Showing posts with label Prophetic Insight. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Prophetic Insight. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Rick Joyner, Dr. Michael Brown Offer Prophetic Insight Into Coming Revival - JESSILYN JUSTICE CHARISMA NEWS

Rick Joyner talks with Michael Brown on 'Prophetic Perspectives.' (Vimeo)

Rick Joyner, Dr. Michael Brown Offer Prophetic Insight Into Coming Revival

Join us on the new C-Pop podcast where Taylor and Jessilyn discuss, debate and sometimes deride pop culture with a strong sense of humor and a focus on Christ. Listen at

Twenty years ago, Dr. Michael Brown followed the Spirit in the Brownesville revival. Now, the same Spirit of expectation hovers around a coming revival in Rick Joyner's Charlotte.  
"Bob Jones prophetically saw that revival," Joyner says of Brownesville.  
Jones then prophesied some of the buildings used for Brown's Fire School of Ministry would send ships all over the world. 
3 Reasons Why you should read Life in the Spirit. 1) Get to know the Holy Spirit. 2) Learn to enter God's presence 3) Hear God's voice clearly! Go deeper!
Has God called you to be a leader? Ministry Today magazine is the source that Christian leaders who want to serve with passion and purpose turn to. Subscribe now and receive a free leadership book.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Dutch Sheets Shares Prophetic Insight for Church Dilemma Over Elections - JENNIFER LECLAIRE CHARISMA NEWS

Supporters rally with Republican U.S. presidential nominee Donald Trump in Fletcher, North Carolina. (REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst)

Dutch Sheets Shares Prophetic Insight for Church Dilemma Over Elections

Watchman on the Wall, by Jennifer LeClaire
Jennifer LeClaire is now sharing her reflections and revelations through Walking in the Spirit. Listen at

