Training classmates approached the stage to receive their diplomas.
"Everyone was like, 'You have to be the first one,' and I was like, 'Why? I don't want to go first,'" she said.
She was left speechless when her brother came out from behind the backstage curtain to hand out her degree.
"I tripped up the stage and I stubbed my toe, but it's OK," Rebekah Everett said.
While she may not have shown much emotion on the outside, she was blown away that her brother would fly across the country to see her graduate.
"Her smile just said everything," Joshua Everett said.
The reward of receiving an emotional, homecoming hug from her sibling before thousands of people was well worth any pain or embarrassment.
"It was kind of awkward, but it was so nice to embrace him, my little brother," Rebekah Everett said.
"We're really close. He's my best friend, so it was really nice to actually spend this moment with him."
The two siblings were rarely apart growing up in Maryland, where they were home schooled by their mom, Andrea Everett.
"The only thing that separated them was college and the Marines," John Everett said. "It's neat to see them come back together."
Joshua Everett discussed the idea of staging the surprise with his dad back in February, while he was with his 13th Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU), traveling throughout the Persian Gulf aboard the U.S.S. Harper's Ferry.
This was his third visit to Lynchburg to see his sister, but the first since being stationed at Camp Pendleton in the summer of 2012. He returned to San Diego on Sunday and expects to be there for at least a couple months before being deployed again.
There is a possibility Rebekah Everett could start her career by joining her brother on the West Coast.
"She's got a job interview in Southern California, so she could wind up near her brother, which would be good," John Everett said. 
"We'll see where God takes me," Rebekah Everett added.
Military Spouse, Graduates Honored
During Saturday's 41st Commencement at Williams Stadium, Malory Mallery, an online graduate who drove from Kansas to attend the ceremony, was brought to tears and fell to her knees as she was recognized by President Jerry Falwell and shown a video message prepared by her husband, U.S. Army Sgt. Mark S. Mallery, stationed in Afghanistan.
Liberty honored its own students who are members of the United States Armed Forces at Friday night's third annual Military Graduate Recognition Ceremony in the Vines Center.

Congratulations to all those who have worked hard 
and have now graduated this year. 

Blessings on ye heads! 

Go now and serve the Lord 
with that which you have been 
trained and called to do! 

Steve Martin
Love for His People