Showing posts with label Six-Day War. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Six-Day War. Show all posts

Saturday, May 13, 2017

'We Thought We Were Losing Israel Forever': Israelis Remember the Six-Day War - CBN News Julie Stahl, Scott Ross

Israelis remember the Six-Day War
Israelis remember the Six-Day War
'We Thought We Were Losing Israel Forever': Israelis Remember the Six-Day War 
May 11, 2017 CBN News  Julie Stahl, Scott Ross
JERUSALEM, Israel -- After 2,000 years of occupation by various world conquerors, Jerusalem was reunited under Jewish sovereignty in the 1967 Six-Day War. But since then, that victory has pitted much of the world against Israel and even divided Israelis. 
CBN's Scott Ross took to the streets of Jerusalem and Tel Aviv to ask Israelis what they know about the war and its impact, and how they feel about the idea of dividing Jerusalem. 
"I was in New York. That was an extraordinary situation," recalled Martin Oliner. "All the troops were lined up. (Egyptian President Abdel) Nasser's troops – we thought we were losing Israel forever. We thought it was really a Goliath story. Nasser was ready to annihilate us."
In Our Hands: The Battle for Jerusalem. Get Tickets
But after just three days, Israeli forces routed the Jordanians. The victory reunited the Jewish capital, including the Old City and Temple Mount. 

The Six-Day War
"What do you know about the Six-Day War, historically?" Ross asked.
"(It's) before my time, before I was born," replied Jonathan from South Africa. "Obviously, it's hugely significant for all Jews. It seems to be a seminal event."
"I remember it like it was yesterday," said Avi Sela, a veteran of the Six-Day War.
"I was 20 years old. I remember well that time. I was a young lieutenant in Golani Infantry Division, in the north, in the Golan Heights. I was even hurt here," he said, pointing to his chin. "(By) a shell."
"We overcame pharaoh. We'll also overcome whatever this is next to us," said David Moses, who is originally from the U.S.
"The Six-Day War is almost like a myth, I think, in the Israeli society of today," said Kobe from Tel Aviv. "It was a sign of Israel's strength and ability to defend itself against all odds. It's sort of like Israel's military DNA was almost based on the Six-Day War." 
"It's a very important war in the history of Israel," said 24-year-old Noa. She added that she thought people her age appreciate that.
"We all know that it's one of the biggest moments in the history of the Jewish state," said Gilad.
Should Jerusalem Be Divided?
You might think such a victory after 2,000 years would leave no room for discussion. But as Jerusalem grew and thrived, adversaries – from within and without -- demanded that Israel turn over eastern Jerusalem to Palestinian Arabs, dividing the city as the potential capital of two states. 
According to Isaac Dror, Jerusalem will "never ever" be divided.
"It will never ever happen," said Dror, who heads the education department of Independence Hall, where Israel's founding fathers signed the Declaration of Independence.
"Because you know now after so many years, finally, we realized the plan of God. And the plan is to put us in Jerusalem, the Jews, to bring us back to Jerusalem, so we can protect what is so precious – so precious to the human race," Dror said.
"Give them half (of Jerusalem)," said Kobe, laughing. "Just give them half. I think that (in) Tel Aviv you'll find more left-wing people that say, 'Who cares about a piece of ground as long as the blood stops?'" 
Gilad disagrees.
"It's a shame when any Israeli (is) saying such a thing. It must be a shame because Jerusalem is the City of David," he said. "That's the most important place on earth for the Israelis, for the Jewish (people). We got it thousands of years ago from God and it's our only place on earth." 
Abigail, a teacher, said, "I think we have kind of mixed feelings because from one side of the story, of course we're happy that we got all Jerusalem and the people are permitted to go to both parts. But I, of course, from the other side see the suffering of the Palestinians on the east side of Jerusalem." 
Jonathan from South Africa sided with Gilad, saying, "I certainly believe that Jerusalem is the eternal capital of the Jewish people."
Jewish and Arab Neighborhoods
Under former U.S. President Bill Clinton's plan from the 1990s, eastern Jerusalem and the Old City would have been divided along ethnic lines – Jewish neighborhoods to Jews, Arab neighborhoods to Arabs. But because the neighborhoods are in many cases intertwined, most people thought that would be impossible.
"No way! It's very difficult. If you go to east Jerusalem you have one Arab neighborhood, one Jewish neighborhood, one Arab," observed Ian Brook. "I wish we could all live in peace, but dividing Jerusalem is not a possibility." 
Carmel from Tel Aviv said if dividing Jerusalem would bring peace, she would be in favor of it. "I would like to think so, but I really don't think so," she said.
"I think some parts of Jerusalem should be for all nations, like, the Kotel (Western Wall) of course should be for the Jews," said Abigail. "But I don't think we need east Jerusalem."
But fellow Israeli resident David Moses insisted, "The dividing of Jerusalem is about destroying the State of Israel. Dividing Jerusalem is about pushing us a little further in the direction of the Mediterranean Sea." 
Ron Hoffman was walking in the streets of Jerusalem with a giant Israeli flag.
"Arabs can walk all the way here to the market freely. Try to go now to east Jerusalem with the flag. What can happen?" he asked. "First of all, the police (are) going to tell me get out. You escalated and you agitated (the situation)."
What Part Does God Play?
And does God enter into the equation?
"I think there's no question that Jerusalem is the city of David. God has watched over Jerusalem for millennia, for 3,000 years," said Oliner. "This is the most important city in the world." 
"Do you pray for the peace of Jerusalem?" Ross asked Noa. "Do you believe you'll get an answer to that prayer?"
"I hope so," she said, "otherwise, I wouldn't pray." 
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Thursday, May 11, 2017

