Why Satan's Attacks Against You Seem More Ferocious Than Ever
I hear so many Christians say, "I'm under attack!" as though they were surprised. As a Christian, born again by the Spirit of God, you were translated from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light. You entered a war zone! Yes, you live in a constant state of war between evil and good, God and Satan.
When the Lord delivered the children of Israel out of Egypt and told them about the promised land, He told them He would not give them the land all at once. There were too many enemies in the land that they didn't know how to fight. They would be consumed by the enemy. He was protecting them. He said, "As you increase," I will drive out the enemies, and you will inherit the land (Ex. 23:29-30)
At the same time, He kept them in the wilderness. He directed their footsteps with a cloud and fire. He fed them with manna. He expects us to grow in wisdom and stature just as Jesus did when He lived in this earth.
There is nothing new under the sun! When we read and study the Bible, which was written for our learning, God is showing us how to fight. First, we must realize even though we are living in this world, it is a spiritual battle we are fighting. Satan is your enemy. It is not your husband, neighbor or co-workers. You have been given all the spiritual weapons you need to overcome in this world. First John 5:4 tells us, "For whoever is born of God overcomes the world, and the victory that overcomes the world is our faith." The battle has already been won. You just have to enforce it in your life!
I love to study the women in the Bible. God spoke to my heart while I lived in Scotland and said, "Teach women today from women of yesterday." He gave me Romans 15:4: "For whatever was previously written was written for our instruction, so that through perseverance and encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope." Why are you reading the Bible? A sense of Christian duty? To impress others? We are to read and study to show ourselves approved and to grow in wisdom to build our faith so that we can overcome every dart the enemy tries to shoot in our direction.
Every time you open your Bible, you are equipping yourself and strengthening yourself for the battle for your life, your family and your nation. The sword of the Spirit is the Word of God (Eph. 6:17)! The Word of God has to be revealed to you by the Holy Spirit to become alive and active in your life. When you speak the Word that is alive in you, you defeat Satan as Jesus did coming out of the wilderness (Luke 4:4).
When I study the life of Deborah, I see a wife, mother, intercessor and prophetess. At the time of Deborah, there was moral outrage, lawlessness and violence. This resulted in a society of destruction and chaos. A permissive lifestyle ran rampant in the land. Does this sound familiar?
I believe the Lord is extending an invitation to women of God today who are willing to stand up and use their God-given power and influence to change the world they live in.
Deborah did not try to overshadow Barak; she understood her call as a mother in Israel and men and women were drawn to her. Her prophetic anointing flowed through her to release divine strategies for the day. When we walk in our call as Deborah did with the heart of God for her family and nation, we will receive the same favor.
God needs Deborahs today to use their influence to change this nation. Too many women are suffering from rejection and pain from tradition and religious beliefs. They are walking wounded in their souls and need to be set free to follow their heart. God is raising up women in all walks of life to deliver His divine strategies and wisdom to discern the times and seasons. Are you willing? Believe me, embracing the call of God is not an easy lifestyle. If you are not ready for resistance, you are not ready to step out. We live in a war zone. God will not take us to the front lines until He knows we are equipped and ready. 
Joyce Tilney is the founder of Women of God Ministries, teaching women today from women of yesterday. She is an author and Bible teacher. Visit wogministries.com for more information. Her new book and workbook, Why Diets Don't Work – Food Is Not the Problem, share her testimony of how the Lord helped her lose 88 pounds. There is nothing impossible with Him. Visit the website: whydiets.com for information.
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