Showing posts with label Rewarder. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rewarder. Show all posts
Friday, February 10, 2023
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Ahava Love Letter - “Disappointed with Small Beginnings?” (Steve Martin)
“Disappointed with Small Beginnings?”
Lord is close to those who have suffered disappointment.
He saves those who
are discouraged.” Psalm 34:18
family of friends,
happen to each of us. We work long and hard for a special event, a needed life
change, a relationship gone sour needing to be rebuilt…and yet we so often experience
hurt and frustration when it doesn’t happen the way we had hoped. And even expected
the way it should have.
Then we want to blame God, while asking the question which
often haunts many, “Why God?”
happened to me again. But by this time I had learned not to question the One who
loves, the One who cares, the One who I know had asked me to do something, and
so I did. It didn’t turn out the way I had expected, or at least had hoped it
would. But then after many starts and finishes now, you get back up and go on.
Persistence will pay off if we don’t quit.
When only
eight people showed up for the event (and five were from my own family), for which
I had been planning for months, and had spent time, energy and money on while
expecting at least 30-50, I was truly disappointed. As I sat there on the
table, before the cars would start pulling up, after the final two hour long decorating
and other preparations had been done, I fought against that which I knew wanted
to attack me.
Disappointment. Rejection. The lying voice whispering, “You
really didn’t hear His voice, did you?”
times over the years, I knew that I knew - in my “knower” as one Bible teacher
used to say – that I had heard the Lord, did what He asked, and then didn’t get
the expected results. At least not at the start.
it involved a ministry job change, a major move for the family, a purchase of
great value, or sharing a word with someone and then getting some backlash, it
took time before the real purpose of the Lord was understood and the
promise fulfilled.
I have learned, after much practice of course, that His ways are not our ways. He led Moses to the Red Sea, with what seemed to be an impossible way of crossing, after leading the Hebrews out of bondage. Joshua had to march his army around a stronghold city seven times. What was he thinking after the 6th lap? Daniel was placed in the lion’s den. Did it at any time first cross his mind, “If only I had obeyed the king and avoided this.”
Really God? Is this how you operate?
I have learned, after much practice of course, that His ways are not our ways. He led Moses to the Red Sea, with what seemed to be an impossible way of crossing, after leading the Hebrews out of bondage. Joshua had to march his army around a stronghold city seven times. What was he thinking after the 6th lap? Daniel was placed in the lion’s den. Did it at any time first cross his mind, “If only I had obeyed the king and avoided this.”
Really God? Is this how you operate?
sure is. They were able to face that because of the lessons they committed themselves to learn in the long process leading up to that point.
The Lord God Almighty wants to teach us to simply obey His word first. He wants us to step out and do what we believe He has called us to do. The results are to be left in His hands; not in our well planned out ones. As we learn to walk through that which we face today, the bigger giants yet coming will be looked at with faith and courage too.
The Lord God Almighty wants to teach us to simply obey His word first. He wants us to step out and do what we believe He has called us to do. The results are to be left in His hands; not in our well planned out ones. As we learn to walk through that which we face today, the bigger giants yet coming will be looked at with faith and courage too.
It may
be years before we realize that the seed planted in the dirt will become a
mighty tree, or the word spoken to that person will long settle in their
spirit, and they become the next Billy Graham.
(Photo by Steve Martin - in Charlotte, NC)
Lord is not short on time, or bringing about His planned purposes. He knows the
beginning from the end. After all, He IS the Father of time, the Creator of all
things. And His plans and purposes will come about, even as He truly has
spoken. After all, Jesus (Yeshua) rose from the dead, proving that He is
true and we can eternally believe His word.
courage in hearing His voice. Don’t give up or allow disappointments in small
beginnings to keep you from seeking the Lord with your whole heart, mind, will
and emotions. He is the Rewarder, and you will see the good results.
just takes a little more time.