Dutch Sheets, internationally-known best-selling author, speaker and founder of the Appeal to Heaven Movement, has an important message for the church as voters prepare to head to the polls. I've presented it below and wholeheartedly agree.
As you can tell from my greeting, I am writing primarily to you, the American church. I am doing so personally, not representing Dutch Sheets Ministries. Though this is longer than the blogs I normally send, please read it as an urgent, heartfelt appeal. The sense of urgency I feel is hard to put in words. I have prayed and wept much over the condition of our nation, and continue to be deeply burdened. We are so close to the precipice of a complete self-destruction—a devastation of such magnitude that it would take decades to recover. Some believe a complete recovery would never be possible. The America we have known and loved is being systematically dismantled and reshaped.
Voting is a precious right and a serious responsibility; I realize it is also a very personal and private one. We do it by secret ballot in America for a reason. I don't want to be another voice of manipulation—there are so many in presidential election campaigns—therefore, it is with the utmost caution and conviction that I do this.
I also want to state up front that I am neither a registered Republican nor Democrat. Years ago, I concluded that if my "calls to prayer" were to be trusted by believers across the board, I would have to issue them as an independent voter. With this in mind, I relinquished my party affiliation, along with the rights to vote in primaries, help shape party platforms, possibly become a delegate and so forth and became an Independent. Since then, like many of you I have become fed-up with both parties—disillusioned with the Republicans, offended and appalled by the Democrats. I say this to assure you that I am not making this appeal in order to stump for "my party's candidate."
Finally, I want to also preface my appeal by saying I have not been a huge Trump fan. Had I been allowed to vote in the primaries, he would not have been my first choice. His seeming arrogance, insults, history of philandering, personal ambition and so on were very disconcerting to me. I kept an open mind, however, knowing God uses imperfect people and that He is very merciful—I don't condone sin, but neither do I cast the first stone—and knowing that people do, indeed, change. I was also challenged to remain open-minded about Trump by the fact that several spiritual leaders I trusted were convinced God wanted to use him to overthrow an ineffective and corrupt system. Over time, I came to agree with them. However, for me, this election is not nearly as much about who I am for, as it is who and what I am against; and frankly, even with my initial concerns, the decision has never been easier.
One of the most devastating occurrences in America in our lifetimes, ranking up with The Supreme Court's decisions of Roe v. Wade and Engel v. Vitale (the removal of prayer from schools), was the election of Barack Obama. I gave a strong warning about what would happen to our nation if he was elected. Sadly, it has all come to pass: a continued liberalization and empowerment of the judicial system in America; a weakened economy (our national debt has doubled in seven years to $19 trillion!); further moral deterioration, along with a rebellion to and mockery of God (does anyone remember the White House lit up in the colors of the LGBT movement after marriage was redefined by the Supreme Court?
If that wasn't an "in your face" to God and those of us who "cling to their God, guns and religion" by the man who mockingly said it, I don't know what could ever be!); increased violence; a weakened position in the world, along with a weakened military; the advance of radical Islamist terrorism; a setback in race relations; and more. I rejoice that our nation has been able to elect our first black president. I am deeply saddened, however, that it was Barack Obama.
The damage has been so great that America is now one president away from a complete transformation to secularism, a loss of our Judeo-Christian foundation, the loss of our position as the stabilizing force for good in the earth, and the leading voice of the gospel to all the world.
If elected, Hillary Clinton will be the president who finishes the job. She stands almost entirely against everything we, the church, are for, and for everything we are against. Hillary is pro-abortion, including partial-birth abortion, the most insidious evil of the last century; will raise taxes while continuing out-of-control spending; will further weaken our military; is for completely open borders; is pro-gay marriage; supports Obamacare; has no respect for our Judeo-Christian heritage; sells influence; and is a proven liar. Do not be fooled—she will completely finish what Obama started.
The notion peddled by some "Never Trump" Republicans that they can keep Hillary from accomplishing what she wants for four years, then replace her with someone they prefer, is laughable. The fact that they should know this, and don't, is truly scary. Even more frightening is perhaps they do. The Republican Congress has done nothing to stop Obama; why should we believe they will do so with Hillary?
When they threaten to curb Obama with "the power of the purse," he simply calls their bluff and either bullies them into giving him what he wants, or simply does as he pleases through unconstitutional executive orders. A Republican-controlled Congress has done nothing to defund Obamacare, slow down the trillions of dollars of debt he has accrued, prevent his treasonous acts with Iran, defund Planned Parenthood and their selling of babies' body parts (can you even believe such a thing even exists, and that the Obamas and Hillary condone it?), or stop any number of other inappropriate actions and wasteful expenditures. Much of Washington, D.C., is an out-of-control cancer that must be cut out.
To be sure, there are Republican leaders who desperately want to change things but the entrenched, lobbyist-owned, career politicians—many of them liberals in conservative clothing—have neither the will, backbone and perhaps not the intellect needed to change it. Radical surgery is necessary. Again, it is laughable to think that the leadership of this weak and diluted Republican Congress would be able or willing to stop the agenda of the libs once they enjoy an even greater momentum from another White House win. Someone please tell me why we should believe that. If the Republican Party has not sold us out, why did they spend $18.2 million on Bush's election in 2004, $53.5 million for McCain in 2008, $42.4 million for Romney in 2012 and $0 on ads to elect Trump? They have sold us out.
It is also ridiculous, and perhaps insincere, for the "Never Trump" Republican leaders to suggest "we would only need to reverse four to eight years of damage if Hillary is elected, which in the long run isn't much." Again, these leaders are either lying or horribly deceived. The damage presently occurring to our nation is—in the sense of time—exponential. Every year of damage means closer to 10 years in its longevity.
How long will it take America to reverse another $4-8 trillion of increased debt? Decades!
How long will it take us to recover from the decimating of our military? Decades!
How long will it take to defeat a now entrenched Obama/Clinton-enabled ISIS? Decades! (And honest military and intelligence leaders admit that we now have many radical Islamist terrorists here in the U.S., not just abroad.)
