Showing posts with label Steve Warren. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Steve Warren. Show all posts

Monday, April 16, 2018

The Left Still Can't Believe Chick-fil-A's Popularity in New York City - CBN News Steve Warren and Drew Parkhill

Photo courtesy: Faithwire/Andrew Renneisen/Getty Images
Photo courtesy: Faithwire/Andrew Renneisen/Getty Images
The Left Still Can't Believe Chick-fil-A's Popularity in New York City
Many on the Left continue their attack against the Chick-fil-A restaurant chain's takeover of New Yorker's taste buds. They simply can't believe that a company that prides itself in its Christian values is popular in the Big Apple.

Case in point is Dan Piepenbring's recent article in The New Yorker Magazine. Piepenbring examines how New Yorkers have taken to Chick-Fil-A and its signature sandwich.  So much so, that the day he visited the new five-story location in lower Manhattan, the line of customers waiting for food stretched around the block.

However, Piepenbring writes, the company, founded by S. Truett Cathy, feels like an infiltration because of its "pervasive Christian traditionalism."  He points to the company's stand for traditional marriage (which liberals consider anti-gay), and how in 2016, Mayor Bill de Blasio proposed a boycott.

As CBN News reported, that boycott backfired on the mayor -- the man whose job it is to encourage new business in the city. 
Piepenbring writes that "proselytism thrums below the surface of the Fulton Street restaurant, which has the ersatz homespun ambiance of a megachurch."

He also suggests that Chick-fil-A's emphasis on the local community, which is one of the company standards at all of its retail locations, has an ulterior motive. And he's critical of what David Farmer, Chick-fil-A's vice-president of restaurant experience, recently told Buzzfeed about how they try to have a "pit crew efficiency, but where you feel like you just got hugged in the process.".

Piepenbring also points out that the chain's popular ad campaign showing cows saying "EAT MOR CHIKIN," in everywhere in the city. He writes that "The joke is that the Cows are out of place in New York- a winking acknowledgment that Chick-fil-A, too, does not quite belong here."

Piepenbring concludes by saying "there's something especially distasteful about what Chick-fil-A is doing" - and he encourages New Yorkers to simply say "NO MOR."
It seems, however, that multitudes of New Yorkers clearly don't agree.

Monday, March 5, 2018

Liberty Univ. Offers 'Paul, Apostle of Christ' Simulcast to Churches, Study Groups - CBN News Steve Warren

Jim Caviezel and James Faulkner star in "Paul, Apostle of Christ." Photo courtesy: Affirm Films/Sony Pictures Entertainment.
Jim Caviezel and James Faulkner star in "Paul, Apostle of Christ." Photo courtesy: Affirm Films/Sony Pictures Entertainment.
Liberty Univ. Offers 'Paul, Apostle of Christ' Simulcast to Churches, Study Groups
CBN News Steve Warren
Actor Jim Caviezel and some of the nation's foremost biblical scholars and theologians appear in a roundtable discussion about the life and writings of the Apostle Paul. It will be available to churches and other groups through a nationwide simulcast leading up to the premiere of the new movie "Paul, Apostle of Christ." 
The simulcast will be available on March 11, 18 and 25. Churches and study groups can register for the free event, which was recorded last month at Liberty University.
Simulcast viewers will get a sneak peek of the film, including Caviezel's comments on the 30-day shoot on the island of Malta. They will also watch a panel discussion on the birth of the Christian church, what life was like in ancient Rome for believers as well as Paul's conversion from the church's greatest persecutor to its greatest proponent.
Caviezel, who also serves as an executive producer of the film, portrays Luke, the physician, and evangelist, who risks his life when he ventures into the city of Rome to visit Paul, who is held captive in Emperor Nero's darkest, bleakest prison cell.
But Nero is determined to rid Rome of Christians and does not flinch from executing them in the grisliest ways possible. Before Paul's death sentence can be enacted, Luke resolves to write another book, one that details the beginnings of "The Way" and the birth of what will come to be known as the church.
Bound in chains, Paul's struggle is internal. He has survived so much—floggings, shipwreck, starvation, stoning, hunger and thirst, cold and exposure—yet as he waits for his appointment with death, he is haunted by the shadows of his past misdeeds. Alone in the dark, he wonders if he has been forgotten and if he has the strength to finish well.
The two men struggle against a determined emperor and the frailties of the human spirit in order to live out the Gospel of Jesus Christ and spread their message to the world.
The movie stars Caviezel, (THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST), James Faulkner (Downton Abbey), Olivier Martinez (S.W.A.T.), Joanne Whalley (A.D. The Bible Continues) and John Lynch (THE SECRET GARDEN).
The movie is produced by Affirm Films, a division of Sony Pictures Entertainment.
"Paul, Apostle of Christ," premieres in theaters nationwide on Friday, March 23.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

