On Saturday, Aug. 10, 2013, we held our 1st annual "Reunionize Time!" gathering, in Pineville (Charlotte) NC. Our heart's desire is to reconnect with those we know from former cities we had lived in, churches we had been members of, and ministries we have served with. We know others want the same.
I hope John O'Leary makes it next year!
(All Nations Church 1997)
We believe the Lord is rejoining people with each other, to "regather" those that have been apart, as a result of many and various situations. We hope these events will be a time of encouragement, healing and renewed fellowship annually.
Thus, in the small town of Pineville, NC was birthed the "Reunionize Time!"
The open invitation had been posted on my FaceBook page, along with this blog and our "Love For His People" Facebook page for several months. Another specific invitation went out to 258 friends on Facebook the week before, as a reminder. (I wasn't wanting to inundate the e-mail Inboxes of friends! And snail mail gets expensive.)
Laurie and I are grateful that even though this first one was rather small (I myself was expecting and planning on between 30-50 people, but thankful for the eight who did come!), I know the Lord's ways are usually brought about through "small beginnings". We do not despise that, as the following Scripture verse says:
Zechariah 4:10 New Living Translation (NLT)
"Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices
to see the work begin, to see the plumb line in Zerubbabel’s hand.”
I also want to share a few photos I took, which follow. And...while I
was sitting there at the 2 pm official start time, I took some
video shoots. Those links are at the bottom of this blog, after the
notes from friends who responded later on the event.
You can check those out too.
Once the next date is determined for 2014, we will let you know
in plenty of time, so you can get it on your calendar. Possibly in
mid-May or mid-October, when the weather is a bit cooler than
the "hot August night" time, or in this case, day!
to see the work begin, to see the plumb line in Zerubbabel’s hand.”
I also want to share a few photos I took, which follow. And...while I
was sitting there at the 2 pm official start time, I took some
video shoots. Those links are at the bottom of this blog, after the
notes from friends who responded later on the event.
You can check those out too.
Once the next date is determined for 2014, we will let you know
in plenty of time, so you can get it on your calendar. Possibly in
mid-May or mid-October, when the weather is a bit cooler than
the "hot August night" time, or in this case, day!
Signs, signs everywhere!
Pineville Lake Park west end entrance
I parked my car in the shade...
...to help keep the flag from fading.
All set up for the grand event!
Park shelter reserved sign posted.
The wind was a blowin', so I used the H2O bottles
to hold down the table cloths.
(The Scotch tape wasn't working either.)
Prizes for the winners of the Quiz Game!
Photos displayed included ones from
Derek Prince Ministries staff (2004)
and All Nations Church "Barn" in 1998.
Music was brought to us by Ted Pearce,
Kim Walker-Smith, and more!
Beautiful Pineville Lake!
Fun place for the kids and grand kids to play.
More prizes - from my friend Morris Ruddick especially.
Self-portrait (Steve Martin), wearing my new "Ahava Love Letters" shirt.
Book will be released in mid-Nov through Xulon Press.
A CD recording from the last worship time
of All Nations Church
on Granite Street, Charlotte NC
- in 2000.
Administration building at Pineville Lake Park.
Almost 2 pm! (Start time)
When will they all get here??!!
The ones who made it for this 1st "Reunionize Time!"
(L-R) Sandra McCain, Josh Martin, Susan & Mike Greene, Laurie Martin,
and three grand kids Jensen, Dylan Joy and Logan Martin
Here are a few notes from some who responded afterwards:
From Lincolnton, NC
Bro Steve, Shalom.
I trust that you are having a blessed day/ night! Truly, I have to say that we are deeply sorry that we missed being there on time for the fellowship that you kindly invited us to. We both were excited to have been invited and was looking forward to be there!
I know how you must have felt when you realized no one was showing up; and we both can relate to that sort of thing ....has happened to us multiple times and it makes you think why folks do that. Anyways....
So, you are not alone...We've acclammated ourselves, in any case, to not be upset or overreact but instead release it into the Father's mighty Hand. I reckon you already have. The Lord bless you and may He give you a peace about it altogether.
The Lord never disappoints His beloved ones, so be encouraged today.
From Jerusalem, Israel:
Shalom Steve,
Just a quick note to say so sorry about the poor turnout for your event. Been-there-done-that as they say. It is a little confusing isn't it? BUT Abba always has lessons.
I organized a Support Israel Day on her birthday one year (during the last Intafada~ my son was in the IDF at the time and we were back in Virginia) LOTS of planning and organization~ T-shirt, a raffle, entertainment, felafel stand... etc. I was so shocked a the turnout! Especially from the Messianic community~ the Christians were better.....
Have to admit~ having a son in the army with his life at risk~ I tended to take it a little more personally than I should have
BUT it started a trend and after we left they continued the Israel Independence Day celebrations and eventually even the regular synagogue down the street joined in!!
It's tough and rather lonely at times and very confusing being a 'pioneer'.... hard part is by the time everyone else 'discovers' what you've known.... you've moved on to the next frontier 
Anyway.... Shavuah Tov
"Just a note to say I was not able to get to the park until a little after 4:30 pm because I had to work. However, when I arrived I only saw a few cars and people whom I didn't know so I thought everyone must have left. So sorry I could not get there sooner. Would love to connect with you all another time."
From Charlotte, NC
Thanks Steve,
Sad we weren't able to stop by. We had special guest speaker at the church on Sunday, but as you know, had things to do in preparation on Saturday! Hope there is a next time -- maybe at the holidays?
From Charlotte, NC/Rock Hill, SC
Steve's video shoots from the park shelter:
From Charlotte, NC/Rock Hill, SC
Hey Steve,
I never got an email (I don’t do Facebook) after the original one about the 6th which had other people’s email addresses so I never knew it had been moved. I’m thinking there may have been a number of others who never got the word and that’s why we didn’t show up.
Thought I would let you know so maybe this helps the disappointment.
We would have loved to come had we known.
We would have loved to come had we known.
Steve's video shoots from the park shelter:
Video: One Thing I Ask
- sung by Be'er Sheva worship team
from Tubingen, Germany
So until next year...
Be blessed in your
goings and your comings!
And plan on coming next year!
With our ahava love,
Steve & Laurie