How long will it take to undo the loss of appropriate fear, which our enemies and the enemies of freedom around the world once had toward us? Decades! (Our enemies now laugh at us, while attacking us with our own weapons, or weapons purchased with millions in ransom money we paid them. While Putin rebuilds the Soviet empire and China makes plans to rule the world, we are disarming. We can't even identify our enemies. Obama and those around him are foolish and spineless, and our military leaders know it. We are the laughingstock of our enemies. Hillary helped to set this debacle of foreign policy, and she will continue it.)
How long will it take to recover from two to five Clinton lifetime appointees to the Supreme Court? Decades! If she appoints five, which is feasible, she will have single-handedly appointed over half the Supreme Court and will have given the liberal non-constitutionalists a 30- to 40-year, 7–2 majority advantage! (There is one vacancy now, and of the other eight justices, the three oldest are 77, 79 and 83; two more are in their late 60s.) Then there are the several hundred lifetime federal judges she would appoint. Obama has already appointed nearly half of our federal judges—all liberals—and Hillary would appoint the other half. This entire scenario is unthinkable! If all this occurs, these over-reaching, legislating ideologues will finish the job of decimating everything you and I stand for. America as we have known it may then be gone forever. We have less than three weeks to stop this.
Do not listen to the "only four years" crowd!
I also want to make an appeal to those who say their conscience won't allow them to vote for either Trump or Clinton, so they simply won't vote at all. I sincerely respect your convictions, but in this election, that argument fails the logic test (as does voting for someone who cannot possibly win). Trump's potential negative developments do not come close to the magnitude of those Hillary would produce.
We simply cannot—regardless of our concerns regarding Trump—allow all the above-mentioned consequences to happen. I respectfully appeal to you to turn your "conscience" and "principles" toward the unborn, your children, grandchildren and the destiny of this nation. Please! We have already been down this "not voting" path once before when millions of evangelicals refused to vote for Romney because he was a Mormon. As disgusted as I am with Romney's current choice of Hillary over Trump, how much better off would we have been with him, rather than four more years of Obama?
To see how Trump would actually lead, I would challenge you to look at those with whom he has surrounded himself: Pence; Carson; Huckabee; Giuliani; Christie; Gingrich; Palin; trusted generals; law enforcement officials; border patrol officials; evangelical leaders of all races; and otherwise, ethical, conservative leaders. What does this tell us? It is probably the greatest indicator of who Trump now is, clearly making the case that he has changed his moral ways over the past 10 years, as he claims.
I personally believe he has changed. I also believe God has gripped his heart for the nation, and is in the process of further transforming Mr. Trump. God has certainly allowed him to be humbled. Of course, the statements made by Trump on the video released from 2005 were despicable. However, if we reject him because of the sins of his past, we would also have to reject Abraham, King David, Rahab, "the woman at the well," Mary Magdeline—all adulterers in their unrighteous past. And don't forget murderers like the apostle Paul. A lot of formerly despicable people will be in heaven! And a lot of them, by the way, became great leaders and champions for God. Some changed the world.
These associations also tell us that Trump's stated conservative bent is genuine, and they state that he is wise enough to know what he doesn't know! I believe Trump is showing us that he will function, if elected president, as any wise businessperson does: find qualified people who know how to get the job done, as in the above examples, and empower them to do it. I like those whom he is signaling to us would be those leaders. They are proven, trustworthy and honorable. If you cannot vote for Trump, vote for them.
Hillary, on the other hand, would give us four to eight more years of polytheists, liberal progressives, media elites, police-haters, global statists, financially irresponsible leaders and a weak military.
Perhaps a better way for the disenchanted to approach this election is to vote against someone. I would suggest to you that voting against a candidate is a good reason to vote! "Neutrality" is not a valid option at this critical crossroads in history. The times demand that we make a stand! If not for, make your stand against the following:
Vote against the foolish, selfish, shortsighted, establishment Republicans fighting to maintain their power.
Vote against an immoral, ungodly Democratic Party. To those who take issue with this characterization, don't forget that they booed God at their convention in 2012.
Vote against an unelected, unaccountable, over-reaching, out-of-control judiciary that believes it has the right to reshape America.
Vote against the unethical, biased, lying and untrustworthy media. We will never reclaim America until we reject their influence. They may be the single greatest obstacle to America's recovery.
Vote against a weakened military.
Vote against a loss of national sovereignty and a one-world government.
Vote against open borders.
Vote against policies that enable radical Islamist terrorism.
Vote against the removing of our 2nd Amendment rights.
Vote against higher taxes.
Vote against Obamacare.
Vote against the redefining of marriage. It is not too late to reverse this.
Vote against abortion-on-demand, partial-birth abortion and Planned Parenthood with its selling of babies' body parts.
Vote against liberalism and progressivism.
Vote against the silencing of the church. Only the totally naïve do not see this coming quickly.
Vote against revising our history and the loss of our Judeo-Christian heritage.
Vote against the politicization and exploitation of racism and the polarizing of America.
Vote against the slandering and weakening of law enforcement.
Vote against the politicization of the Justice Department, the FBI and other important departments of government. Both departments are now undeniably and shamelessly used for political purposes and to oppose Christians and conservatives.
Pastors, if you've ever made a stand, make one now—it may be your last chance. Tell your people the truth clearly. Pray and fast! Turn your services into prayer meetings.
To all believers, if you agree with what I have written, forward it to all of your friends and family members. Most of them hear only from a hypocritical, lying media, which is now the propaganda arm of the liberal agenda. Speak up. Appeal to them to read this and think about it.
And vote!
Vote for a future, one that includes what you love and believe in. Trump has flaws, but Hillary will be fatal.
Dutch Sheets
Jennifer LeClaire is senior editor of Charisma. She is also director of Awakening House of Prayer in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, co-founder of, on the leadership team of the New Breed Revival Network and author of several books, including The Next Great Move of God: An Appeal to Heaven for Spiritual Awakening;Mornings With the Holy Spirit, Listening Daily to the Still, Small Voice of GodThe Making of a Prophet and Satan's Deadly Trio: Defeating the Deceptions of Jezebel, Religion and Witchcraft. You can visit her website here. You can also join Jennifer onFacebook or follow her on Twitter. Jennifer's Periscope handle is @propheticbooks.
3 Reasons Why you should read Life in the Spirit. 1) Get to know the Holy Spirit. 2) Learn to enter God's presence 3) Hear God's voice clearly! Go deeper!
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Friday, March 11, 2016