Jerusalem's 50th anniversary - Israel Today

Jerusalem's 50th anniversary

Thursday, May 11, 2017 |  Israel Today Staff
In less than 2 weeks Israel will be celebrating the 50th anniversary of the reunification of Jerusalem. The nations wonderful blue & white flag will wave proudly over every rooftop in Jerusalem.
We have a land - our land - and the people of Israel live!
Take this opportunity to support Israel in three areas that she sorely needs assistance. Food assistance for Ethiopian immigrant families - a Soldier's solidarity package and a help for needy Israeli children.
You will receive a certificate and a small blue & white gift directly from Jerusalem when you participate!
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Almost Armageddon: Why the Six-Day War Was a Prophetic Milestone - CBN News Chris Mitchell with Joel Rosenberg

Joel Rosenberg and Chris Mitchell in Jerusalem

Almost Armageddon: Why the Six-Day War Was a Prophetic Milestone

CBN News Chris Mitchell

JERUSALEM, Israel – The 1967 Six-Day War pitted a relatively young Israel against five established Arab armies. One of the world's superpowers also came dangerously close to entering the war, which led to fears of a potential Armageddon.

June 5, 1967. Prime Minister Levi Eshkol sent a cable to President Lyndon Johnson informing him the war had begun.
"Israel's existence and integrity have been endangered," he wrote, adding a request: "Prevent the Soviet Union from exploiting and enlarging the conflict … [at Israel's] greatest hour of danger."
In Our Hands: The Battle for Jerusalem. Get Tickets

"What most people don't realize is that the actor that was perhaps the most dangerous, but operating sort of behind the scenes, was the Soviet Union," Middle East expert Joel Rosenberg told CBN News.
While Israel faced the combined might of Arab countries, it was the Soviet Union casting a giant shadow over the war.

"Now June 5, 1967, the morning Eshkol orders Israeli bombers into action and they're successful, Soviet Premier Kosygin dials the hotline right into the White House and demands to talk to President Johnson," Rosenberg continued. "Now the hotline was rarely used except in the most extreme crisis. And the message that Kosygin sent heavily implied that if the United States didn't force Israel back down, that the Soviets were going to take direct military action. And this took the conflict to an entirely different level." 

President Johnson had told Eshkol the U.S. might cut off political and military assistance to Israel in case of a preemptive strike.
"So the Israeli leadership was already taking a huge risk that Johnson would keep his word. Once the Soviets got involved, a dynamic changed. Suddenly the Johnson White House saw the conflict not simply in terms of Israeli Egyptian-Syrian terms but in U.S.-Soviet terms," Rosenberg explained.

That led Johnson to send the Sixth Fleet steaming toward Israel as a show of support.
Rosenberg believes the fact that the Soviets never got involved was part of the Six-Day War miracle.
"I think it's one of the untold stories – or rarely told stories – of God's protection of Israel is the fact that the Soviets seemed to come so close that they were threatening at the to the Americans, to the Israelis directly,"  he said. "They were promising their Arab allies that they would do more, and they were actually moving military forces closer and closer to Israel."

Rosenberg also sees the war as a prophetic milestone.

Golan Heights Farmland, Photo CBN News
"The Bible does say that Jerusalem will come back under Jewish control and it happened in June 1967. The Bible does say that Judea and Samaria – what the world calls the West Bank – will be in Jewish hands," he said. "It's part of the biblical heartland and God says He will restore the land and restore people to the land. And I think you also see God giving this land back to the Jewish people  not because we deserve it but because God had promised it."