New Paul Movie Aims To Show Audiences 'Where Sin Abounds, Grace Abounds More' - CBN News Steve Warren

Photo Credit:
Photo Credit:
New Paul Movie Aims To Show Audiences 'Where Sin Abounds, Grace Abounds More'
2-20-18 CBN News Steve Warren
A young Saul of Tarsus led the charge in wiping out Christians until his journey to Damascus was interrupted by a blinding light and a voice from heaven.
This remarkable transformation is portrayed in the new major motion picture Paul, The Apostle of Christ, opening in theaters nationwide on March 23.

There has never before been a theatrical feature film about the life of Paul.  Next, to Jesus, no one played a more central role in the growth of the early church. Paul and Luke wrote a significant part of the New Testament. 
The producers of this inspirational movie hope to show audiences that where sin abounds, grace abounds more.

Watch this short Persecutor to Persecuted featurette.
In the film, Paul suffers alone in a Roman prison, awaiting his execution under Emperor Nero. Mauritius, the ambitious prison prefect, can hardly see what threat this broken man poses. Once he was Saul of Tarsus, the high-ranking and brutal killer of Christians. Now his faith rattles Rome. 
At great risk, Luke the Physician visits the aged Paul to comfort and tend to him—and to question, to transcribe and to smuggle out Paul's letters to the growing community of believers. Amid Nero's inhumane persecution, these men and women will spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ and change the world.

Great pains were taken when the film was in production to maintain biblical accuracy, according to the producers. Using scripture as the only reference, director Andrew Hyatt has recreated the story of Paul, including the close relationship with Luke, whom at the end of Paul's life, at his own peril, traveled in and out of the prison carrying Paul's writings which we can still read today.

The movie stars Jim Caviezel (THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST), James Faulkner ("Downton Abbey"), Olivier Martinez (S.W.A.T.), Joanne Whalley ("A.D. The Bible Continues") and John Lynch (THE SECRET GARDEN).
The film is produced by Affirm Films, a division of Sony Pictures.
In anticipation of the movie's release, Affirm Films is releasing "Letters from Paul."  The letters are drawn directly from the apostle's epistles and are narrated by Faulkner, who portrays Paul in the film.
Beginning this weekend, CBN News will post a new "Letters of Paul" video to our Facebook page. Be sure to watch for a new video every weekend prior to the film's release. 
Here's the first Letter of Paul. 1 Corinthians 13: 1 - 8
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Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Tony Dungy Defends On-Air Comments About Nick Foles' Christian Faith During Super Bowl - CBN News Steve Warren