The Great Coming Whirlwind - A Prophetic Insight by Mary Lindow - Identity Network

The Great Coming Whirlwind - A Prophetic Insight by Mary Lindow

Identity Network  March 11, 2016
"The LORD is slow to get angry, but his power is great, and he never lets the guilty go unpunished.  He displays his power in the whirlwind and the storm.  The billowing clouds are the dust beneath his feet." Nahum 1:3

We are in high-pressured days that seem as if everything around us is in a great whirlwind.
The noise coming from the media, the weather patterns, the sounds of war, the sounds of people crying out for "Justice" and the sounds of people crying out because they feel like there's been too much "In-justice".

The Lord would like to speak these words in this hour to those that have ears to hear.

I know there are many MANY prophetic words being ushered into the media outlets by so many people and many have been spoken out in meetings and conferences.  I wish that I could tell you that every single voice you're listening to and every promise that is being made to you regarding great wealth, great promotion, and great open doors are accurate. But deep down inside of your spirit man, there is something stirring that you cannot explain. It's that knowing that something is coming, that something has begun out there in the world that we cannot see, but that we know in the spirit.

We are in a time like none other on and in the earth.

But, we do have reference points to go to that tell of similar warnings and events that took place in the past. We can remember when Lot chose to go for the things that were more pleasing to his flesh and where he would have more abundant provision and opportunity for business trade, but in the end he was stuck in the city where there was nothing but illicit sex, graft, stealing and robbing, and eventually total desolation and demolition. Even as the Lord provided a way of escape, his wife still had the smell, the stench of the worldly life in her heart, and she turned around to look one more time, fondly, over her shoulder, at the home that she dreaded to leave behind.

