Showing posts with label The Lion Roars prophetic newsletter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Lion Roars prophetic newsletter. Show all posts

Thursday, August 22, 2013

"I Am The Divine Globalist," says the Lord, "and I Am Lifting the Veil of Deceit" by Karla Shrake (August 22, 2013)

A Prophetic Newsletter

By Karla Shrake, August 22, 2013

To subscribe to The Lion Roars Newsletter: 

"And the Lord Roars from Zion...And utters His voice from Jerusalem."

Joel 3:16, "The Lord utters His Voice before His Army; Surely His
 camp is Very Great, For Strong is he who Carries out His Word."
Joel 2:11

"I Am The Divine Globalist," says the
Lord,"and I Am Lifting the Veil of
Deceit" by Karla Shrake 

"My champions, you were chosen to be born for this day and
you have My DNA," says your Father. "As The One who
conceived and fashioned you I want to assure you that
you shall surely stand and even flourish in the midst of
all that is on the horizon in this late hour of human history."

Change at Hand - My Peace I Give to You:

"In your personal lives be not concerned that there are
 things of the past season that are coming to an end,
for you must understand this must be so in order
to make room for the new commissionings and
faith-adventures I have for you. Be not anxious as
many things begin to shift, change and turn, for the
prophetic time-clock of history is accelerating. As the
Father-of-all I am very busy on the planet, on every
continent, for I so love all the diverse peoples and
cultures of the earth."

"I am the Divine Globalist!" laughs the Creator
of the Universe. "I have the whole world on My
mind and I have had a plan of redemption from
the beginning. Did I not tell you in detail that the
time near the end would be marked by birth-pangs
and much change? In the midst of circumstances
that are changing and shifting, the one thing that
will never change is that you are Mine and I watch
over My covenant children. There is no power in
heaven nor on earth that can snatch My blood-bought
children out of My hand," consoles your Father, the
Lord God Almighty.

"For while the seas may roar and the mountains may fall
know that I AM the first and the last, the One who
changes not. I am The Faithful One who has you securely
in My mighty hand."

"So do not become consumed with excessive focus
on the markets or on your government and its politicians,
but rather focus on The One who made the heavens and
the earth, the One who formed you within the belly of
your mother, The One who has loved you from the beginning."

I am The Righteous Judge:

"You will also come to know Me as The Righteous Judge
as I am now beginning to judge the powers of darkness
and the enemies of the cross, and I will judge the enemies'
of My children, My bride. I am long-suffering but because
I am also forever just you will now begin to see My righteous
 judgments increasing in the earth, for it is through these
that many prisoners will finally be set free."

"The veil of darkness, the shroud of deceit, I have begun
to lift so that the enemies' lies and wicked schemes would
be exposed. Among those who oppose Me are those
who have a counterfeit plan of destruction and take-over
of the peoples and resources of the earth. But I sit in the
heavens and laugh as these enemies are being made a
footstool under the feet of My Son."

"My righteous judgments are going forth, for it is My gavel 
that shall crush your adversaries," explains the Lord.

Ambassadors of Truth Commissioned:

"For truly the enemy has lied and schemed from the very
beginning in the garden, causing humanity to question
My love and goodness toward them. In this age of deceit
know that as I send you to represent Me, the light of My
truth will burn ever-more-brightly than ever before. For
who among you like to be lied about and misrepresented?
 And neither do I!" says the Lord of Hosts.

"So go dear champions, in the power of My Spirit and
herald the truth that I am a very good and faithful Father
and that I am not only merciful, but also just. As you
partner with Me in complete obedience in this challenging
hour you will see your enemies hung on their own gallows
as it was with the enemies of Mordecai and
Queen Esther long ago."