Tony Dungy Defends On-Air Comments About Nick Foles' Christian Faith During Super Bowl
CBN News Steve Warren
Former NFL coach and now NBC Sports commentator Tony Dungy is responding to criticism on social media about his analysis of the strength of Philadelphia Eagles Quarterback Nick Foles' Christian faith in helping the Eagles defeat the New England Patriots in Super Bowl LII.
A strong Christian himself, Dungy responded in a tweet Tuesday writing, "NBC pays me to express my opinion. And it was my opinion that Nick Foles would play well because his Christian faith would allow him to play with confidence.  And that he's a good QB. I think I was right on both counts."
To date, Dungy's tweet has been retweeted more than 7,000 times and has received more than 45,000 likes.
Dungy followed up with another tweet to a non-Christian responder a few hours later writing, "Why would you find it hard to believe that the Holy Spirit could speak to Nick Foles just as much as a coach could speak to him?  If he credited a coach for saying 'Stay calm and be confident' that's good.  But if he tells me Christ says that to him, I shouldn't report it???"
CBN Sports Reporter Shawn Brown has interviewed Dungy this season and in the past. He also interviewed Foles several times this season. Brown says Dungy is correct in his commentary and Foles was thinking about quitting the game at the beginning of the season.
"Tony Dungy is right and Nick would agree. Tony knows what it's like to have people doubt your ability," Brown told CBN News.  "After all, he was fired from Tampa Bay, replaced by Jon Gruden who won a Super Bowl with a team Dungy put together. You'd have to believe Dungy went to God with questions. He relied on his faith to get back in the saddle and lead the Colts to the Super Bowl," Brown said giving perspective on the matter from Dungy's own life.
"In the same fashion, Nick Foles was about to walk away from the game this offseason. He was traded by the Eagles to St.Louis Rams, who released him to Kansas City. After he wasn't signed there he had no job. He was about to throw in the towel," Brown explained. "Through prayer and putting faith in what He believes God had for him when the Eagles signed him as a "backup" he humbled himself believing that His opportunity would come. When his number was called, HE WAS READY," Brown went on to say.
"For those that don't understand how faith works, players rely on many things to keep their thoughts and perspective in check. For Foles, it was his faith," Brown noted. "I suppose it would be much more accepting to say Foles just put in extra work, but that simply wasn't the case. He relied on his faith to save him from himself. Which at the end of it all was the only thing that would have stopped him."
As CBN News has reported, Christian players expressing their faith isn't new in the NFL.  It's the revival that swept through the Eagles locker room during the season that people just can't stop talking about.
After the game, the head coach of the Eagles and some of their top players gave glory to God for the win on national television.

Sunday, February 4, 2018

SUPER BOWL BELIEVER: Patriots Leader Praises Eagles' Faith, 'He Represents Christ Day in and Day Out' - CBN News Steve Warren

When two NFL teams playing in the Super Bowl make a media appearance before Sunday's big game, it's not uncommon for players on both teams to relay how they respect the players on the opposing side.
However, the New England Patriots Matthew Slater, himself a devout Christian, didn't just talk about his respect for the other team's playing ability. He spoke about how he admired their faith.  
During a recent press event for the two teams, CBS Sports' Cody Benjamin asked the Patriots special teams captain if he respected guys like the injured Eagles QB Carson Wentz who has been quite vocal about his faith.
"I really appreciate Carson's boldness for the Gospel, how he represents Christ day in and day out," the 10-year NFL veteran responded. "And it's not only him. You know, Nick does that as well. Chris Maragos. Brother Burton. I mean, there are a lot of brothers over there that stand firm for what they believe in, they represent the Gospel in a tremendous fashion."
"Ultimately, I know, to them and myself, that's what's going to matter for eternity beyond the game of football," Slater said. "They'll be my brothers in the Lord for a long time to come," he continued. "But on Sunday, obviously we'll be competing."
Slater, who may hold to what's known as The Patriot Way on the field, has his own way off the field. He's known to all the Patriots fans for his football, his family, and his faith.
"The way I look at football, it's a tremendous opportunity not only to play a game that I love and provide for my family; it gives me a platform for what I believe is the most important thing, and that's reaching people, connecting with people, building relationships and trying to show them the love of Christ," Slater told in 2016. "I've always looked at football as a gift. It's a vehicle that the Lord has given me to reach people."
Last year, before New England's appearance in Super Bowl LI, Slater also took the opportunity to talk about Jesus Christ to the media.
In a short video that was posted to Youtube, Slater is shown talking to the assembled reporters about his faith and how they too can become Christians.
"You have to understand who God is and who his Son is. And you have to understand what God says about your sin," Slater said as he sits behind a table with a microphone stand on camera. "From there, you realize that, 'Hey, I'm a sinful person and my sin has separated me from the eternal perfect God.'"
"But there's a backup plan in that. He sent his son his son Jesus.  And I believe that Jesus is the Son of God... is God.  He came here. He died on the cross for my sins, your sins, everybody's sins, everybody who's willing to accept that truth," the New England Patriot said. "And if you're able to put your trust in Him, and confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that He is who He says he is.  Then from there, you can initiate a relationship with Him."
"But I also believe that repentance is a big part of that as well. You have to turn from your old life of sin and try to model a Christ-like life. I think that's something will never fully figure out on this side of Glory, but it is certainly a one day at a time process that I've been so blessed to be on for the last 25 or so years," Slater said.
And even though the television cameras may not show it, after Sunday's game, you'll find Slater holding hands with teammates and opponents alike as he leads them in prayer.