Lana Vawser: "You're Moving from Anxiety to Ascension!"
This is very much a NOW word from the Lord through Lana Vawser. I know that people are wrestling with anxiety in the spirit and in the natural realm too.
Even those who are very sensitive in the spirit and operate in the discerning of spirits gifts have also picked up on anxiety happening in the Body and have been praying for it to GO!
Well, God has heard your prayers for breakthrough. Lana Vawser has picked up on this and shares this penetrating word:
Recently, I heard the Lord making this decree over many people in the Body of Christ: "FROM ANXIETY TO ASCENSION!" I saw the hand of God lifting many Believers from the chains of anxiety and as a result a mighty deliverance from anxiety was taking place in the Body of Christ.
Please take this refreshing word to heart and let God take you to a new ascension in the spirit that you've never experienced before! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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"You're Moving from Anxiety to Ascension!"
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 4:6-7 ESV)
Recently, I heard the Lord making this decree over many people in the Body of Christ: "FROM ANXIETY TO ASCENSION!" I saw the hand of God lifting many Believers from the chains of anxiety and as a result a mighty deliverance from anxiety was taking place in the Body of Christ.
I watched as the power of God set people free from a spirit of anxiety that was sent from the enemy to hinder them from moving into all God had for them. Where anxiety had taken root through traumas, past events and other areas, I saw the power of God bringing healing to their wounded hearts. Wherever the anxiety stemmed, I watched as a mighty move of the Lord brought freedom.
Rising to a Higher Level
Ascension is defined as: "the action of rising to an important position or a higher level." (Oxford English Dictionaries)
There is an incredible shift taking place right now and anxiety is attempting to keep many Believers chained to the ground in areas where God has called them to fly!
I heard the Lord say, "Believe! Believe that the shift has arrived. Believe that I am mighty to save. Believe that I am mighty to deliver, and that this ANXIETY has reached its EXPIRATION DATE.
"There is a major shift of healing and freedom upon you! It's time to FLY! It's time to see this anxiety as not a part of your story anymore—in the place of bondage—but to see a new chapter turn in your life, where you have overcome anxiety and begin to partner with Me to see many others set free of the anxiety that has plagued them. The enemy has fought hard to keep you in the place of anxiety because of the power of your testimony to bring healing and freedom to others.
"Well, I decree over you today that the time where anxiety has hindered your life and assaulted your mind and body has come to an end. Now you shall know Me as healer and deliverer like never before."
The Lord showed me over the past few months that lots of people have been experiencing heightened anxiety. Some have been battling anxiety for a long time and it has intensified, while others are experiencing anxiety that they have never had before. But in all of the battles with anxiety the Lord was decreeing, "ASCENSION."
It is time for the rising up OUT of anxiety. It is the time of soaring higher, out of the anxiety that has stolen so much from many of you. It is time to move into a rest, a healing, a confidence in Him, a renewed sense of vision, a renewed hope, a renewed courage, a renewed joy and a renewed strength in Jesus. Anxiety has weakened many Believers in heart and body, but the Lord is decreeing that there shall now be a strengthening like you have never known before, rising up within you in the power of the Spirit. Not only will anxiety no longer plague you as the Healer, Jesus, steps in, but you will go forth in greater boldness and joy in all the Lord has called you to.
Creativity Will Increase and New Ventures Will Be Birthed
I heard the Lord decreeing loudly: "The GIANT of ANXIETY is coming down in the name of Jesus, as the tidal wave of My love flows in the lives of My people. As My nature is revealed as the All-Sufficient One and Protector in greater ways, My people will grow in stature in the Spirit as they step into greater realms of trust in Me, and in revelation of their identity and My power and faithfulness."
I then had a vision where I saw the earth begin to shake under the feet of those who have had such intense battles with anxiety. Suddenly, the ground began to crack open. I watched as springs began to burst forth from under ground and they sprung up like fountains. I heard the Lord say, "The SPRINGS OF CREATIVITY are now BURSTING FORTH."
As these springs of creativity burst forth, I heard the Lord say, "Can you hear the sound of NEW VENTURES being birthed? Can you hear the sound of NEW VENTURES being birthed?"
Anxiety is Not Your Portion
Friend, today, whether you have struggled with anxiety for the past week, month, year or decade, I want to encourage you: anxiety is NOT your portion. Peace is your portion. Joy is your portion.
I feel the Lord is wanting to encourage you to NOT take on anxiety as part of your identity. The Lord is bringing forth a fresh revelation of your identity in Him and He is bringing down the giant of anxiety in your life. Continue to invite Him in to deal with this assault against many of you and the areas in hearts and souls where anxiety has taken root. God does not condemn you. Repent for any way you have aligned with anxiety and worry, and know that these shackles and strongholds of anxiety have reached their expiration date.
God's decree over you is not anxiety. God's decree over you is you moving OUT of anxiety and into healing deliverance and freedom, and into greater ascension in Him like never before. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Lana Vawser is an active member of the Australian Prophetic Council and releases prophetic words for the Body of Christ and nations, and is featured regularly on The Elijah List and in Charisma Magazine. She is also an itinerant preacher and revivalist who is traveling regularly with her family, seeing powerful moves of God.
Lana has a strong, prophetic voice and has a heart to see the Body of Christ develop deep intimacy with Jesus and actively hear His voice each day. She also has a heart to see people set free and walk in all that Jesus has purchased for them as they carry Christ into their world each day, awakened to His nature and who they are in Him. Lana is married to Kevin, and they live in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia with their family.
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