The Six-Day War became a turning point for Jewish immigration to the land of Israel.
"Throughout the Old Testament, God says that He is going to draw the Jewish people back to the land. But what is interesting is at that moment when Mordecai Gur, the Israeli general, said on the radio, 'The Temple Mount is in our hands.' When that was broadcast, not just through Israel but worldwide, it electrified Jewish communities all over the planet."
"The level of aliyah – Jews leaving their exile countries and coming back to the land of their forefathers – skyrocketed in the years ahead," Rosenberg said.
"In fact famously we know that Natan Sharansky, the hero of the Soviet Refusniks – you know Jews were refused being allowed to leave for such a long time – Natan Sharansky, who is now the head of the Jewish Agency in charge of helping Jews come back to Israel, said that when – he didn't even identify himself as a Jew in 1967 – but when he heard that radio broadcast that Mordecai Gur had said, 'The Temple Mount is in our hands,' something lit up in him. It's like a frequency had turned on inside of him. 'I'm Jewish. This is important. I need to think about helping my Jewish brothers and sisters get back to the land of our forefathers.'"

New Immigrants Welcomed at Ben Gurion International Airport, Photo CBN News

Although Israel survived one of its darkest moments, Rosenberg says it still faces threats from the north, backed by a familiar interloper.
"I see that the Russians are very actively moving into this region," he continued. "They have made Iran their primary ally. They are selling the most advanced weaponry, including the most advanced anti-aircraft missiles. They're selling nuclear technology to Iran, the worst terror state in the region. And now they are working hand in glove with Iran to prop up [President] Bashar al-Assad, who has slaughtered some 500,000 people in Syria. So you now have Russian forces, Iranian forces helping Syrian forces just a few miles north of Israel."
Fifty years since the battle for Jerusalem took place, Rosenberg says Israel and its capital remain on the front lines.

"Jerusalem was reunited 50 years ago, but the battle for Jerusalem remains. It's a political battle. It's an economic battle, with people trying to isolate Israel politically around the world," he said. "People are trying to boycott, divest and sanction Israel in part because Israel has Jerusalem.  
"Jerusalem is the flash point. Jerusalem is the epicenter. You know for 4,000 years people have wanted this city and they have fought hard to get it. And so, the fact that Israel controls it today is biblical, it's prophetic, but it's also complicated and we need to be praying for the peace of Jerusalem and praying for Israel to be secure," he concluded.

Watch video interview here: Chris Mitchel and Joel Rosenberg
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Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Prophecy: A Sign Will Rise Above Israel - BOB ESCHLIMAN CHARISMA NEWS

Israeli Independence Day Celebration
Munday and Jennifer Martin say the Lord has told them a sign will emerge over Israel this summer, signalling something greater than the Jesus Movement. (Reuters photo)

Prophecy: A Sign Will Rise Above Israel

Prophetic ministers Munday and Jennifer Martin, writing to readers of Elijah List, said something "far greater than the Jesus Movement" is coming in a new word shared on Friday.
"Something even greater than the former Jesus Movement is upon us right now!" they wrote. "There is a fresh stirring of hunger for love in America. People in the church are feeling it. People outside the four walls of the church are feeling the drawing. Harvesting angels at this hour are being sent out on assignments. People are hungering for acceptance, forgiveness and the supernatural, and they are struggling with their identities. Jesus is about to quench a desperate thirst that nothing this world is currently offering can afford and that no community can give outside of the Holy Spirit.
"God has always had a heart for cities and nations even when darkness was upon them—such as Nineveh. This generation reminds us of the days of the hippies and bohemians, when many youth (though entrenched in darkness of New Age and drugs) were hungry for truth, experience and love. Sadly, much of the church in that time could not offer it in fullness until the precious Holy Spirit showed up—the only One that can draw people to Jesus. What is the precursor for a nation to be awakened to God? Common logic reveals that every revival in history was preceded with great darkness or deception in a nation. But a lovesick remnant would arise and say, 'We want You, Holy Spirit!'"
They note that the world is approaching the 50th anniversary of the end of the Six-Day War as well as the launch of the Jesus Movement. The number 50 is the number of jubilee, they added, stating that a new great awakening has been triggered and will come soon.
"America is in the season of healing revival again," they wrote. "Miracle harvest glory is coming, and the Lord says, 'Watch the month of August, as you will begin to see signs of this in the heavens and in the news as we approach the jubilee of the Six-Day War in June!'
"This summer, God will release a sign over the nation of Israel and in the city of Jerusalem and it will be on the news. Everyone will be talking about it. This is the sign that this word is truly coming to pass."
Click here to read the entire article at the Elijah List.
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