Showing posts with label Present Word Ministries. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Present Word Ministries. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

"Pergamum!" - Present Word Ministries

Present Word Ministries
Robbie Phillips

‘He who has an ear, let him hear 
what the Spirit is saying to the churches’

December 9 & 10, 2013


            The church in Pergamum was addressed by our risen Lord. They had remained loyal to Him even in the midst of persecution. Antipas, His faithful witness, was martyred for the Faith – yet the church stood firm – with this the Lord was well pleased.

            And yet that was not the whole story. The Lord had some displeasure with this church. Some, perhaps prominent among them, held to the teaching of Balaam. Balaam 'taught' the wicked king Balak to entice the sons of Israel to eat food sacrificed to idols and to commit sexual immorality. This gave some of the Pergamites the 'right' to commit immorality and to eat food sacrificed to idols. Not only this, they had among them those who held to the teaching of the Nicolaitans.

            The name Nicolas is interesting: it's a combination of two Greek words meaning 'people rulers'. And so the Nicolaitans were known for their ruling over the people of God.

            So much about the church today is similar to the church in Pergamum. On the one hand, there is the Lord's blessing and favor. Except in the case of the church at Laodicea, the Lord always sees good things about His people. And so He sees good things in the church in America. And for that He gives a big thumbs up.

            But just as the Lord saw evil in the church at Pergamum, He sees distressing things in the church of America. He sees slackness toward sin. He sees toleration of wickedness. He sees our lack of trusting Him wholly. He sees our lack of prayer and fasting, especially for our nation. Like the church at Pergamum, He sees that we have those who rule over parts of the church. And the Lord calls us to repent! He calls us to "turn from our wicked ways" and to seek Him.

            This is a solemn hour. We are called to seek Him, to seek His face with our fasting and prayers. We are at a point as a nation that we must have His influence, we must have His intervention. Oh let us seek Him today! Let us call on Him today! Let us turn to Him today! Amen, Oh Lord!

Note: Photo added by Editor of Love For His People, Inc. Not with original article above. Steve Martin

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

"You Must Believe!" - Robbie Phillips (Present Word Ministries) - English & Spanish

Robbie & Betty Phillips, 
with Abbi & Betty Maley Phillips

 Present Word Ministries
‘He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches’

July 8 & 9, 2013

 "You Must Believe!"
But without faith it's impossible to please Him, for whoever comes to God must believe
that He exists and that He is a Rewarder of those who diligently seek Him!
– Hebrews 11:6

            It seems to me like I've been in a 'difficult place' in my walk with the Lord for quite some time now. By 'difficult place' I mean one of those seasons where nothing's working, nothing's happening, God's not answering, life's come to a standstill, so that the only song that seems to have any relevance is "Gloom, Despair and Agony on Me"!

            If you've been in the Lord for any length of time, you know exactly what I'm talking about. You dial heaven and ask to please speak with the Lord; the angel who answers says He's "not available right now" and "would you please call back at a later time". The second time you call you get a Busy Signal. On your third attempt you get a recording: "This number is no longer in service."

            Enter Hebrews 11:6. There's a little 'four-letter word' there that's discomfiting when you're in the difficult place. It's that little word 'must'. Anyone who comes to God . . . MUST believe (1) that God exists to begin with, and (2) that He's a Rewarder of those who diligently seek . . . HIM (ie, He's not a Rewarder of those who merely seek His 'rewards' while disregarding seeking Him).

            "MUST Believe." "MUST." Hmm. This is a word both to Christians (ie, supposedly believers) and to non-Christians (ie, supposedly non-believers) alike. The Holy Spirit does not say here:

            "It would be so neat if when you come to God you might consider believing Him!"

            "If you'd just believe God – He would be so relieved!"

            "How noble and magnanimous of you to choose to believe God!"

            "I'd be so honored and pleased if you'd believe Me!"

            "Please . . . please . . . I entreat you: Please believe Me. Please!"

            Nope. Nyet. Nicht. Nein. Nada. Negatory. No. The above-mentioned four-letter word is simply, MUST – whether you're a believer or non-believer the demand is ever the same – MUST. No discussion, no excuses, no exceptions, no exemptions, no substitutions. MUST Believe Him/in Him. MUST.

            When you're in the difficult place, the challenge is to . . . Believe. (1) That God IS there ("He exists"), so that you believe that He hasn't forgotten you. AND to Believe: (2) That He is a Rewarder if you 'hang tough' with your faith and keep pressing in to Him.

