Why We're Seeing Double Fulfillment of Bible's 'Wealth of the Gentiles' Prophecies
There are several passages in the prophets that speak of a day in which the "wealth of the nations [or Gentiles[ will come." (Is. 60:5,9, 11, 16; Zech. 14:14; Rev. 21:6).
Is there to be a fulfillment or even partial fulfillment for these verses in our time? Is that to the church?—or to Israel? I think both, to some degree. If so, perhaps there is a double fulfillment to the Messianic remnant.
Why should there be such an abundance of resources? This could not be for greedy, selfish purposes or for a small vision. If the wealth is to come from all the nations, it must be a provision for a vision that will bless all the nations.
Today the possibility exists of fulfilling the great commission of the apostles for world evangelism (Acts 1), unity in the church (John 17), revival in Israel (Rom. 11) and for the millennial kingdom on Earth (Rev. 20).
For such a large-scale vision, an equivalent, large-scale provision would be needed. This is more of a responsibility than a benefit. In fact, it is a huge and difficult burden. But I feel the Lord wants us to embrace the responsibility for such a vision and to believe for its provision.
The Bible records instances in which people sold property and laid the money at the "apostles' feet." The people acted in such supernatural generosity because they grasped the greatness of the kingdom message that was expressed in the "apostles' teaching." They were motivated to support that world-changing vision.
"They continued steadfastly in the apostles' teaching" (Acts 2:42)."... and placed it at the apostles' feet. And it was distributed to each according to his need" (Acts 4:35).
There is a great danger in this outpouring of financial blessing. Those who receive it must act in strict integrity, even personal austerity, while at the same time being aggressively generous to use the finances to advance the kingdom of God.
The miracle provision in Acts 4 led immediately to the deadly sin of Hananiah (Ananias) and Sapphira in Acts 5. The betrayal of Yeshua by Judas was prompted by jealousy over the extravagant generosity of Miriam pouring out the expensive perfume. The attack of the nations against Israel by Gog and Magog is prompted as well by jealousy over finances (Ezek. 38:12).
Recently at Congregation Ahavat Yeshua in Jerusalem, we taught and prayed humbly for the "wealth of the Gentiles to come" and to be "laid at the feet of the apostles." Five days later we received a call from a dear saint on the other side of the world, who had simultaneously been considering a major donation. He said that God spoke to him and said, "Take the money and lay it at Asher's feet."
May this serve as a supernatural sign for an outpouring of resources to many others for the completion of the apostles' vision in our generation. 
Asher Intrater is the founder and apostolic leader of Revive Israel Ministries and oversees Ahavat Yeshua Congregation in Jerusalem and Tiferet Yeshua Congregation in Tel Aviv. Asher was one of the founders of Tikkun International with Dan Juster and Eitan Shishkoff and serves on the board of the Messianic Alliance of Israel and Aglow International. He and his wife and full-time partner in ministry, Betty, have a passion for personal prayer and devotion, local evangelism and discipleship in Hebrew and unity of the body of believers worldwide.
This article originally appeared at reviveisrael.org.
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA