Showing posts with label Shalom Today Ministry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shalom Today Ministry. Show all posts

Friday, April 7, 2017

Love For His People - Supporting Shalom Today Ministry in Pakistan


Love For His People - Supporting Shalom Today Ministry 
in Pakistan

Love For His People has been supporting the work of Shalom Ministry Today, with Moses Julius, for several years now. Located in Lahore, Pakistan, the good work of the ministry there has taught Pakistani children the Lord's heart for Israel and the Jewish people, while also establishing sewing classes and businesses for women needing income for their families. Their work includes many other ministry projects.

This month Love For His People sent funds to help purchase kids school bags, as shown in these photos. We give thanks to the Lord Jesus for providing the funds from the USA donors.

"Arms of Love"
- author Steve Martin

Steve Martin's book Arms of Love is being published now in Pakistan, in the Urdu language. We are grateful to Moses Julius of Shalom Today Ministry for getting this accomplished. This book will be distributed in the country of Pakistan.

The English version is available through Amazon in book and Kindle form.

You can purchase it here at Amazon.

You can purchase it here at Amazon.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Shalom Today Ministry - informative video

Moses Julius said:
"Shalom Sir Steve Martin. Here is a Shalom Today Ministry video showing projects we have started and continue to perform, helping orphans, children, and women in faith, education and biblical lessons.

View file


Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Bomb Blast and Homeless report - Moses Julius Shalom Today Ministry Lahore, Pakistan

Moses Julius distributing care packages

Bomb Blast and Homeless report

March 14, 2017

Moses Julius
Shalom Today Ministry
Lahore, Pakistan

Shalom Brother Steve Martin,

On 13 February 2017, a suicide bombing took place on the Mall Road in Lahore, Pakistan, where a group of chemists and pharmacists were holding a protest at Charing Cross in front of the Punjab provincial assembly. According to Punjab Police sources, 115 people were killed including several police officials, and at least 187 were injured. Jamaat-ul-Ahrar, a faction of the banned Tehrik-i-Taliban (TTP), claimed responsibility for the attack. Local authorities cordoned off the site to begin investigations.According to Pakistani authorities, the attack was orchestrated from Afghanistan, where the militant group operates sanctuaries. On 23 February, Pakistani security forces killed the mastermind of the attack, Wajihullah, near the Afghan border following the launch of Operation Radd-ul-Fasaad.

We Christians always facing a terrible situation here in Pakistan. Shalom Today Ministry takes initiative for helping these Victims people.

Thank you so much for your love and contribution. We used your Contribution for helping the Bomb blast victims and Homeless people those do not have a place to sleep. They live at street corner’s no shutter and government does not pay attention to these people. Shalom Today Ministry feel a burden to help them. The scripture says: For I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home. Mathew 25:35. we provide them some eatable products.

Once again we are thankful to you for your love and commitment with Pakistani Community.

We also pray for you and your " LOVE FOR HIS PEOPLE MINISTRY".


Mr. Moses Julius

Monday, July 25, 2016

Love For His People Introduces Moses Julius - Our Newly Appointed Director in Pakistan

Moses Julius - Pakistan

Love For His People Introduces 
Moses Julius 
- Our Newly Appointed Director in Pakistan

Love For His People, Inc. based in Charlotte, North Carolina USA, is very excited to announce the new appointment of Moses Julius as our first Director of Love For His People ministry in Pakistan. What a joy this truly is!

We were first introduced to Moses over three years ago when he sent us this email.

May 4, 2014

Shalom Aleikhem !  

Glory to Lord has Chosen for his Work. I was born in Christian Family. My Grand-father was missionary. He was preaching and teaching all over the World 40 years. Even in Israel since 1986. But I was nominal Christian. I was Ignorant about Salvation through Jesus Christ. In 2009 I accept Lord in Evangelistic meeting as my personal savior. In that meeting my nostrils born which was defeated for 7 years was heal by the mighty power of Holy spirit in the same meeting. I had experience of Holy Spirit which tounges. In 2010 I got water baptism at the same night.
Jesus spoke to me from,
27 But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. 28 God chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—and the things that are not—to nullify the things that are, 1-corinthians (1:27-28)
God has used me to work in slum and remote area in poor people which is ignored section of society specially those who are making the (furnace baking clay block). They are illiterate having no opportunity of Education and I have burden to work in this area to help them spiritually and financially to by providing them some assistance in food are other things. I will appreciate assistance regarding. These poor people so that they may be up-lifted your prayer support will encourage my ministry value. I also preach the Gospel among the Israelies and they will accept Jesus Christ as a personal Savior.

Moses Julius

He also wrote this to us two days later.

May 5, 2013

Brother I have vision to preach the Gospel among the Jewish people so can you help me in this way I shall be very grateful to you . 
you don't know how much I love Israel in Pakistan so I need your help 

thank you very much for your concentration 

Over these years, as the relationship grew, we have seen Moses lead many kids in the truths of Jesus, Israel, and the full Gospel, with his involvement with Shalom Today Ministries in Lahore (Pakistan). In 2014 Love For His People began sending funds to support this ministry, and we have seen good fruit as a result. 

These funds helped provide weekly Shabbat school supplies for kids, sewing machines for widows and more to do work, and money to allow special trips for orphans and very low income children. 

Weekly Shabbat morning classes for the kids

Sewing classes and sewing machines for widow and low income mothers

Special trips for the children Love For His People helped sponsor.

With the Lord's guidance and provision, the days ahead will see us together expand the work of the ministry. Children and adults will grow in their knowledge of the importance of standing for Israel and the Jewish people. 

We give thanks to the Lord Jesus (Yeshua) for the new joint in His Body, and for Moses Julius.


Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.

Look here to see website: 

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Shalom Today Ministry Outing - Sponsored by Love For His People Ministry

Moses Julius, Shalom Today Ministry

Shalom Today Ministry Outing 

is life's greatest blessing"

in Lahore, Pakistan

- Sponsored by Love For His People Ministry
July 4, 2016

On July 4, 2016, Shalom Today Ministry, led by Moses Julius, took a busload of orphans, widows and deprived women to the Soco Water Park in Lahore, Pakistan. Rarely able to do this kind of thing, Moses reported that all had a great time.

Love For His People, Inc. out of Charlotte, NC, was bless to be the sponsor of this trip, as we have supported this ministry monthly for several years now.

Glad they had a great time!


Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Helping Orphans in Pakistan - Moses Julius

Moses Julius and kids with Shalom Today Ministries

Shalom friend! 

Greeting to you in the name our living LORD YESHUA HA'MASIHA ! 

I am glad to inform you Shalom Today Ministry are going to arrange a trip to visit at McDonald's with 60 orphan children.  Most children don't have the opportunity to see McDonald's in their lives. This will be the first time we are going to visit McDonald's.  We humbly request to you please pray for us and if its possible for you then you can contribute towards this trip . Our total budget is $250 for 60 Children. If you can contribute even $5 then we will make this trip historical for these kids.

May God Bless and keep you; the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you.

Best Regards,

Moses Julius 

Editor's Note: Love For His People supports Shalom Today Ministry with Moses Julius monthly. If you would like to help also, you can contribute on-line here: Love For His People On-line donation. Designate for Shalom Today Ministries and 100% will go to them.

Monday, September 9, 2013

Pakistan - Moses Julius a friend of Israel teaching the children. (Updated 09.09.13)

Sept. 8, 2013

I am glad to announce that Shalom Today Ministry in Pakistan has completed one year successful by the Grace of Yeshua (Jesus) our Jewish savoir. And now we are going to celebrate our first anniversary on 14 Sept 2013 at 5:00pm . Your praying and financial support is our great encouragement in this time of joy.

I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” (Phil: 1:3-6)

Mr.Moses Julius 

July 6, 2013

Shalom Aleichem!

Hopefully you all are fine by the Grace of God of Israel. On regularly timing we started meeting with hymns. Then I called, Children to come in front of stage and start praying and sing songs with actions, because in this way we build confidence to speak in the front of huge audience to preach the word of God in future.

I explained message to Children, “How you can invite Jesus Christ in your heart”

Then at the end of the message I asked a question to the Children, “Are you ready to accept LORD JESUS CHRIST as a personal savior”. 

And children said “YES” then they called Yeshua in their heart and they welcome holy spirit in their lives.

Praise God Hallijah

Key verse20 Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me. Revelation 3:20

At the end of the meeting we provide food for all Children and they were very excited to enjoy the spiritual and physical food,

I thanks to all our financial and prayer supporter your encouragement and efforts are effectives in our ministry to Promote Israel in Pakistan through prayers,


Founder:   Sister Penny Newton Collins                                                                                   

Director:   Mr. Moses Julus