Ahava (love in Hebrew) to my family of
Steve Martin
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Todah rabah! (Hebrew - Thank you very much.)
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Ahava Love Letter #67
“Disappointed with Small Beginnings?” ©2013 Steve Martin
Date: In the year of our Lord
2013 (08/11/13 Sunday at 7:30 am in Charlotte, NC)
All previous editions of Ahava Love Letter
can be found on this Blog:
Here are the last few:
Rise Again (#66)
The Cities (#65)
How can You Mend A Broken Heart
Anxious (#63)
Hidden (#62)
Get Back in the Boat (#61)
Money? (#60)
In Your
Building – Guard Against Distractions (#58)
Connections (#57)
Your Name (#56)
Lost, But Not Forgotten Friends
The eight who came! (L-R) Faithful friends Sandra McCain, Josh Martin (our oldest son), Susan & Mike Greene (blessings on ye heads!), Logan Martin ( a fun-loving grandson - in front), Laurie Martin (my good wife!), Dylan Joy and Logan Martin (grand kids whom we love!)
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
"You Must Believe!" - Robbie Phillips (Present Word Ministries) - English & Spanish
‘He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches’
July 8 & 9, 2013
"You Must Believe!"
But without faith it's impossible to please Him, for whoever comes to God must believe
that He exists and that He is a Rewarder of those who diligently seek Him!
– Hebrews 11:6
It seems to me like I've been in a 'difficult place' in my walk with the Lord for quite some time now. By 'difficult place' I mean one of those seasons where nothing's working, nothing's happening, God's not answering, life's come to a standstill, so that the only song that seems to have any relevance is "Gloom, Despair and Agony on Me"!
If you've been in the Lord for any length of time, you know exactly what I'm talking about. You dial heaven and ask to please speak with the Lord; the angel who answers says He's "not available right now" and "would you please call back at a later time". The second time you call you get a Busy Signal. On your third attempt you get a recording: "This number is no longer in service."
Enter Hebrews 11:6. There's a little 'four-letter word' there that's discomfiting when you're in the difficult place. It's that little word 'must'. Anyone who comes to God . . . MUST believe (1) that God exists to begin with, and (2) that He's a Rewarder of those who diligently seek . . . HIM (ie, He's not a Rewarder of those who merely seek His 'rewards' while disregarding seeking Him).
"MUST Believe." "MUST." Hmm. This is a word both to Christians (ie, supposedly believers) and to non-Christians (ie, supposedly non-believers) alike. The Holy Spirit does not say here:
"It would be so neat if when you come to God you might consider believing Him!"
"If you'd just believe God – He would be so relieved!"
"How noble and magnanimous of you to choose to believe God!"
"I'd be so honored and pleased if you'd believe Me!"
"Please . . . please . . . I entreat you: Please believe Me. Please!"
Nope. Nyet. Nicht. Nein. Nada. Negatory. No. The above-mentioned four-letter word is simply, MUST – whether you're a believer or non-believer the demand is ever the same – MUST. No discussion, no excuses, no exceptions, no exemptions, no substitutions. MUST Believe Him/in Him. MUST.
When you're in the difficult place, the challenge is to . . . Believe. (1) That God IS there ("He exists"), so that you believe that He hasn't forgotten you. AND to Believe: (2) That He is a Rewarder if you 'hang tough' with your faith and keep pressing in to Him.
Believing in Him isn't Optional. You MUST believe in Him.
You MUST cast off Disbelief. It is DISPLEASING to Him for you to entertain Doubting about Him. No matter what your Emotions say, no matter how 'good' it feels and how inwardly 'warm and fuzzy' it may be to be cast down and depressed, you MUST reject and resist that tendency – and with jaw-tightened, teeth-clenched, fist-closed Fierce Resolve, you MUST Declare your Belief in Him and His ability to reward.
And you MUST do it over-and-over, resolutely standing in your Faith. There's no other way to PLEASE GOD.