            Believing in Him isn't Optional. You MUST believe in Him. 

You MUST cast off Disbelief. It is DISPLEASING to Him for you to entertain Doubting about Him. No matter what your Emotions say, no matter how 'good' it feels and how inwardly 'warm and fuzzy' it may be to be cast down and depressed, you MUST reject and resist that tendency – and with jaw-tightened, teeth-clenched, fist-closed Fierce Resolve, you MUST Declare your Belief in Him and His ability to reward. 

And you MUST do it over-and-over, resolutely standing in your Faith. There's no other way to PLEASE GOD.

            You Must Believe in Him. You simply . . . MUST.

Robbie Phillips 
Columbia, SC

For our Hispanic Friends!!

Present Word Ministries (Ministerios de La Palabra Presente)
"El que tiene oído, oiga lo que el Espíritu dice a las iglesias"
8 de julio y 9 de julio 2013
"Tiene que creer"

Y sin fe es imposible agradar a Dios. Porque es necesario que el que se acerca a Dios a crea
que El existe, y que recompensa a los que Lo buscan
-- Hebreos 11:6
            Me parece que yo he estado en un "lugar difícil" en mi caminar con el Señor por un buen rato.  Con la frase "lugar difícil" quiero decir que es uno de estas temporadas cuando nada funciona y nada está sucediendo; Dios no está contestando; la vida ha llegado un tope para que la única canción que tenga correspondencia con mi situación sea "Pesadumbre, desesperación, y agonía para mí".
            Si usted ha estado con el Señor por un espacio del tiempo, usted sabe de lo que estoy hablando.  Usted marca el número telefónico del cielo y pide, por favor, hablar con el Señor; el ángel que contesta y dice, "Él no está disponible ahora" y " por favor llame más tarde".  La segunda vez usted llama, usted llega el tono de ocupado.  En el tercero intento, usted llega una grabación: "Este numero está afuera del servicio".
            Entra Hebreos 11:6.  Hay "una palabra de cuatro letras [en inglés, 'must' o tener que]" que está presente y está incomodándole cuando usted está en un lugar difícil.  Es la pequeña frase "tiene que".  Cada quien que se acerca a Dios. . . . TIENE que creer (1) que Dios existe en el primer lugar, y (2) que Él es un Recompensador [él que recompensa] de aquellos que le buscan. . . . . a Él (i.e., Él no es un Recompensador de aquellos que meramente buscan a sus 'galardones' mientras le pasan por alto a Él mismo).
            "TIENE que creer".  "TIENE que. . . "  Hmm.  Esta es una palabra para cristianos (supuestamente, los creyentes) y para los no-cristianos (i.e., supuestamente, no-creyentes) mutuamente.  El Espíritu Santo no dice aquí:
            "Seria bonito que cuando usted se acerca a Dios, tal vez, podría considerar creer en Él".
            "Si usted creería en Dios -- Él sería tanto tranquilizado".
            "¡Cuán noble y magnánimo de usted escoger a creer en Dios!"
            "Sería yo tanto honrado si usted creería en Mí".
           ¡Por favor, por favor, Te ruego: Por favor, créeme.  Por favor!
            De ninguna manera. Nyet. Nicht. Nein. Nada. Negativo. No.  La frase de arriba de 'tiene que' sencillamente es TIENE que -- si usted es creyente o no-creyente la exigencia es igual -- TIENE que.  No discusión, no excusas, no excepciones, no exenciones, no sustituciones.  TIENE que creer en Él.  TIENE que.
            Cuando usted llega a ese lugar difícil, el reto es. . . . creer.  (1) que Dios está presente ("Él existe"), para que crea que Él no se haya olvidado de usted.  Y creer: (2) que Él sea un 'Recompensador' si usted 'aguanta firme' con su fe y continúa acercándosele a Él.
            El creer en Él no es una opción.  TIENE que creer en Él.  TIENE que echar afuera la incredulidad.  No es agradable a Él para usted seguir dudando.  No importa lo que sus emociones digan.  No importa cuan bueno se sienta y cuan bueno sea de ser desconsolado y deprimido, TIENE que rechazar y resistir esta tendencia -- y con mandíbula apretada, con los dientes apretados, con el puño cerrado con determinación feroz, TIENE que declarar su creencia en Él y en Su habilidad de recompensar.  Y TIENE que hacerlo una vez y otra vez, resolutamente, siendo firme en su fe.  No hay otra manera para agradar a Dios.
            Tiene que creer en Él.  Usted sencillamente, TIENE que creer.