Posted: 14 Sep 2017 Michael Snyder THE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE BLOG
Venezuela is the 11th largest oil producing country in the entire world, and it has just announced that it is going to stop using the petrodollar. Most Americans don’t even know what the petrodollar is, but for those of you that do understand what I am talking about, this should send a chill up your spine. The petrodollar is one of the key pillars of the global financial system, and it allows us to live a far higher standard of living than we actually deserve. The dominance of the petrodollar has been very jealously guarded by our government in the past, and that is why many are now concerned that this move by Venezuela could potentially lead us to war. I don’t know why this isn’t headline news all over the country, but it should be. One of the few major media outlets that is reporting on this is the Wall Street Journal… The government of this oil-rich but struggling country, looking for ways to circumvent U.S. sanctions, is telling oil traders that it will no longer receive or send payments in dollars, people familiar with the new policy have told The Wall Street Journal.Before we go any further, we should discuss what we mean by the “petrodollar” for those that are not familiar with the concept. The following comes from an excellent article by Christopher Doran… In a nutshell, any country that wants to purchase oil from an oil producing country has to do so in U.S. dollars. This is a long standing agreement within all oil exporting nations, aka OPEC, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries. The UK for example, cannot simply buy oil from Saudi Arabia by exchanging British pounds. Instead, the UK must exchange its pounds for U.S. dollars. The major exception at present is, of course, Iran.As will be explained below, the fact that virtually everyone around the world has to use our currency to buy oil is a massive advantage for us. Venezuela knows this, and so in response to new sanctions being imposed upon them, they are hitting us where it hurts… Oil traders who export Venezuelan crude or import oil products into the country have begun converting their invoices to euros.If more nations start to follow suit, it would be absolutely disastrous for the United States. In other articles, I have detailed why the petrodollar is so incredibly important to our economy and our financial system. The following is an extended excerpt from one of those previous articles… So why is the petrodollar so important? Well, it creates a tremendous amount of demand for the U.S. dollar all over the globe. Since everyone has needed it to trade with one another, that has created an endless global appetite for the currency. That has kept the value of the dollar artificially high, and it has enabled us to import trillions of dollars of super cheap products from other countries. If other nations stopped using the dollar to trade with one another, the value of the dollar would plummet dramatically and we would have to pay much, much more for the trinkets that we buy at the dollar store and Wal-Mart. In addition, since the U.S. dollar is essentially the de facto global currency, this has also increased demand for our debt. Major exporting nations such as China and Saudi Arabia end up with giant piles of our dollars. Instead of just letting them sit there and do nothing, those nations often reinvest their dollars into securities that can rapidly be changed back into dollars if needed. One of the most popular ways to do this has been to invest those dollars in U.S. Treasuries. This has driven down interest rates on U.S. debt over the years and has enabled the U.S. government to borrow trillions upon trillions of dollars for next to nothing. But if the rest of the world starts moving away from the U.S. dollar, all of this could change. History has shown that when the status of the petrodollar is threatened, the U.S. is swift to take action. And it is very interesting to note that President Trump will be meeting with Latin American leaders next week, and the main topic for discussion will be “the Venezuela crisis”… U.S. President Donald Trump has invited three Latin American leaders to dine with him next week in New York as he seeks to address the Venezuela crisis and build bridges with the region after an acrimonious start with neighbor Mexico.Could this latest move by Venezuela be enough to potentially spark a military conflict? The guys over at Zero Hedge seem to think so… Having threatened China today with exclusion from SWIFT, we suspect Washington is rapidly running out of any great ally to sustain the petrodollar-driven hegemony (and implicitly its war machine). Cue the calls for a Venezuelan invasion in 3…2..1…!It would be absolutely no surprise at all if John McCain and Lindsey Graham start appearing on the major news networks calling for war with Venezuela, but hopefully President Trump will not listen to such nonsense. No matter how important the petrodollar is, there is absolutely no reason to go to war to protect it. And if war talk does begin, the American people need to make their voices heard very, very loudly. We have been in useless wars before, and we certainly do not need another one. Michael Snyder is a Republican candidate for Congress in Idaho’s First Congressional District, and you can learn how you can get involved in the campaign on his official website. His new book entitled “Living A Life That Really Matters” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on |
Instead of Setting Captives Free, the Church Has Settled for This Type of Godless Liberty
RON ALLEN charisma news
Just ten days after the Americans celebrate their Revolution, the French celebrate theirs, on Bastille Day, July 14.
The two revolutions could not have been more different. The Americans honored God in their Declaration of Independence. The French, on the other hand, adopted the atheistic, anti-Christian values of the French Enlightenment and set out to eradicate God from public life. Churches were closed, priests were persecuted and the calendar was remade without any Christian holidays. To replace the Virgin Mary, the revolutionary leaders invented the atheistic "Goddess of Liberty," which became the emblem of godless liberty.
The fruit of the revolutions was also very different. America became a beacon of hope for the world as it worked to make its dream of equality, and God-given rights become a reality. In France, the godless foundation of the revolution meant that all moral restraint on power evaporated, and the infamous Reign of Terror began. Neither life no liberty was safe, and even the revolutionary leaders were carried off one by one. Finally, order was restored, but all hope of liberty vanished under the iron-fisted rule of Napoleon Bonaparte. It turns out that godless liberty is no liberty at all.
Sad to say, the lesson of the French Revolution has been repeated over and over since then. The communist revolutions in Russia, China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Cuba and elsewhere produced massive death and eliminated freedom. The same holds true for the Nazis in Germany and the Fascists in Italy who, like Napoleon, led the whole world into war. The postcolonial socialists in Africa grabbed power after elections, giving rise to the famous statement of "One man, one vote, one time." The same process has also occurred in countries like Venezuela, Argentina and Ecuador where authoritarians have used the promise of godless liberty to subvert Democratic intuitions.
Even in America, our God-given liberties have been eroded by the proponents of godless liberty. Beginning in the 1960s, the government has banned God from our public schools, allowed the murder of the unborn, worked against Christian morality and now mandated same-sex marriage. At the same time, big government has increasingly limited the rights of Americans to exercise freedoms of religion, speech and property. The fruit of godless liberty in America has been fatherlessness, poverty, crime and a government that grows larger while the people grow poorer and smaller.
The success of godless liberty has come about because of failure by the church to preach the gospel of love and truth. Lying pastors condone sexual sin, even gay marriage, when they should be setting people free in the name of Christ. Churches have substituted failed social programs for the life- changing gospel of Christ. And the love of Christ is often hidden behind condemnation, political agendas and church division. America is on the same path which led the great nation of Germany downward from Martin Luther to Adolph Hitler.
Let us pray that the church will repent of its sins and return to the lifesaving work of spreading the gospel and the love of Christ. We must humble ourselves, come together and repent if our land is to be healed.
We invite you to join us in praying for repentance, church unity and healing of our land during the Hebrew repentance season of Teshuvah which begins with the great American eclipse on August 21, 2017. See our recently released book Teshuvah Eclipse on our website
Let us also pray that the precious gift of godly liberty, and especially religious liberty, can overcome the evil of godless liberty. 
Ron Allen is a Christian businessman, CPA and author who serves in local, national and international ministries spreading a message of reconciliation to God, to men and between believers. He is founder of the International Star Bible Society, telling how the heavens declare the glory of God, and the Emancipation Network, which helps people escape from financial bondage, and co-founder with his wife, Pat, of Corporate Prayer Resources, dedicated to helping intercessors.
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