You Must Believe in Him. You simply . . . MUST.
Robbie Phillips
Columbia, SC
For our Hispanic Friends!!
Present Word Ministries (Ministerios de La Palabra Presente)
"El que tiene oído, oiga lo que el Espíritu dice a las iglesias"
8 de julio y 9 de julio 2013
"Tiene que creer"
Y sin fe es imposible agradar a Dios. Porque es necesario que el que se acerca a Dios a crea
que El existe, y que recompensa a los que Lo buscan
-- Hebreos 11:6
Me parece que yo he estado en un "lugar difícil" en mi caminar con el Señor por un buen rato. Con la frase "lugar difícil" quiero decir que es uno de estas temporadas cuando nada funciona y nada está sucediendo; Dios no está contestando; la vida ha llegado un tope para que la única canción que tenga correspondencia con mi situación sea "Pesadumbre, desesperación, y agonía para mí".
Si usted ha estado con el Señor por un espacio del tiempo, usted sabe de lo que estoy hablando. Usted marca el número telefónico del cielo y pide, por favor, hablar con el Señor; el ángel que contesta y dice, "Él no está disponible ahora" y " por favor llame más tarde". La segunda vez usted llama, usted llega el tono de ocupado. En el tercero intento, usted llega una grabación: "Este numero está afuera del servicio".
Entra Hebreos 11:6. Hay "una palabra de cuatro letras [en inglés, 'must' o tener que]" que está presente y está incomodándole cuando usted está en un lugar difícil. Es la pequeña frase "tiene que". Cada quien que se acerca a Dios. . . . TIENE que creer (1) que Dios existe en el primer lugar, y (2) que Él es un Recompensador [él que recompensa] de aquellos que le buscan. . . . . a Él (i.e., Él no es un Recompensador de aquellos que meramente buscan a sus 'galardones' mientras le pasan por alto a Él mismo).
"TIENE que creer". "TIENE que. . . " Hmm. Esta es una palabra para cristianos (supuestamente, los creyentes) y para los no-cristianos (i.e., supuestamente, no-creyentes) mutuamente. El Espíritu Santo no dice aquí:
"Seria bonito que cuando usted se acerca a Dios, tal vez, podría considerar creer en Él".
"Si usted creería en Dios -- Él sería tanto tranquilizado".
"¡Cuán noble y magnánimo de usted escoger a creer en Dios!"
"Sería yo tanto honrado si usted creería en Mí".
¡Por favor, por favor, Te ruego: Por favor, créeme. Por favor!
De ninguna manera. Nyet. Nicht. Nein. Nada. Negativo. No. La frase de arriba de 'tiene que' sencillamente es TIENE que -- si usted es creyente o no-creyente la exigencia es igual -- TIENE que. No discusión, no excusas, no excepciones, no exenciones, no sustituciones. TIENE que creer en Él. TIENE que.
Cuando usted llega a ese lugar difícil, el reto es. . . . creer. (1) que Dios está presente ("Él existe"), para que crea que Él no se haya olvidado de usted. Y creer: (2) que Él sea un 'Recompensador' si usted 'aguanta firme' con su fe y continúa acercándosele a Él.
El creer en Él no es una opción. TIENE que creer en Él. TIENE que echar afuera la incredulidad. No es agradable a Él para usted seguir dudando. No importa lo que sus emociones digan. No importa cuan bueno se sienta y cuan bueno sea de ser desconsolado y deprimido, TIENE que rechazar y resistir esta tendencia -- y con mandíbula apretada, con los dientes apretados, con el puño cerrado con determinación feroz, TIENE que declarar su creencia en Él y en Su habilidad de recompensar. Y TIENE que hacerlo una vez y otra vez, resolutamente, siendo firme en su fe. No hay otra manera para agradar a Dios.
Tiene que creer en Él. Usted sencillamente, TIENE que creer.
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