"For I am the ultimate whistleblower! For not only do I
tell the truth, I released the fullness of truth to the earth
 in the form of My Son, who is forevermore The Way,
The Truth and The Life, and the only way back to Me.
 It was The Lamb who purchased the mercy that covers
 you but understand it was The Lamb who also purchased
the judgment that overtakes your enemies. All was purchased
with His pure and holy blood, so honor The Lamb/ Lion
wherever He treads among you. For the government
is most assuredly upon His shoulders and He is bringing
heaven to earth as you partner with Him by allowing Him to
rule and reign in and through you."
"For you are very greatly loved and treasured My little children, 
My last-day champions of the faith," says your Abba-Father. 
"I have much trust in you to carry out My bidding, for there is 
much riding on your obedience as billions of souls are ripe for 
harvest and the end of the age is not far off. Please go and 
quickly gather them into the family-ark," pleads the caring Father

"Partner with Me in declaring My Word and you shall see My
righteous judgments go forth as fire and lightnings."

Davidic Warriors


Don't you love the graphic above of the mighty angel
destroying the creature of darkness?

Dear Davidic Warrior family, that is an accurate portrayal of what
has been happening to your enemies as we have all been decreeing
His Word together on Thursdays. Our spoken Word-decrees
activate the angelic hosts to accomplish His will and bring it to pass.

A friend went abroad to minister and was given instruction from
the Holy Spirit to bind up the powers of witchcraft over the nation,
which he did. The next day he found out that at the very same
time he did that, a fire-lightning bolt struck a tree where sorcerer's
had been gathering for many years to cast spells. The tree was
destroyed and the sorcerers scattered by the fire-lightning bolt
that came from heaven through the decree of the servant of
the Lord. And the eye-witnesses testified the fire-bolt came from
a clear sky - there was no rainstorm. This is what happens
as believers decree His Word, it is more powerful than we
can imagine.

Be encouraged as you follow the instructions of scripture in
calling things that are not as though they are.' Our doing so
helps to bring the will and plan of heaven into our lives, our
 families' lives and the lives of one the glory of God.

Know that you are loved and appreciated,


A Prophetic Word to this Generation

Our heavenly Father is opening the storehouses of
heaven and releasing a greater anointing that has been
reserved for this generation. Empowered by the spirit of
Elijah these mantles will bring restoration, including to
those who wear them and to their households.

Written in a prophetic style, this book brings
fresh perspective and strong encouragement to its
readers. As you move through the pages of "Mantles"
the Holy Spirit will unveil, stir and establish more of your
 own unique calling and mantle.

For more information, go to:

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The Lion Roars Prophetic Newsletter - "The Great Eagle Shall Rise Again - Part III" - Karla Shrake (Mantles of Glory Ministries)

A Prophetic Newsletter

By Karla Shrake

July, 2013 - Vol. 21

And the Lord Roars from Zion...And utters  His voice from Jerusalem." Joel 3:16

"The Lord utters His Voice before His Army; Surely His camp is Very Great,For Strong is he who Carries out His Word." Joel 2:11

The Great Eagle Shall Rise Again - Part III

(*Note from author Karla Shrake: Below are excerpts taken from the last section of my book "Mantles of Glory." This section received and penned in 1999, published 2001.) 
The wise and loving Father of all is preparing His beloved children for the greatest challenges and the greatest battle of all time. Does not an earthly father instruct, train and even admonish his children in order to equip them for the challenges of life? In anticipation of a great war is it not the wise and caring general who presses his troops to the maximum, training them for the rigors of the battlefield ahead and preparing them not just for survival, but for victory?

Mothers and Fathers Speak Truth

The Father-General is now raising up mothers and fathers who will speak His truth for the purpose of maturing and preparing the Body for the great battle ahead. We must put aside milk and diapers "and grow up into Him who is the head." This battlefield is only for those who are spiritually strong and developed. It is time to go into the gyms of daily life to exercise God's truths and to develop strength and stamina. 

We cannot wait until the heat of the great battle to begin exercising and learning the weapons of our warfare for it will be too late and we will be overcome. His voice to the Body in this hour is the voice of preparation, instruction and exhortation and of loving admonishment. "The time is short," warns the Father-General, "and there is much to learn and overcome in order to be ready for what lies ahead."

It is imperative that you follow the Lamb-Lion wherever He goes in this critical hour, obeying Him as your Commanding General not only when you understand but even when you do not. You must follow Him not only when you feel good and rested but also when you are battle-worn and weary for the time of preparation is shorter than you realize. 

Remember you will be able to stand in this rigorous and challenging latter day only in the Lord's strength that has been deposited within you from the beginning.

"He (Eleazar) arose and attacked the Philistines until his hand was weary, and his hand stuck to the sword. The Lord brought about a great victory that day; and the people returned after him only to plunder." II Sam. 23:10

The Warrior-Eagle Makes Resolution

America you must resolve to seek your Father as never before. You must resolve to grasp Him even as the warrior-Eleazar of David's three mighty men. This mighty warrior stood alone defying the entire Philistine army that had gathered for battle while the men of Israel retreated. Alone and in his weariness he continued to stand against all odds. He grasped his sword until his hand 'stuck' to it. 

 It is imperative that you grasp Him Warrior-Eagle as Eleazar grasped his sword. You must grasp His Word, His anointing, and even His very own heart in this late hour until you are 'stuck' to them, becoming one with them.

"Even as I used Eleazar to stand against many bringing about a great victory for Israel," says the Lord, "so will I use you in this late day My courageous Warrior-Eagle. You will indeed stand against the very hordes of hell itself to bring about great last-day victory as I manifest the triumph of Calvary through you."

New Winds are Blowing

"Even as I blew into Adam's nostrils the breath of life in the beginning so am I now as the Father of all again blowing My eternal life-breath deeply into the hearts of men in this late hour. As I commanded My servant Ezekiel to prophesy to the dead bones in the midst of the valley so am I now commanding life into the dead bones of the valleys of America in this urgent hour:

" 'Oh dry bones, hear the word of the Lord! Thus says the Lord God to these bones: Surely I will cause breath to enter into you, and you shall live. Come from the four winds, Oh breath, and breathe on these slain, that they may live.' " Ezekiel 37:4-5, 9

The Spirit of Elijah Will Resurrect the Eagle

Beloved Eagle-America allow the Lord of Glory once again to be intimate with you to overshadow you and to blow His eternal life-breath deeply into you. He will resurrect you even as He resurrected the son of the widow of Zarepheth and the son of the Shunamite woman. Even as He sent his prophets to them so is He now sending His spirit of Elijah/Elisha, His prophetic spirit of restoration, to resurrect that which has died within you.

Both these prophets stretched themselves out laying their own bodies upon the bodies of the dead sons as they prayed. Even so the Lord is now stretching Himself out upon that which is dead within you Eagle-America, laying His Spirit of resurrection upon you, breathing His very own life-breath into you once again until you are warmed and restored. 

Yes He did lay His presence upon you in the beginning when He conceived and formed you but know that He is now coming to you a second time.

"I hear the cries of My faithful children across this land welcoming Me in this day," says your Father, "even as the widow and the Shunamite who welcomed Me into their homes long ago. This is truly your appointed day to rise again My beloved Eagle-America," commands your Father.

You will Live Again Eagle-America!

"Your heart will beat again with the fervor and the passion of your first love toward Me. You will rise up stretching and exercising your great wings, again catching the winds of My Spirit and purpose, becoming airborne. As you fellowship with Me in the heights of My Spirit your eyes will again become clear as you 'come to yourself' remembering who you are and for what great purpose you were conceived."

"You will be strengthened," promises your faithful Father. "You will endure and overcome, accomplishing all that I have ordained for you from the beginning. Long ago My last day servant Joel prophesied last-day restoration:

"Then I will make up to you for the years that the swarming locust has eaten, the creeping locust, the stripping locust, and the gnawing locust...." Joel 2:25

"Receive My resurrection life-breath even now My beloved Eagle for your latter days will be much more glorious than your former. It is time now to hoist up your welcome banners toward Heaven beseeching My precious Holy Spirit to invade your deepest hearts, lives and families. Welcome My eternal life-breath into all that has been dead to Me and you will receive My resurrection power. Rejoice for your hour of deliverance, vindication and commissioning has come...your restoration is truly at hand!"