Showing posts with label Psalm 144:1. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Psalm 144:1. Show all posts

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Psalm 144:1 - English + Deutsche + Français - Richard and Carolyn Hyde from Heart of G-d Ministries

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Psalm 144:1

Praise be to the L-rd my Rock who trains my hands for war and my fingers for battle.
Gelobet sei der HERR, mein Hort, der meine Hände lehrt streiten und meine Fäuste kriegen.
Béni soit l'Éternel, mon rocher, Qui exerce mes mains au combat, Mes doigts à la bataille.

War War IDF news
There have been errant rockets falling in Israel the past years from the Syrian civil war, but the recent buildup of Iranian Revolutionary Guard troops establishing bases in Syria has caused Israel to launch strikes because we can't allow Iranian troops to get established on the Syrian side of the Golan. Then Russia promised to send special missiles that could shoot down Israeli planes and that was the game changer. So the other night we "apparently" launched a massive strike to take out those Russian missiles.  And the strike the other night was just in time because the report was that Iran was planning to completely barrage northern Israel with missiles.

The message really hit home that the war has begun when local authorities, sent a WhatsApp message to everyone in our neighborhood that the bomb shelters are now open. The bomb shelters are locked year round because kids would go down in there and have parties. But now the bomb shelters are open. Yes, from everything I'm seeing here in the North, we are at war.
And with the US Embassy move followed by Guatemala and other Israel-friendly nations beginning May 14, the hatred of the nations who rage against Israel and our G-d is only going to intensify.
But let's focus on the real reason for all of this. We, the Jewish people, have not followed our G-d but we've put our faith in the IDF, in America and political solutions, etc. and we have not turned to the G-d of Israel. So He is going to use this for His glory and that is the good news. There's already a deepening hunger for truth among Israelis today and I believe that many will seek and find Messiah through dreams and visions as fear of war becomes a place to find peace in the presence of our G-d.
Ashira L'Adonai
Enjoy the new song:  Ashira L'Adonai - I Will Sing Unto the L-rd!

Genieße das neue Lied:  Ashira L'Adonai - Ich Will Dem Herrn Singen!

Profitez de notre nouvelle chanson:  Ashira L'Adonai - Je Chante a L'Eternel
Aus dem syrischen Bürgerkrieg sind über die vergangenen Jahre fehlgeleitete Raketen gefallen, aber das gegenwärtige Errichten von iranischen Truppenbasen der Iranischen Revolutionsgarden in Syrien veranlasste Israel, Angriffe zu fliegen, weil wir iranischen Truppen nicht erlauben können, sich auf der syrischen Seite der Golanhöhen festzusetzen. Dann versprach Russland, spezielle Raketen zu schicken, die israelische Flugzeuge herunterschießen können, und das war die "Wende des Spiels".
Deshalb haben wir also in einer der vergangenen Nächte "anscheinend" einen massiven Luftschlag ausgeführt, um jene russischen Raketen auf der iranischen Basis zu zerstören.  Und der folgende Luftschlag, der die andere Nacht ausgeführt wurde, war gerade zur richtigen Zeit, weil es einen Bericht gab, dass der Iran geplant hat, Nordisrael, wo wir leben, unablässig mit Raketen zu beschießen.
Die Botschaft traf unsere Heimat wirklich sehr, dass der Krieg begonnen hat, als unsere örtliche VAAD, die Gemeinde-Autorität, eine WhatsApp Botschaft an jeden in unserer Nachbarschaft sandte, dass die Bombenbunker nun offen seien. Ja, aus allem, was ich hier im Norden sehen kann, sind wir im Krieg.  Mit dem Umzug der Amerikanischen Botschaft, gefolgt von Guatemala und anderen israel-freundlichen Nationen, beginnend am 14. Mai, beginnt sich der Hass der Nationen, die gegen Israel toben, nur noch intensivieren.
Aber lasst uns auf das schauen, was der wahre Grund für all dies ist. Wir, das jüdische Volk, sind unserem G-tt nicht nachgefolgt, sondern wir haben unseren Glauben in die IDF (Israelische Verteidigungs-Kräfte), in Amerika und politische Lösungen, etc. gesetzt und wir haben uns nicht dem Heiligen G-tt von Israel zugewandt. Also wird Er das für Seine Ehre benutzen und das sind die guten Nachrichten. Es gibt schon einen sich vertiefenden Hunger nach Wahrheit unter den heutigen Israelis und ich glaube, dass viele den Messias suchen und durch Träume und Visionen finden werden, wenn die Angst vor Krieg sich wenden wird in einen Ort, wo man in der Gegenwart unseres G-ttes Frieden finden kann.
Au cours de ces dernières années, il arrivait que des roquettes de la guerre civile syrienne tombent en Israël. Mais récemment des troupes de la Garde Révolutionnaire Iranienne ont établi de plus en plus de bases en Syrie, provoquant des frappes israéliennes parce que nous ne pouvons pas permettre aux troupes iraniennes de s'établir du côté syrien des hauteurs du Golan. Alors la Russie a promis d'envoyer des missiles spéciaux qui pourraient abattre les avions israéliens et cela a changé la donne.
L'autre nuit, donc, nous avons "apparemment" lancé une frappe massive pour retirer ces missiles russes des bases iraniennes.
Et la frappe suivante qui s'est produite l'autre nuit était juste à temps parce que selon le rapport, l'Iran prévoyait de déclencher un tir de barrage de missiles complet sur le nord d'Israël où nous habitons.
Le message que la guerre a commencé a vraiment frappé le public quand notre VAAD local, autorité communautaire, a envoyé un message par WhatsApp à tout le monde dans notre voisinage que les abris anti-bombes sont maintenant ouverts. Les abris anti-bombes sont verrouillés toute l'année parce que les enfants s'y rendraient pour faire la fête. Mais maintenant, les abris anti-bombes sont ouverts. Oui, d'après tout ce que je vois ici dans le Nord, nous sommes en guerre.
Avec l'inauguration de l'ambassade des États-Unis suivi par le Guatemala et d'autres pays amis d'Israël à partir du 14 mai, la haine des nations qui se déchaînent contre Israël et notre ne fera que s'intensifier.
Cependant, portons notre attention sur la vraie raison de tout cela. Nous, le peuple juif, n'avons pas suivi notre mais nous avons placé notre foi dans l'armée israélienne, dans l'Amérique et dans des solutions politiques, etc. et nous ne nous sommes pas tournés vers le D.ieu d'Israël. Il va donc l'utiliser pour sa gloire et c'est cela la bonne nouvelle. On trouve déjà aujourd'hui chez les Israéliens la faim de la vérité et je crois que beaucoup chercheront et trouveront le Messie dans des rêves et des visions quand la peur de la guerre se changera en un havre de paix dans la présence de notre
Blessings to you all in Yeshua's love, 
Segen für euch alle in Yeshuas Liebe,
Bénédictions à vous tous dans l'amour de Yeshua,
Richard and Carolyn Hyde  
 PO Box 112, Poriya Kfar Avoda  15220
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We write L-rd and G-d in this way because it's a Jewish custom that Carolyn grew up with and it's done only out of reverence and honor for the name of the L-rd.  Thanks for understanding. 
Heart of G-d Ministries, PO Box 461546, San Antonio, TX 78246

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Prophetic Word: 'I Saw Gold Pens Falling From Heaven Onto Earth' - BILL YOUNT CHARISMA NEWS

I saw gold pens falling out of heaven onto the earth as though they were being thrown by the angels like javelins into the hands of unknown people. (Pixabay)

Prophetic Word: 'I Saw Gold Pens Falling From Heaven Onto Earth'

"There are also many other things which Jesus did. Were every one of them to be written, I suppose that not even the world itself could contain the books that would be written. Amen" (John 21:25).
I saw gold pens falling out of heaven onto the earth as though they were being thrown by the angels like javelins into the hands of unknown people. I saw these pens turning into spears and swords as they fell into these hands. As their fingers began to write, books, songs and poetry were becoming lethal weapons to war against the enemy!
Psalm 144:1 was being activated throughout the earth: "Blessed be the Lord my strength, who prepares my hands for war, and my fingers to fight."
Huge Warehouses in Heaven
In the Spirit, I saw huge warehouses in heaven that appeared to be full of books, songs and poetry. I noticed these books had no titles on their covers or any words written on their pages. These were wordless books, blank bundles of sheet music and empty pages of poetry stacked high to the ceiling. A sign was over the huge door that read, "Stationery to Be Released and Published in the Final Hour Upon the Earth."
I heard the Father give a command to the angels: "Empty those warehouses and deliver to the earth! There are books yet to be written, new songs yet to be sung, poetry yet to be recited that will woo hearts back to Me. Drop the pens down first and empty those warehouses!"
I heard the Father say, "I'm releasing a 'scribe anointing' upon the earth!"
In the Spirit, I saw as though the Grand Canyon itself was becoming one of the many distribution centers, filling up like a huge library in the earth, filled with testimonies, books, songs and poems. Then angels would swoop down and carry these writings to God-given destinations, to saints and sinners in many parts of the world. I saw the seas and waters of the earth being covered with writings and literature floating upon them. The glory of God upon these waters from the writings would actually change water currents and carry them to places where man was unable to go.
I sense the Lord Himself was marketing His material that He was releasing to the earth into hands that were being inspired to write by the Holy Spirit. I sensed the Father had great desire to literally fill the earth, to let the whole world know what great things He has done for His people: "The Lord sent His word, and great was the company of those who published it!" (see Ps. 68:11).
Is there a book in you? A song stirring in your heart? Poetry that keeps coming to the surface?
Perhaps the Lord is calling you this hour to pick up your pen. 
Bill Yount has been a member of Bridge of Life in Hagerstown, Maryland, for the past 36 years where he is now an elder and a home missionary. He is currently an adviser-at-large for Aglow International. Bill faithfully served in prison ministry at Mount Hope for 23 years and now travels full-time, both in the U.S. and internationally, ministering in churches and Aglow circles. Humility and humor characterize his ministry as he brings forth a fresh word that is "in season," proclaiming the word of the Lord. The shofar, or ram's horn, is often used in his meetings, breaking the powers of darkness over regions, churches and households. The shofar represents God's breath blowing into the nostrils of His people, reviving them and awakening the lost. Many of God's messages, which Bill ministers prophetically, come out of his everyday life with his family and friends. Please visit Bill's website at
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Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Endure Hardship As a Good Soldier by Elaine Tavolacci - Identity Network

Endure Hardship As a Good Soldier 

by Elaine Tavolacci

Identity Network
The Holy Spirit brought back a word that I had received a couple of years ago. Many of you have been proven faithful through very difficult times and have learned how to triumph over every obstacle in your path. You have allowed the Lord to strengthen you and you have persevered through horrendous storms, but now it seems as if the enemy has returned with a vengeance.

The Lord showed me an analogy of a luxury car.  A luxury car must go through greater testing than an economy car before it is released to the car dealership.  To test a luxury car such as a Ferrari they may have to hit a wall to test its strength.  They will perform crash tests to test the amount of pressure that it could stand.  They will run it through all seasons to check its performance and tolerance to adverse weather patterns.  It will be tested through the snow, the rain, the heat and extreme weather conditions.  

They will also test it on the mountains to see if it could pass the test of perseverance, stability and excellence.  They will test it on sharp turns and U turns to make sure it is agile enough for the winding roads and they will test it on rocky roads to test its endurance.  The reason why a luxury car needs more testing than an economy car is because it has to be proven for what it is worth.  We are also tested and tried for our value and worth in the kingdom of God.

Trying Times of Your Past

The Lord says; "It was the trying times of your past that has strengthened you to become the person whom I have created you to be.  Things may not have gone according to the way that you have planned, but know that I am preparing you for greater works in the days ahead. As the enemy tries to return with a vengeance, remember where I have brought you from. Don't lose your focus.

As you look back at the difficult times, you will see that there was a purpose and a plan.  Everything that you have endured will be used for My glory.  As you have stayed strong in times of adversity, I will now entrust you with greater responsibilities.  As you have allowed Me to restructure your life and make the proper adjustments, you will now become more effective in that which I have called you to do.

Every step has been necessary for the preparation of your spiritual growth.  Although you have wrestled and contended in this last season, it has made you durable and able to trust Me in this season.  Through difficult times you have learned not to allow frustration to overwhelm you but you have recognized the opportunities for the days ahead.

A Vessel Unto Honor

The adversities have not caused you to be hardened with bitterness but have made you pliable to be used as a vessel unto honor. 

As you stand steadfast, you will see the victory.  You will understand the preparation and the process is crucial for the days ahead, and there will be a positive outcome for every unfortunate situation.  As you allow Me to build you for endurance, your character and integrity will be strengthened.  There are lessons to be learned that are necessary for your advancement so that you could fulfill all that I have called you to do; says the Lord.

2 Samuel 22:35 He teaches my hands to make war, so that my arms can bend a bow of bronze.

Psalm 18:32 It is God who arms me with strength, and makes my way perfect.

Psalm 144:1 Blessed be the Lord my Rock, Who trains my hands for war, and my fingers for battle.

2 Timothy 2:3-4 You therefore must endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. No one engaged in warfare entangles himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please him who enlisted him as a soldier.

Elaine Tavolacci

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