Look at the days of Noah when he was mocked and laughed at. 

He did not build that famous ark in a month! No! It took a long, long period of time to build the ark out in the middle of nowhere!   A simple study of the Bible text shows that the time from when God told Noah to build the ark, till the rain fell was no longer than about 75 years.
And yet he obeyed God.  If we read carefully, it says that the Lord himself drew the animals to the ark. First, it is necessary to note that Noah was not told to gather the animals. He was commanded only to build the ark, large enough for all the animals, and simply receive the animals when they arrived. "And of every living thing of all flesh...two of every sort shall come unto thee, to keep them alive" (Genesis 6:19-20).

I want to encourage all of you to understand clearly that there is a whirlwind coming. 

In Jeremiah 23:19 God is talking about a whirlwind that He has sent - a violent windstorm. The false prophets have said, "No bad is coming" (verse 17). God says, "Do they ever listen to me? I've said, 'I'm sending a whirlwind, and it's going to fall on the heads of the wicked.' How dare they say that everything is going to be okay!"

What is coming is bigger and broader and wider and more destructive than anything else that we have ever seen. I don't know if it's a nuclear war! I don't know if it's bizarre weather patterns! And I don't know if it's not just a whirlwind of new kinds of ideas being foisted upon mankind.

What I do Know is This…

There are people who are aware in the spirit that the only stronghold in place right now, a place of immunity and safety, is in prayer and in surrendering to all that the Lord is asking of them. Many of you are stretched beyond the point that no one can understand. Their financial resources have been given and given again to help others, and yet their own supply seems to be dwindling. There are those who have poured into the lives of others, poured into businesses, poured into mentoring and training others, and yet it appears as if when they reach out there's nothing left in the pantry for them.

The Lord wants those of you who have been giving, giving, giving to check your hearts one more time.

If HE told you to give and to serve and to sacrifice, then you can be guaranteed one thing. He does not withhold from those who have been faithful.

But this I say, He which sows sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which sows bountifully shall reap also bountifully. 2 Corinthians 9:6

And God, who supplies seed for the sower and bread to eat, will also supply you with all the seed you need and will make it grow and produce a rich harvest from your generosity. 2 Corinthians 9:10

I want to encourage you right now in the spirit to understand the time that we are in, is a time when nothing is making sense when trying to apply the past patterns and methods or, the natural way of living. It's going to take a determined, dogged, supernatural approach to understand the seasons the days and the times.

God already understands all of this, but He is not going to communicate to people who will then try to communicate it in natural terms to those who don't have ears to hear. He's going to communicate truth and wisdom to those were willing to allow their own hearts to go into the fire of refining and changing the way that they have done things in the past.

"The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; all who follow his precepts have good understanding. To him belongs eternal praise." Psalm 111:10

Difficulties Require New Strategies

Hard times require sober minds and the determination not to be towed under by destruction and despair.

We are not to be focusing on the noise in the whirlwind around us in this world even though it sure does draw our attention from the left and the right! We are to instead, focus on a specific path, a narrowing of vision and a "one direction" place.

And what exactly does that all mean?

It means that we are to seek the Face of the Father.  And I mean seek and to seek, and to seek again. Continually.

"Seek the LORD and his strength, seek his face continually." 1 Chronicles 16:11
We have got to break down those things that are holding back the move of God in all denominations of the Christian faith.

It will only come by seeking His face, seeing His heart for people and hearing His plans for them, and for us!

Oh how the Father wants to bring a fresh move of His presence through His word and through His glorious goodness and mercy!

He is going to bring correction to all denominations, all walks that claim to have Jesus Christ as the head of the faith! So many smugly think that because they have been charismatics or that they have been "spirit-filled" they have a higher attained level of wisdom and discernment! This is nothing but plain arrogance. If anything, there should be a more refined level of humility and thankfulness for the fact that we have access through the gifts to flow in the fruits of the Spirit.

"The LORD Almighty has a day in store for all the proud and lofty, for all that is exalted (and they will be humbled)." Isaiah 2:12

The Holy Spirit Would Say These Words Today

"Yes, the winds are blowing and they are harsh winds and some are absolutely destructive winds! Everything that does not stand under the power of my word and is not anchored in Me shall be shifted and blown and shaken, and at times the winds of drastic change will draw away the dross from the wheat. I am sifting and shaking, and shaking and sifting again and again until my people understand they do not live in a time where making demands and commands to Me operate well.

I am looking for a people who will bow low enough before Me and get quiet and seek My will, MY WILL for planet earth! This world is fading away quickly and mankind is corrupted each day more and more to go the way of the flesh."

You Must Put Away the Noise! 

"You must put away the noise in your life and enter into the place where in the center of the storm is the eye. MY EYE is upon the righteous, My eye is upon those that are fruitful and faithful, and fruitful to Me may be different than fruitful to you!

You cannot serve two masters, yet many have tried to justify the shutting away of My convicting voice when I have told them to go back and make right the situations where they have done grievous damage to others who are supposedly their family members in Christ.
If you cannot repent and get relationships right in the Kingdom now, I cannot use you to forge new relationships in the future in My Kingdom. If you have bitterness, anger and jealousy in your heart, it will manifest with shaming and name-calling, as well as condescending and destroying another's capability to serve me well."

I Will Not Deviate from My Plan

"The days of selfish ambition and immaturity are closely coming to an end. My light, My life, My word and My ways are perfect! I will not deviate from My plan for the Kingdom of God in the earth. I am looking for a people who will not listen to the accusation of others nor slander and destroy their brother and sisters because of another's opinion, or perhaps because they themselves were brought a loving correction or warning and instead, turned around and shamed the messenger.

I see you all and I am fully aware of the things that have been done in My name to hide behind selfish ambition. A judgment time is coming!

Know this. I am about to expose those who abuse the gifts, abuse their titles and abuse the finances that I have deemed for the kingdom and I'm going to bring their names to the forefront to save their souls!

Yes, the whirlwinds may blow, and the storms and winds will be continuing to cycle and swirl. But I'm looking for those who are willing to stay in the center of My Eye, where there is quiet and there is calm and there is discernment, direction and wisdom for these devastating days.

To those in the center of My Eye, I will pour out a wisdom beyond mankind's understanding and they will rise up and have the words that will bring direction, correction, and light into dark places."

The eyes of the Lord keep watch over knowledge, but he overthrows the words of the traitor. Proverbs 22:12

For a man's ways are before the eyes of the Lord, and he ponders all his paths. Proverbs 5:21

Stand prepared, for I'm doing this thing regardless of whether man is ready or not. I am that I Am and I will have my way in the earth, says the Lord of Hosts.

For this is what the high and exalted One says -- he who lives forever, whose name is holy: "I live in a high and holy place, but also with the one who is contrite and lowly in spirit, to revive the spirit of the lowly and to revive the heart of the contrite." Isaiah 57:15

Mary  Lindow

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Tuesday, February 2, 2016

A Revelation 3:8 Year and a Philadelphia Season - KEN MALONE CHARISMA NEWS

Watch for these open doors and move through them quickly.
Watch for these open doors and move through them quickly. (iStock photo )
Prophetic Insight, from Charisma Media
Earlier this month while in Jesup, Georgia, I was in the Spirit and I began to see and hear awesome things for 2016.
I heard the rattling of keys and the sounds of ancient locks being opened. 
I saw strong angels opening doorways that have been shut for generations. I heard the Lord say, "Revelation 3:8 will be yours this year, a time that open doors will be set before you. Gates to ancient pathways are opening this year. This will be a year of KAIROS OPPORTUNITY."
I saw open doors, doorways and gates forming by the first of Nissan, which is April 9, 2016 on the Gregorian calendar. As I see these doors opening they are positioned in THE RIVER OF GOD. They are forming in HIS RIVER. These open doors are coming before you throughout 2016.
The key to moving through these doors this year is to get into the RIVER OF GOD. If you get into His River, you will not miss the doors.
"I know your works. Look! I have set before you an open door, and no one can shut it. For you have a little strength, and have kept My word, and have not denied My name" (Rev. 3:8, MEV).
Steward the Prophetic Word
Many of God's people miss their destiny because they do not steward the word that is given to them by Holy Spirit. They place it on a shelf of forgetfulness to collect dust. When that word makes it to that shelf, it will never come to pass as long as it's on the level of forgetfulness.
Paul admonished Timothy to war with the prophetic words that were given to him."This command I commit to you, my son Timothy, according to the prophecies that were previously given to you, that by them you might fight a good fight" (1 Tim. 1:18, MEV).
When you pray, worship the Lord, and pray in tongues over the prophetic word given you, it begins to set into motion everything that is necessary to see that word come to pass. It will come to pass quicker if you war over your word.
Begin to do this over this Revelation 3:8 Word and you will see results by April 9.
On Jan. 15, a lady that I don't even know walked up to me and said, "This is going to be an amazing year for you and your family." She then walked away. I'm ready Lord. Bring on these OPEN DOORS.
Watch for these doorways to open. When you see them, move quickly through them.
Doorways of:
  • The Supernatural—You, the church, are about to move into a supernatural realm. Things that you were not able to accomplish in previous seasons will be accomplished through the supernatural work of Holy Spirit.
  • Miracles and Healings—Doorways of miracles and healings are opening as we speak. Many will see physical miracles and healings in their life this year. Those of you in the healing ministry will see powerful miracles and healings. The Healing Room movement will see an increase of Christ's power.
  • Recovery—Gateways of Recovery are open now to those who will step into The River. This is a year to Pursue, Overtake, Without Fail RECOVER ALL. (1 Samuel 30:8)
  • Provision—A doorway of abundant supply is opening now. Get ready for the tide to turn. His supply is coming to you. And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that always having all sufficiency in everything; you may have an abundance for every good deed. (2 Cor. 9:8)
  • Reconciliation—The Lord showed me that doorways of reconciliation are open now. I hope you didn't burn bridges, but even if you did, God is able to rebuild your relationships with others. I also see doorways of the Lord reconciling the backsliden. Many prodigals will be coming home this year. Get ready, pray, pray, pray for your sons and daughters to return to the Lord.
Ken Malone is being used by God to mobilize the body of Christ throughout Florida and the nation. After being a pastor for 24 years Ken has recently stepped down from a pastoral position which has allowed God to launch Ken into his apostolic role. He is an ordained minister and serves as the founder of Forerunner School and Ministry, Inc. and serves on the board of Dutch Sheets Ministries. Ken also serves as one of the leaders of Network Ekklesia International, an Apostolic Network founded by Dutch Sheets. Ken walks in a governmental apostolic mantle that releases the body of Christ into their destiny. He also ministers with a prophetic, seer anointing which enables him to identify activate and release redemptive gifts in individuals, churches and cities.
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Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Rick Joyner: The Year of Demarcation - CHARISMA MAGAZINE

We need leaders who will be a strong biblical and moral compass for America.
We need leaders who will be a strong biblical and moral compass for America. (Flickr )

Rick Joyner: The Year of Demarcation

charisma magazine

Prophetic Insight, from Charisma Media
2016 will undoubtedly be a remarkable year. If I could describe what I see in one word, it would be "demarcation."
We are entering the "Valley of Decision." Nations and individuals will be making choices on ultimate issues that determine their ultimate fate. We will have great crises to help illuminate the choices, and their consequences. These crises will have a near equal opportunity for good or evil.
To navigate this time we must have a strong moral and biblical compass, to know what is good and what is evil. We must know what we believe, resolve to live it, and stand for it without compromise.
The more clearly we see this compass, the better it will be for us. Knowledge, intelligence and wisdom can be helpful, but this moral and spiritual compass by which we know where we are going, and how to stay on course, will be far more important.
This great time of decision is coming at a time when there is a great vacuum of wise, competent leadership. This should compel us to faithfully pray for our leaders as we are commanded.
It should also compel us to take leadership whenever and wherever it is thrust upon us, always keeping in mind that the ultimate wisdom is to know that the Way is not just a formula but a Person we are called to follow. That Person is also the Truth and the Life, and He will always lead us to truth and life.
Rick Joyner is the founder and executive director of MorningStar Ministries and Heritage International Ministries and is the senior pastor of MorningStar Fellowship Church. He is the author of more than 40 books, including The Final Quest, A Prophetic History, and Church History. He is also the president of The OAK Initiative, an interdenominational movement that is mobilizing thousands of Christians to be engaged in the great issues of our times, being the salt and light that they are called to be.
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Saturday, January 2, 2016

Did 2015's Prophetic Words Ring True? - Jennifer LeClaire Charisma Magazine

Did some of 2015's prophecies ring true?

Did 2015's Prophetic Words Ring True?

Prophetic Insight, from Charisma Media
12.29.15  Jennifer LeClaire   Charisma Magazine

In the days and weeks ahead, prophetic voices around the world will release prophecies for 2016. You'll read a handful of them on the "Prophetic Insight" section of
But before we charge ahead to weigh prophetic mandates, directives and warnings for 2016, let's take a minute to look back at the prophetic words declared over 2015. After all, you can't always limit God's words to a 12-month timeline.
As I've said before, it's possible that some 2015 prophecies won't be relevant for years and others will remain relevant for years to come. So, again, before we move on to the next new prophetic word, let's review what prophetic voices declared last year and respond according to His Spirit.
A Year of New Beginnings
prophesied that "2015 is a year of new beginnings. That means some of you are going to birth some things. That means you may be a little uncomfortable in 2015. It means you will face some transition. It means you may enter into travail. It means you will face the accuser of the brethren and engage in spiritual warfare at new levels." Was it true? It was for me and for many who I have come across in this past year. If you did not have a new beginning in 2015, there is still a new beginning available for you. As I recently wrote in my Plumb Line column, You Can Have a New Beginning in2016—You Really Can.
The Turn-Around Year
The Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders (ACPE), led by Cindy Jacobs, declared 2015 was a turn-around year: This is the year when God will give His people the chance to recalibrate in the midst of what will seem to be a whirlwind year. To recalibrate means to correct in mid-course, modify, amend, change, metamorphose, renovate, transform, or turn." Did this word come to pass? I believe it's an accurate word in many respects. It was certainly a whirlwind year in the seven mountains of influence. How many of God's people recalibrated, or repented, remains unclear. Repentance is a key to seeing 2 Chronicles 7:14 become a reality in America. I believe the Lord requires yet more repentance; true repentance.
A Shemitah Year Mandate: Throw Jezebel Down!
Rob Winters declared a Shemitah year mandate to throw Jezebel down: "What is not commonly known about Shemitah is that it is derived from the Hebrew root word 'shamat,' which is used nine times in Scripture. In three instances 'shamat' is translated 'throw down' and is used in the passage where Jehu commanded two eunuchs to throw Jezebel down from a second story window, killing her. Jezebel's demise at the hands of Jehu ultimately resulted in the obliteration of Baal worship in Israel." Was this a good word? I have written three books on the Jezebel spirit—including my latest: Jezebel's Puppets—so I may admittedly be biased as I believe we have long needed to throw Jezebel down. I don't think we got the job done last year, nor do I believe this spirit will be completely eradicated until Jesus returns, but we can displace this principality over our cities through transforming revival.
A Year of Revealing Hidden Things
Ryan LeStrange announced 2015 was a year of revealing hidden things: "The Father is peeling back the layers that have created a dull edge and sharpening the prophetic voices. The prophetic ministry is coming to the forefront in this season as there is a growing hunger to hear from God. Much of the church world has restricted the Holy Spirit and limited His flow in their meetings but there will be a breaking forth of genuine prophetic ministry among those who are hungry. This is a time of refining for the prophetic community. The words, revelations and voices must be on target and specific. The sword is being sharpened and accuracy increasing!" I have witnessed a number of new fresh prophetic voices come on the scene in 2015 with great accuracy. The prophetic movement, of course, is not fully restored and we all need to press into greater intimacy with Him, which produces the genuine witness.
Stay tuned in the coming days and weeks as we'll share more prophetic words. In the meantime, review these decrees, announcements, insights and directives. Grab what rings with your spirit even as you prepare your heart to receive what God has for you in the new year.
Jennifer LeClaire is senior editor of Charisma. She is also director of Awakening House of Prayer in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, co-founder of, on the leadership team of the New Breed Revival Network and author of several books, including The Next Great Move of God: An Appeal to Heaven for Spiritual Awakening;Mornings With the Holy Spirit, Listening Daily to the Still, Small Voice of GodThe Making of a Prophet and Satan's Deadly Trio: Defeating the Deceptions of Jezebel, Religion and Witchcraft. You can visit her website here. You can also join Jennifer onFacebook or follow her on Twitter. Jennifer's Periscope handle is @propheticbooks.
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Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Rick Joyner: 5 Trends That Will Change the World in 2016 - CHARISMA

Expect Russian President Vladimir Putin to make huge waves in the Middle East in 2016.
Expect Russian President Vladimir Putin to make huge waves in the Middle East in 2016. (Kevin Lamarque/Reuters)

Prophetic Insight, from Charisma Media
Core beliefs and values are being challenged across the globe. With such a major change of direction happening, where are we headed?
The following are the five major events that will likely define our immediate future and impact world affairs for the foreseeable future. These are listed in the sequence they occurred, not necessarily the sequence of importance or impact:
1. China stock market crashes
2. Falling energy prices
3. Russian military intervention into the Middle East
4. Paris and San Bernardino terrorist attacks
5. The Trump candidacy
We will look at each of these for the message they have, but first we will briefly discuss the most basic change factor in world affairs—initiative. In military operations and world affairs, having the initiative is necessary for success. The one with the initiative can control the battle or geopolitical situation, requiring their opponent(s) to react to them rather than the other way around.
Therefore, those with the initiative have a major advantage in the confrontation. For this reason, the most important factors to look for to discern the nature of events and where they are heading are:
  • Who has the initiative
  • What are their intentions or goals
  • What are their resources and strategies for sustaining the initiative
Now we'll look at each of the five events having a major impact on the world and their potential consequences:
1. The China stock market crash. China's economic growth has been a key factor impacting the world economy this century. Without it, the recovery after 9/11 or the crash of 2008 would have been more difficult if not impossible. China is now one of the biggest economic forces in the world, rivaling the impact of both the U.S. and Europe.
On June 12, 2015, The Shanghai Index lost one-third of its value. It rebounded, but this began the most turbulent volatility of a major market possibly in modern times, even eclipsing the 1929 crash. Understanding its cause and impact on the world economy is important for understanding what we can expect the world economy to do in the foreseeable future.
One report estimated that 100,000,000 Chinese investors were virtually wiped out in a day. Many more than this number were also severely hurt by this crash. The Chinese economy had produced more millionaires and billionaires and created and expanded a middle class more quickly than any economy in history. It delivered more people out of poverty in a shorter time—a truly remarkable achievement.
China also created a huge number of consumers who drove industry around the world. The June crash, dramatic recovery and then a worse crash over a few-week period unnerved more than the Chinese—it alarmed everyone who understood the interconnection of world economics. This will no doubt majorly impact the rapid growth of the Chinese's purchasing of the world's goods, with huge ramifications.
The Western media hardly covered this remarkable event, possibly because only about 1.5 percent of Chinese stocks are held outside of China. Another reason is China's control over its media. In the free media, panic can be created and driven by the media. China clamped down on their media, likely preventing a far worse catastrophe. They also quickly shut down trading by major companies and stockholders.
This strategy can work in the short term, but the lack of transparency also breeds suspicion, long-term concern or fear that can hurt a free market even more. The Chinese leadership is smart enough to know this, but the potential for catastrophe in the short term was so great, they felt they had to take drastic measures.
Chinese authorities blamed the crash on rumors and fear mongering. If true, fear and rumors will be a continuing problem for the Chinese without transparency. Their markets stabilized because of the controls, but when those controls were lifted a little, the markets fell another 40 percent. They've recovered some, but the factors that initiated these shockwaves have not been addressed—the lack of transparent accounting and the true value of their currency, the Yuan, that was arbitrarily set by the government.  
Although it's impressive how well the Chinese government handled the crash without prior experience in anything like this, the IMF's recent decision to designate the Chinese Yuan a reserve currency seems to be more political than economic. This was likely a move to help stabilize the Yuan, but this too could have a destabilizing effect on other world currencies—we'll see.
It is no secret that the Chinese would like to see their currency replace the dollar as the world's top reserve currency. Even with their problems, they are headed that way because of the over-regulation and over-taxation shackling the U.S. economy.
Bottom Line
This will not likely bode well for the U.S. dollar or economy. The potential effect of the Chinese market turmoil to destabilize the rest of the world is substantial. Again, Chinese economic growth, and the creation of such a huge middle class and consumer base, may be the single biggest factor sustaining the world economy after the 2008 crash. Basic economic indicators point to increasing weakness in the world economy at a time when one of its biggest economic engines, China, will slow down.
A slide into a recession in 2016 not only looks possible, but seems inevitable. The recovery since 2008 would not likely exist with China, and it has still only been a shallow, weak recovery. Now the world cannot count on growing Chinese consumption to bail them out.
The turmoil in China will impact the world economy negatively by slowing its consumer spending. At the same time, China is seizing the initiative to become the world's reserve currency, giving them increasing leverage over the world economy. This is not the result of strength in their economy as much as Chinese leadership and decisiveness. As Donald Trump accurately pointed out, "Their leaders have been smarter than ours."
Without a major change in U.S. economic policy, China is in the best position to take and hold the initiative in world economics for the foreseeable future. This is happening in spite of the fragile nature of the Yuan. Chinese equity markets have more to do with the incompetence of U.S. and European economic leadership than brilliance on the part of the Chinese. That China has seized the initiative in the world economy after suffering such dramatic turmoil in its own economy is a clear indication of the kind of jeopardy the world economy is in.
2. Falling energy prices. Along with the growth of Chinese consumerism, falling energy prices have been a major driver of the world's economy in recent times. The effect has been like having a trillion-dollar stimulus infused into the U.S. and EU economies each year. Combined with "Quantitative Easing" (QE), the artificial dumping of almost another trillion dollars into the economy each year, the U.S. economy is just barely inching along, indicating how gummed up the works are in our economic engine.
Falling energy prices may have bought us more time to fix serious issues in the economy, but without decisive leadership that will actually fix things, we will inevitably suffer the worst economic disaster in our history. Falling energy prices are mostly the result of falling demand for energy, a sure sign that much the world's economy is weakening.
3. Russian intervention in the Middle East. Russia's economy has been devastated because it is a petroleum-based economy, and falling energy prices have it near collapse. However, Putin has emerged as the most decisive world leader. He has seized initiative in world affairs and become a major player in world economics.
Putin's move into the Middle East was not just about propping up the Assad, a man Putin has shown disdain for, in Syria. Neither is his alliance with Iran the result of his love for that regime. He has brilliantly positioned Russia to use both of them in a bold move to threaten Saudi Arabia and the other oil producers in the region. This will drive up oil prices, thereby saving the Russian economy.
This is bold and brilliant, and a decisive man such as Putin will likely carry it out. The recent shooting down of a Russian plane by Turkey gave him more cards to play. Cutting off Russian tourism to Turkey can devastate that country's economy. It also has the potential to create major turmoil in NATO, ultimately securing the Russian southern flank by bringing a capitulating Turkey under Russian control. Putin is smart enough to play the cards he's dealt, and it's not likely the Russian/Turkish crisis will go away until Putin has gained a great deal.
Another factor is that almost all NATO countries are dependent on Middle Eastern oil. If Putin is ambitious (and he seems to be), he could break up NATO and bring many of the nations under Russian influence. This would force the E.U. to stand down and not interfere in his actions against Ukraine or other former Soviet states while freeing him for other adventures.
America alone has the power to counter Putin, but his decisiveness combined with the ineptness of American leadership could not be setting the tables better for him. The U.S. and Canada could now be producing enough energy to support the E.U. so that it does not have to depend on Saudi Arabia or Russian energy sources, strengthening NATO at a time when it is increasingly needed. Policies such as killing the Keystone Pipeline could have bad consequences. At the very least, this will likely prove a major missed opportunity strategically.
Bottom Line
Expect energy prices to rebound in 2016, though they could drop even more before this happens because of the weakening world economy. When they start back up, they could return to previous levels faster than they fell. This will be like a reverse of the stimulus at the worst time for Western economies, wreaking economic havoc on the U.S., the EU and many other countries.
Russia does not need energy from outside sources, but they do need the price of energy to go up. China is desperate for dependable and cheap energy. They did not join Putin's Middle East adventure without a purpose. China will likely soon have virtual control over Saudi Arabia as part of this deal.
Understanding the power of the Russian/Chinese alliance combined with weak American resolve has much of the world looking to Russia and China for leadership. The end result could be the worst economic disaster in history for the U.S. and the EU At the same time, Russia can get back on its feet economically and China will be the most powerful economic force in the world as the stable source of cheap energy (for them).
Together, Russia and China are systematically and effectively seizing the initiative in the world economy, and by that world affairs. No other leadership in sight can counter it. This is the extraordinary geopolitical shift now taking place. Its implications are as far reaching as the fall of the Iron Curtain, but this time to the advantage of the former communist states. This leads us to the fourth factor to have a major impact on the trajectory of world affairs. 
Tune in Wednesday for finale of this two-part series.
Rick Joyner is the founder and executive director of MorningStar Ministries and Heritage International Ministries and is the senior pastor of MorningStar Fellowship Church. He is the author of more than 40 books, including The Final Quest, A Prophetic History, and Church History. He is also the president of The OAK Initiative, an interdenominational movement that is mobilizing thousands of Christians to be engaged in the great issues of our times, being the salt and light that they are called to be. Rick and his wife, Julie, have five children: Anna, Aaryn, Amber, Ben and Sam.
For the original article, visit
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