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Emotional Gorsuch Opens Up About Faith:"You're Never Closer To God Than When You'reIn The Wilderness"
Judge Neil Gorsuch is in the middle of his Senate confirmation hearings to become the next Supreme Court Justice of the United States.... |
 | | Franklin Graham: 'Pray God Will Give Theresa May Wisdom To Deal With Terrorism' Evangelical leader Franklin Graham has offered his condolences for the lives lost in the UK terror attacks yesterday. A man drove an SUV... |
 | | Pray For London! Brutal Terrorist Attack At UK Parliament Leaves Victims Stabbed And 'Mowed Down' A vicious terrorist attack has just taken place London, UK. Earlier today, an assailant reportedly drove an SUV across Westminster bri... |
 | | President Trump Named As Liberty University Commencement Speaker US President Donald Trump will deliver the commencement address at leading Christian college Liberty University this May. The... |
 | | 91% Of Federal Law Makers Identify As Christians The current U.S. Congress is overwhelmingly Christian in its makeup, research has shown. A recent analysis by Pew Research Cen... |
 | | This Atheist Wrestler Was Addicted To Pornography, Then Jesus Christ Set Him FREE Pastor Alin had a rough start to life. He was a stillborn, and was only revived to life when a janitor miraculously appeared to help deliver... |
 | | Jesus' Tomb Set To Reopen In Jerusalem After $4 Million Restoration The tomb of Jesus Christ is to be officially reopened in Jerusalem's Old City on Wednesday after nine months and a $4 million restorat... |
 | | “She Told Me To Look For A Building With A Cross” – North Korean Refugee Joseph Kim In North Korea's great famine in the 1990's, over a million people died. One of those victims was Joseph Kim's father who starved to dea... |
 | | Benham Brothers: 'Down Syndrome Children Are Loved And Created By God' The Benham brothers have long been advocating for the rights of the unborn. They find it sickening to think of the numbe of babies who... |
 | | Francis Chan: Christians, Stop Trying To "Fake It" Francis Chan is a master at calling out the falsity and unfaithfulness in our lives. He is constantly asking us to question whether we are tr... |
 | | Vicar Of Baghdad Says Christianity Is 'Gone' From Middle East: "It Is Over" Christian minister and former Baghdad Church leader Canon Andrew White has asserted that Christianity has been almost completely wipe... |
 | | Kris Vallotton: What's Right With Our Government Our government isn’t perfect. When I look at the system we’re working with, I can tell you that I see holes and gaps, ine... |
 | | China Forcing Churches To Install CCTV Cameras and Fly National Flag China is enforcing a new policy of requiring churches to install CCTV cameras inside and outside their buildings, reports Persecution.org. A... |
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA